Bravo Angola - Angola Bans Islam and Closes All Mosques!!!

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You are welcome to post whatever Moon God nonsense you like, but Jews and Muslims pray to the same god while the Christians pray to son of one...

How do you know Jehovah and Allah are the same God?
Jehovah was a Jewish tribal god, who became the One True God, hence the Fist Commandment, and the Muslims, coming along much later, have always prayed only to the One True God. Both faiths reference the same being, God Almighty. In Islam Jesus is a Prophet, not a god or the son of one, and so is Moses, and Mohammed.

I understand that, but how do YOU know it's true if you don't believe there is a God?
They worship Mohammad, he was:
(1) A Child Molester: Aisha was 6 when he married her and 9 when he raped her. Even during those times it was pedophilia.
(2) He was a Warlord: He commanded the sac'ing of cities massacring all of their inhabitants man, woman and child.
(3) He was a Mass-Murder: Again he is responsible for directing armies to kill hundreds of thousands.
(4) He forced coverts, he forced women into marriage and he was a rapist!
(5) He preached and practiced political assassination.
(6) He was a jingoist. He started the caliphate/Muslim Crusades. The goal was the kill the enemy or force conversion.
(7) He practiced genocide.

They worship him and he was a monster. As close to the Devil as one can be!
That is some plank you carry in thine eye...

There was no one thing I stated that was untrue about Mohammad. That is his history he was an evil man. If he started Islam today he would be considered an evil and dangerous cult leader.

Jesus on the other hand (and I am not Christian - I wasn't born Christian and I am not Christian now) was a good, gentle man that died for his followers sins. He made the ultimate sacrifice for his people! He force women to marry, he didn't rape anyone, he wasn't a child molester and he wasn't a warlord (even though he could have been because he had a legion of devoted followers)! He was the ideal role model for the as the messiah of a religion!

Pfft. He was a political figure (revolutionary) who got that God shit pinned on him long after he was gone. Yeah yeah, "our god can beat up your god" yammer yammer, isn't that a new idea.
Sorry bout that,

They hate me more than they hate you. The problem is, once you start banning faiths, it's only a matter of time until yours comes up. It might be a while, but it will happen, been there done that, many times, even here...
1. Oh sure, while you wait for islam to come get you and whack your head off we will be busy getting them fucking gone dumbass!
Ideas don't die little man, and there are 1.6 billion of them and the faith continues to grow. Know your enemy, learn it, and respect the people who actually follow what their Holy Book says. It is a faith warriors in an Eternal War. They are not just going to roll over for your little Pray For Your Enemies faith of The Lamb...

There are 6.4 billion others who are not like those bastards, who just want to be left alone and not fear terrorism from the followers of the greatest criminal in human history, who was, typically for bullies, a flaming idiot and an illiterate.

Every time a non-Muslim is killed anywhere in the world, by a retarded Mohammed-worshipper idiot, a mosque - chosen at random in the world - should be pulverized, preferably when it is full.

If Hiroshima and Nagasaki deserved an AQ-bomb, Mecca and Medina do, double!!
Please move to Angola, Teabaggers. America is obviously not suited to your beliefs.
Jesus was nuts, really really nuts, but he was a true believer and had some interesting things to say. You believe the skirts of your faith are clean, but they aren't. Islam is a faith of warriors, it kills its enemies much like the Jews in the OT, in both cases with the help of God. You'll have to deal with that before you can go on to understanding anything more subtle.

Allah is not Jehovah. You're confused. Try the Abraham being their common father story. I love to destroy that one.

You are welcome to post whatever Moon God nonsense you like, but Jews and Muslims pray to the same god while the Christians pray to son of one...

As is usually the case with you, that is yet another claim which is patently false.

No, Jews and Muslims do not pray to the same God: Jews and Christians do.

The monotheistic deity of Islam has nothing whatsoever to do with the One central to Judaism and Christianity.
In Islamic countries, it sure is.

Don't forget leftist regimes....

This image above, that is the mentality you all are praising in Angola. You don't ban religions, you expose them to the light of day, fairly, which isn't done here but it can be done. What you fear you do not know, hence your fear...

Yet, you are among the first ones who cries Islamophobia, when the so-called "religion" of pedophilia, mass murder, rape, stoning, beheading, violence, persecution, terrorism etc. etc. is exposed to the light of day.

Those who fear Islam do not fear it because Islam is unknown.

Islam is feared because it is known.
You are welcome to post whatever Moon God nonsense you like, but Jews and Muslims pray to the same god while the Christians pray to son of one...

How do you know Jehovah and Allah are the same God?
Jehovah was a Jewish tribal god, who became the One True God, hence the Fist Commandment, and the Muslims, coming along much later, have always prayed only to the One True God. Both faiths reference the same being, God Almighty. In Islam Jesus is a Prophet, not a god or the son of one, and so is Moses, and Mohammed.

Muslims try to equate Mohammed, the child abuser pedophile murderer to the Son of God, as both being prophets.

That is like saying that Jeffrey Dahmer is like Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Muslims try to justify their gutter beliefs by dragging Christianity into the gutter with them.
Don't forget leftist regimes....

This image above, that is the mentality you all are praising in Angola. You don't ban religions, you expose them to the light of day, fairly, which isn't done here but it can be done. What you fear you do not know, hence your fear...

Yet, you are among the first ones who cries Islamophobia, when the so-called "religion" of pedophilia, mass murder, rape, stoning, beheading, violence, persecution, terrorism etc. etc. is exposed to the light of day.

Those who fear Islam do not fear it because Islam is unknown.

Islam is feared because it is known.

Let me explain to you the most fundamental principle of American foreign policy: Any country where the people have unpronounceable names can be bombed by the US with impunity. For you Rockwell readers who are a little slow on the uptake, "impunity" means they aren't allowed to bomb us back. "We called no tag-backs." It hardly qualifies as impunity when they blow up our biggest buildings, now does it? They aren't playing by the rules."

That is some plank you carry in thine eye...

There was no one thing I stated that was untrue about Mohammad. That is his history he was an evil man. If he started Islam today he would be considered an evil and dangerous cult leader.

Jesus on the other hand (and I am not Christian - I wasn't born Christian and I am not Christian now) was a good, gentle man that died for his followers sins. He made the ultimate sacrifice for his people! He force women to marry, he didn't rape anyone, he wasn't a child molester and he wasn't a warlord (even though he could have been because he had a legion of devoted followers)! He was the ideal role model for the as the messiah of a religion!

Pfft. He was a political figure (revolutionary) who got that God shit pinned on him long after he was gone. Yeah yeah, "our god can beat up your god" yammer yammer, isn't that a new idea.

I read your post and I think that the moderators of this forum should establish the opposite of "Thanks" on this board, in order to accommodate folks who wish to express the opposite of "Thanks".

Since there is not such facility right now, let me just say: FUCK YOU!
The Jewish and Islamic Scriptures are identical in their stance that that the Creator and Sustainer of the universe is all powerful and unknowable.
Both scriptures state that there is no intermediary between God and man.

TJS does not reward one with eternal sexual intercourse for sanctifying God's name.
There was no one thing I stated that was untrue about Mohammad. That is his history he was an evil man. If he started Islam today he would be considered an evil and dangerous cult leader.

Jesus on the other hand (and I am not Christian - I wasn't born Christian and I am not Christian now) was a good, gentle man that died for his followers sins. He made the ultimate sacrifice for his people! He force women to marry, he didn't rape anyone, he wasn't a child molester and he wasn't a warlord (even though he could have been because he had a legion of devoted followers)! He was the ideal role model for the as the messiah of a religion!

Pfft. He was a political figure (revolutionary) who got that God shit pinned on him long after he was gone. Yeah yeah, "our god can beat up your god" yammer yammer, isn't that a new idea.

I read your post and I think that the moderators of this forum should establish the opposite of "Thanks" on this board, in order to accommodate folks who wish to express the opposite of "Thanks".

Since there is not such facility right now, let me just say: FUCK YOU!

It's an internet opinion board. We have rendered our judgments. My opinion was that the organizers of corporate religion rewrite history to suit their marketing. Yours was "FUCK YOU!".

I'm happy with mine.
That is some plank you carry in thine eye...

There was no one thing I stated that was untrue about Mohammad. That is his history he was an evil man. If he started Islam today he would be considered an evil and dangerous cult leader.

Jesus on the other hand (and I am not Christian - I wasn't born Christian and I am not Christian now) was a good, gentle man that died for his followers sins. He made the ultimate sacrifice for his people! He force women to marry, he didn't rape anyone, he wasn't a child molester and he wasn't a warlord (even though he could have been because he had a legion of devoted followers)! He was the ideal role model for the as the messiah of a religion!

Pfft. He was a political figure (revolutionary) who got that God shit pinned on him long after he was gone. Yeah yeah, "our god can beat up your god" yammer yammer, isn't that a new idea.

Yeshu said nothing to abrogate the TJS.
That was Paul.
James, the closest contemporary of Yeshu, in The Book of James, tells Paul to fuck off.
Paul was a more prolific writer.
The Book of James, the chronologically earliest book in TNT, was punted by Constantine to the end of TNT.
This image above, that is the mentality you all are praising in Angola. You don't ban religions, you expose them to the light of day, fairly, which isn't done here but it can be done. What you fear you do not know, hence your fear...

Yet, you are among the first ones who cries Islamophobia, when the so-called "religion" of pedophilia, mass murder, rape, stoning, beheading, violence, persecution, terrorism etc. etc. is exposed to the light of day.

Those who fear Islam do not fear it because Islam is unknown.

Islam is feared because it is known.

Let me explain to you the most fundamental principle of American foreign policy: Any country where the people have unpronounceable names can be bombed by the US with impunity. For you Rockwell readers who are a little slow on the uptake, "impunity" means they aren't allowed to bomb us back. "We called no tag-backs." It hardly qualifies as impunity when they blow up our biggest buildings, now does it? They aren't playing by the rules."


There is no restriction on who is allowed to bomb whom.

It is the matter of who CAN bomb whom.

For you Obama readers, it means that if the other side starts, America will finish.

Sadly, America has forgotten the victory over Japan and Germany were the annihilation, the total breaking of spirit of the enemy.

Victory can not be achieved without the total annihilation and the total breaking of the spirit of the Muslim cancer.

Wish America go for it, for the benefit of the whole world.
How do you know Jehovah and Allah are the same God?
Jehovah was a Jewish tribal god, who became the One True God, hence the Fist Commandment, and the Muslims, coming along much later, have always prayed only to the One True God. Both faiths reference the same being, God Almighty. In Islam Jesus is a Prophet, not a god or the son of one, and so is Moses, and Mohammed.

I understand that, but how do YOU know it's true if you don't believe there is a God?
Why would you need to believe in god to know which faiths pray to which gods?
There was no one thing I stated that was untrue about Mohammad. That is his history he was an evil man. If he started Islam today he would be considered an evil and dangerous cult leader.

Jesus on the other hand (and I am not Christian - I wasn't born Christian and I am not Christian now) was a good, gentle man that died for his followers sins. He made the ultimate sacrifice for his people! He force women to marry, he didn't rape anyone, he wasn't a child molester and he wasn't a warlord (even though he could have been because he had a legion of devoted followers)! He was the ideal role model for the as the messiah of a religion!

Pfft. He was a political figure (revolutionary) who got that God shit pinned on him long after he was gone. Yeah yeah, "our god can beat up your god" yammer yammer, isn't that a new idea.

Yeshu said nothing to abrogate the TJS.
That was Paul.
James, the closest contemporary of Yeshu, in The Book of James, tells Paul to fuck off.
Paul was a more prolific writer.
The Book of James, the chronologically earliest book in TNT, was punted by Constantine to the end of TNT.

It might SOP to EWTFYTA with all the OAs. KWIS? Because IHNIWYSH.

Or as John Cleese put it:
"Our MP saw the PM this AM and the PM wants more LSD from the PIB by tomorrow AM or PM at the latest. I told the PMs PPS that AM was NBG so tomorrow PM it is for the PM."
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