Bravo Angola - Angola Bans Islam and Closes All Mosques!!!

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where Christianity is banned...? try all over the Islamic middle east...

they also applaud killing Christians....sounds like a great place for you liberals....why don't you try living there...? :D

They hate me more than they hate you. The problem is, once you start banning faiths, it's only a matter of time until yours comes up. It might be a while, but it will happen, been there done that, many times, even here...

what do you think of the Islamic problems in places like England, France, or Sweden...?

you want that here...?

I want the Children of God to stop acting like children - here, there, and everywhere.
Closing mosques sure beats the hell out of blowing them up. Those insane mother scratchers from ISIS are obliterating ancient historic sites at whim.

Can you imagine what would happen if you turned a group of ISIS fanatics loose in Chicago's Art Institute?

The Art Institute of Chicago

In a matter of hours, they would erase centuries of priceless human effort.
Closing mosques sure beats the hell out of blowing them up. Those insane mother scratchers from ISIS are obliterating ancient historic sites at whim.

Can you imagine what would happen if you turned a group of ISIS fanatics loose in Chicago's Art Institute?

The Art Institute of Chicago

In a matter of hours, they would erase centuries of priceless human effort.

Human Effort is overrated.

They hate me more than they hate you. The problem is, once you start banning faiths, it's only a matter of time until yours comes up. It might be a while, but it will happen, been there done that, many times, even here...

what do you think of the Islamic problems in places like England, France, or Sweden...?

you want that here...?

I want the Children of God to stop acting like children - here, there, and everywhere.

you're quite the tap dancer...

Closing mosques sure beats the hell out of blowing them up. Those insane mother scratchers from ISIS are obliterating ancient historic sites at whim.

Can you imagine what would happen if you turned a group of ISIS fanatics loose in Chicago's Art Institute?

The Art Institute of Chicago

In a matter of hours, they would erase centuries of priceless human effort.

Human Effort is overrated.


So, you condone the actions of ISIS. I get it. ;)
Allah is the Arabic word for "God"; Muslims hold the Old Testament, and part of the New Testament as the word of of Allah. Abraham is acknowledged as a prophet of God, among other Old Testment figures.

They worship Mohammad, he was:
(1) A Child Molester: Aisha was 6 when he married her and 9 when he raped her. Even during those times it was pedophilia.
(2) He was a Warlord: He commanded the sac'ing of cities massacring all of their inhabitants man, woman and child.
(3) He was a Mass-Murder: Again he is responsible for directing armies to kill hundreds of thousands.
(4) He forced coverts, he forced women into marriage and he was a rapist!
(5) He preached and practiced political assassination.
(6) He was a jingoist. He started the caliphate/Muslim Crusades. The goal was the kill the enemy or force conversion.
(7) He practiced genocide.

They worship him and he was a monster. As close to the Devil as one can be!
That is some plank you carry in thine eye...

There was no one thing I stated that was untrue about Mohammad. That is his history he was an evil man. If he started Islam today he would be considered an evil and dangerous cult leader.

Jesus on the other hand (and I am not Christian - I wasn't born Christian and I am not Christian now) was a good, gentle man that died for his followers sins. He made the ultimate sacrifice for his people! He force women to marry, he didn't rape anyone, he wasn't a child molester and he wasn't a warlord (even though he could have been because he had a legion of devoted followers)! He was the ideal role model for the as the messiah of a religion!
I guess we will now wait to see where Christianity is banned, for the good of the nation, and if they applaud then...

I am not a Christian, but I would gladly fight along side my Christians brothers in the upcoming war against Islam. It is coming and you liberals will no stop it by appeasement, like Chamberlain did with the NAZIs!
I fully expect the Children of God to slaughter each other, they always have. At the moment I'm rooting for them as they have more faith.

Atheist kill far more people over that last century. Soviets, Maoist, Khmer Rouge, North Korea Commies and YES the NAZIs!!!
I'm not exactly thrilled.

In America the right to freely worship should be valued. Of course bed wetting liberals will only support non Judean/Christian expressions of worship, and will not utter a peep about the slaughter and abuse of jews and Christains but they'll get their panties in a bunch over the suppression of a religion that stones gays to death and kills women for being rape victims in a country most of them can not find on a map.

So I'm sorry if I can't get too uptight about what happens in Angola, when we've got such an abundance of bed wetting marxist fucktards who do everything they can to suppress my religion here in my own country.

I guess we will now wait to see where Christianity is banned, for the good of the nation, and if they applaud then...

I am not a Christian, but I would gladly fight along side my Christians brothers in the upcoming war against Islam. It is coming and you liberals will no stop it by appeasement, like Chamberlain did with the NAZIs!
I fully expect the Children of God to slaughter each other, they always have. At the moment I'm rooting for them as they have more faith.

Well bed wetter...

Those of us clinging to our guns and our bibles are less likely to start killing each other. You're thinking of tribal conflicts in countries that jut so happen to be Islamic.

If society breaks down who do you think will be "the enemy"?

Just do us a favor and keep that obozo sticker on your car so no "mistakes" are made hmmmm...

Bravo Angola - Angola Bans Islam and Closes All Mosques!!!

Fortunately we live in the United States, where such violations of religious liberty are prohibited by the First Amendment and its case law, and where religious liberty is protected from the hate and ignorance exhibited by the likes of the OP.

There isn't any hate or ignorance put out by the Op. He's right and kudo's to Angola for doing something every country ought to do. Muslims want to take over the world and I for one see no reason to make it easy for those dirtbags.

Hell. France has so many Muslims I'm sure that the Muslim birthrate will be higher than that of the French and they will become the The Muslim Republic of France and sharia law will rule.

Hows that for a happy thought??
Ah Freedom. Let us know when they start burning books, and then people. That is the usual order of things.

In Islamic countries, it sure is.

Don't forget leftist regimes....

This image above, that is the mentality you all are praising in Angola. You don't ban religions, you expose them to the light of day, fairly, which isn't done here but it can be done. What you fear you do not know, hence your fear...
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Please, Teabaggers, move to Angola. Please get the fuck out of the United States.

You don't want to be here, we don't want you here, you make everything worse.

Please move to Angola with other good tolerant Christians from the 1500s.
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