Bravo Israel- Fuck the PCness


Apr 22, 2007
Move Israelis in and push Palestinians out of Eastern Jerusalem. Israel should do everything it can to get the Palestinians out of East Jerusalem and as many Israelis in.

It's the Jew's capital and reduce the Muslims arrogant argument to split the capital, by increasing the percent of Jews and reducing the percent of Muslims!

Do the same thing on West Bank!
Move Israelis in and push Palestinians out of Eastern Jerusalem. Israel should do everything it can to get the Palestinians out of East Jerusalem and as many Israelis in.

It's the Jew's capital and reduce the Muslims arrogant argument to split the capital, by increasing the percent of Jews and reducing the percent of Muslims!

Do the same thing on West Bank!

Israel advances Jerusalem housing before talks -

Indeed. There is nothing to state the Israelis cannot build there. Nobody has the right to tell Israel where and when it can or cannot build. Israel is desperate for new dwellings to house the many families who live in overcrowded accommodation and of course all the new immigrants.
Move Israelis in and push Palestinians out of Eastern Jerusalem. Israel should do everything it can to get the Palestinians out of East Jerusalem and as many Israelis in.

It's the Jew's capital and reduce the Muslims arrogant argument to split the capital, by increasing the percent of Jews and reducing the percent of Muslims!

Do the same thing on West Bank!

Israel advances Jerusalem housing before talks -

Indeed. There is nothing to state the Israelis cannot build there. Nobody has the right to tell Israel where and when it can or cannot build. Israel is desperate for new dwellings to house the many families who live in overcrowded accommodation and of course all the new immigrants.

So the answer of course is to steal the land of people who have lived on it for years. Bravo Israel and all Zionists !!!
Indeed. There is nothing to state the Israelis cannot build there. Nobody has the right to tell Israel where and when it can or cannot build. Israel is desperate for new dwellings to house the many families who live in overcrowded accommodation and of course all the new immigrants.

So the answer of course is to steal the land of people who have lived on it for years. Bravo Israel and all Zionists !!!

The building is on vacant land/land purchased.
The building is on vacant land/land purchased.

Tell that to the Bedouins in the Negev !!!

The Negev is part of Israel, pre-1967, which everyone recognizes as part of Israel. Also, Bedouins are synonomous with nomadic living. That is their heritage, like living without electricity is the heritage of the Amish. So how can Israel kick Bedouins out of land, when they own no land and live in tents, like Jethro did?
including concentration camps and ovens?

Israel should do everything it can to get the Palestinians out of East Jerusalem and as many Israelis in

Nope small fry, but nice try. It includes incentives to move and barriers to reentry. They have millions of miles of land around the State of Israel in countries that share their religion, sec of the religion, language, culture, food type and race!
Move Israelis in and push Palestinians out of Eastern Jerusalem. Israel should do everything it can to get the Palestinians out of East Jerusalem and as many Israelis in.

It's the Jew's capital and reduce the Muslims arrogant argument to split the capital, by increasing the percent of Jews and reducing the percent of Muslims!

Do the same thing on West Bank!

Israelis begin releasing 26 Palestinian prisoners -

Thanks G. Article says the celebrations have begun for these bastards. I'll bet they've already named streets after them. Probably already planning their next kindergarten attack. Cowards.
I just saw the vehicles leave the prison, on tv. I feel sick. And this is as a pre-condition so the Palestinians will attend the talks. It is unthinkable. Well, at least the building goes ahead, which is great!
including concentration camps and ovens?

Israel should do everything it can to get the Palestinians out of East Jerusalem and as many Israelis in

Are there concentration camps and overns in the area?

No, so why the cheap propaganda nonsense?

Because it's all that they have in the face of what's happening on the ground. They can't counter the acts on the ground so they compare them to other acts in the hopes of transferring their helplessness onto the backs of the other actors who were punished for different acts.

Tell a lie often enough...

That's why I don't come here very often. Why even deny a lie since it lends credence to the liar?

For every new settlement house built by Israel the palestinians should fire a rocket into israel.

Palestine wants land and Israel wants peace. If Israel is going to take away land then Palestine should take away peace.
For every new settlement house built by Israel the palestinians should fire a rocket into israel.

Palestine wants land and Israel wants peace. If Israel is going to take away land then Palestine should take away peace.

Wow your either hopelessly naive, retarded or a hypocritical Jew hater that hides behind the antizionism cloak! Probably all three!

Palestinians don't desire peace nor do they desire just land. If they desire just land, then peace would have taken place a while ago.

Peace will only come about when the Muslims start to love their children more than they hate Jews!
Wow your either hopelessly naive, retarded or a hypocritical Jew hater that hides behind the antizionism cloak! Probably all three!

Palestinians don't desire peace nor do they desire just land. If they desire just land, then peace would have taken place a while ago.

Peace will only come about when the Muslims start to love their children more than they hate Jews!

Land for Peace.

Take more land, lose some peace.

Israel can stop all this by stopping building their illegitimate settlements.

Palestinians should walk away from peace talks as long as Israel builds in the West Bank, and should resume firing rockets.
Move Israelis in and push Palestinians out of Eastern Jerusalem. Israel should do everything it can to get the Palestinians out of East Jerusalem and as many Israelis in.

It's the Jew's capital and reduce the Muslims arrogant argument to split the capital, by increasing the percent of Jews and reducing the percent of Muslims!

Do the same thing on West Bank!

Israel advances Jerusalem housing before talks -

Indeed. There is nothing to state the Israelis cannot build there. Nobody has the right to tell Israel where and when it can or cannot build. Israel is desperate for new dwellings to house the many families who live in overcrowded accommodation and of course all the new immigrants.

Israel has the nukes.the money and the paid off american congressmen to be Israels Israel can do what ever the fuck it wants ! ..steal what ever land it wants !...fuck that PC Shit ! ..tell it like it is ..Israel is stone cold crazy like a mothetfuckin give us your shit or we will fuck you up..
For every new settlement house built by Israel the palestinians should fire a rocket into israel.

Palestine wants land and Israel wants peace. If Israel is going to take away land then Palestine should take away peace.

I wonder, if we counted up the numbers of rockets, etc fired into Israel by assorted AL 'allies' of the Palestinians - how many more housing units the Israelis still have to build before catching up?

"Palestine" had land in '48 - the "leadership" chose to try for *all* the Mandate instead - illegally, under that international law you pretend to so respect. They lost.

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