BREAKING: 200+ “Militarized” Federal Police Surround Peaceful Rancher in Nevada

Welfare? Is the government giving out EBT cards for desert scrub or something?

The government owns the air we breathe. We're all on welfare.
Yeah, he refuses to pay the grazing fees for 21 years and "just like that" he is a criminal.

He defies a federal judge for 16 years and "just like that" he is a criminal.

Except they aren't going after HIM. The feds are moving his cattle. They haven't moved against him at all.

B'loney. His family had ranched cattle on that land since the 1870s, long before the BLM was established. The Feds have no business nationalizing private ranch land.

But it was never private ranch land to begin with.

And the land has NEVER been private ranch land because no one wanted it. It has been the property of the federal government since it became part of the United States.

I swear - do you guys know ANYTHING about this issue?
Let's stop all the BS posturing shall we.

Despite all of the rhetoric proffered by Bundy and his family, can they provide any legal documentation that shows a history of ownership of the land in question even if it's no longer in their name?

They had a long history of ranching cattle on the land until the BLM, a regulatory body stuffed with unaccountable and politicized bureaucrats decided to impose grazing fees.

I notice you didn't answer the question.

How long have the grazing fees been in place? I ask because it looks like the Bundy family have a LONG history of defying court orders AND not paying the grazing fees which other ranchers are paying.

In one article I read, it says that Cliven Bundy reportedly owes the BLM (and hence, the American taxpayers) $1 million in grazing fees. He's been doing this (thumbing his nose at court orders and not paying his grazing fees) and getting away with it a LOT longer than he should have, and now he cries foul?
Welfare? Is the government giving out EBT cards for desert scrub or something?
Apparently they did for THIS guy. And now he's whining like a jilted hairdresser because he's been kicked off the gravy train.
Screw him.
So, can anyone give me one reason that the taxpayers should continue feeding this guy's cattle for him?
Nothing at all. If they had a real case in favor of this welfare cowboy - they would state it. The fact that they keep posting diversions and conspiracy theories and ....

"ewwww ewwww remember Waco"

Is a very clear indication that they have no case.

Eminent domain? LOL - REALLY - how is that a factor in this case AT ALL? It isn't.

It's a factor, and it's very disturbing. Do you really own anything? You probably don't even realize that what you think is yours, is actually Big Brother's. If he says it's so, it becomes so.

Bundy has title to the land in question?

His legal argument is that after 140 years of continuous use he has an implied easement. He has continuously paid grazing fees to the state of Nevada for the use of the open range. By payment of the fees the easement was perfected.
Yeah when you start murdering law enforcement officers, it is not going to end well for you.
and that of course is completely the fault of law enforcement. Because when you shoot a cop, by all rights he should hand you a lollipop and say thank you.

The women and children were being shot at, before the Davidians shot back. The women and children were then subsequently burned to death. And in response and you defend the murderous acts of these federal agents based on your opinion that the Davidians did not have a right to liberty. Then you make a joke about the incident created by the agents by saying the agents should have been so happy to see their friends die in their attack on liberty so as to hand out lolipops to the children and telling the children thank you instead of burning the children to death.

You are easily the biggest piece of shit ever to post on this board.
B'loney. His family had ranched cattle on that land since the 1870s, long before the BLM was established. The Feds have no business nationalizing private ranch land.

But it was never private ranch land to begin with.

And the land has NEVER been private ranch land because no one wanted it. It has been the property of the federal government since it became part of the United States.

I swear - do you guys know ANYTHING about this issue?

Exactly. At this point I'm siding with the BLM.(As much as it pains me to side with the gov on most issues like this)
If it turns out there's some other reason then failure to pay and this is a ploy to get rid of the rancher so some politician can benefit in some way It'll truly piss me off.
I sure hope he survives this dispute with Big Brother. We all saw what happened to those women and children at Waco. Big Brother doesn't like to lose. God help him.

A long-simmering dispute between a Nevada cattle rancher and the federal Bureau of Land Management has reached a boiling point, and participants have their fingers crossed it won’t erupt into violence.

Since 1993, Cliven Bundy has been battling the agency, as well as the National Park Service, the Center for Biological Diversity and the courts, to graze his cattle on 150 square miles of Gold Butte scrub land in the Lake Mead National Recreation Area. He stopped paying his grazing fees back then, saying he “fired” the Bureau of Land Management as land manager. His Mormon ancestors had tilled the unforgiving soil since 1887, long before the 1934 Taylor Grazing Act allowed the federal government to seize control.

“I have raised cattle on that land, which is public land for the people of Clark County, all my life. Why I raise cattle there and why I can raise cattle there is because I have preemptive rights,” he asserted, that this includes the right to forage, too.

Furthermore, Bundy has argued that it is the United States trespassing on Clark County, Nev., land, not he, and that he is a better steward of the land. He points out that the manure from his cows fertilizes the soil, that he’s built water sources for wildlife, and that his cattle prevent the vegetation from growing overly dense and creating a fire hazard.

But environmentalists, federal officials and the courts disagree. Armed federal officials and contract cowboys have been brought in to execute a 2013 court order and remove the trespassing cattle.

“It’s high time for the BLM to do its job and give the [endangered desert] tortoises and the Gold Butte area the protection they need and are legally entitled to,” senior Center for Biological Diversity scientist Rob Mrowka told the Mesquite Local News. “As the tortoises emerge from their winter sleep, they are finding their much-needed food consumed by cattle.”

Bundy’s herd also hinders the plants’ ability to recover from wildfires, tramples rare species, damages ancient American Indian cultural sites and endangers recreationists, Mrowka added.

The Bureau of Land Management “has overstepped its boundaries by not letting me access my rights,” he said, and contended that it had inserted “200 armed officers watching our every move and stealing our cattle.” Bundy’s wife, Carol, said snipers are patrolling the family’s ranch.

Spokeswoman Cannon responded that “There are law enforcement and other personnel in place as needed to ensure that the BLM and National Park Service’s employees and contractors are able to conduct operations safely.”

Bundy has vowed to do whatever it takes to protect his property, and his 14 children and hundreds of supporters stand behind him. Dave Bundy, his son, was arrested on Sunday afternoon while attempting to film the contract cowboys at work, and cited for failing to disperse and resisting arrest...

Read More:
Defiant Nevada rancher faces armed federal agents in escalating confiscation standoff - BizPac Review

Shades of Janet Reno. I hope they don't go after his family if he has any left to give horned toads the run of the land.
Ah, just label him a 'Cult Leader', murder em all, and call it a day. The Sheeple will gobble up anything their beloved Big Brother feeds em. Such is life in a Police State.
Ah, just label him a 'Cult Leader', murder em all, and call it a day. The Sheeple will gobble up anything their beloved Big Brother feeds em. Such is life in a Police State.

And let's see if he posted a video on YouTube!
Let's see how you feel if the Feds move in and declare your backyard "protected wetlands" because of a rain puddle, and order you to tear down your house.

Oh i'm pretty sure Communist Globalists are all-in on Eminent Domain. If Big Brother says it's his, it's his. End of story. It's so sad so many in this country have become servile Authority-Worshippers.

Oh please! Could you be any more dramatic?? lol

I have seen no serious argument that the land is anything but public land. The gov't didn't take anything away.

And if there are any "Authority Worshippers" (whatever the hell that is) it is certainly not evident in this case. This is about a rancher running a business on public land and refusing to pay the fees. And about ignoring a legitimate court order.

Pretty sure you're the type who would justify your beloved Big Brother murdering this man and his whole family over some grazing cattle. You do come off as a servile Authority-Worshipper. I just call em like i see em.
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And more Americans should become educated on Eminent Domain. Do you really own anything? What's yours, is actually Big Brother's. That's what our Supreme Court ruled a few years back. Most Americans probably don't even realize that.

You never truly own property regardless due to property taxes.
Thats a bigger problem that we should be up in arms about then some rancher who refused to pay grazing fees.

Very good point.
But it was never private ranch land to begin with.

And the land has NEVER been private ranch land because no one wanted it. It has been the property of the federal government since it became part of the United States.

I swear - do you guys know ANYTHING about this issue?

Exactly. At this point I'm siding with the BLM.(As much as it pains me to side with the gov on most issues like this)
If it turns out there's some other reason then failure to pay and this is a ploy to get rid of the rancher so some politician can benefit in some way It'll truly piss me off.

But of course someone will argue that - just to drum up sympathy. They already have. But the "evidence" of this conspiracy is sadly lacking.

I agree that there are plenty of cases of governmental overreach and abuse of power.

I've looked this one over pretty closely and I don't think it is one of 'em.

If anyone ever comes up with some good evidence of anything to the contrary - I'll change my mind.
Oh i'm pretty sure Communist Globalists are all-in on Eminent Domain. If Big Brother says it's his, it's his. End of story. It's so sad so many in this country have become servile Authority-Worshippers.

Oh please! Could you be any more dramatic?? lol

I have seen no serious argument that the land is anything but public land. The gov't didn't take anything away.

And if there are any "Authority Worshippers" (whatever the hell that is) it is certainly not evident in this case. This is about a rancher running a business on public land and refusing to pay the fees. And about ignoring a legitimate court order.

Pretty sure you're the type who would justify your beloved Big Brother murdering this man and his whole family over some some grazing cattle. You do come off as a servile Authority-Worshipper. I just call em like i see em.

Nobody is "murdering" anybody.

This guy is breaking the law. Has been since 1993.

They are going to put it to a stop. If he fires on them..then he's going to have problems.
You keep insinuating that there is more to this story then we are aware of.
Please fill us in.
From what I've been able to find out the BLM has every right to kick the guy and his cattle off the land.

Do they? And what about his rights?

His rights? His rights to graze his cattle on public land while refusing to pay the associated fees? His right to defy a federal judge?

His rights have not been violated. He owns over 150,000 acres of land. But his cattle are on public land.

Yes, some are more equal than others. Big Brother's rights are far more important & valid, than some little rancher peon's rights.
Correction: Big Brother doesn't have RIGHTS. It has POWER.

Which it quite readily abuses in order to gain more POWER.
Oh please! Could you be any more dramatic?? lol

I have seen no serious argument that the land is anything but public land. The gov't didn't take anything away.

And if there are any "Authority Worshippers" (whatever the hell that is) it is certainly not evident in this case. This is about a rancher running a business on public land and refusing to pay the fees. And about ignoring a legitimate court order.

Pretty sure you're the type who would justify your beloved Big Brother murdering this man and his whole family over some some grazing cattle. You do come off as a servile Authority-Worshipper. I just call em like i see em.

Nobody is "murdering" anybody.

This guy is breaking the law. Has been since 1993.

They are going to put it to a stop. If he fires on them..then he's going to have problems.

Oh, Big Brother will murder you over far less than firing on him. Bet on that.

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