BREAKING: 200+ “Militarized” Federal Police Surround Peaceful Rancher in Nevada


David Koresh was a child-molesting freak who thought he was Jesus.

Please stop treating him like he was a rational person who could have been reasoned with.

He knew the only way he was leaving that compound was in handcuffs or a body bag, and he chose the body bag, and to take all his followers with him.

You're kind of moving the facts around and once that happens, it's not the truth any longer. :eusa_whistle:

Guy, when I was right wing, I used to argue the Waco Party line better than most of you.

But the reality is, Koresh was really out of his mind nuts.

Three investigations, including one led by Republican Senator John Danforth, all reached the same conclusion.

That when presented with arrest, Koresh chose mass suicide for himself and his followers.

You do not know what was in Koresh's mind. Yes, he was really out there and I'm not defending him but, having said that, nobody knows for sure how the fire started that killed the cult. Of course, the feds will say that the cultists started the fire, but.....
What is known is that it started after the the siege started.
There was no rush to flush them out, they weren't going anywhere, there was plenty of time to defuse the situation....IMO.
Must be cool to use our land for decades and not have to pay for it.

IT is okay for the RW loons on here. They are all for Corporate thieves and multimillion dollar ranchers who don't pay land fees for decade. But its those pesky single mothers who get the monthly welfare checks that this country should prosecute.

One group produces steaks while the other produces a new crop of gang-bangers which should we encourage?
I thought the LWers got all warm and fuzzy about the whole protester/ 1st amendment thing.
BLM backs down.

A tense, weeklong showdown appeared to end Saturday between the federal government and supporters of a Nevada cattle rancher battling the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) over grazing rights on federal land.

The BLM stopped rounding up rancher Cliven Bundy's cattle and returned about 300 head of cattle to the open range to avoid the potential for violence, according to the BLM and CNN affiliate KSNV.

The Old West-style controversy -- centering on a family that has been ranching in Nevada since the 1800s -- drew armed militia groups from across the country to the cattleman's side this week, especially after a YouTube video captured a tussle teetering on violence between rangers and protesters.

The BLM said Bundy owed about $1 million in back fees because his cattle grazed on federal land.
On Saturday, hundreds of protesters gathered outside the BLM's cattle gate, according to CNN affiliate KLAS. Some of them were armed.

"Due to escalating tensions, the cattle have been released from the enclosures in order to avoid violence and help restore order," the BLM said in a prepared statement.
Also Saturday, supporters of Bundy, some of them armed, forced a temporary shutdown of northbound lanes of Interstate 15 near his ranch, the Nevada Highway Patrol said.

"Based on information about conditions on the ground, and in consultation with law enforcement, we have made a decision to conclude the cattle gather because of our serious concern about the safety of employees and members of the public," said BLM director Neil Kornze.

Feds end roundup, release cattle after tense Nevada showdown -
BLM backs down.

A tense, weeklong showdown appeared to end Saturday between the federal government and supporters of a Nevada cattle rancher battling the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) over grazing rights on federal land.

The BLM stopped rounding up rancher Cliven Bundy's cattle and returned about 300 head of cattle to the open range to avoid the potential for violence, according to the BLM and CNN affiliate KSNV.

The Old West-style controversy -- centering on a family that has been ranching in Nevada since the 1800s -- drew armed militia groups from across the country to the cattleman's side this week, especially after a YouTube video captured a tussle teetering on violence between rangers and protesters.

The BLM said Bundy owed about $1 million in back fees because his cattle grazed on federal land.
On Saturday, hundreds of protesters gathered outside the BLM's cattle gate, according to CNN affiliate KLAS. Some of them were armed.

"Due to escalating tensions, the cattle have been released from the enclosures in order to avoid violence and help restore order," the BLM said in a prepared statement.
Also Saturday, supporters of Bundy, some of them armed, forced a temporary shutdown of northbound lanes of Interstate 15 near his ranch, the Nevada Highway Patrol said.

"Based on information about conditions on the ground, and in consultation with law enforcement, we have made a decision to conclude the cattle gather because of our serious concern about the safety of employees and members of the public," said BLM director Neil Kornze.

All this because a OnePercenter wants to get over on taxpayers.

U.S. Senator Reid, son combine for China firm's desert plant

By Marcus Stern

WASHINGTON Fri Aug 31, 2012

He and his oldest son, Rory, are both involved in an effort by a Chinese energy giant, ENN Energy Group, to build a $5 billion solar farm and panel manufacturing plant in the southern Nevada desert.

Reid has been one of the project's most prominent advocates, helping recruit the company during a 2011 trip to China and applying his political muscle on behalf of the project in Nevada. His son, a lawyer with a prominent Las Vegas firm that is representing ENN, helped it locate a 9,000-acre (3,600-hectare) desert site that it is buying well below appraised value from Clark County, where Rory Reid formerly chaired the county commission

The Langfang, China-based ENN Energy Group hopes to build what would be the largest solar energy complex in America. The site chosen with Rory Reid's guidance is in tiny Laughlin, Nevada, a gambling town of 7,300 along the Colorado River, 90 miles south of Las Vegas.

In December, Clark County commissioners voted unanimously to sell up to 9,000 acres of public land to the subsidiary at pennies on the dollar.

The deal spurred local controversy. Separate appraisals valued the land at $29.6 million and $38.6 million. The commission agreed to sell it to ENN for $4.5 million

Corruption: While the Justice Department was busy compiling a case against Obama critic Dinesh D'Souza for minor campaign-law violations, it was blocking a more troubling probe involving the Senate's top Democrat.

In 2012, Reuters reported that Reid had been doing yeoman's work on behalf of a Chinese energy firm, ENN, that wanted to build a $5 billion solar panel plant in Nevada. Turns out Reid's son Rory worked at the law firm representing that very same company.

The Washington Post reported that in 2004 and 2005, Reid earmarked $21.5 million for a bridge linking a gambling resort town in Nevada with a city in Arizona where Reid just happened to own 160 acres of undeveloped land.

Reid also reportedly funneled some $47 million in earmarks that directly benefited organizations his son Key was affiliated with. And last year, a close Reid friend, Harvey Whittemore, was found guilty of directing more than $130,000 worth of illegal funds into Reid's re-election war chest.
In the 2012 presidential campaign, he willingly debased himself by claiming, without a shred of evidence, that Mitt Romney hadn't paid income taxes for years.

This year, he debased the entire institution of the Senate by blowing up the filibuster rules so Obama could get his extremist pals on the federal bench and in key administration posts.

Now Reid is waging war against two private citizens who dared to attack ObamaCare — standing on the Senate floor to denounce them as "un-American."

His cretinous behavior on behalf of Obama only makes the Justice Department's stonewalling of the Utah investigation all the more suspicious.
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Now that we have all decided that the government brown shirts murdered the Koresh cultists in Waco, maybe we should dissect the Jim Jones massacre. I am interested in the spin that the Right will put on this. His message to his followers, by the way, was almost identical to Koresh's.

Get, ready! Take your Dramamine, and GO!
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That was an amazing video. After so many years of being ashamed of this country this was a reason to have a moments pride in the heritage of America.
That was an amazing video. After so many years of being ashamed of this country this was a reason to have a moments pride in the heritage of America.

If you wanted to see the rich screwing the taxpayers you should have paid attention in 2008!

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