BREAKING: 4 officers shot in Philly gun fight

I blame the Democrat Party for, so far, 6 cops being shot.
Afterall, they ARE the Party of lawlessness and doubt!
IDK...I remember my grandfather cursing the place when I was very young. I remember him saying the first thing he did when he got as job was GTFO of Philadelphia.
That must have been in the late 50's. Phillie has always been a rough town.
Most Rust Belt cities ran by Democrats are shitholes.
Correction...all cities >500K run by Dems are shitholes. Democrats are slaves to the welfare mentalities they engender. Even if a Dem wanted to clean up a city he/she would be confronted with so much blowback he/she would be out on their ass in a few months.
Responsibility free gibs...

And to think that Democrats want to re-make the whole Country in the image of their Democrat ruled shitholes.
This should make any sane person shudder...
Idealism will be the death of us all.

Only if we let it.
uncle sam.gif

We are.
The NRA "good guys with guns" seem to be occupied elsewhere when they are needed.
--------------------------------------- unless the NRA 'GOOD GUYS' are Publicly employed Police they have NO DUTY to act VShandel .
I find it hilarious that you folks are calling Philadelphia a shit hole, when it's not even on the top 25 most dangerous cities.

In the 80s and 90s Philly was pretty dangerous due to the Crack epidemic. I remember my parents chaining down the porch furniture when I was a kid because of Crack heads. And we lived in a decent neighborhood These days Philly is pretty calm compared to those times. Especially since it's currently going through gentrification.

This is making the news, because it doesn't happen that often.
The NRA "good guys with guns" seem to be occupied elsewhere when they are needed.
--------------------------------------- unless the NRA 'GOOD GUYS' are Publicly employed Police they have NO DUTY to act VShandel .
The NRA good guys don't typically hang out in the ghetto anyhow
Why not? They afraid?
------------------------------------- why hang out where the SCUM , whores and drug users and drug dealers and criminals live Bode ??
Time to don the tin foil......

Seems mighty convenient all these shootings leading up to the 2020 election.
Puts Trump in a tight spot.....damned if he does...damned if he doesn't.

Wouldn't it be a great windfall for the Dems to stage a bunch of shootings right up to the elections just to force Donnie to have to do gun restrictions just to piss off his base?
Hmmmmm..........raise your hand is you really believe the Dems wouldn't stoop to this......

<<<< Looks around....sees only radical Left Hands raised >>>>

Ok...Tin Foil off........

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