BREAKING: 4 officers shot in Philly gun fight

The myth of a good guy with a gun is totally shattered as a perpetrator surrounded by good guys with guns continues his gun violence.
Absolutely disgusting:

Philadelphia Shooting: Crowd Taunted, Laughed and Yelled at Police Officers While Under Gunfire—Report

A shootout and standoff in the Philadelphia neighborhood of Nicetown-Tioga on Wednesday left six police officers injured with gunshot wounds.

A crowd of people had gathered to watch the incident but a handful of individuals taunted, laughed and yelled at officers who were facing gunfire, according to CBS3 reporter Alexandria Hoff who was at the scene.

Philadelphia shooting: Crowd taunted police officers while under gunfire—report
He is a convicted felon......with illegal guns. this is where my idea for gun crime would have prevented this. This guy used guns in crime and yet is now walking the streets.....and has illegal guns...again.

If he had been given a life sentence for using a gun in the commission of any of his previous crimes, he wouldn't be shooting police today.......

Arrested 6 times for illegal gun possession........... just one of those times and he would have been in prison for 30 years under my plan....and he wouldn't be shooting police today....

Shocker: Philly Shooter Reportedly Has Long Criminal History... And Illegally Possesses Guns

the gunman is 36-year-old, Maurice Hill, who has a long criminal history of gun convictions, resisting arrest and drug dealing.

Hill’s history in the adult criminal justice system began in 2001 when he was 18 and was arrested with a gun that had an altered serial number.

Public records show that he has been arrested about a dozen times since turning 18, and convicted six times on charges that involved illegal possession of guns,
The guy, with multiple felonies......was arrested in 2008 on an illegal gun charge.....if you used my idea....he would be serving a 30 years sentence and still be behind bars today...

Hill also spent time in federal prison. In 2008, he pleaded guilty to federal firearms violations after he was caught with a Smith & Wesson .357 and later a Taurus PT .45 semiautomatic. His prior felony convictions should have barred him from owning those weapons.

His prior felony convictions should have had him kept in prison....
This is getting bad. And I'll bet this pos had a record a mile long, yet he's let out of jail/prison again and again. The only way to stop this is by enacting sensible laws such as this:

We already have too many gun laws and some of them are helping the murderers. What is needed is quick, severe punishment for felons in possession of a gun, and even more harsh punishment for using it! No probation, no parole, mandatory hard lengthy time. Cowardly, filthy, crime loving liberals REFUSE to do this. That's my idea of sensible. Stop slapping them on the wrist. Also, when someone pulls a gun in the commission of a crime gun-free zones should be nonexistent and every effort should have been put into place for either a regular Joe or Jane or off duty cops, etc., to kill them dead! You wanna stop this madness, do what I have stated.

Philly Cop Shooter Identified: “Maurice Hill” – Has a Long Rap Sheet, Is Illegal Gun Owner — Shot Six Police Officers — SURRENDERS


At least six police officers were shot on Wednesday afternoon in Philadelphia’s Nicetown-Tioga section.
The officers were taken to Temple University Hospital in an unknown condition.
At 7:30 PM ET — The shooter was still firing on Philly Police Officers.

Philly Cop Shooter Identified: "Maurice Hill" - Has a Long Rap Sheet, Is Illegal Gun Owner -- Shot Six Police Officers -- SURRENDERS

I'll bet that after all this liberal filth will still let him loose.
Phillie...what a shithole.

Yup. My old boss used to be a Philly street cop. He got stabbed and they made a hit on his house. His 120 pound Akita damned near killed them all.

Good place to avoid along with Chicago and every other Dem controlled big city. Shitholes one and all.
I find it hilarious that you folks are calling Philadelphia a shit hole, when it's not even on the top 25 most dangerous cities.

In the 80s and 90s Philly was pretty dangerous due to the Crack epidemic. I remember my parents chaining down the porch furniture when I was a kid because of Crack heads. And we lived in a decent neighborhood These days Philly is pretty calm compared to those times. Especially since it's currently going through gentrification.

This is making the news, because it doesn't happen that often.
#22 4 years ago.

25 Most Dangerous Cities In America You Might Want To Avoid

in more current lists, i'm not even seeing it in the top 50. quite a bit of progress in what, 4 years?
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I find it hilarious that you folks are calling Philadelphia a shit hole, when it's not even on the top 25 most dangerous cities.

In the 80s and 90s Philly was pretty dangerous due to the Crack epidemic. I remember my parents chaining down the porch furniture when I was a kid because of Crack heads. And we lived in a decent neighborhood These days Philly is pretty calm compared to those times. Especially since it's currently going through gentrification.

This is making the news, because it doesn't happen that often.
#22 4 years ago.

25 Most Dangerous Cities In America You Might Want To Avoid mayors since 1952......

I wonder if this has anything to do with their problems?

List of mayors of Philadelphia - Wikipedia
I find it hilarious that you folks are calling Philadelphia a shit hole, when it's not even on the top 25 most dangerous cities.

In the 80s and 90s Philly was pretty dangerous due to the Crack epidemic. I remember my parents chaining down the porch furniture when I was a kid because of Crack heads. And we lived in a decent neighborhood These days Philly is pretty calm compared to those times. Especially since it's currently going through gentrification.

This is making the news, because it doesn't happen that often.
#22 4 years ago.

25 Most Dangerous Cities In America You Might Want To Avoid mayors since 1952......

I wonder if this has anything to do with their problems?

List of mayors of Philadelphia - Wikipedia
you may want to keep looking. after i saw that list was 4 years old, i found newer ones and philly isn't even the top 100 on that sites list.

but i have found out you NEVER want to vacation in little rock.
The Democrat Party is a mess....

He love guns, he would of voted Republican is he voted.

All blacks are Democrats.
All criminals are Democrats.
All immigrants are Democrats.

You have a big screw loose.
i bet that kunt named harris wont apologize for her hateful political stayements while it was happening, and i bet a bunch of worthless dems still vote for her.
The Democrat Party is a mess....

He love guns, he would of voted Republican is he voted.

All blacks are Democrats.
All criminals are Democrats.
All immigrants are Democrats.

You have a big screw loose.

Let me clarify this for you. I never said democrats I said liberals. Filthy goddam crime perpetuating liberal filth.

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