Breaking! 56 Countries Now Looking to Drop The Dollar -- Thanks Joe!

MAGA Macho Man

Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2022
Linear Time
This is the reason for the Trump indictment distraction. The Biden administration along with the WEF leaders do not want the people to pay attention to the destruction of the petro-dollar. For that is how they plan to bring in their electronic currency and social credit system. You will not be able to buy or sell without government approval.

Can you blame them?

They are not going to wait two more years to see if we can vote our way out of the fuckin' mess the leftist dems and cuck RINOs have caused.....Can you say Omnibus?

Stolen elections have long term consequences and I doubt that the world leaders contemplating the move are confident the next one won't be stolen as well.
This is the reason for the Trump indictment distraction. The Biden administration along with the WEF leaders do not want the people to pay attention to the destruction of the petro-dollar. For that is how they plan to bring in their electronic currency and social credit system. You will not be able to buy or sell without government approval.

Great, another article from the wingnut noise machine.
No other country can deal with a political system so unstable as to make possible the return of Trump and his narcissism. The US can't be trusted.
Debunk the story then, if you can!
Sure, first one. The story claims that US GDP dropped 1.4% first QTR (unnamed what year), but GDP for 1st QTR 2023 is estimated to be 3.4%

So, can you make sense of the assertion in the story.
They aren't going to drop the dollar entirely - that would be stupid.

But they might start doing more business in RMB and other currencies. Not the end of the world.
If you have any prescriptions...refill them now before the dollar collapse.

$20 per gallon gas coming soon.

More expensive gas for sure, but there's nothing any president can do about that. Gas is a limited resource and even if the US wanted to drill baby drill, much of the industrialized world is going to alternative energy and many parts of the developing world want to capitalize on that switch.
This is the reason for the Trump indictment distraction. The Biden administration along with the WEF leaders do not want the people to pay attention to the destruction of the petro-dollar. For that is how they plan to bring in their electronic currency and social credit system. You will not be able to buy or sell without government approval.

You really think this is because of the last two years?
Absolute nonsense, this is because of the last 70 years at least, US foreign policy being as bad as it is for other countries, and the US manipulating other countries.

China is offering something that doesn't (yet) include targeting countries it doesn't like.

If the US wants to remain a global player, it's going to have to change. Biden, Trump, Obama, Dubya didn't change anything.

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