Breaking: 9th Circuit Issues Ruling Not To Protect America's Sovereignty

Being ruled by judges is one of the things Americans hate the most, and one of the reasons we voted for Trump in the first place

So you don't like the Constitution? Because these are the checks and balances in the Constitution you're railing against.
These people are very dangerous. they are capable of anything.

Which people are very dangerous? Trump and his alt-right zealots are very dangerous. The people you're keeping out have undergone 2 years of vetting to get those visas. Contrary to Trumps lies, these people have already undergone extreme vetting.

There's already been attacks on two mosques, one in the US and one in Canada, where right wing terrorists murdered helpless, unarmed American citizens as they prayed.

Trump's fear and zenophobia is playing into the hands of every Muslim terrorist in the world. This is what they've been living for. Now you've turned all of the Islamic world against the US by proving this isn't a war against terrorism, it's a war against Islam.

The only thing that can save the United States from Donald J. Trump, is the Courts. The electoral college had the chance and blew it.
Its still a decision that Trump will have to live with

Until the SCOTUS overrules it in the next few days. I would think, given the national security implications, this would be expedited on the docket.

Except it's a 4-4 court still right now. Assuming Kennedy can be trusted to obey the law. If the supreme court splits, 9th circuit iia upheld

You people sure are in love with that word 'scare'. I don't go into liquor stores in bad areas, especially at night. Am I a scaredy cat? I call it common sense.

Are you comparing Jews with potential criminals in a bad part of town at night?
The 9th has been ruled a joke years ago. I can't believe anyone here would take them seriously.

The hate you spew is destroying you, not the targets of your unfounded hatred. I'll bet you think you're a Christian, yet Jesus was a Jew, the King of the Jews. Jews, Muslims and Christians all worship the same God. Christians are taught to love all people, of every race and colour. It's in the Bible.
This is not over. Trump has numerous ways to circumvent the 9th Circuit decision. Everyone knows the Ninth is the most reversed Circuit court and this will too not likely stand up to scrutiny by the SCOTUS.
Look at this way. The District and Circuit courts are now in the position of hoping NOTHING of a terrorist nature happens. This is across the board. Should an attack happen in Europe, it only shows Trump was right in his assessment of the failure of the current vetting process.
If the Justice Department takes it to Justice Kennedy, he could reverse the Ninth and reinstate the EO since the Ninth falls under his jurisdiction.
Worst case, the EO could be re-written in a form that would pass judicial muster.
Imagine if an Ohio State or San Bernardino would happen in the next couple of weeks by a “refugee”. What would Schumer and the Democrats say then?

The most obvious way is of course to write a competent EO.

(shouldn't have read this while drinking something)

No. They aren't. And this judge made a good ruling :banana:

I doubt your drinking habits would have made any difference. :)
The good part about this is the 7 nations are put on notice coming into the US. The ones coming in can wait to get in or get back in. I mean actually wait through proper vetting.

The people coming in have been through two years of extreme vetting to get those visas. That's what happened when they got put on Obama's list. Anyone coming from those countries had more stringent visa requirements,

Trump has totally over-reacted, again, and completely fucked up relations with your allies in the Middle East. Well done Donnie.
Anybody know how that 9th circuit court ruled on obama's drone killings of Americans and and others without judge, jury, or trial? It would have been a stretch for obama to say he was doing it to protect Americans, but I believe Trump's action would. Look at the record muslims have of doing terror in countries they've emigrated to. Common sense folks.

So it is a Muslim ban then?

You're too tied up in what's in a name. I'm talking about security of American citizens and don't really care if it's tacky and politically incorrect to stop possible terrorists coming here.

Am I or is the president?
I only ask because they specified it wasn't even after the president said it was and people here seem to think it is.
I'm just seeking clarity. It seems the courts are as well.
Its still a decision that Trump will have to live with

Until the SCOTUS overrules it in the next few days. I would think, given the national security implications, this would be expedited on the docket.


It will be weeks at least. More likely months.
The SC is tied 4-4, what kind of ruling will come from them

Your assumption is that the Court will rule along political lines. That's highly unlikely. It will rule along Constititutional lines. The Court is NOT a rubber stamp for Executive Orders or Congressional Legislation.

(shouldn't have read this while drinking something)

No. They aren't. And this judge made a good ruling :banana:

I doubt your drinking habits would have made any difference. :)

It's more the painful effect of reflexively snorting it through my nose...

But, count on Stevie to zero in on a potential Jew...even if it might be fictional....
His EO didn't effect American citizens rights. That's the point.
The point is,Trump lost
If Trump lost we all lost. Laugh about that.
The only loser was Trump, the American citizens won when the courts made their decision
If Trump lost we all lose and there will be a call to arms. And you can take that to the bank.
We've been hearing that for 8 years. Lots of tough talking cowboys on the Internet.
No one is talking tough. There is a new attitude by the conservative side and liberals are going to pay the piper.
The point is,Trump lost
If Trump lost we all lost. Laugh about that.
The only loser was Trump, the American citizens won when the courts made their decision
If Trump lost we all lose and there will be a call to arms. And you can take that to the bank.
We've been hearing that for 8 years. Lots of tough talking cowboys on the Internet.
No one is talking tough. There is a new attitude by the conservative side and liberals are going to pay the piper.
You're right.
That was weak.
Its still a decision that Trump will have to live with

Until the SCOTUS overrules it in the next few days. I would think, given the national security implications, this would be expedited on the docket.

Except it's a 4-4 court still right now. Assuming Kennedy can be trusted to obey the law. If the supreme court splits, 9th circuit iia upheld

If Kennedy obeys the law and constitution it's 5-3 in favor of Trump. If Kennedy sides with the kook nutbags, it's 4-4 and the POTUS simply writes a new EO.

(shouldn't have read this while drinking something)

No. They aren't. And this judge made a good ruling :banana:

I doubt your drinking habits would have made any difference. :)

It's more the painful effect of reflexively snorting it through my nose...

But, count on Stevie to zero in on a potential Jew...even if it might be fictional....
I'm now wondering if you're throwing some more weird lib shit at me, or trying to be serious.

You ok, coyote?

I hope my last comment didn't send you over the edge.

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