Breaking: 9th Circuit Issues Ruling Not To Protect America's Sovereignty

This gives the GOP great material for the mid terms. The left still cares more about being PC than they do about national security.

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The court ruled on legality, not your personal opinion
Can wait to see how this flies in the court of popular opinion come midterms.

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They expose themselves as mere Progressives, not judges. The president's constitutional authority in this matter could not be more clear.
Where did you earn your JD? Please share your legal analysis.

One does not need a particular degree to read and comprehend plain English.
But alas, you don't comprehend. Because the President's authority is limited to CONSTITUTIONAL exercise of it.

Obama was overturned too. Don't cry so much, its unbecoming. You DO believe in the Constitution, don't you? If you don't, might I suggest Russia might be more to your liking?
They expose themselves as mere Progressives, not judges. The president's constitutional authority in this matter could not be more clear.
Where did you earn your JD? Please share your legal analysis.

One does not need a particular degree to read and comprehend plain English.

Then you're lying because the law, and the Constitutional arguments are anything but plain English. They're written in legalese, so as to be clearly interpreted in court,
The Muslim ban was on-its-face unconstitutional.

It was not a Muslim ban and it most certainly was Constitutional.

All you liberals have is lies any more, and violence.

Daniel Patrick Moynahan is spinning in his grave.
The Ninth ruling was based on the fact that Vista holders have a right to due process, even though they are not citizens. This is a long standing constitution interpretation. They received no notice and had no defined legal way to appeal the action. The court did not challenge the president's authority to regulate immigration. Had Trump given notice as well as specified a method of appeal to Visa holders. The court may have ruled in his favor or at least it wouldn't have been a unanimous defeat. The court didn't seem interested in the religious aspect. Had Obama issued this order, which surely he would not have, he would have seen the constitutional problem immediately. Apparently Trump needs to hire some constitutional lawyers that know their stuff.

Let's break it down...
Whenever the President (that's Trump)
finds that the entry of any aliens (people who are not citizens)
or of any class of aliens (any kind or type of non-citizens)
into the United States (the sovereign nation of the US)
would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, (pose a risk)
he may by proclamation, (executive order)
and for such period as he shall deem necessary, (He, not the courts or congress)
suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens (ban, hold, delay, detain, etc.)
as immigrants or nonimmigrants, (doesn't matter if they are immigrants or not)
or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate.
(HE can fucking do pretty much any damn thing HE deems appropriate.)

This is not a visa requirement. It has nothing to do with policies for issuing visas.
why are legal residents being affected?
The orange Republican shitlord thinks being president means he can impose his far right, authoritarian, demented world view on Americans....

Wrong, orange shitlord...



We're gonna smack the bitch out of you, every time you try to wipe your ass with the constitution, scumbag.


These people have spent two years being interviewed, vetted, having their stories checked. Most of these people are women and children, joining family members already in the United States.

You people are being driven mad with fear. It's ridiculous. Upthread some asshole said that there were bodies in the streets of America from these people.

The bodies in the streets are from Americans killing Americans. Thousands upon thousands of them. That's the problem you have.

These people have spent two years being interviewed, vetted, having their stories checked. Most of these people are women and children, joining family members already in the United States.

You people are being driven mad with fear. It's ridiculous. Upthread some asshole said that there were bodies in the streets of America from these people.

The bodies in the streets are from Americans killing Americans. Thousands upon thousands of them. That's the problem you have.

Roflmao, you toss all the relevant facts aside and just repeat Dimmocrat Talking Points.

I am truly looking forward to the next 16 years of uninterrupted GOP leadership across this country while you Dimmocrats try to get your shit together, lol.
That would imply that Trump fucked up and we all know that's just not impossible. What he should do is make the EO apply only to new visas. It would eliminate most of the problems.

It's not about visas. Congress can pass a law regarding visas if they like. This is about a travel restriction of people who may already have visas. That's why the visa laws don't apply.

There was confusion in the roll-out. I will give you that. They should have waited until Sessions was in place and had his SG in place before issuing this EO. I personally think this was some of Bannon's doings. A lot of these people don't know what the hell they're doing but the EO was constitutionally sound, other presidents have used the exact same statute to do the exact same thing, there's never been a problem with it before.
You people are being driven mad with fear. It's ridiculous.

Conservatives are the biggest pussies on the planet. It really is unbelievable that some of these cowards are fully grown men. They're afraid of everything.

Not just afraid, but cowering in terror. Freedom from religious persecution was the reason the Pilgrims came to America. The alt-right is ready to sacrifice every principle your country was founded on, based on their irrational fears that a terrorist will escape the net and kill an American, but at the same time 14,000 people are killed by other Americans every single year.
That would imply that Trump fucked up and we all know that's just not impossible. What he should do is make the EO apply only to new visas. It would eliminate most of the problems.

It's not about visas. Congress can pass a law regarding visas if they like. This is about a travel restriction of people who may already have visas. That's why the visa laws don't apply.

There was confusion in the roll-out. I will give you that. They should have waited until Sessions was in place and had his SG in place before issuing this EO. I personally think this was some of Bannon's doings. A lot of these people don't know what the hell they're doing but the EO was constitutionally sound, other presidents have used the exact same statute to do the exact same thing, there's never been a problem with it before.

None of the previous Presidents campaigned on a platform of banning Muslim immigration. Carter restricted immigration from Iran because the Iranian government allowed the US Embassy to be attacked and American ambassador and his staff to be held hostage. The US was on an undeclared war footing with Iran, and such a ban was reasonable - there was a clear and present danger.

I agree that it is entirely possible that they could ban immigration from these countries, but just because you can do a thing, doesn't mean you should. Trump has pissed off the moderate Muslims, and those nations whose help you need in fighting ISIS.

Then there's that whole "conflict of interest" thing that rears its ugly head every time Trump makes a foreign policy decision.
None of the previous Presidents campaigned on a platform of banning Muslim immigration. Carter restricted immigration from Iran because the Iranian government allowed the US Embassy to be attacked and American ambassador and his staff to be held hostage. The US was on an undeclared war footing with Iran, and such a ban was reasonable - there was a clear and present danger.

I agree that it is entirely possible that they could ban immigration from these countries, but just because you can do a thing, doesn't mean you should. Trump has pissed off the moderate Muslims, and those nations whose help you need in fighting ISIS.

Then there's that whole "conflict of interest" thing that rears its ugly head every time Trump makes a foreign policy decision.

Dear sweet jesus in the morning... why are libtards so stupid? :dunno:

This has nothing whatsoever to do with anything Trump said in a campaign. Lots of politicians say shit in a campaign that doesn't mean anything,... Examples: if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor... you'll save $2500 on your health care... no taxes for anyone making under $250k a year.

It also has nothing to do with your assumptions and opinions about foreign policy. I don't recall when we stopped Obama from implementing his foreign policy while we all had some philosophical debate over the merits of whether it was a good or bad idea. That's just not how our system is designed to operate.

All you are doing here is proving this is a partisan attempt to hobble the president and keep him from doing his job as president because you don't like him. And that's all this is. It has nothing to do with your love of the Constitution.... the only time you give a damn about the Constitution is when you're using it to pull a fucking turd out of your diaper to hurl at the right.

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