BREAKING: Active shooter in Midland/Odessa TX

Once you answer that question you'll also have the answer to your question. So tell me what firearm is there that is in common use that would have some reasonable relationship to the preservation or efficiency of a well-regulated militia?

Let's see. If I am part of the Well Regulated Militia, that means that I belong to a State Sponsored Militia like the SDF, Police Force and a few others. And the common weapon for them would be the AR-15, M-16 or the M-4. And you will find that the laws back that up along with the Federal Firearms laws pertaining to the sale and distribution of Automatic Weapons. You think because you are part of a bunch of yokels running around the woods wearing green pickel suits that they should get the same weapons? Nope. Only if the States and localities allows it and more and more states localities are removing the AR-15 from the allowable list. You are NOT part of the Organized Militia. In fact, the California Police have to turn in their ARs when they go off duty and go home. As does every other SDF unit.

So the answer to your question is, not all weapons used by the Organized Militia is authorized to be used in the Civilian world.

I know you won't accept that but it's the law.
nope the unorganized and every able body man and woman are part of it.
10 USC § 311 - Militia: composition and classes
(a) The militia of the United States consists of all able-bodied males at least 17 years of age and, except as provided in section 313 of title 32, under 45 years of age who are, or who have made a declaration of intention to become, citizens of the United States and of female citizens of the United States who are members of the National Guard.
(b) The classes of the militia are—
(1) the organized militia, which consists of the National Guard and the Naval Militia; and
(2) the unorganized militia, which consists of the members of the militia who are not members of the National Guard or the Naval Militia.

According to the 2nd ammendment, the weapons only applies to the well organized militia.
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State,

Not the unorganized Militia. And those Unorganized Militia that it pertains to are part of the SDF which cannot be called up to be nationalized into the Federal Forces. It's a lot more complicated than you make it out to be. And that would be up to each individual state. The State can determine who has those rights or privileges and who does not. The only say you have in it is in your vote.

Hmm. If what you say is true, why didn't the government round up all the guns after the Constitution was passed? I mean, didn't they know what they meant?


They put the power of the weapons into the States hands. In the beginning, the Feds had no Military at all. Then when things started going haywire on the Frontier, the Feds were allowed a force of 75,000 which was smaller than any one state could muster.
No, they didn't
I get your compassion. And some of them might agree with you. Others may not. I'm guessing you are for outlawing all semi automatics or are you for banning all guns? Or something in between?
I wish they'd never been invented, but I'll settle for semiauto rifles that take large mags--AR and other military-type rifles.
Look the supreme court has ruled the weapons you don't like are protected by the second amendment.
The more the problem the more they will be banned. Common sense. No BS. There is life without guns, but I doubt you have one other than guns.

There is life without guns. It called communism and dictatorships. Why do you hate freedom?
Hate freedom? Hardly. Ask that question to the loved ones of the murdered and wounded. What happened to their freedom?

So you will take away the freedom of every American so that they can have the illusion of freedom under a despotic government?
I wish they'd never been invented, but I'll settle for semiauto rifles that take large mags--AR and other military-type rifles.
Look the supreme court has ruled the weapons you don't like are protected by the second amendment.
The more the problem the more they will be banned. Common sense. No BS. There is life without guns, but I doubt you have one other than guns.

There is life without guns. It called communism and dictatorships. Why do you hate freedom?
Hate freedom? Hardly. Ask that question to the loved ones of the murdered and wounded. What happened to their freedom?

So you will take away the freedom of every American so that they can have the illusion of freedom under a despotic government?
Only a moron would want to give up a right that allowed them the best outcome for their survival. Those people have mental issues and should be silenced and locked away for their own safety.
So how often do 4 or more people get together & decide to shoot themselves?

A ban won't stop then all, but Jesus Fucking Christ can wed do something to stop a lot of them????
Your need to feel safe doesn't trump peoples rights.
All those innocent people going about their own business who died in Texas last month from mass shooters and all the people who were injured might disagree with you that their safety doesn't trump people's "rights" to a deadly weapon.

I get your compassion. And some of them might agree with you. Others may not. I'm guessing you are for outlawing all semi automatics or are you for banning all guns? Or something in between?
I wish they'd never been invented, but I'll settle for semiauto rifles that take large mags--AR and other military-type rifles.
Look the supreme court has ruled the weapons you don't like are protected by the second amendment.
Is that why they were banned for 10 years? It wasn't the Supreme Court that did away with the ban. The legislature wouldn't renew it. It died in its sunset clause.
I sure hope that no one you know and care for was shot.
Wait now liberals care?

You kill babies
If I've killed a baby, you should report me to the Authorities....or else be an accessory to murder.

Nobody's going to impregnate you, Bodey-Odie-Os.

Seth Ator: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know |

Hmm. I has a theory they picked a loner and programmed him.

Geez, I have a friend that used to look almost exactly like that. :eek:

Tell me this guy isn't lit.

Who is "they?"
Your need to feel safe doesn't trump peoples rights.
All those innocent people going about their own business who died in Texas last month from mass shooters and all the people who were injured might disagree with you that their safety doesn't trump people's "rights" to a deadly weapon.

I get your compassion. And some of them might agree with you. Others may not. I'm guessing you are for outlawing all semi automatics or are you for banning all guns? Or something in between?
I wish they'd never been invented, but I'll settle for semiauto rifles that take large mags--AR and other military-type rifles.
Look the supreme court has ruled the weapons you don't like are protected by the second amendment.
Is that why they were banned for 10 years? It wasn't the Supreme Court that did away with the ban. The legislature wouldn't renew it. It died in its sunset clause.
The reason they were banned 10 years ago was that they weren't in common use of the time. Now they are.
Your need to feel safe doesn't trump peoples rights.
All those innocent people going about their own business who died in Texas last month from mass shooters and all the people who were injured might disagree with you that their safety doesn't trump people's "rights" to a deadly weapon.

I get your compassion. And some of them might agree with you. Others may not. I'm guessing you are for outlawing all semi automatics or are you for banning all guns? Or something in between?
I wish they'd never been invented, but I'll settle for semiauto rifles that take large mags--AR and other military-type rifles.
Look the supreme court has ruled the weapons you don't like are protected by the second amendment.
Is that why they were banned for 10 years? It wasn't the Supreme Court that did away with the ban. The legislature wouldn't renew it. It died in its sunset clause.
-------------------------------------- if I recall it was 'clintoon' who did the ban which was easily overrun by smart people of that time . As you say , the Sunset fixed things up so that Freedom returned after the Sunset happened OldLady . ----- as off topic info to you and others , I hear that traitor 'gwb' would have renewed the ban if legislation would have reached his desk OldLady .
Look the supreme court has ruled the weapons you don't like are protected by the second amendment.
The more the problem the more they will be banned. Common sense. No BS. There is life without guns, but I doubt you have one other than guns.

There is life without guns. It called communism and dictatorships. Why do you hate freedom?
Hate freedom? Hardly. Ask that question to the loved ones of the murdered and wounded. What happened to their freedom?

So you will take away the freedom of every American so that they can have the illusion of freedom under a despotic government?
Only a moron would want to give up a right that allowed them the best outcome for their survival. Those people have mental issues and should be silenced and locked away for their own safety.

Survival from what?

Mass shootings are not due to mental illness. Studies have proven this.

Putting a gun in a home that was without one, increases the risk to those living in that house.

People wanting to own an AR-15 type rifle have mental issues.
So we're dyin' for our freedoms ....again.....~S~
If you aren't willing to fight for it you don't deserve it.

fight who? ourselves?

if you oppose my right, if you want to take what's mine, you are my enemy
When your pretend right kills innocent people than I am your enemy.

I will work tirelessly to take away these assault type rifles from you fucking assholes.
I wish they'd never been invented, but I'll settle for semiauto rifles that take large mags--AR and other military-type rifles.
Look the supreme court has ruled the weapons you don't like are protected by the second amendment.
The more the problem the more they will be banned. Common sense. No BS. There is life without guns, but I doubt you have one other than guns.

There is life without guns. It called communism and dictatorships. Why do you hate freedom?
Hate freedom? Hardly. Ask that question to the loved ones of the murdered and wounded. What happened to their freedom?

So you will take away the freedom of every American so that they can have the illusion of freedom under a despotic government?

Are you talking about Trump taking away our right to clean air, unpolluted water, safe work places? The right that all of us have the same rights?
So we're dyin' for our freedoms ....again.....~S~
If you aren't willing to fight for it you don't deserve it.

fight who? ourselves?

if you oppose my right, if you want to take what's mine, you are my enemy
When your pretend right kills innocent people than I am your enemy.

I will work tirelessly to take away these assault type rifles from you fucking assholes.
Pretend rights?
Only a moron would want to give up a right that allowed them the best outcome for their survival. Those people have mental issues and should be silenced and locked away for their own safety.
So we're dyin' for our freedoms ....again.....~S~
If you aren't willing to fight for it you don't deserve it.
You asking for a war, assfuck?

You do NOT have the right to own an assault type rifle. The USSC has ruled that gun ownership can be regulated.
It is what it is dumbass
The supreme court ruled that in order for a firearm to be protected by the second amendment, it must have some reasonable relationship to the preservation or efficiency of a well-regulated militia, in common use of the time, and supplied by the citizen.
So tell me what firearm is there that is in common use that would have some reasonable relationship to the preservation or efficiency of a well-regulated militia?
The more the problem the more they will be banned. Common sense. No BS. There is life without guns, but I doubt you have one other than guns.

There is life without guns. It called communism and dictatorships. Why do you hate freedom?
Hate freedom? Hardly. Ask that question to the loved ones of the murdered and wounded. What happened to their freedom?

So you will take away the freedom of every American so that they can have the illusion of freedom under a despotic government?
Only a moron would want to give up a right that allowed them the best outcome for their survival. Those people have mental issues and should be silenced and locked away for their own safety.

Survival from what?

Mass shootings are not due to mental illness. Studies have proven this.

Putting a gun in a home that was without one, increases the risk to those living in that house.

People wanting to own an AR-15 type rifle have mental issues.
From idiots like you
All those innocent people going about their own business who died in Texas last month from mass shooters and all the people who were injured might disagree with you that their safety doesn't trump people's "rights" to a deadly weapon.

I get your compassion. And some of them might agree with you. Others may not. I'm guessing you are for outlawing all semi automatics or are you for banning all guns? Or something in between?
I wish they'd never been invented, but I'll settle for semiauto rifles that take large mags--AR and other military-type rifles.
Look the supreme court has ruled the weapons you don't like are protected by the second amendment.
Is that why they were banned for 10 years? It wasn't the Supreme Court that did away with the ban. The legislature wouldn't renew it. It died in its sunset clause.
The reason they were banned 10 years ago was that they weren't in common use of the time. Now they are.
The ban was from 1994 to 2004. At the time it took affect, it is estimated 1.4 million "assault" weapons were owned. It also banned magazines of over 10 rounds.
There is life without guns. It called communism and dictatorships. Why do you hate freedom?
Hate freedom? Hardly. Ask that question to the loved ones of the murdered and wounded. What happened to their freedom?

So you will take away the freedom of every American so that they can have the illusion of freedom under a despotic government?
Only a moron would want to give up a right that allowed them the best outcome for their survival. Those people have mental issues and should be silenced and locked away for their own safety.

Survival from what?

Mass shootings are not due to mental illness. Studies have proven this.

Putting a gun in a home that was without one, increases the risk to those living in that house.

People wanting to own an AR-15 type rifle have mental issues.
From idiots like you
Why would I care what a fucking dumbass like you does? Ever wonder why you think so any people are out to get you that you put your family at risk every day?

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