BREAKING: Active shooter in Midland/Odessa TX

So we're dyin' for our freedoms ....again.....~S~
If you aren't willing to fight for it you don't deserve it.
You asking for a war, assfuck?

You do NOT have the right to own an assault type rifle. The USSC has ruled that gun ownership can be regulated.
It is what it is dumbass
The supreme court ruled that in order for a firearm to be protected by the second amendment, it must have some reasonable relationship to the preservation or efficiency of a well-regulated militia, in common use of the time, and supplied by the citizen.
So tell me what firearm is there that is in common use that would have some reasonable relationship to the preservation or efficiency of a well-regulated militia?
To what well regulated militia do you belong?
So we're dyin' for our freedoms ....again.....~S~
If you aren't willing to fight for it you don't deserve it.

fight who? ourselves?

if you oppose my right, if you want to take what's mine, you are my enemy
When your pretend right kills innocent people than I am your enemy.

I will work tirelessly to take away these assault type rifles from you fucking assholes.
Pretend rights?
Only a moron would want to give up a right that allowed them the best outcome for their survival. Those people have mental issues and should be silenced and locked away for their own safety.

Only a mortpn would put their family at risk for a pretend threat.
I get your compassion. And some of them might agree with you. Others may not. I'm guessing you are for outlawing all semi automatics or are you for banning all guns? Or something in between?
I wish they'd never been invented, but I'll settle for semiauto rifles that take large mags--AR and other military-type rifles.
Look the supreme court has ruled the weapons you don't like are protected by the second amendment.
Is that why they were banned for 10 years? It wasn't the Supreme Court that did away with the ban. The legislature wouldn't renew it. It died in its sunset clause.
The reason they were banned 10 years ago was that they weren't in common use of the time. Now they are.
The ban was from 1994 to 2004. At the time it took affect, it is estimated 1.4 million "assault" weapons were owned. It also banned magazines of over 10 rounds.
there are over 20 million in the hands of citizens the most owned firearm system in America 1.4 million wasn't in common use. over 20 million is in common use.
If you aren't willing to fight for it you don't deserve it.

fight who? ourselves?

if you oppose my right, if you want to take what's mine, you are my enemy
When your pretend right kills innocent people than I am your enemy.

I will work tirelessly to take away these assault type rifles from you fucking assholes.
Pretend rights?
Only a moron would want to give up a right that allowed them the best outcome for their survival. Those people have mental issues and should be silenced and locked away for their own safety.

Only a mortpn would put their family at risk for a pretend threat.
And an even bigger moron would want to give up a right that allowed them the best outcome for their survival of their family.
So we're dyin' for our freedoms ....again.....~S~
If you aren't willing to fight for it you don't deserve it.
You asking for a war, assfuck?

You do NOT have the right to own an assault type rifle. The USSC has ruled that gun ownership can be regulated.
It is what it is dumbass
The supreme court ruled that in order for a firearm to be protected by the second amendment, it must have some reasonable relationship to the preservation or efficiency of a well-regulated militia, in common use of the time, and supplied by the citizen.
So tell me what firearm is there that is in common use that would have some reasonable relationship to the preservation or efficiency of a well-regulated militia?
To what well regulated militia do you belong?
The one that is in working order as to be expected.
Hate freedom? Hardly. Ask that question to the loved ones of the murdered and wounded. What happened to their freedom?

So you will take away the freedom of every American so that they can have the illusion of freedom under a despotic government?
Only a moron would want to give up a right that allowed them the best outcome for their survival. Those people have mental issues and should be silenced and locked away for their own safety.

Survival from what?

Mass shootings are not due to mental illness. Studies have proven this.

Putting a gun in a home that was without one, increases the risk to those living in that house.

People wanting to own an AR-15 type rifle have mental issues.
From idiots like you
Why would I care what a fucking dumbass like you does? Ever wonder why you think so any people are out to get you that you put your family at risk every day?
You just said you will tirelessly work to ban AR15's you are attacking me and I will return the favor.
I wish they'd never been invented, but I'll settle for semiauto rifles that take large mags--AR and other military-type rifles.
Look the supreme court has ruled the weapons you don't like are protected by the second amendment.
Is that why they were banned for 10 years? It wasn't the Supreme Court that did away with the ban. The legislature wouldn't renew it. It died in its sunset clause.
The reason they were banned 10 years ago was that they weren't in common use of the time. Now they are.
The ban was from 1994 to 2004. At the time it took affect, it is estimated 1.4 million "assault" weapons were owned. It also banned magazines of over 10 rounds.
there are over 20 million in the hands of citizens the most owned firearm system in America 1.4 million wasn't in common use. over 20 million is in common use.
millions pf people use opioids.
So you will take away the freedom of every American so that they can have the illusion of freedom under a despotic government?
Only a moron would want to give up a right that allowed them the best outcome for their survival. Those people have mental issues and should be silenced and locked away for their own safety.

Survival from what?

Mass shootings are not due to mental illness. Studies have proven this.

Putting a gun in a home that was without one, increases the risk to those living in that house.

People wanting to own an AR-15 type rifle have mental issues.
From idiots like you
Why would I care what a fucking dumbass like you does? Ever wonder why you think so any people are out to get you that you put your family at risk every day?
You just said you will tirelessly work to ban AR15's you are attacking me and I will return the favor.

Wow, you are really fucked up.
So we're dyin' for our freedoms ....again.....~S~
If you aren't willing to fight for it you don't deserve it.
You asking for a war, assfuck?

You do NOT have the right to own an assault type rifle. The USSC has ruled that gun ownership can be regulated.
It is what it is dumbass
The supreme court ruled that in order for a firearm to be protected by the second amendment, it must have some reasonable relationship to the preservation or efficiency of a well-regulated militia, in common use of the time, and supplied by the citizen.
So tell me what firearm is there that is in common use that would have some reasonable relationship to the preservation or efficiency of a well-regulated militia?
To what well regulated militia do you belong?
The one that is in working order as to be expected.
Which one is that?
Here we go again. The day before Texas relaxes the gun regs on the very weapon that was probably used. He fired a semi auto rifle while driving. It was a high capacity, high rate of fire that could be fired one handed while he drove a vehicle. Anyone care to guess what that weapon probably is? Even with the Cops in direct pursuit all the way from the start, he still managed to kill 7 wounding 22 including 3 cops before they cornered him and killed him.

At Least 8 Dead, 20 Injured In Midland/Odessa Shooting, Suspect Killed; ‘Oh God, They’re Shooting Right There’
It was over a traffic violation, the guy was a fuck up. Don’t blame the firearm like some type of pussy
How many would have been shot if he didn`t have a firearm genius?
Bombs/vehicles are much more effective, proven in the Middle East...
And no fucked up frivolous gun control laws would’ve changed a thing you stupid ass motherfucker

No, but go try and buy your Nitrogen Fertilizer and Diesel without the proper permits and reasons to buy it in the first place. I never heard of an empty van blowing up a Federal Building.

Any farmer can do exactly that, dumbass!

With the proper documentation.
fight who? ourselves?

if you oppose my right, if you want to take what's mine, you are my enemy
When your pretend right kills innocent people than I am your enemy.

I will work tirelessly to take away these assault type rifles from you fucking assholes.
Pretend rights?
Only a moron would want to give up a right that allowed them the best outcome for their survival. Those people have mental issues and should be silenced and locked away for their own safety.

Only a mortpn would put their family at risk for a pretend threat.
And an even bigger moron would want to give up a right that allowed them the best outcome for their survival of their family.
Your most likely outcome is a dead or injured family member.
Every advanced nation has video games, mentally ill people, violent movies, etc...,

Only the US has the 2nd amendment and a PAC striving to make sure anyone can buy as many weapons as they can afford. So we’re the ones with mass shootings every week
Look the supreme court has ruled the weapons you don't like are protected by the second amendment.
Is that why they were banned for 10 years? It wasn't the Supreme Court that did away with the ban. The legislature wouldn't renew it. It died in its sunset clause.
The reason they were banned 10 years ago was that they weren't in common use of the time. Now they are.
The ban was from 1994 to 2004. At the time it took affect, it is estimated 1.4 million "assault" weapons were owned. It also banned magazines of over 10 rounds.
there are over 20 million in the hands of citizens the most owned firearm system in America 1.4 million wasn't in common use. over 20 million is in common use.
millions pf people use opioids.
and? where in the bill of rights is there a civil right to take any drug you want?
if you oppose my right, if you want to take what's mine, you are my enemy
When your pretend right kills innocent people than I am your enemy.

I will work tirelessly to take away these assault type rifles from you fucking assholes.
Pretend rights?
Only a moron would want to give up a right that allowed them the best outcome for their survival. Those people have mental issues and should be silenced and locked away for their own safety.

Only a mortpn would put their family at risk for a pretend threat.
And an even bigger moron would want to give up a right that allowed them the best outcome for their survival of their family.
Your most likely outcome is a dead or injured family member.
so is your's maybe even parentless children
If you aren't willing to fight for it you don't deserve it.
You asking for a war, assfuck?

You do NOT have the right to own an assault type rifle. The USSC has ruled that gun ownership can be regulated.
It is what it is dumbass
The supreme court ruled that in order for a firearm to be protected by the second amendment, it must have some reasonable relationship to the preservation or efficiency of a well-regulated militia, in common use of the time, and supplied by the citizen.
So tell me what firearm is there that is in common use that would have some reasonable relationship to the preservation or efficiency of a well-regulated militia?
To what well regulated militia do you belong?
The one that is in working order as to be expected.
Which one is that?
well regulated
It was over a traffic violation, the guy was a fuck up. Don’t blame the firearm like some type of pussy
How many would have been shot if he didn`t have a firearm genius?
Bombs/vehicles are much more effective, proven in the Middle East...
And no fucked up frivolous gun control laws would’ve changed a thing you stupid ass motherfucker

No, but go try and buy your Nitrogen Fertilizer and Diesel without the proper permits and reasons to buy it in the first place. I never heard of an empty van blowing up a Federal Building.

Any farmer can do exactly that, dumbass!

With the proper documentation.
lol you will believe any bullshit
We don't have a "well regulated militia" in the sense that the Founders wrote it. We didn't have a standing military, so every person with a weapon was considered part of the well regulated militia.

Ever since the formation of our own military, a militia has not been required.

So Comrade, the founding fathers (James Madison) wrote the second amendment to ensure that the military has arms? :eek:

The basic stupidity of your attack on the Constitution is beyond the pale.
We don't have a "well regulated militia" in the sense that the Founders wrote it. We didn't have a standing military, so every person with a weapon was considered part of the well regulated militia.

Ever since the formation of our own military, a militia has not been required.

So Comrade, the founding fathers (James Madison) wrote the second amendment to ensure that the military has arms? :eek:

The basic stupidity of your attack on the Constitution is beyond the pale.
It is said that George Mason is the father of the second amendment
We don't have a "well regulated militia" in the sense that the Founders wrote it. We didn't have a standing military, so every person with a weapon was considered part of the well regulated militia.

Ever since the formation of our own military, a militia has not been required.

So Comrade, the founding fathers (James Madison) wrote the second amendment to ensure that the military has arms? :eek:

The basic stupidity of your attack on the Constitution is beyond the pale.
It is said that George Mason is the father of the second amendment

Several versions of the armed citizenry provision were put forth. Jefferson floated one as well. George Washington is said to have inserted the phrase "well regulated," though the meaning of that phrase is not what the radical leftists claim, in fact it means "in good working order." In the army of the time, most of the men had provided their own weapons which were designated "regulation arms." As such, were subject to inspection to ensure proper working order.

King Alfred of England established the principle of armed citizenry and the right to keep and bear arms. This was later infringed under Henry VII, the Tudor King. But our founders were ALL aware of the history and importance of an armed citizenry.

George Mason is one of the greatest of our Founding Fathers and wrote at length in the Antifederalist papers of the importance of an armed citizenry. I would never think to diminish the role he played in securing our god given rights. In fact, what Mason proposed would have saved a LOT of headaches. {Congress shall never disarm any citizen unless such as are or have been in Actual Rebellion.}

But it was Madison in the end who penned the 2nd.

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