BREAKING: Active shooter in Midland/Odessa TX

"The shooting was "planned by a group", police sources told News West 9."

FIVE people are dead and at least 20 are injured after a depraved mass shooter opened fire in Texas tonight, it has been reported.

Police said that terrified locals and "multiple officers" had been shot in the city of Odessa and neighboring Midland.

Five dead and at least 20 injured after gunman opens fire in Texas
Obama voter did the shooting. It will be swept under the rug.

I like guns. I am a conservative now. I would NEVER own a gun My father back in say 1972 almost shot me. It was traumatic, he had what they call now, PTSD, and had a WWII survivors guilt thing and
Yet another mass shooting... guns aren't the problem. Mentally ill people existed since Hec was a pup. But in 1966, the infamous Texas tower shooter and a legal gun owner developed a brain tumor and he then shot and killed his mother and eventually killed 14 innocent people and wounded 31 others. So flash forward now? How on gods green earth are you going to know ahead of time who is going to develop a mental defect that would lead them to a mass shooting? Our 2nd Amendment or our forefathers never anticipated that. How do we address that now? Kicking the proverbial can down the cant..

Putting the known crazy ones in a safe place is a decent start.

Adam Lanza and Nikolas Cruz should have already been in Mental hospitals.
You can thank the conservative prophet Ronnie Raygun for that.

No, you can blame the public for demanding that mental hospitals be closed.
I keep seeing the ghost or Ronald Regan here. Regan shut down the mental health system. And then John Lennon was shot to death. no, not stabbed, not poisoned. By a mentally ill man. What rational connection is there to a any mass shooting? I am open here....

That is prog spin. The public demanded that mental hospitals be closed due to the horrible conditions and ways that "inconvenient" people were dumped into them.

States were glad to do it because it saved them money, but the real reason is Big Pharma lobbied for it, saying their "magic beans" (pills) could keep crazies in check. Well, as we are seeing, that is a wholly failed notion and the Sanitariums need to be reopened. Most other 1st world countries still have active Mental Hospitals.

The other side of the coin is the lack of discipline in the home and at school, and the teaching of "subjective morality" instead of the 10 Commandments.

It's a double whammy, and it's bad.
I like guns. I am a conservative now. I would NEVER own a gun My father back in say 1972 almost shot me. It was traumatic, he had what they call now, PTSD, and had a WWII survivors guilt thing and
Yet another mass shooting... guns aren't the problem. Mentally ill people existed since Hec was a pup. But in 1966, the infamous Texas tower shooter and a legal gun owner developed a brain tumor and he then shot and killed his mother and eventually killed 14 innocent people and wounded 31 others. So flash forward now? How on gods green earth are you going to know ahead of time who is going to develop a mental defect that would lead them to a mass shooting? Our 2nd Amendment or our forefathers never anticipated that. How do we address that now? Kicking the proverbial can down the cant..

Putting the known crazy ones in a safe place is a decent start.

Adam Lanza and Nikolas Cruz should have already been in Mental hospitals.
You can thank the conservative prophet Ronnie Raygun for that.

No, you can blame the public for demanding that mental hospitals be closed.
I keep seeing the ghost or Ronald Regan here. Regan shut down the mental health system. And then John Lennon was shot to death. no, not stabbed, not poisoned. By a mentally ill man. What rational connection is there to a any mass shooting? I am open here....

There were a lot of PTSD men who came out of WWII, and they had a hard time with accepting treatment due to people thinking being crazy was the end of the line. They often balanced excellent marks on the job, but beat people up when they got home. War leaves very ugly marks on people's souls sometimes, particularly if they wound up in a Japanese prisoner-of-war camp and survived it. My deepest sympathies for your ordeal with a PTSD WWII dad. Been there done that.

The fighting Japanese in the war were particularly hostile towards Americans fighting in the Pacific theater due to America's incarceration of the entire population of Japanese-Americans into camps over here. Some of the prisons were 50% or less surviving. One POW camp was such a hellhole less than 30% survived. I hope the picture below helps you deal with what caused your father to lose his mind one day and treat you so horrifically. There are a lot of Americans, British, and Canadian pictures of many starving people. These two look like the last survivors in one of the worst ones. All of the pictures I found of them were emaciated men, and one had pictures of what likely were nurses. The women were not underfed. I don't even want to think about it. May your heart be healed of your heinous treatment.

One Japanese detention center camp was isolated in Casper Wyoming on a remote army airfield that also served the Naval Oil Reserve near there. Those who would escape would've been easy to apprehend due to bitter conditions, very little forestation on the arctic desert lands of Central Wyoming, and a close-knit and well-educated oil community, albeit small. Something about surviving a few minutes out in -40 degree weather makes people smarter. An hour or more makes people dead without correct outfitting. Lived in Casper most of my adult life. The tenants were given good food, warm quarters and warm clothing. I knew some of the ladies in my church who visited them. Most of the ladies who friended the people at the airstrip camp took them foods, pillowcases, quilts, and other things as needed. I never met such civic-minded ladies as those who lived through WWII in the Equality State I so loved, but couldn't survive the winters very well.
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The youtube live Rod was watching just got high jacked and replaced with a Swedish Muslim integration video. Rod had paused and went to get something and when he turned it back on he says, "WTH".

He now says let the coverups begin as another News (News West) report tells people everything is over but to stay home and cook meals inside tonight at home with your family.
I like guns. I am a conservative now. I would NEVER own a gun My father back in say 1972 almost shot me. It was traumatic, he had what they call now, PTSD, and had a WWII survivors guilt thing and
Yet another mass shooting... guns aren't the problem. Mentally ill people existed since Hec was a pup. But in 1966, the infamous Texas tower shooter and a legal gun owner developed a brain tumor and he then shot and killed his mother and eventually killed 14 innocent people and wounded 31 others. So flash forward now? How on gods green earth are you going to know ahead of time who is going to develop a mental defect that would lead them to a mass shooting? Our 2nd Amendment or our forefathers never anticipated that. How do we address that now? Kicking the proverbial can down the cant..

Putting the known crazy ones in a safe place is a decent start.

Adam Lanza and Nikolas Cruz should have already been in Mental hospitals.
You can thank the conservative prophet Ronnie Raygun for that.

No, you can blame the public for demanding that mental hospitals be closed.

I keep seeing the ghost or Ronald Regan here. Regan shut down the mental health system. And then John Lennon was shot to death. no, not stabbed, not poisoned. By a mentally ill man. What rational connection is there to a any mass shooting? I am open here....

That is prog spin. The public demanded that mental hospitals be closed due to the horrible conditions and ways that "inconvenient" people were dumped into them.

Prog speak? Like something out Orwell? When I see for instance, my hometown become a sanctuary to illegal aliens without voter consent and our beloved politicians we supposedly voted for want to cremate us for noticing...That's "prog speak". Double talk, propaganda.

Well, he has quite a history - he was convicted of shooting two Odessa police officers in 2015 - and then appealed....

Roy Daniel Garza, 29, was sentenced to life in prison following his conviction in connection with the shooting of two Odessa police officers, Cpl. Cory Wester and Sgt. Pedro “Pete” Gonzalez during a nine-hour standoff at Clayton Manor Townhomes on Dec. 23, 2015. He was convicted and sentenced by a jury in the 161st District Court of Judge John Smith.

Garza surrendered to officers after the apartment he had been hiding in was destroyed by gunfire, gas canisters and an armored personnel carrier which had broken through the front wall.

Following his conviction, Garza’s former court-appointed lawyer, Michael McLeaish, filed a notice of appeal stating Garza wanted to appeal his conviction, and two weeks after that, a motion for a new trial was filed.

The reason Garza’s appeal was granted was because of new evidence that had been uncovered which favored the defense.

The defendant’s motion states on Dec. 15, Assistant District Attorney Michael Munk sent Garza’s counsel a letter disclosing forensic evidence relating to Wester’s vest previously unknown to the defense.

“At trial, the State argued to the jury that the hole was an alleged projectile exit hole which supported the State’s theory of Defendant’s guilt,” the document stated. “In contrast, the manufacture of the ballistic vest expressly disagreed with the State’s argument.”...

Garza appealing attempted capital murder conviction
His death sentence for this little episode might preclude his appeal.
Another POS going after innocent people. I hate cowardice.

On the other end, Texas police fearlessly go towards to dirtbag while he is firing. Hats off to these police who have the heart of a lion and protect the public from real threats. :salute:
The youtube live Rod was watching just got high jacked and replaced with a Swedish Muslim integration video. Rod had paused and went to get something and when he turned it back on he says, "WTH".

He now says let the coverups begin as another News (News West) report tells people everything is over but to stay home and cook meals inside tonight at home with your family.
So many people out there had cell phone pictures that one of them could have showed others jumping out of the shooter's cars and trying to hide. You never know what good detectives can pull out of the woodwork. Some of them prolly trained next to or are Texas Rangers.
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I like guns. I am a conservative now. I would NEVER own a gun My father back in say 1972 almost shot me. It was traumatic, he had what they call now, PTSD, and had a WWII survivors guilt thing and
Yet another mass shooting... guns aren't the problem. Mentally ill people existed since Hec was a pup. But in 1966, the infamous Texas tower shooter and a legal gun owner developed a brain tumor and he then shot and killed his mother and eventually killed 14 innocent people and wounded 31 others. So flash forward now? How on gods green earth are you going to know ahead of time who is going to develop a mental defect that would lead them to a mass shooting? Our 2nd Amendment or our forefathers never anticipated that. How do we address that now? Kicking the proverbial can down the cant..

Putting the known crazy ones in a safe place is a decent start.

Adam Lanza and Nikolas Cruz should have already been in Mental hospitals.
You can thank the conservative prophet Ronnie Raygun for that.

No, you can blame the public for demanding that mental hospitals be closed.
I keep seeing the ghost or Ronald Regan here. Regan shut down the mental health system. And then John Lennon was shot to death. no, not stabbed, not poisoned. By a mentally ill man. What rational connection is there to a any mass shooting? I am open here....

That is prog spin. The public demanded that mental hospitals be closed due to the horrible conditions and ways that "inconvenient" people were dumped into them.

Simple statements ^^^ like this are an example of arrogance and ignorance:

A brief history of mental health care in California

Ronald Reagan's shameful legacy: Violence, the homeless, mental illness

I like guns. I am a conservative now. I would NEVER own a gun My father back in say 1972 almost shot me. It was traumatic, he had what they call now, PTSD, and had a WWII survivors guilt thing and
Putting the known crazy ones in a safe place is a decent start.

Adam Lanza and Nikolas Cruz should have already been in Mental hospitals.
You can thank the conservative prophet Ronnie Raygun for that.

No, you can blame the public for demanding that mental hospitals be closed.
I keep seeing the ghost or Ronald Regan here. Regan shut down the mental health system. And then John Lennon was shot to death. no, not stabbed, not poisoned. By a mentally ill man. What rational connection is there to a any mass shooting? I am open here....

That is prog spin. The public demanded that mental hospitals be closed due to the horrible conditions and ways that "inconvenient" people were dumped into them.

Simple statements ^^^ like this are an example of arrogance and ignorance:

A brief history of mental health care in California

Ronald Reagan's shameful legacy: Violence, the homeless, mental illness

The entire state of cali is insane. lol.
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The youtube live Rod was watching just got high jacked and replaced with a Swedish Muslim integration video. Rod had paused and went to get something and when he turned it back on he says, "WTH".

He now says let the coverups begin as another News (News West) report tells people everything is over but to stay home and cook meals inside tonight at home with your family.
So many people out there had cell phone pictures that one of them could have showed others jumping out of the shooter's cars and trying to hide. You never know what good detectives can pull out of the woodwork.
People were sharing live information on the feed he was watching.

Akin to El Paso. People there reported seeing three shooters. The media reported one.

It is possible they are trying really hard to prevent another 9/11 type financial breakdown. People panicking.
I like guns. I am a conservative now. I would NEVER own a gun My father back in say 1972 almost shot me. It was traumatic, he had what they call now, PTSD, and had a WWII survivors guilt thing and
You can thank the conservative prophet Ronnie Raygun for that.

No, you can blame the public for demanding that mental hospitals be closed.
I keep seeing the ghost or Ronald Regan here. Regan shut down the mental health system. And then John Lennon was shot to death. no, not stabbed, not poisoned. By a mentally ill man. What rational connection is there to a any mass shooting? I am open here....

That is prog spin. The public demanded that mental hospitals be closed due to the horrible conditions and ways that "inconvenient" people were dumped into them.

Simple statements ^^^ like this are an example of arrogance and ignorance:

A brief history of mental health care in California

Ronald Reagan's shameful legacy: Violence, the homeless, mental illness

The entire state on cali is insane. lol.
A lot of people I know have moved out of there because it has gotten so bad. One friend's daughter and her family that moved a couple years ago because shooting went on all night long in their neighborhood. They lived in what was an upscale neighborhood in the foothills.
I like guns. I am a conservative now. I would NEVER own a gun My father back in say 1972 almost shot me. It was traumatic, he had what they call now, PTSD, and had a WWII survivors guilt thing and
Putting the known crazy ones in a safe place is a decent start.

Adam Lanza and Nikolas Cruz should have already been in Mental hospitals.
You can thank the conservative prophet Ronnie Raygun for that.

No, you can blame the public for demanding that mental hospitals be closed.

I keep seeing the ghost or Ronald Regan here. Regan shut down the mental health system. And then John Lennon was shot to death. no, not stabbed, not poisoned. By a mentally ill man. What rational connection is there to a any mass shooting? I am open here....

That is prog spin. The public demanded that mental hospitals be closed due to the horrible conditions and ways that "inconvenient" people were dumped into them.

Prog speak? Like something out Orwell? When I see for instance, my hometown become a sanctuary to illegal aliens without voter consent and our beloved politicians we supposedly voted for want to cremate us for noticing...That's "prog speak". Double talk, propaganda.

I said prog spin, but it is the same thing. Our elites do a great many things for "the common good" for which they themselves are exempt from feeling the consequences. Wealthy neighborhoods in DC are not used to house illegals.

Well, he has quite a history - he was convicted of shooting two Odessa police officers in 2015 - and then appealed....

Roy Daniel Garza, 29, was sentenced to life in prison following his conviction in connection with the shooting of two Odessa police officers, Cpl. Cory Wester and Sgt. Pedro “Pete” Gonzalez during a nine-hour standoff at Clayton Manor Townhomes on Dec. 23, 2015. He was convicted and sentenced by a jury in the 161st District Court of Judge John Smith.

Garza surrendered to officers after the apartment he had been hiding in was destroyed by gunfire, gas canisters and an armored personnel carrier which had broken through the front wall.

Following his conviction, Garza’s former court-appointed lawyer, Michael McLeaish, filed a notice of appeal stating Garza wanted to appeal his conviction, and two weeks after that, a motion for a new trial was filed.

The reason Garza’s appeal was granted was because of new evidence that had been uncovered which favored the defense.

The defendant’s motion states on Dec. 15, Assistant District Attorney Michael Munk sent Garza’s counsel a letter disclosing forensic evidence relating to Wester’s vest previously unknown to the defense.

“At trial, the State argued to the jury that the hole was an alleged projectile exit hole which supported the State’s theory of Defendant’s guilt,” the document stated. “In contrast, the manufacture of the ballistic vest expressly disagreed with the State’s argument.”...

Garza appealing attempted capital murder conviction
His death sentence for this little episode might preclude his appeal.

It's shocking that he was released after attempting to murder two police officers. His victims today have the government as an accomplice.

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