Breaking: Andrew McCabe out at FBI

So this means another unemployment check..
No, he's retiring with full benefits in March...just leaving the deputy position to appease the crook n chief.
The law and order party hates their law and order people, they want their own people in.:rolleyes:
Remember Strzok talked of insurance policy regarding Trump in texts, that they discussed in McCabe’s office. It was also his wife that was running for a seat and received donations from Dem Terry McAuliffe, while the investigation was going on.

And it was also Donald who asked him who he voted for. His wife has nothing to do with anything.
Right. She is accepting donations from McAuliffe while he is investigating Trump, offers an insurance policy against Trump, and never recused himself.
And his text messages now go missing,
Oh so he was director before Trump came in? Hmm
Andrew George McCabe[1] (born May 5, 1968) is an American attorney who was most recently the Deputy Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation from February 2016 to January 2018.

From May 9, 2017 to August 2, 2017, McCabe was the Acting Director of the FBI after James Comey was dismissed by President Donald Trump. U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions stated that McCabe was one of several candidates under consideration for Director. President Trump ultimately chose Christopher A. Wray, the former Assistant Attorney General for the Justice Department's Criminal Division, to succeed Comey.[2]Once Wray was sworn in, McCabe returned to the position of Deputy Director.[3]

He announced his resignation as deputy director on January 29, 2018.

FBI Director James Comey appointed McCabe as Deputy Director of the FBI on January 29, 2016, and he assumed those duties on February 1, 2016

Andrew McCabe - Wikipedia
Oh so he was director before Trump came in? Hmm
Andrew George McCabe[1] (born May 5, 1968) is an American attorney who was most recently the Deputy Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation from February 2016 to January 2018.

From May 9, 2017 to August 2, 2017, McCabe was the Acting Director of the FBI after James Comey was dismissed by President Donald Trump. U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions stated that McCabe was one of several candidates under consideration for Director. President Trump ultimately chose Christopher A. Wray, the former Assistant Attorney General for the Justice Department's Criminal Division, to succeed Comey.[2]Once Wray was sworn in, McCabe returned to the position of Deputy Director.[3]

He announced his resignation as deputy director on January 29, 2018.

FBI Director James Comey appointed McCabe as Deputy Director of the FBI on January 29, 2016, and he assumed those duties on February 1, 2016

Andrew McCabe - Wikipedia
May 09, 2017 09:38 PM

Updated May 10, 2017 05:46 AM

Andrew McCabe became the acting director of the FBI on Tuesday when President Donald Trump fired FBI Director James Comey.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions confirmed McCabe’s promotion in an internal memo to the FBI. CNN obtained the document.

Who is Andrew McCabe, the new acting director of the FBI?
Another Trump appointee resigning
Ummmmm hey dumb ass he was not a Trump appointee...
Oh so he was director before Trump came in? Hmm.

Andrew McCabe - Wikipedia

From May 9, 2017 to August 2, 2017, McCabe was the Acting Director of the FBI after James Comey was dismissed by President Donald Trump. U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions stated that McCabe was one of several candidates under consideration for Director. President Trump ultimately chose Christopher A. Wray, the former Assistant Attorney General for the Justice Department's Criminal Division, to succeed Comey.[2] Once Wray was sworn in, McCabe returned to the position of Deputy Director.[3]

He announced his resignation as deputy director on January 29, 2018.[4] firing Comey, Trump caused the elevation of McCabe to acting Directer.

Of note:

"The Inspector General of the Department of Justice and the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee are investigating McCabe for concerns that he should have recused himself from the investigation of Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server because of a potential conflict of interest caused by donations to his wife's Virginia State Senate campaign.[13][14] FBI documents released in January 2018 showed that McCabe had in 2015, before his wife ran for political office in Virginia, notified the FBI about his wife's plans and consulted with the FBI about how he would avoid a conflict of interest.[15] The documents showed that McCabe followed FBI protocol regarding potential conflicts of interest.[16] McCabe did not oversee the Hillary Clinton email server probe while his wife was running for office and he was excluded from FBI investigations into public corruption cases in Virginia.[15] According to USA Today, "the internal documents, published on the FBI's website, support what the bureau has asserted previously: that McCabe had no conflicts when he assumed oversight of the Clinton investigation. His role began in February 2016, following his appointment as deputy director and three months after his wife, Jill McCabe, lost her bid for a state Senate seat."[15]"
I have always stood up for the FBI, I've communicated with them as a civilian in the past as a whistleblower and know more about their history, good and bad; than the vast majority of Americans. As such, I have to keep the faith that they will clean up any bad actors and apples within the force. In fact, I guarantee you guys they will clean up any who have been "compromised" by the former administration. Here is my right arm, I will bet it.

The average agent is out there taking great risks, busting their asses in very tough spots and taking their oath to the United States very seriously. This makes you so unique, so unlike Canada. From Pistone of Donnie Brasco fame to Piro who interrogated Saddam Hussein to Mark Felt, just off the top of my head. There are many who have taken on Russian spies and investigated the issue of nuclear proliferation against enemies who noone hears of. They just do their job, more for their love of America and belief in Due Process, Rule of Law and liberty, than for the paycheque.

We have had massive scandals in Canada with the RCMP over the years, PM Mulroney took them on. There was a sense of respect for doing so. The agency as with others in Canada are light years behind the FBI capabilities and integrity, and it must remain this way.

I had a feeling when I saw Tom Fuentes on CNN not show outrage when Trump fired Comey that within the rank and file there are many who agreed with Trumps decision. Fuentes had even hinted at some issue with how Comey handled some things.

I have faith in America, I have faith in the FBI and CIA, I know a great deal about them and the FBI in particular is considered as straight laced as they come, an honest agency based on strict principles. When you have some higher ups bend to the Will and influence of the Obama administration, it truly harms the entire agency. The conflict of interests alone with his wife should have been a warning sign, but I digress.

Therefore, if this guy is not the best guy for the job, not the most objective, he had to resign. There are MANY within the agency who are sharp and talented, allow them to move up the ranks and maintain the FBI reputation so many admire. You do not and I stress CANNOT become like Canada. You have a Republic to defend.

Sorry for the length guys, you know I type fast and furiously. I hope you took the time to read it :)

God Bless America!
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Pretty funny.......take a look at CNN and MSNBC...they are reporting this basically as retiring early because Trump doesn't like him. No mention of memo.
Oh so he was director before Trump came in? Hmm
Andrew George McCabe[1] (born May 5, 1968) is an American attorney who was most recently the Deputy Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation from February 2016 to January 2018.

From May 9, 2017 to August 2, 2017, McCabe was the Acting Director of the FBI after James Comey was dismissed by President Donald Trump. U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions stated that McCabe was one of several candidates under consideration for Director. President Trump ultimately chose Christopher A. Wray, the former Assistant Attorney General for the Justice Department's Criminal Division, to succeed Comey.[2]Once Wray was sworn in, McCabe returned to the position of Deputy Director.[3]

He announced his resignation as deputy director on January 29, 2018.

FBI Director James Comey appointed McCabe as Deputy Director of the FBI on January 29, 2016, and he assumed those duties on February 1, 2016

Andrew McCabe - Wikipedia

Oh so he was director before Trump came in? Hmm
Andrew George McCabe[1] (born May 5, 1968) is an American attorney who was most recently the Deputy Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation from February 2016 to January 2018.

From May 9, 2017 to August 2, 2017, McCabe was the Acting Director of the FBI after James Comey was dismissed by President Donald Trump. U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions stated that McCabe was one of several candidates under consideration for Director. President Trump ultimately chose Christopher A. Wray, the former Assistant Attorney General for the Justice Department's Criminal Division, to succeed Comey.[2]Once Wray was sworn in, McCabe returned to the position of Deputy Director.[3]

He announced his resignation as deputy director on January 29, 2018.

FBI Director James Comey appointed McCabe as Deputy Director of the FBI on January 29, 2016, and he assumed those duties on February 1, 2016

Andrew McCabe - Wikipedia
May 09, 2017 09:38 PM

Updated May 10, 2017 05:46 AM

Andrew McCabe became the acting director of the FBI on Tuesday when President Donald Trump fired FBI Director James Comey.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions confirmed McCabe’s promotion in an internal memo to the FBI. CNN obtained the document.

Who is Andrew McCabe, the new acting director of the FBI?

Everything we told the Leftists last year is coming to pass-) What did they call us? CONSPIRACY theorists, etc.

Now on the DAY of the vote for the memo release, he resigns.

Means NOTHING, correct Leftists-)

And this is just the start. Just like we told you the middle of last year this was coming, let me tell AIN'T over-) You know those wonderful elections coming up you thought you had in the bag. Well guess what, YOUR SCREWED!

Your whole investigation is going to go up in smoke, and be replaced with a NEW investigation into your guys, and the facts are already in the hands of the Trump team, just waiting to be released as a drip-drip-drip through most of this year, basically using Chinese water torture on your election chances-)
Remember Strzok ...

Thanks for bringing that SOB up, another Democrat / FBI employee who should have already been PERP-WALKED. Instead, he has been whisked off to some distant corner in hopes that the GOP, Americans, and the DOJ don't arrest his ass and put the 'thumb-screws' to him and his 'chicky-poo' and get one or both of them to roll on the entire upper echelon running this treasonous 'coup'.

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