Breaking: Andrew McCabe out at FBI

Maybe he'll trade it for your tin foil hat
Tin foil hat?

He announced it on the VERY FUCKING DAY the memo is to be released.

Is it really that far fetched?
We'll see once republicans release this memo that they seem to almost regret having created, considering how long it's taken.
When TREASON is exposed at this level, to open this up to the entire country...and the world...will be devastating.

It has to be done, though. The traitors and criminals have to be exposed, rooted out, and punished.

Welcome to 'Draining The Swamp', with help by Democrats who have made all this possible. :p
Well Trump got what he wanted; finally ran FBI Deputy Dir. Andrew McCabe out of his position! He technically had 2 months to go for his full retirement, but he obviously couldn't wait, so he took a terminal leave which will fill the void to March! Trump's really thinking by doing this, it'll help undermine the FBI and Mueller, but he's going down and going down HARD! It can't happen soon enough for me; even if we have to deal w/ another weasel like Pence! :cuckoo: :dunno: :eek:
Maybe he'll trade it for your tin foil hat
Tin foil hat?

He announced it on the VERY FUCKING DAY the memo is to be released.

Is it really that far fetched?
We'll see once republicans release this memo that they seem to almost regret having created, considering how long it's taken.
When TREASON is exposed at this level, to open this up to the entire country...and the world...will be devastating.

It has to be done, though. The traitors and criminals have to be exposed, rooted out, and punished.

Welcome to 'Draining The Swamp', with help by Democrats who have made all this possible. :p
Sounds like you're talking about the Trump crime family
So this means another unemployment check..
No, he's retiring with full benefits in March...just leaving the deputy position to appease the crook n chief.

Appease Trump? He's being forced out because he used his position at the FBI to try and affect our elections. McCabe assumed Hillary would win and cover his ass. Bad assumption on his part. That goes for the rest of them as well. When the truth finally gets out...they've written their own severance letters. See ya!!!
breaking news
WINNER! He was REMOVED was what I read! I love it! First deep state scum taken out! Maybe he is planning a nice vacation in a non extradition country once the memo is released! in FIRED....and Fake News is trying to make it sound like he 'retired'.


Officially he's on vacation, taking vacation days until he's eligible to retire, that's not being fired. It could be he was given a choice between this or being fired who knows.
Seems that never happens to anyone in public service that gets fired. If they have served long enough, they still get all their benefits. It’s crazy.
He should not be allowed to retire.

He should be stripped of his benefits
Take a leave, traitor.

Going on "vacation" until he retires.

Well, ain't that handy?

More like he knows what's coming out in the memo and it ain't pretty for this traitor.

Got an insurance policy, Andy?
From what I am hearing, he was forced to remove himself now.
breaking news
WINNER! He was REMOVED was what I read! I love it! First deep state scum taken out! Maybe he is planning a nice vacation in a non extradition country once the memo is released! in FIRED....and Fake News is trying to make it sound like he 'retired'.


Officially he's on vacation, taking vacation days until he's eligible to retire, that's not being fired. It could be he was given a choice between this or being fired who knows.

Democrat Backfire!

McCabe can thank Elijah Cummings for all this. Traitorous Cummings wanted the IG to investigate unfair treatment of Hillary by the bureau. Can’t make this comedy up.

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