Breaking: Andrew McCabe out at FBI

McCabe is another example of an Obama POS who should be PERP-WALKED out of the FBI instead of being allowed to retire. Letting him walk out on his own terms after perpetrating TREASON is BS!
Trump's strategy for the good of the country is to get as many of the criminal agency thugs to quit/retire as possible..and not backfill their positions. It will be much easier to just reduce the ranks and not have to deal with the fallout of announcing that he's shutting down the anti-american, un-constitutional agencies that have all but destroyed our country. By the end of his term, we will haven nothing but skeleton crew agencies who are completely irrelevant.

He's brilliant.

"The EPA, along with other government agencies, was placed on a hiring freeze, which also had left 350 positions open as of April, CNN previously reported."

Report: Hundreds of EPA employees leave under Trump - CNNPolitics
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What bugs me is the Dems won’t even admit that if these same things had happened in reverse they wouldn’t be screaming to high heaven, yet we know they would.
From what I am hearing, he was forced to remove himself now.
breaking news
WINNER! He was REMOVED was what I read! I love it! First deep state scum taken out! Maybe he is planning a nice vacation in a non extradition country once the memo is released! in FIRED....and Fake News is trying to make it sound like he 'retired'.


Officially he's on vacation, taking vacation days until he's eligible to retire, that's not being fired. It could be he was given a choice between this or being fired who knows.

Honestly this should be a private HR matter imo.
House panel poised to vote on surveillance memo release, as FBI boss pays visit to Hill

The FBI Boss - Wray - forcing McCabe out after visiting the Hill and reviewing the 'SUMMARY OF EVIDENCE' (aka 'the memo') is an acknowledgment of how serious this is and the FBI's treason by Comey, McCabe, Strzok et al is TRUE!
But.........but.......but the Democrats have released their own version of the memo stating that the official memo is just Republican talking points.

This explains why they're fighting to keep it hidden.
Warning Warning Warning

This is not a test!

This is a broadcast from The Emergency Libtard Warning System!

Take Immediate Shelter!

Severe & Violent Libtard Shit Storms are expected throughout the day and the following week.

Expect heavy flooding and bull shit so deep that it could carry away Hillary Clinton’s Fat Ass!

The impact will be most severe in Leftist dystopias referred to as Liberal Shit Holes. Take cover immediately if you are in one of these heavily impacted areas, and take an enema too!

Please Take Shelter from the Fall Out Of Andrew McCabe Trying to save his own treasonous ass! And please be on the look out for more rats jumping ship!

This has been a broadcast of The Emergency Libtard Warning System!

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Sounds like you're talking about the Trump crime family
That's right - put on that brave little face, little snowflake, knowing Democrats have not been able to produce evidence a crime was committed warranting an investigation let alone Trump was involved in any crime...

...while existing evidence proves Hillary has committed crimes for which she should already been in jail.

Sounds like you're talking about the Trump crime family
That's right - put on that brave little face, little snowflake, knowing Democrats have not been able to produce evidence a crime was committed warranting an investigation let alone Trump was involved in any crime...

...while existing evidence proves Hillary has committed crimes for which she should already been in jail.

^ still parroting that, multiple indictments later
Why? If it due to malfeasance, why? We deserve to know.
From what I am hearing, he was forced to remove himself now.
breaking news
WINNER! He was REMOVED was what I read! I love it! First deep state scum taken out! Maybe he is planning a nice vacation in a non extradition country once the memo is released! in FIRED....and Fake News is trying to make it sound like he 'retired'.


Officially he's on vacation, taking vacation days until he's eligible to retire, that's not being fired. It could be he was given a choice between this or being fired who knows.

Honestly this should be a private HR matter imo.
House panel poised to vote on surveillance memo release, as FBI boss pays visit to Hill

The FBI Boss - Wray - forcing McCabe out after visiting the Hill and reviewing the 'SUMMARY OF EVIDENCE' (aka 'the memo') is an acknowledgment of how serious this is and the FBI's treason by Comey, McCabe, Strzok et al is TRUE!
But.........but.......but the Democrats have released their own version of the memo stating that the official memo is just Republican talking points.

This explains why they're fighting to keep it hidden.
Educate yourselves people.

The DOJ was fighting to keep it sealed, not the GOP

Democrats have argued Americans are stupid to understand the memo and to keep it sealed.

The Director of the FBI, having seen / read the SUMMARY OF EVIDENCE just forced the Deputy Director of the FBI out, acknowledging the crimes that have been perpetrated and trying to get ahead of the $HIT $TORM coming once the Summary is released....

The bigger they are the harder they fall....
From what I am hearing, he was forced to remove himself now.
breaking news
WINNER! He was REMOVED was what I read! I love it! First deep state scum taken out! Maybe he is planning a nice vacation in a non extradition country once the memo is released! in FIRED....and Fake News is trying to make it sound like he 'retired'.


Officially he's on vacation, taking vacation days until he's eligible to retire, that's not being fired. It could be he was given a choice between this or being fired who knows.

He's worked under Mueller before; maybe he'll run to rat Trump out even more than he has already! :banana: :beer:

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