Breaking: Andrew McCabe out at FBI

Remember Strzok talked of insurance policy regarding Trump in texts, that they discussed in McCabe’s office. It was also his wife that was running for a seat and received donations from Dem Terry McAuliffe, while the investigation was going on.

And it was also Donald who asked him who he voted for. His wife has nothing to do with anything.
Right. She is accepting donations from McAuliffe while he is investigating Trump, offers an insurance policy against Trump, and never recused himself.
And his text messages now go missing,

That's a LIE, a big fat lie....

His wife ran for office years ago, and received funds for her campaign from a PAC that also gave even larger amounts to other Democratic candidates running....

And his wife's campaign was over and she lost months BEFORE he even became the deputy FBI director, before there was even an FBI investigation on the Hillary server.


BEFORE you spout the crook n chief bull crap lies.

That's a LIE, a big fat lie....

His wife ran for office years ago, and received funds for her campaign from a PAC that also gave even larger amounts to other Democratic candidates running....

And his wife's campaign was over and she lost months BEFORE he even became the deputy FBI director, before there was even an FBI investigation on the Hillary server.


BEFORE you spout the crook n chief bull crap lies.
The Clinton Administration (Hillary) gave money to both McCabe's wife and Comey's.

The FBI warned Deputy Director McCabe about potential conflicts, but not for Clinton probe

'The FBI once warned Deputy Director Andrew McCabe that his Democrat wife’s 2015 political campaign could create conflicts of interest for him, but he then acted to avoid such conflicts, according to documents the Bureau released online Friday amid criticism that its probe of Hillary Clinton’s use of a personal email server was tainted by partisanship.'

CNN and MSNBC mentioned the IG report that is due soon as maybe factoring into the decision. They don't mention "the memo" because it is bullshit.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, this is great, and every Leftist on here is now going to be forced on DEFENSE from the date of the memo release, all the way through the midterms, where they are going to crushed-)
CNN and MSNBC mentioned the IG report that is due soon as maybe factoring into the decision. They don't mention "the memo" because it is bullshit. you are the FBI Director??
You must be to know it's you also head up some kind of investigation into this memo?
The water level in the swamp just dropped about a quarter inch. Long way to go, but it's progress.
CNN and MSNBC mentioned the IG report that is due soon as maybe factoring into the decision. They don't mention "the memo" because it is bullshit. you are the FBI Director??
You must be to know it's you also head up some kind of investigation into this memo?

His side is screwed, and he knows it! He can come on here with all the bravado he/she/it wants, but it makes no difference...........the end of the end is in full swing for the Democrats-)
CNN and MSNBC mentioned the IG report that is due soon as maybe factoring into the decision. They don't mention "the memo" because it is bullshit.
Would that be the IG report that exposed the Mueller Team as being extremely biased, the same IG and report that forced Mueller to fire Stzok?!

The Same IG that almost immediately found all of Strzok's missing text messages after the FBI said they were 'GONE FOREVER' because they had 'NEVER BEEN SAVED' due to a 'glitch'?!

More meddling by Adolf Twitler in order to make the FBI HIS FBI.

What an asshole

noun: hypocrisy; plural noun: hypocrisies
the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform; pretense.
synonyms: dissimulation, false virtue, cant, posturing, affectation, speciousness, empty talk, insincerity, falseness, deceit, dishonesty, mendacity, pretense, duplicity

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