Breaking: Berkeley Cops Told To "Stand Down" Protecting Ann Coulter Unless A Death Is Involved

She should give the Angels a call. They have security detail experience, and are always up for a party.

Antifa wouldn't stand a chance.
Agreed! Even the Stones hired em for security at a concert years ago.

Don't you remember the murder and riot during that concert Steve... ? Not a good idea actually
  1. Altamont[edit]
  2. Hunter, an 18-year-old arts student from Berkeley, California, was nicknamed "Murdock" and described by friends to be a flashy dresser with a big Afro. Hunter, his girlfriend Patty Bredehoft, and another couple traveled from Berkeley to attend the Altamont Free Concert.[1][2]

  3. The Hells Angels had been hired to provide security for the concert in a deal that involved $500 worth of beer,[3] about US $3,282 adjusted for inflation to 2014. They stood directly in front of the bands in an effort to keep people off the unusually low stage set up at the bottom of a low slope.
  1. As the Hells Angels became intoxicated and the crowd became restless and unpredictable, the drunken Hells Angels began hurling full cans of beer from their stockpile and striking concert-goers with sawed-off, weighted pool cues and motorcycle chains to drive the crowd back from the stage. By the time the Rolling Stones took the stage in the early evening, the mood had taken a decidedly ugly turn, as numerous fights began to erupt between Angels and crowd members. Denise Jewkes of local San Francisco rock band the The Ace of Cups, six months pregnant at the time, was hit in the head by an empty beer bottle thrown from the crowd during their set and suffered a skull fracture.

Death of Meredith Hunter - Wikipedia

Not a good idea for Antifa, at least. The point is they wouldn't stand a chance. The Angels don't care much for Commies.
So is she free to exercise her First Amendment, or must she risk violence for doing so?

There should be arrests to anyone who engages in violence at these events and they should face personal lawsuits for trying to violate her Constitutional Rights.
They're saying she must risk her life if she wants to speak. That's what it boils down to.
They're also saying they won't protect her.
She should give the Angels a call. They have security detail experience, and are always up for a party.

Antifa wouldn't stand a chance.
Agreed! Even the Stones hired em for security at a concert years ago.

Don't you remember the murder and riot during that concert Steve... ? Not a good idea actually
  1. Altamont[edit]
  2. Hunter, an 18-year-old arts student from Berkeley, California, was nicknamed "Murdock" and described by friends to be a flashy dresser with a big Afro. Hunter, his girlfriend Patty Bredehoft, and another couple traveled from Berkeley to attend the Altamont Free Concert.[1][2]

  3. The Hells Angels had been hired to provide security for the concert in a deal that involved $500 worth of beer,[3] about US $3,282 adjusted for inflation to 2014. They stood directly in front of the bands in an effort to keep people off the unusually low stage set up at the bottom of a low slope.
  1. As the Hells Angels became intoxicated and the crowd became restless and unpredictable, the drunken Hells Angels began hurling full cans of beer from their stockpile and striking concert-goers with sawed-off, weighted pool cues and motorcycle chains to drive the crowd back from the stage. By the time the Rolling Stones took the stage in the early evening, the mood had taken a decidedly ugly turn, as numerous fights began to erupt between Angels and crowd members. Denise Jewkes of local San Francisco rock band the The Ace of Cups, six months pregnant at the time, was hit in the head by an empty beer bottle thrown from the crowd during their set and suffered a skull fracture.

Death of Meredith Hunter - Wikipedia

Not a good idea for Antifa, at least. The point is they wouldn't stand a chance. The Angels don't care much for Commies.
Nobody does, except other brownshirt rejects.
She already cancelled. Congratulations, commies. You are successful in shutting down an American citizen's first amendment rights through threats of violence.
They warned me if I voted for Trump our Constitutional Rights would be shredded - and they were right!
Why can't Skeletor just get high up in the back of a pickup truck in a parking lot across the street and screech out her insanity to the 50 people that will show up? Or pick a fake Kristian college and wear a white robe (with eye holes 'o course) and whine about how there is a war on ... _____, fill in the blank.
Go jump off a bridge, fag.
Seems she has cancelled. Hope the leftard fascists are proud.

Ann Coulter said Wednesday that she is canceling her planned speech at the University of California, Berkeley, because she had lost the backing of conservative groups that had initially sponsored her appearance.

Ms. Coulter, in a message to The New York Times, said, “It’s a sad day for free speech.

That's very sad. Berkeley needs investigated by the DOJ.
Seems she has cancelled. Hope the leftard fascists are proud.

Ann Coulter said Wednesday that she is canceling her planned speech at the University of California, Berkeley, because she had lost the backing of conservative groups that had initially sponsored her appearance.

Ms. Coulter, in a message to The New York Times, said, “It’s a sad day for free speech.
This is chess. She meant to cancel. She knew that was in the cards
As soon as the right starts doing the same to lefty speakers we will suddenly hear from our lefty friends how bad it is. Until then it is just fine.
Also think a police officer who accepts a stand down should turn in his badge
Rolling Thunder should schedule a trip to Berkeley.

A group that is meant to remember POWs? Why would they want to go to Berkeley and fight with the police? They'd lose immediately to begin with and go to jail and at the same time soil their name.

500,000 bikers with shotguns, most with military experience, would neither lose nor go to jail.


Oh so you think some guys on motorcycles are going to what, intimidate people? This is some weird con fantasy of forcing other people to bow down before the great all powerful....whatever.

Any group of people who you think will 'save they day' for you and force them-thar heathens to bow down would be met by police and stomped senseless. And then they'd go to jail and lose everything they have in civil court. That doesn't fit in with con-fantasy-land I know.

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