Breaking: Black Panthers Headed Back To Poll Stations to Monitor Them

Voter Intimidation, By anyone, on either side. Should be treated like a high crime.

Thats good! So lets burn that Black Panther and these white crackers.


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Me I want to see any attempt to illegally effect the out come of an election looked into and punished. No matter who does it, and no matter how big in scope it is.

So what is punished to you? To me, that would be 20 years on the chain gang, no reduction for good time, etc. That sound fair to you? Afterall a vote decides life or death, or survival for Americans, etc.

Depends on the gravity of what they were doing I guess but I would lean toward saying your punishment is to easy on them. Like I said I think it should be like a high crime, a Crime against the people(state).
If the DOJ has evidence

They have much more evidence than in the case that FOX has gotten you all riled about. namely, they have complaints from actual voters. But, lo and behold, you reserve judgement on these cases but don't on the case with the black men where there are no complaints.

Curious to say the least.
If the DOJ has evidence

They have much more evidence than in the case that FOX has gotten you all riled about. namely, they have complaints from actual voters. But, lo and behold, you reserve judgement on these cases but don't on the case with the black men where there are no complaints.

Curious to say the least.

lol here we go again with the innuendo I just told you I had not had time to read the full stories yet. Are you saying these cases were not prosecuted? If so and as you say there is plenty of evidence. Then that is rather disturbing as well.

If the DOJ has evidence

They have much more evidence than in the case that FOX has gotten you all riled about. namely, they have complaints from actual voters. But, lo and behold, you reserve judgement on these cases but don't on the case with the black men where there are no complaints.

Curious to say the least.

From what i see in this thread by all who are posting, ALL voter intimation from any quarter is universally considered bad and wrong.
From what i see in this thread by all who are posting, ALL voter intimation from any quarter is universally considered bad and wrong.

Well, that is what they are trained to say, right around words that accuse "special treatment" for the black man. But look at what they actually do. They say that the men being black is part of the prima facia "evidence" they have for intimidation. They withold judgement in cases IN THE SOUTH with actual complaintants but not in the case where there are black men accused, with no complaintants. And so on and so forth.

I'm not fooled. In reality, FOX is engaged in constant race baiting and folks jabbering on the Internets are simply regurgitating the schpiel.
From what i see in this thread by all who are posting, ALL voter intimation from any quarter is universally considered bad and wrong.

Well, that is what they are trained to say, right around words that accuse "special treatment" for the black man. But look at what they actually do. They say that the men being black is part of the prima facia "evidence" they have for intimidation. They withold judgement in cases IN THE SOUTH with actual complaintants but not in the case where there are black men accused, with no complaintants. And so on and so forth.

I'm not fooled. In reality, FOX is engaged in constant race baiting and folks jabbering on the Internets are simply regurgitating the schpiel.

lol the perfect alinski disciple. Never a post with out the Race card.

You certainly live up to your name. :flameth:
I had not had time to read the full stories yet.

The exceprts alone told you that there was more evidence here than in the case FOX has you all riled about. You know, actual complaintants. Yet in the case with actual complaintants, you reserve judgement. In the case with no complaintants, you pronounce guilt. The former case is white on black intimidation. The latter case is made up black on white intimidation.

Nobody is fooled here.
From what i see in this thread by all who are posting, ALL voter intimation from any quarter is universally considered bad and wrong.

Well, that is what they are trained to say, right around words that accuse "special treatment" for the black man. But look at what they actually do. They say that the men being black is part of the prima facia "evidence" they have for intimidation. They withold judgement in cases IN THE SOUTH with actual complaintants but not in the case where there are black men accused, with no complaintants. And so on and so forth.

I'm not fooled. In reality, FOX is engaged in constant race baiting and folks jabbering on the Internets are simply regurgitating the schpiel.

Funny you are the only one focusing on the racial thing. Everyone has said regardless of the color any voter intimation is wrong and should be stopped.
Never a post with out the Race card.

Yet another trained response. Just act as if being accused of racism is worse than actually being one.
Funny you are the only one focusing on the racial thing.

That's a laugh. The whole non-story was ginned up by FOX for the obvious purpose of race baiting. The drones are simply doing what they do...repeating the trained lines.
it doesn't matter what articles I post say, they mean what I want them to mean. I don't read them. However, use of them by anyone agreeing with me is a point in our favor.

The only ones that have played on race are those in favor of unequal enforcement of laws.
Never a post with out the Race card.

Yet another trained response. Just act as if being accused of racism is worse than actually being one.

Again with the assumptions. I don't think being accused of being one is worse than being one. I think accusing people of being one when they are not, like you do all the time, is almost as bad as being one.

You are the one who is trained son. You view everyone through stereotypes. You think you know what is in everyone's heart, what is behind what they say. This is classic projection my friend.

ok feel free to make another cute little response where you claim to know better than what I say, and are able to see into my mind, and see that I am the Stereo Typical Racist White Conservative you clearly think I am. I have seen enough in our little chat to see your debating skills amount to playing the Race card repeatedly and claiming you know what I think. Making Debating with you an exercise in futility.

You are able to look at that video and tell yourself those 2 men were not there in anyway to attempt to intimidate voters. I guess you think the billy club is just a fashion statement, who knows, but to me it looks like a man brandishing a weapon in front of a poling place during voting. Pretty clear cut if you ask me.
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So if no one complained, it isn't a case of voter intimidation?

Personally, if the reports of what they said are true, then it does seem like basic harassment to me. In front of a polling place, I can see how that would be considered voter intimidation. I do not know Pennsylvania state laws or federal election laws well enough to know if it meets the legal definition of it however.

They are free to stand in front of a polling place (to a degree), dressed as they wish to be dressed, and carrying whatever stick they want to. There is no law against that. It's their actions that matter. In this case, it would be what they said while gesturing with the stick. At the very least, the police should have enforced anti-loitering laws and had both of them move along, instead of only one of them.

The drones are simply doing what they do...repeating the trained lines.

Yes rather like you are doing. Pay attention to what people in the thread are saying and not what you "think" they are saying.

The drones are simply doing what they do...repeating the trained lines.

Yes rather like you are doing. Pay attention to what people in the thread are saying and not what you "think" they are saying.
Now, now -- LibNut knows exactly what we all think. Just ask him! :lol:

The funny thing is he doesn't recognize he's just mindlessly parroting what he's been programmed with.
So if no one complained, it isn't a case of voter intimidation?

For all practical purposes, that's right. No complaint makes it impossible to prove. No proof means presumption of innocence applies.

I do not know Pennsylvania state laws or federal election laws well enough to know if it meets the legal definition of it however.

But, presumably, the AGs of the Penn. and the US do, right? How do the righties get around this? They accuse two other black men, the US AG and the president of giving these other black men special treatment. No racism going on here, right?

It's their actions that matter.

Duh. And there is no evidence whatsoever that they acted in a way that intimidated a voter. None.

the police should have enforced anti-loitering laws

The two black gentleman claim to have been "poll watchers". They claim to have been there to observe and report any white on black intimidation, which is of course more the norm in the United States.
So if no one complained, it isn't a case of voter intimidation?

For all practical purposes, that's right. No complaint makes it impossible to prove. No proof means presumption of innocence applies.
sure. Video evidence is meaningless lol

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