Breaking: Charleston SC, white male shoots 8 people at Souths oldest black church

he said it prior to the shooting. I posted his post earlier.
If you posted it then it wasnt credible. The only thing Black about him was his car.
It is credible. It was a screen shot of his facebook. You don't get to decide a person's race. They get to self identify themselves and you learn to deal with it.
Nothing you post is credible. Your post just reveals you are pretty stupid. He was in feral monkey mode. Of course he is white.
There you go, reverting to racial slurs and making uneducated claims about race. A category that has zero scientific validity, Bill Nye said so. You are the only ignorant one here who lacks credibility.
I didnt say anything about race. I said he was white.

And you were really being nice. You could have said Pink and brought mass "ignore" button retribution upon yourself!
It is credible. It was a screen shot of his facebook. You don't get to decide a person's race. They get to self identify themselves and you learn to deal with it.
Nothing you post is credible. Your post just reveals you are pretty stupid. He was in feral monkey mode. Of course he is white.
There you go, reverting to racial slurs and making uneducated claims about race. A category that has zero scientific validity, Bill Nye said so. You are the only ignorant one here who lacks credibility.
I didnt say anything about race. I said he was white.
White what?
white monkey?
More racial slurs, just exposing your ignorance here.
He is a homo sapien. And he is of peach skin. White is like the color of paper. His skin is not the color of paper. I think the proper pigmentation designation would be light peach.
Last edited:
WCSC Police searching for suspect following downtown Charleston shooting

Story is breaking. Very little info. Its an AME church. Traditionally black church. Suspect said white male in early 20s who is still loose. News says 8 victims. Havent said if they're deceased or just wounded. Havent revealed their identity. No other details. Horrible story unfolding.
There are some serious cultural problems in the white community.
I expect leaders in their community to come forward and address this. The white community needs to think long and hard about this.
Why? It wasn't the white community that committed this crime.
This is the world wide web. Provide a link showing the last time a black person shot up a church or elementary school full of women and children, or STFU.

You're really a mouthy and stupid fuck, you know that scumbag?

Boko Haram attacks five churches in Northern Nigeria Christian News on Christian Today


Did I mention you're really mouthy and stupid?

You are
another puke who does nothing BUT SPEW foul shit out their ass. how do we get so damn lucky:puke:
they joined IN 2009. Must have been sitting at the dailykos all this time

Did I miss your expressions of condolence for families of the victims, Stephanie ?

No. She never expressed them. After all, it was only "black" people who were murdered in cold blood, what does Stephanie care about that? Why, for all we know, she may start calling the victims "feral" or something like that.
She's clutching her pearls right now over the President's speech.
Race is just a social construct. We all bleed red.
Who said anything about race? We are talking about color, physiognomy and the perps own words. He obviously identified himself as being "white" when he stated his purpose for the killings to a survivor!
I don't see how the pigment of his skin caused him to murder. That is pretty racist on your part. Your claim would conflict with his own Facebook post where he self identifies as black. Also some self identified blacks have lighter skin than self identified whites. That is an arbitrary categorization.

Oh no,chuckles. First of all, I don't believe in race. But this guy is definitely of European stock as shown not only by his lack of pigmentation but by his physiognomy as well. I haven't seen any reference to his face book page but if the statement uttered during the shooting is correct, he certainly lost his questionable black identity then and there. He was white during the shooting!
Lol, ok Adolf. Saying "racial" groups all have certain features. Do all jews have a large hook nose as well?

Tell me, what facial feature caused him to murder?

Self identification remains unless the person decides to change it in their mind. You don't lose it because of your actions. Otherwise, all self identified blacks who murder other self identified blacks would no longer be black. You don't get to steal their identity from them.

You have yet to back up yuor assertion that he self identified as black... How about starting with that first...proof puleeze!
I did. I posted it a couple pages back. But since racist bigots like you cant use the search function . I will post it again.

Nothing you post is credible. Your post just reveals you are pretty stupid. He was in feral monkey mode. Of course he is white.
There you go, reverting to racial slurs and making uneducated claims about race. A category that has zero scientific validity, Bill Nye said so. You are the only ignorant one here who lacks credibility.
I didnt say anything about race. I said he was white.
White what?
white monkey?
More racial slurs, just exposing your ignorance here.
He is a homo sapien. And he is of peach skin. White is like the color of paper. His skin is not the color of paper. I think the proper pigmentation who be light peach.
Hes a monkey like you. Homo Sapiens are humans. No he is white just like Black people are called Black even though they range from light tan to blue Black. White identifies his culture not his bleached out pinkish skin tone.
This is the world wide web. Provide a link showing the last time a black person shot up a church or elementary school full of women and children, or STFU.

You're really a mouthy and stupid fuck, you know that scumbag?

Boko Haram attacks five churches in Northern Nigeria Christian News on Christian Today


Did I mention you're really mouthy and stupid?

You are
another puke who does nothing BUT SPEW foul shit out their ass. how do we get so damn lucky:puke:
they joined IN 2009. Must have been sitting at the dailykos all this time

Did I miss your expressions of condolence for families of the victims, Stephanie ?

No. She never expressed them. After all, it was only "black" people who were murdered in cold blood, what does Stephanie care about that? Why, for all we know, she may start calling the victims "feral" or something like that.
She's clutching her pearls right now over the President's speech.

Her pearls or THE PEARL? :lol: I think she is in love with Obama..a secret crush!
Race is just a social construct. We all bleed red.
Who said anything about race? We are talking about color, physiognomy and the perps own words. He obviously identified himself as being "white" when he stated his purpose for the killings to a survivor!
I will believe it when he comes out and publicly states it. I remember "hands up don't shoot" farce.

Well, we don't really know that "hands up don't shoot" was really a farce for sure. But that has no bearing on this case at all. Are you implying that all Blacks lie; especially those who obviously are conservative church goers? How dare you!
If your too stupid to figure out that "hand's up don't shoot" never happened then I suppose you believe O.J. was innocent? All I am saying is the track record of the liberal media is one of a rush to judgement and painting these incidents as purely racial motivated. Remember Andrew Zimmerman was a "White-Hispanic?" The guy was a nut job. Also, does the media report on Black on White crime in the same manner? Nope. I'm sick of the race card and how it's played in this country. Regardless of his motives he is a lunatic maniac.

If you are stupid enough to accept everything the right tells you probably believe Casebolt was innocent. All I am saying is that that the word "liberal" is dispensed far too often by people who don't have a clue as to what it means. Some editorials in the media are liberal and others in the same media are more conservative.

Your attempt to compare this hateful murderous incursion into a religious sanctuary with black thuggery is ludicrous. Black thugs don't walk into white churches and kill people. At least not yet.. Neither have I heard of them blowing up white churches or setting them on fire. Unfortunately, there is something uniquely "white" about that. White Christians would likely agree with me!
I know what "liberal" means and I also know that "progressivism" died out in the 1920's so we have no "progressives" in the United States. I never equated this too "black thuggery" but was simply pointing out the weakness of your comments.
WCSC Police searching for suspect following downtown Charleston shooting

Story is breaking. Very little info. Its an AME church. Traditionally black church. Suspect said white male in early 20s who is still loose. News says 8 victims. Havent said if they're deceased or just wounded. Havent revealed their identity. No other details. Horrible story unfolding.
There are some serious cultural problems in the white community.
I expect leaders in their community to come forward and address this. The white community needs to think long and hard about this.
Why? It wasn't the white community that committed this crime.
Yes it was.
Race is just a social construct. We all bleed red.
Who said anything about race? We are talking about color, physiognomy and the perps own words. He obviously identified himself as being "white" when he stated his purpose for the killings to a survivor!
I will believe it when he comes out and publicly states it. I remember "hands up don't shoot" farce.

Well, we don't really know that "hands up don't shoot" was really a farce for sure. But that has no bearing on this case at all. Are you implying that all Blacks lie; especially those who obviously are conservative church goers? How dare you!
If your too stupid to figure out that "hand's up don't shoot" never happened then I suppose you believe O.J. was innocent? All I am saying is the track record of the liberal media is one of a rush to judgement and painting these incidents as purely racial motivated. Remember Andrew Zimmerman was a "White-Hispanic?" The guy was a nut job. Also, does the media report on Black on White crime in the same manner? Nope. I'm sick of the race card and how it's played in this country. Regardless of his motives he is a lunatic maniac.

If you are stupid enough to accept everything the right tells you probably believe Casebolt was innocent. All I am saying is that that the word "liberal" is dispensed far too often by people who don't have a clue as to what it means. Some editorials in the media are liberal and others in the same media are more conservative.

Your attempt to compare this hateful murderous incursion into a religious sanctuary with black thuggery is ludicrous. Black thugs don't walk into white churches and kill people. At least not yet.. Neither have I heard of them blowing up white churches or setting them on fire. Unfortunately, there is something uniquely "white" about that. White Christians would likely agree with me!
I do not identify as "right" or "left." I think "racism" is dispensed far too often in the media. Do not confuse "realism" with "racism."
There you go, reverting to racial slurs and making uneducated claims about race. A category that has zero scientific validity, Bill Nye said so. You are the only ignorant one here who lacks credibility.
I didnt say anything about race. I said he was white.
White what?
white monkey?
More racial slurs, just exposing your ignorance here.
He is a homo sapien. And he is of peach skin. White is like the color of paper. His skin is not the color of paper. I think the proper pigmentation who be light peach.
Hes a monkey like you. Homo Sapiens are humans. No he is white just like Black people are called Black even though they range from light tan to blue Black. White identifies his culture not his bleached out pinkish skin tone.
As rachel dolezal said, race is is culture, and he identifies as black. There is no such thing as biologically black or white.
WCSC Police searching for suspect following downtown Charleston shooting

Story is breaking. Very little info. Its an AME church. Traditionally black church. Suspect said white male in early 20s who is still loose. News says 8 victims. Havent said if they're deceased or just wounded. Havent revealed their identity. No other details. Horrible story unfolding.
There are some serious cultural problems in the white community.
I expect leaders in their community to come forward and address this. The white community needs to think long and hard about this.
Why? It wasn't the white community that committed this crime.

Well, technically, the white community produced the guy who did commit the crime. That is the same as saying blacks make up 13% of the population but commit 50% of all murders. That makes ALL blacks guilty by racial association. I won't stoop to that kind of state sanctioned racism ..I just threw it out there to keep things in context!
WCSC Police searching for suspect following downtown Charleston shooting

Story is breaking. Very little info. Its an AME church. Traditionally black church. Suspect said white male in early 20s who is still loose. News says 8 victims. Havent said if they're deceased or just wounded. Havent revealed their identity. No other details. Horrible story unfolding.
There are some serious cultural problems in the white community.
I expect leaders in their community to come forward and address this. The white community needs to think long and hard about this.
Why? It wasn't the white community that committed this crime.

Well, technically, the white community produced the guy who did commit the crime. That is the same as saying blacks make up 13% of the population but commit 50% of all murders. That makes ALL blacks guilty by racial association. I won't stoop to that kind of state sanctioned racism ..I just threw it out there to keep things in context!

Well, why not get back to the topic that this guy, whatever race he is (white), did this horrible thing has been captured and is waving extradition.
I didnt say anything about race. I said he was white.
White what?
white monkey?
More racial slurs, just exposing your ignorance here.
He is a homo sapien. And he is of peach skin. White is like the color of paper. His skin is not the color of paper. I think the proper pigmentation who be light peach.
Hes a monkey like you. Homo Sapiens are humans. No he is white just like Black people are called Black even though they range from light tan to blue Black. White identifies his culture not his bleached out pinkish skin tone.
As rachel dolezal said, race is is culture, and he identifies as black. There is no such thing as biologically black or white.
The entire human race is biologically Black. This guy is a monkey. Notice like a monkey he was cowardly and attacked people that wouldnt be able to harm him? That was pure cave ape instinct.
WCSC Police searching for suspect following downtown Charleston shooting

Story is breaking. Very little info. Its an AME church. Traditionally black church. Suspect said white male in early 20s who is still loose. News says 8 victims. Havent said if they're deceased or just wounded. Havent revealed their identity. No other details. Horrible story unfolding.
There are some serious cultural problems in the white community.
I expect leaders in their community to come forward and address this. The white community needs to think long and hard about this.
Why? It wasn't the white community that committed this crime.

Well, technically, the white community produced the guy who did commit the crime. That is the same as saying blacks make up 13% of the population but commit 50% of all murders. That makes ALL blacks guilty by racial association. I won't stoop to that kind of state sanctioned racism ..I just threw it out there to keep things in context!
No they did not. His parents produced the guy who committed the crime.

Whites make up a majority of the population, but commit fewer gun crimes than the 13% of blacks. However, it does not make ALL blacks guilty, only those the liberals have given up on.

Please wipe the South Carolina blood from your shoes before making prejudicial remarks.
Last edited:
Like in almost ALL psy-ops staged with actors the role playing culprit immediately after steps on stage.
Charleston church shooting hoax and arson attack damages Israel miracle church: parallel scripts
Hours later the South Carolina governor is already stating that actor playing "Dylann Roof" alias Macaulay Culkin "is in custody where he'll stay for the rest of his life", a joke about the fact that he's scripted to be "sentenced to death", same as fake Boston bombings and joker Tsarnaev.
Actor playing culprit in Israel soon to be "caught" and identified as "jewish extremist".

An overnight arson attack damaged a revered shrine in northern Israel where Christians believe Jesus performed a miracle, and police briefly detained 16 young Jewish settlers over the incident
Arson attack damages Israel miracle church - Yahoo News

Actor playing "Dylann Roof" is Macaulay Culkin. ´- Illuminati telling it in plain sight:
Demonic Macaulay Culkin Is The Latest Bad Twitter Joke After The Charleston Shooting

Netanyahu is a fake jew, a nazi agent part of the agenda "Destruction of Israel"
Hoaxes of End Times - exposed since 1998 Israel v Hamas fake war becomes a grotesque milestone after Egypt ruled by patriotic government

Almost all "news" now are psy-ops setting the stage for the BIG BANG
Big Bang is NOW - from annihilation of pensions and savings to race war

Why the resurrection of Osama Bin Laden, the scripted culprit for "missing Malaysia Boeing 777", ...
Illuminati parallel and reversed scripts Missing Malaysia Black box is a remake of 9 11 Shanlksville

... was postponed again and again since Easter Sunday 2014:
Global Genocide Illuminati agenda Mandatory vaccination alias vassassination postponed FIVE times - WHY
Like in almost ALL psy-ops staged with actors the role playing culprit immediately after steps on stage.
Charleston church shooting hoax and arson attack damages Israel miracle church: parallel scripts
Hours later the South Carolina governor is already stating that actor playing "Dylann Roof" alias Macaulay Culkin "is in custody where he'll stay for the rest of his life", a joke about the fact that he's scripted to be "sentenced to death", same as fake Boston bombings and joker Tsarnaev.
Actor playing culprit in Israel soon to be "caught" and identified as "jewish extremist".

An overnight arson attack damaged a revered shrine in northern Israel where Christians believe Jesus performed a miracle, and police briefly detained 16 young Jewish settlers over the incident
Arson attack damages Israel miracle church - Yahoo News

Actor playing "Dylann Roof" is Macaulay Culkin. ´- Illuminati telling it in plain sight:
Demonic Macaulay Culkin Is The Latest Bad Twitter Joke After The Charleston Shooting

Netanyahu is a fake jew, a nazi agent part of the agenda "Destruction of Israel"
Hoaxes of End Times - exposed since 1998 Israel v Hamas fake war becomes a grotesque milestone after Egypt ruled by patriotic government

Almost all "news" now are psy-ops setting the stage for the BIG BANG
Big Bang is NOW - from annihilation of pensions and savings to race war

Why the resurrection of Osama Bin Laden, the scripted culprit for "missing Malaysia Boeing 777", ...
Illuminati parallel and reversed scripts Missing Malaysia Black box is a remake of 9 11 Shanlksville

... was postponed again and again since Easter Sunday 2014:
Global Genocide Illuminati agenda Mandatory vaccination alias vassassination postponed FIVE times - WHY

What the fuck is this gibberish?
Like in almost ALL psy-ops staged with actors the role playing culprit immediately after steps on stage.
Charleston church shooting hoax and arson attack damages Israel miracle church: parallel scripts
Hours later the South Carolina governor is already stating that actor playing "Dylann Roof" alias Macaulay Culkin "is in custody where he'll stay for the rest of his life", a joke about the fact that he's scripted to be "sentenced to death", same as fake Boston bombings and joker Tsarnaev.
Actor playing culprit in Israel soon to be "caught" and identified as "jewish extremist".

An overnight arson attack damaged a revered shrine in northern Israel where Christians believe Jesus performed a miracle, and police briefly detained 16 young Jewish settlers over the incident
Arson attack damages Israel miracle church - Yahoo News

Actor playing "Dylann Roof" is Macaulay Culkin. ´- Illuminati telling it in plain sight:
Demonic Macaulay Culkin Is The Latest Bad Twitter Joke After The Charleston Shooting

Netanyahu is a fake jew, a nazi agent part of the agenda "Destruction of Israel"
Hoaxes of End Times - exposed since 1998 Israel v Hamas fake war becomes a grotesque milestone after Egypt ruled by patriotic government

Almost all "news" now are psy-ops setting the stage for the BIG BANG
Big Bang is NOW - from annihilation of pensions and savings to race war

Why the resurrection of Osama Bin Laden, the scripted culprit for "missing Malaysia Boeing 777", ...
Illuminati parallel and reversed scripts Missing Malaysia Black box is a remake of 9 11 Shanlksville

... was postponed again and again since Easter Sunday 2014:
Global Genocide Illuminati agenda Mandatory vaccination alias vassassination postponed FIVE times - WHY

What the fuck is this gibberish?
He meant to post that in the conspiracy thread.
Who said anything about race? We are talking about color, physiognomy and the perps own words. He obviously identified himself as being "white" when he stated his purpose for the killings to a survivor!
I will believe it when he comes out and publicly states it. I remember "hands up don't shoot" farce.

Well, we don't really know that "hands up don't shoot" was really a farce for sure. But that has no bearing on this case at all. Are you implying that all Blacks lie; especially those who obviously are conservative church goers? How dare you!
If your too stupid to figure out that "hand's up don't shoot" never happened then I suppose you believe O.J. was innocent? All I am saying is the track record of the liberal media is one of a rush to judgement and painting these incidents as purely racial motivated. Remember Andrew Zimmerman was a "White-Hispanic?" The guy was a nut job. Also, does the media report on Black on White crime in the same manner? Nope. I'm sick of the race card and how it's played in this country. Regardless of his motives he is a lunatic maniac.

If you are stupid enough to accept everything the right tells you probably believe Casebolt was innocent. All I am saying is that that the word "liberal" is dispensed far too often by people who don't have a clue as to what it means. Some editorials in the media are liberal and others in the same media are more conservative.

Your attempt to compare this hateful murderous incursion into a religious sanctuary with black thuggery is ludicrous. Black thugs don't walk into white churches and kill people. At least not yet.. Neither have I heard of them blowing up white churches or setting them on fire. Unfortunately, there is something uniquely "white" about that. White Christians would likely agree with me!
I do not identify as "right" or "left." I think "racism" is dispensed far too often in the media. Do not confuse "realism" with "racism."

Racism exists because people believe in race and tend to congregate around people who look like themselves. In America, slavery had a huge impact on social roles assigned to people based on skin color and physiognomy. Some, not all, so-called "white people" felt that freed slaves, mexicans, asians and anyone who didn't look like them were taking something away from white people if they started to assimilate. The news media can and often does manipulate public opinion depending on which political faction is most against black progress at the time or who pays the most.

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