Breaking: Charleston SC, white male shoots 8 people at Souths oldest black church

Like in almost ALL psy-ops staged with actors the role playing culprit immediately after steps on stage.
Charleston church shooting hoax and arson attack damages Israel miracle church: parallel scripts
Hours later the South Carolina governor is already stating that actor playing "Dylann Roof" alias Macaulay Culkin "is in custody where he'll stay for the rest of his life", a joke about the fact that he's scripted to be "sentenced to death", same as fake Boston bombings and joker Tsarnaev.
Actor playing culprit in Israel soon to be "caught" and identified as "jewish extremist".

An overnight arson attack damaged a revered shrine in northern Israel where Christians believe Jesus performed a miracle, and police briefly detained 16 young Jewish settlers over the incident
Arson attack damages Israel miracle church - Yahoo News

Actor playing "Dylann Roof" is Macaulay Culkin. ´- Illuminati telling it in plain sight:
Demonic Macaulay Culkin Is The Latest Bad Twitter Joke After The Charleston Shooting

Netanyahu is a fake jew, a nazi agent part of the agenda "Destruction of Israel"
Hoaxes of End Times - exposed since 1998 Israel v Hamas fake war becomes a grotesque milestone after Egypt ruled by patriotic government

Almost all "news" now are psy-ops setting the stage for the BIG BANG
Big Bang is NOW - from annihilation of pensions and savings to race war

Why the resurrection of Osama Bin Laden, the scripted culprit for "missing Malaysia Boeing 777", ...
Illuminati parallel and reversed scripts Missing Malaysia Black box is a remake of 9 11 Shanlksville

... was postponed again and again since Easter Sunday 2014:
Global Genocide Illuminati agenda Mandatory vaccination alias vassassination postponed FIVE times - WHY

What the fuck is this gibberish?
He meant to post that in the conspiracy thread.

He missed.
Like in almost ALL psy-ops staged with actors the role playing culprit immediately after steps on stage.
Charleston church shooting hoax and arson attack damages Israel miracle church: parallel scripts
Hours later the South Carolina governor is already stating that actor playing "Dylann Roof" alias Macaulay Culkin "is in custody where he'll stay for the rest of his life", a joke about the fact that he's scripted to be "sentenced to death", same as fake Boston bombings and joker Tsarnaev.
Actor playing culprit in Israel soon to be "caught" and identified as "jewish extremist".

An overnight arson attack damaged a revered shrine in northern Israel where Christians believe Jesus performed a miracle, and police briefly detained 16 young Jewish settlers over the incident
Arson attack damages Israel miracle church - Yahoo News

Actor playing "Dylann Roof" is Macaulay Culkin. ´- Illuminati telling it in plain sight:
Demonic Macaulay Culkin Is The Latest Bad Twitter Joke After The Charleston Shooting

Netanyahu is a fake jew, a nazi agent part of the agenda "Destruction of Israel"
Hoaxes of End Times - exposed since 1998 Israel v Hamas fake war becomes a grotesque milestone after Egypt ruled by patriotic government

Almost all "news" now are psy-ops setting the stage for the BIG BANG
Big Bang is NOW - from annihilation of pensions and savings to race war

Why the resurrection of Osama Bin Laden, the scripted culprit for "missing Malaysia Boeing 777", ...
Illuminati parallel and reversed scripts Missing Malaysia Black box is a remake of 9 11 Shanlksville

... was postponed again and again since Easter Sunday 2014:
Global Genocide Illuminati agenda Mandatory vaccination alias vassassination postponed FIVE times - WHY

What the fuck is this gibberish?
WCSC Police searching for suspect following downtown Charleston shooting

Story is breaking. Very little info. Its an AME church. Traditionally black church. Suspect said white male in early 20s who is still loose. News says 8 victims. Havent said if they're deceased or just wounded. Havent revealed their identity. No other details. Horrible story unfolding.
There are some serious cultural problems in the white community.
I expect leaders in their community to come forward and address this. The white community needs to think long and hard about this.
Why? It wasn't the white community that committed this crime.

Well, technically, the white community produced the guy who did commit the crime. That is the same as saying blacks make up 13% of the population but commit 50% of all murders. That makes ALL blacks guilty by racial association. I won't stoop to that kind of state sanctioned racism ..I just threw it out there to keep things in context!
No they did not. His parents produced the guy who committed the crime.

Whites make up a majority of the population, but commit fewer gun crimes than the 13% of blacks. However, it does not make ALL blacks guilty, only those the liberals have given up on.

Please wipe the Northern Carolina blood from your shoes before making prejudicial remarks.
No the white community did. His reason for committing the murders smack of white privilege. The white culture taught him this. Whites dont have a shred of credibility when they claim Blacks have a culture problem but when a white boy does something he gets the lone wolf treatment. I know I wont allow that.
Roof’s Facebook profile photo, which was changed on May 21, features him in a wooded scene wearing a jacket with multiple patches, one of which appears to be the flag of Apartheid-era South Africa.

On Wednesday night, officials were already calling the shooting a hate crime and one church member described hearing that the shooter had used racially charged language during the attack: “He just said 'I have to do it. You rape our women and you're taking over our country. And you have to go,'" said Sylvia Johnson—the cousin of one of the reported victims, South Carolina state senator and Rev. Clementa Pinckney—recounting a description of one of the survivors.

Aside from the photo, there isn't much on the public portion of Roof’s Facebook page. His apparent MySpace page is even more cryptic, featuring just a photo of a dog and a Sunkist can and the following song from the Christian metal band A Thousand Times Repent.
this threads hilarious- the libs who want to find reasons WHY the evil muslims flew planes into the wtc and killed over 3,000 now don't care why this kid killed EIGHT people.

Secondly, looks like the chickens have come home to roost. Whites have been killed and raped by blacks for decades.
There are some serious cultural problems in the white community.
I expect leaders in their community to come forward and address this. The white community needs to think long and hard about this.
Why? It wasn't the white community that committed this crime.

Well, technically, the white community produced the guy who did commit the crime. That is the same as saying blacks make up 13% of the population but commit 50% of all murders. That makes ALL blacks guilty by racial association. I won't stoop to that kind of state sanctioned racism ..I just threw it out there to keep things in context!
No they did not. His parents produced the guy who committed the crime.

Whites make up a majority of the population, but commit fewer gun crimes than the 13% of blacks. However, it does not make ALL blacks guilty, only those the liberals have given up on.

Please wipe the Northern Carolina blood from your shoes before making prejudicial remarks.
No the white community did. His reason for committing the murders smack of white privilege. The white culture taught him this. Whites dont have a shred of credibility when they claim Blacks have a culture problem but when a white boy does something he gets the lone wolf treatment. I know I wont allow that.

I'm predicting it's going to come out that his medication (prescribed and self prescribed) was the cause, not his culture.
More racial slurs, just exposing your ignorance here.
He is a homo sapien. And he is of peach skin. White is like the color of paper. His skin is not the color of paper. I think the proper pigmentation who be light peach.
Hes a monkey like you. Homo Sapiens are humans. No he is white just like Black people are called Black even though they range from light tan to blue Black. White identifies his culture not his bleached out pinkish skin tone.
As rachel dolezal said, race is is culture, and he identifies as black. There is no such thing as biologically black or white.
The entire human race is biologically Black. This guy is a monkey. Notice like a monkey he was cowardly and attacked people that wouldnt be able to harm him? That was pure cave ape instinct.
There are no biological races. He was a human being, not a biologically black monkey. His black self identification had nothing to do with the murders. Race doesn't matter here. Focus on the families of lost ones rather than trying to demonize others.
if black people dont start to stfu, stop killing and stealing and using the system expect many more of these shootings. book it. White people can only take so much and no- as a Christian i would never condone killing of anyone- red black or yellow, period.
Have the Charleston thugs started looting and shooting at white cops yet?
Progressives have tried to portray every shooter for the past ten years as a right wing teaper extremist. So far, all the shooters have been progressives. Eventually you'll get it right. Law of averages and all. However, in this case we don't know yet. Odds are it is indeed some sick racist asshole who did the deed. And yes, were one of the folks armed in the church the asshole wouldn't have killed as many.
So far all what shooters have been progressives? All murderers? Kind of a broad brush there, especially for you.

Every major shooting that has been reported was perpetrated by a progressive. Gabby Giffords, the three muslim students killed over a parking spot, the movie theatre shooting, all of them perpetrated by violent extremists......who just happened to be progressives. Hell, members of the Southern Poverty Law Center (a well known progressive group) have murdered more people in the last three years then the Klan has in the last 20.
Who has the law center killed? It is more a matter of crazy than politics, but there are plenty of right wing killers.

I didn't say the SPLC had killed anyone, I said their MEMBERS had. Learn to read. Craig Hicks (look him up) and Floyd Lee Corkins have murdered three people (that we know of ) and only a brave security guard prevented Corkins from murdering many, many people that the SPLC thinks is an extremist group. They're not, but the SPLC refuses to fix the mistake in their data base that set good old Corkins off on his attempted murder spree.
You are making no sense. If they have not killed anyone, then their members have not. Learn to write.

I have. Members of the SPLC have murdered more people in the last three years than the Klan has in the past 20 years. That's a fact. Deal with it.
2008, the offending rate for blacks (24.7 offenders per 100,000) was seven times higher than the rate for whites (3.4 offenders per 100,000), according to the latest figures from the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS).
So far all what shooters have been progressives? All murderers? Kind of a broad brush there, especially for you.

Every major shooting that has been reported was perpetrated by a progressive. Gabby Giffords, the three muslim students killed over a parking spot, the movie theatre shooting, all of them perpetrated by violent extremists......who just happened to be progressives. Hell, members of the Southern Poverty Law Center (a well known progressive group) have murdered more people in the last three years then the Klan has in the last 20.
Who has the law center killed? It is more a matter of crazy than politics, but there are plenty of right wing killers.

I didn't say the SPLC had killed anyone, I said their MEMBERS had. Learn to read. Craig Hicks (look him up) and Floyd Lee Corkins have murdered three people (that we know of ) and only a brave security guard prevented Corkins from murdering many, many people that the SPLC thinks is an extremist group. They're not, but the SPLC refuses to fix the mistake in their data base that set good old Corkins off on his attempted murder spree.
You are making no sense. If they have not killed anyone, then their members have not. Learn to write.

I have. Members of the SPLC have murdered more people in the last three years than the Klan has in the past 20 years. That's a fact. Deal with it.
Bullshit -
I did. I posted it a couple pages back. But since racist bigots like you cant use the search function . I will post it again.

Dumbass, I asked for the face-book posting of Roof, not that of some woman passing for black. That is old news. Are you really that dense?
2008, the offending rate for blacks (24.7 offenders per 100,000) was seven times higher than the rate for whites (3.4 offenders per 100,000), according to the latest figures from the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS).
I don't see why race matters there.
2008, the offending rate for blacks (24.7 offenders per 100,000) was seven times higher than the rate for whites (3.4 offenders per 100,000), according to the latest figures from the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS).
I don't see why race matters there.

white on black crime 3.4
black on white 24.7.

race matter because blacks carry out their racist crimes on whites 7 times more. Blacks thus are seven times more racist and likely to kill a white person.
WCSC Police searching for suspect following downtown Charleston shooting

Story is breaking. Very little info. Its an AME church. Traditionally black church. Suspect said white male in early 20s who is still loose. News says 8 victims. Havent said if they're deceased or just wounded. Havent revealed their identity. No other details. Horrible story unfolding.
There are some serious cultural problems in the white community.
I expect leaders in their community to come forward and address this. The white community needs to think long and hard about this.
Why? It wasn't the white community that committed this crime.

Well, technically, the white community produced the guy who did commit the crime. That is the same as saying blacks make up 13% of the population but commit 50% of all murders. That makes ALL blacks guilty by racial association. I won't stoop to that kind of state sanctioned racism ..I just threw it out there to keep things in context!

Well, why not get back to the topic that this guy, whatever race he is (white), did this horrible thing has been captured and is waving extradition.

Why not let what I said sink in a bit before you move on.
2008, the offending rate for blacks (24.7 offenders per 100,000) was seven times higher than the rate for whites (3.4 offenders per 100,000), according to the latest figures from the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS).
I don't see why race matters there.

white on black crime 3.4
black on white 24.7.

race matter because blacks carry out their racist crimes on whites 7 times more. Blacks thus are seven times more racist and likely to kill a white person.
Race doesn't exist. Bill Nye said so.

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