Breaking: Charleston SC, white male shoots 8 people at Souths oldest black church

They will be trying to paint the shooter as a liberal.

Progressives have tried to portray every shooter for the past ten years as a right wing teaper extremist. So far, all the shooters have been progressives. Eventually you'll get it right. Law of averages and all. However, in this case we don't know yet. Odds are it is indeed some sick racist asshole who did the deed. And yes, were one of the folks armed in the church the asshole wouldn't have killed as many.
So far all what shooters have been progressives? All murderers? Kind of a broad brush there, especially for you.

Every major shooting that has been reported was perpetrated by a progressive. Gabby Giffords, the three muslim students killed over a parking spot, the movie theatre shooting, all of them perpetrated by violent extremists......who just happened to be progressives. Hell, members of the Southern Poverty Law Center (a well known progressive group) have murdered more people in the last three years then the Klan has in the last 20.
Who has the law center killed? It is more a matter of crazy than politics, but there are plenty of right wing killers.

I didn't say the SPLC had killed anyone, I said their MEMBERS had. Learn to read. Craig Hicks (look him up) and Floyd Lee Corkins have murdered three people (that we know of ) and only a brave security guard prevented Corkins from murdering many, many people that the SPLC thinks is an extremist group. They're not, but the SPLC refuses to fix the mistake in their data base that set good old Corkins off on his attempted murder spree.
You are making no sense. If they have not killed anyone, then their members have not. Learn to write.
I dont disagree with how he ID's himself. I disagree with you believing he was Black.
Take it up with him and mark Zuckerberg. He said so on facebook.
He is in jail. How could he say so on facebook?
he said it prior to the shooting. I posted his post earlier.
If you posted it then it wasnt credible. The only thing Black about him was his car.
It is credible. It was a screen shot of his facebook. You don't get to decide a person's race. They get to self identify themselves and you learn to deal with it.
Nothing you post is credible. Your post just reveals you are pretty stupid. He was in feral monkey mode. Of course he is white.
Sounds like another troubled youth with a bad haircut needing medication for depression.......and not getting the help he needs.

Somewhere there is a counsellor or shrink saying "I was wondering when he was going to go off."
The difference is you can see the crazy in in Adam Lanza's eyes. The look in Roofs eyes is lucid demon possessed pure evil. As for shrinks, yeah they are afraid of labeling people, patient confidentially and law suits. We don't need gun control we need better mental health options.

Both of them are crazy-assed Crackers.
Lanza is crazy in the true sense of the word. I'm not so sure about Roof. If what I've heard is true he has shown clear thinking even though the thinking was evil.
Has Barry claimed any of the victims could have been a relative of his yet? It never ceases to amaze me how he personalizes blacks crime victims but has no such empathy for white victims...where I come from (Detroit) that's racism.

with him POKING HIS NOSE into everything happening in our STATES for one. and two coming out and saying this ugly crap.

Is the reason we are now dealing with shootings, riots, looting's, cities being on fire, etc
I've never seen anything like this from a President since I've been voting starting with Carter
I don't know if we can take much more of him.

Move to Russia, you will fit right in.
By Monday the kid's .45 will become an "assault rifle with an 80 shot CLIP" and a new Brady bill will be brought before the House. I wonder if it's occurred to the prog trash here that mounting violence by blacks against whites wouldn't result in something like this sooner or later?

In summary: Its not the white dudes fault its blacks fault he shot them up.

..funny thing is that bigots never lay blame at their own feet..its always the victims fault.

awww, the word racist has already been thrown out there. and now here come's the bigot word
do you people who evidently doesn't think your poop stinks like everyone , know anything else but to call people names? don't answer we already know. when you have nothing it's what you do. pathetic is what it is

Steph there are going to be a lot of words on a message board. I just want you to be prepared and not totally taken a back

Give her time. She is still learning to spell many of those words out.
Sounds like another troubled youth with a bad haircut needing medication for depression.......and not getting the help he needs.

Somewhere there is a counsellor or shrink saying "I was wondering when he was going to go off."
The difference is you can see the crazy in in Adam Lanza's eyes. The look in Roofs eyes is lucid demon possessed pure evil. As for shrinks, yeah they are afraid of labeling people, patient confidentially and law suits. We don't need gun control we need better mental health options.

Yeah....this guy looks crazy too.

Look at that fucked up haircut.
He'e playing a character,it's not real life.
Well it's a valid question. How do you know the shooter is white?

Because the security cameras shows he might have been your son!
Race is just a social construct. We all bleed red.
Who said anything about race? We are talking about color, physiognomy and the perps own words. He obviously identified himself as being "white" when he stated his purpose for the killings to a survivor!
I don't see how the pigment of his skin caused him to murder. That is pretty racist on your part. Your claim would conflict with his own Facebook post where he self identifies as black. Also some self identified blacks have lighter skin than self identified whites. That is an arbitrary categorization.

Oh no,chuckles. First of all, I don't believe in race. But this guy is definitely of European stock as shown not only by his lack of pigmentation but by his physiognomy as well. I haven't seen any reference to his face book page but if the statement uttered during the shooting is correct, he certainly lost his questionable black identity then and there. He was white during the shooting!
Lol, ok Adolf. Saying "racial" groups all have certain features. Do all jews have a large hook nose as well?

Tell me, what facial feature caused him to murder?

Self identification remains unless the person decides to change it in their mind. You don't lose it because of your actions. Otherwise, all self identified blacks who murder other self identified blacks would no longer be black. You don't get to steal their identity from them.
Has Barry claimed any of the victims could have been a relative of his yet? It never ceases to amaze me how he personalizes blacks crime victims but has no such empathy for white victims...where I come from (Detroit) that's racism.

with him POKING HIS NOSE into everything happening in our STATES for one. and two coming out and saying this ugly crap.

Is the reason we are now dealing with shootings, riots, looting's, cities being on fire, etc
I've never seen anything like this from a President since I've been voting starting with Carter
I don't know if we can take much more of him.

Move to Russia, you will fit right in.
Russian chicks are thick and look pretty good.. No she wouldnt.
Just another black on black crime.

I'm actually surprised it took this long to throw her into the mix.
Well it's a valid question. How do you know the shooter is white?

I feel bad for the victims of the shooting. Wrong place at the wrong time.

How do we know the shooter is white??? WTH? Have you not seen the pics?
He has but he was beat with a dummy reverse stick as a youth.
Take it up with him and mark Zuckerberg. He said so on facebook.
He is in jail. How could he say so on facebook?
he said it prior to the shooting. I posted his post earlier.
If you posted it then it wasnt credible. The only thing Black about him was his car.
It is credible. It was a screen shot of his facebook. You don't get to decide a person's race. They get to self identify themselves and you learn to deal with it.
Nothing you post is credible. Your post just reveals you are pretty stupid. He was in feral monkey mode. Of course he is white.
There you go, reverting to racial slurs and making uneducated claims about race. A category that has zero scientific validity, Bill Nye said so. You are the only ignorant one here who lacks credibility.
This is the world wide web. Provide a link showing the last time a black person shot up a church or elementary school full of women and children, or STFU.

You're really a mouthy and stupid fuck, you know that scumbag?

Boko Haram attacks five churches in Northern Nigeria Christian News on Christian Today


Did I mention you're really mouthy and stupid?

You are
another puke who does nothing BUT SPEW foul shit out their ass. how do we get so damn lucky:puke:
they joined IN 2009. Must have been sitting at the dailykos all this time

Did I miss your expressions of condolence for families of the victims, Stephanie ?

No. She never expressed them. After all, it was only "black" people who were murdered in cold blood, what does Stephanie care about that? Why, for all we know, she may start calling the victims "feral" or something like that.
He is in jail. How could he say so on facebook?
he said it prior to the shooting. I posted his post earlier.
If you posted it then it wasnt credible. The only thing Black about him was his car.
It is credible. It was a screen shot of his facebook. You don't get to decide a person's race. They get to self identify themselves and you learn to deal with it.
Nothing you post is credible. Your post just reveals you are pretty stupid. He was in feral monkey mode. Of course he is white.
There you go, reverting to racial slurs and making uneducated claims about race. A category that has zero scientific validity, Bill Nye said so. You are the only ignorant one here who lacks credibility.
I didnt say anything about race. I said he was white.
Just another black on black crime.

I'm actually surprised it took this long to throw her into the mix.
Well it's a valid question. How do you know the shooter is white?

I feel bad for the victims of the shooting. Wrong place at the wrong time.

How do we know the shooter is white??? WTH? Have you not seen the pics?
I don't see race. It is a social construct.
he said it prior to the shooting. I posted his post earlier.
If you posted it then it wasnt credible. The only thing Black about him was his car.
It is credible. It was a screen shot of his facebook. You don't get to decide a person's race. They get to self identify themselves and you learn to deal with it.
Nothing you post is credible. Your post just reveals you are pretty stupid. He was in feral monkey mode. Of course he is white.
There you go, reverting to racial slurs and making uneducated claims about race. A category that has zero scientific validity, Bill Nye said so. You are the only ignorant one here who lacks credibility.
I didnt say anything about race. I said he was white.
White what?
Because the security cameras shows he might have been your son!
Race is just a social construct. We all bleed red.
Who said anything about race? We are talking about color, physiognomy and the perps own words. He obviously identified himself as being "white" when he stated his purpose for the killings to a survivor!
I will believe it when he comes out and publicly states it. I remember "hands up don't shoot" farce.

Well, we don't really know that "hands up don't shoot" was really a farce for sure. But that has no bearing on this case at all. Are you implying that all Blacks lie; especially those who obviously are conservative church goers? How dare you!
If your too stupid to figure out that "hand's up don't shoot" never happened then I suppose you believe O.J. was innocent? All I am saying is the track record of the liberal media is one of a rush to judgement and painting these incidents as purely racial motivated. Remember Andrew Zimmerman was a "White-Hispanic?" The guy was a nut job. Also, does the media report on Black on White crime in the same manner? Nope. I'm sick of the race card and how it's played in this country. Regardless of his motives he is a lunatic maniac.

If you are stupid enough to accept everything the right tells you probably believe Casebolt was innocent. All I am saying is that that the word "liberal" is dispensed far too often by people who don't have a clue as to what it means. Some editorials in the media are liberal and others in the same media are more conservative.

Your attempt to compare this hateful murderous incursion into a religious sanctuary with black thuggery is ludicrous. Black thugs don't walk into white churches and kill people. At least not yet.. Neither have I heard of them blowing up white churches or setting them on fire. Unfortunately, there is something uniquely "white" about that. White Christians would likely agree with me!
If you posted it then it wasnt credible. The only thing Black about him was his car.
It is credible. It was a screen shot of his facebook. You don't get to decide a person's race. They get to self identify themselves and you learn to deal with it.
Nothing you post is credible. Your post just reveals you are pretty stupid. He was in feral monkey mode. Of course he is white.
There you go, reverting to racial slurs and making uneducated claims about race. A category that has zero scientific validity, Bill Nye said so. You are the only ignorant one here who lacks credibility.
I didnt say anything about race. I said he was white.
White what?
white monkey?
Because the security cameras shows he might have been your son!
Race is just a social construct. We all bleed red.
Who said anything about race? We are talking about color, physiognomy and the perps own words. He obviously identified himself as being "white" when he stated his purpose for the killings to a survivor!
I don't see how the pigment of his skin caused him to murder. That is pretty racist on your part. Your claim would conflict with his own Facebook post where he self identifies as black. Also some self identified blacks have lighter skin than self identified whites. That is an arbitrary categorization.

Oh no,chuckles. First of all, I don't believe in race. But this guy is definitely of European stock as shown not only by his lack of pigmentation but by his physiognomy as well. I haven't seen any reference to his face book page but if the statement uttered during the shooting is correct, he certainly lost his questionable black identity then and there. He was white during the shooting!
Lol, ok Adolf. Saying "racial" groups all have certain features. Do all jews have a large hook nose as well?

Tell me, what facial feature caused him to murder?

Self identification remains unless the person decides to change it in their mind. You don't lose it because of your actions. Otherwise, all self identified blacks who murder other self identified blacks would no longer be black. You don't get to steal their identity from them.

You have yet to back up yuor assertion that he self identified as black... How about starting with that first...proof puleeze!

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