Breaking: Chuck Schumer (A Jew) Takes The 5th On Trump Wiretapping

He didn't take the Fifth. He just said he wouldn't reveal classified information. On the same show, James Clapper make it crystal clear a few minutes later that the President's accusations never happened. He said so flat out.

Tell me please that you really don't expect anyone to believe that Clapper is a truthful human being?

He commited perjury on a massive scale.
But you would believe Trump who is a compulsive liar? Your credibility is lacking.
You believe your compulsive liars. As a matter of fact, every presidential candidate you folks voted for the last 30 years proved to be nothing but compulsive liars.
  1. Bill Clinton
  2. Al Gore
  3. John Kerry
  4. Hillary Clinton
WOMD ,,,,,,,game over
Amy's uncle....he's all about TRUTH and PRIVACY.


Holy Shit...that is hilarious.

You can only take the 5th when being question under oath when the government has the power to compel you to reply to their questions.

As for this, no one can infer anything from this. Schumer, in this interview, did the right thing. We do not want our government officials talking about classified information to the media.

Well it's actually shocking that Schumer kept his mouth shut considering all the bloody leaking that's happened since Trump was elected.

Marco Rubio was asked the same question this morning and also kept his mouth shut.
This happened moments ago. You see the look on Shumers face? He knows that the shit has hit the fan.
Katrina Pierson on Fox this morning said Trump has access to information we haven't seen yet. So let them deny, deny, deny. Then drop the proof bomb on them.

thankfully white chister trash is dying off and your spawn will know their place

The LORD Almighty will bless them, saying, "Blessed be Egypt my people, Assyria my handiwork, and Israel my inheritance.

The LORD said Israel is for the Jews was never for the goyim who are idolotors

  1. God never brought goyim or their ancestors out of Egypt! Ex 20:2 "I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery."
  2. The Lord has not given any goy the promised land of Canaan! Ex 20:12 "Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be prolonged in the land which the Lord your God gives you"
  3. Since the Sabbath is a sign between God and fleshly Israel, there is nothing requiring goyim to keep it! (Ex. 31:13,17; Ezek. 20:12, 20)
  4. If it was intended for all mankind, then why specifically say "strangers within your gates". Obviously the goyim (strangers) were never required at any point in earth history to keep the Sabbath

^ THAT Steve_McGarrett :eusa_naughty:

He didn't take the Fifth. He just said he wouldn't reveal classified information. On the same show, James Clapper make it crystal clear a few minutes later that the President's accusations never happened. He said so flat out.
And he's a flat out proven liar.

James Clapper Lied to Congress About NSA Surveillance. He Should Be Fired.
Fire James Clapper
The Director of National Intelligence lied to Congress about NSA surveillance. What else will he lie about?

Back at an open congressional hearing on March 12, Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) asked Clapper, “Does the NSA collect any type of data at all on millions or hundreds of millions of Americans?” Clapper replied, “No sir … not wittingly.” As we all now know, he was lying.

We also now know that Clapper knew he was lying. In an interview with NBC’s Andrea Mitchell that aired this past Sunday, Clapper was asked why he answered Wyden the way he did. He replied:

“I thought, though in retrospect, I was asked [a] ‘when are you going to … stop beating your wife’ kind of question, which is … not answerable necessarily by a simple yes or no. So I responded in what I thought was the most truthful, or least untruthful, manner by saying, ‘No.’ ”
But you believe Trump who is a compulsive liar.
Obama and Hillary is a compulsive liar. Lies that effect my life. Trump brags about crowd size that you retards go ape shit. You have different values than I do. And that was a stupid attempt at deflection, bongboy.
He lies about more than just crowd size. He has racked up over 70 lies since he took over.
Yeah right. Obama lies about health care and you can't be bothered. But then again you live in Ireland and don't give a shit what we have to pay. Your opinion is worthless.
He didn't take the Fifth. He just said he wouldn't reveal classified information. On the same show, James Clapper make it crystal clear a few minutes later that the President's accusations never happened. He said so flat out.
What he said was that there was no wire tap of trump, or trump campaign aids being wire tapped, and then said there was no wire tapping of Trump tower.

What he did not say, is that there was no FISA warrant for the surveillance of the Russian bank or banks that were communicating with a trump owned server, NOT LOCATED IN Trump tower.

There are two articles from Slate on Computer scientists say a Russian Bank is secretly communicating with a Trump server secretly..... Google it....

Well, in one of the two related articles, it states that it turns out, this trump server WAS NOT LOCATED in Trump tower as they had thought, but they traced its location to a Computer service company, hired by Trump to service and maintain it.

So that leaves open that the FISA warrant f r surveillance of the Russian bank or banks that was secretly communicating with TRUMPs server could still be out there even with Clappers statement being the truth.
Two FISA requests. One in June denied one in October granted.

For crying out loud people we've been told that all the intelligence agencies have been investigating not just Trump, not just his aides, but the whole bloody family including Ivanka's mother in law.

Sheesh. Is it really a stretch to think that the NSA wasn't wiretapping Trump Tower?

The spin now is changing into "Obama didn't order it and didn't know."

Obama was given daily intelligence briefings, and his own lawyers went to the FISA court for permission to spy on the Trump campaign, and to bug the very residence where Trump, his wife, and his 10 year old son lived.

In the middle of a Presidential election campaign. And Obama "didn't know."

Link? To a site that won't give my computer a disease?
He didn't take the Fifth. He just said he wouldn't reveal classified information. On the same show, James Clapper make it crystal clear a few minutes later that the President's accusations never happened. He said so flat out.
What he said was that there was no wire tap of trump, or trump campaign aids being wire tapped, and then said there was no wire tapping of Trump tower.

What he did not say, is that there was no FISA warrant for the surveillance of the Russian bank or banks that were communicating with a trump owned server, NOT LOCATED IN Trump tower.

There are two articles from Slate on Computer scientists say a Russian Bank is secretly communicating with a Trump server secretly..... Google it....

Well, in one of the two related articles, it states that it turns out, this trump server WAS NOT LOCATED in Trump tower as they had thought, but they traced its location to a Computer service company, hired by Trump to service and maintain it.

So that leaves open that the FISA warrant f r surveillance of the Russian bank or banks that was secretly communicating with TRUMPs server could still be out there even with Clappers statement being the truth.

Summary of Media Articles Discussing Obama’s FISA Warrants To Monitor Candidate/President Trump…
♦ National Review (Andrew McCarthy) Dated January 11th 2017:

[…] To summarize, it appears there were no grounds for a criminal investigation of banking violations against Trump. Presumably based on the fact that the bank or banks at issue were Russian, the Justice Department and the FBI decided to continue investigating on national-security grounds. A FISA application in which Trump was “named” was rejected by the FISA court as overbroad, notwithstanding that the FISA court usually looks kindly on government surveillance requests.

A second, more narrow application, apparently not naming Trump, may have been granted five months later; the best the media can say about it, however, is that the server on which the application centers is “possibly” related to the Trump campaign’s “alleged” links to two Russian banks — under circumstances in which the FBI has previously found no “nefarious purpose” in some (undescribed) connection between Trump Tower and at least one Russian bank (whose connection to Putin’s regime is not described). (link with more links)
He didn't take the Fifth. He just said he wouldn't reveal classified information. On the same show, James Clapper make it crystal clear a few minutes later that the President's accusations never happened. He said so flat out.
And he's a flat out proven liar.

James Clapper Lied to Congress About NSA Surveillance. He Should Be Fired.
Fire James Clapper
The Director of National Intelligence lied to Congress about NSA surveillance. What else will he lie about?

Back at an open congressional hearing on March 12, Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) asked Clapper, “Does the NSA collect any type of data at all on millions or hundreds of millions of Americans?” Clapper replied, “No sir … not wittingly.” As we all now know, he was lying.

We also now know that Clapper knew he was lying. In an interview with NBC’s Andrea Mitchell that aired this past Sunday, Clapper was asked why he answered Wyden the way he did. He replied:

“I thought, though in retrospect, I was asked [a] ‘when are you going to … stop beating your wife’ kind of question, which is … not answerable necessarily by a simple yes or no. So I responded in what I thought was the most truthful, or least untruthful, manner by saying, ‘No.’ ”
But you believe Trump who is a compulsive liar.
Obama and Hillary is a compulsive liar. Lies that effect my life. Trump brags about crowd size that you retards go ape shit. You have different values than I do. And that was a stupid attempt at deflection, bongboy.
He lies about more than just crowd size. He has racked up over 70 lies since he took over.
Yeah right. Obama lies about health care and you can't be bothered. But then again you live in Ireland and don't give a shit what we have to pay. Your opinion is worthless.
You are just too stupid to waste my time on any longer. Go away.
The Democrats consistent obstruction is leading to their total destruction. Their fear driven campaign to derail Trump has lead to broken laws from those highest in the Democratic party. Our first former president is about to be jailed.
And he's a flat out proven liar.

James Clapper Lied to Congress About NSA Surveillance. He Should Be Fired.
Fire James Clapper
The Director of National Intelligence lied to Congress about NSA surveillance. What else will he lie about?

Back at an open congressional hearing on March 12, Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) asked Clapper, “Does the NSA collect any type of data at all on millions or hundreds of millions of Americans?” Clapper replied, “No sir … not wittingly.” As we all now know, he was lying.

We also now know that Clapper knew he was lying. In an interview with NBC’s Andrea Mitchell that aired this past Sunday, Clapper was asked why he answered Wyden the way he did. He replied:

“I thought, though in retrospect, I was asked [a] ‘when are you going to … stop beating your wife’ kind of question, which is … not answerable necessarily by a simple yes or no. So I responded in what I thought was the most truthful, or least untruthful, manner by saying, ‘No.’ ”
But you believe Trump who is a compulsive liar.
Obama and Hillary is a compulsive liar. Lies that effect my life. Trump brags about crowd size that you retards go ape shit. You have different values than I do. And that was a stupid attempt at deflection, bongboy.
He lies about more than just crowd size. He has racked up over 70 lies since he took over.
Yeah right. Obama lies about health care and you can't be bothered. But then again you live in Ireland and don't give a shit what we have to pay. Your opinion is worthless.
You are just too stupid to waste my time on any longer. Go away.
You live overseas, stoned out of your mind and don't care how much we get screwed by our government and you want me to go away? Give the bong a rest.
He didn't take the Fifth. He just said he wouldn't reveal classified information. On the same show, James Clapper make it crystal clear a few minutes later that the President's accusations never happened. He said so flat out.
What he said was that there was no wire tap of trump, or trump campaign aids being wire tapped, and then said there was no wire tapping of Trump tower.

What he did not say, is that there was no FISA warrant for the surveillance of the Russian bank or banks that were communicating with a trump owned server, NOT LOCATED IN Trump tower.

There are two articles from Slate on Computer scientists say a Russian Bank is secretly communicating with a Trump server secretly..... Google it....

Well, in one of the two related articles, it states that it turns out, this trump server WAS NOT LOCATED in Trump tower as they had thought, but they traced its location to a Computer service company, hired by Trump to service and maintain it.

So that leaves open that the FISA warrant f r surveillance of the Russian bank or banks that was secretly communicating with TRUMPs server could still be out there even with Clappers statement being the truth.
I read that article. It was pretty interesting. I think the inference behind Trump's accusations was that Obama pulled a Watergate type bug of his private communications during the campaign. The server/bank thing was requested as part of the investigation into Russian involvement in the campaign, not an investigation against Trump. If Trump heard that server/bank thing wrongly referred to as a "wiretap" and took it to mean his phones were bugged, he is talking about two entirely different things. Good luck trying to explain any of that to him, though. I sure as hell wouldn't want to be the aide assigned to that job.
But you believe Trump who is a compulsive liar.
Obama and Hillary is a compulsive liar. Lies that effect my life. Trump brags about crowd size that you retards go ape shit. You have different values than I do. And that was a stupid attempt at deflection, bongboy.
He lies about more than just crowd size. He has racked up over 70 lies since he took over.
Yeah right. Obama lies about health care and you can't be bothered. But then again you live in Ireland and don't give a shit what we have to pay. Your opinion is worthless.
You are just too stupid to waste my time on any longer. Go away.
You live overseas, stoned out of your mind and don't care how much we get screwed by our government and you want me to go away? Give the bong a rest.
See, you just talk about things that you know nothing about. Now go away, life will be so much better without you.
Last edited:
Obama and Hillary is a compulsive liar. Lies that effect my life. Trump brags about crowd size that you retards go ape shit. You have different values than I do. And that was a stupid attempt at deflection, bongboy.
He lies about more than just crowd size. He has racked up over 70 lies since he took over.
Yeah right. Obama lies about health care and you can't be bothered. But then again you live in Ireland and don't give a shit what we have to pay. Your opinion is worthless.
You are just too stupid to waste my time on any longer. Go away.
You live overseas, stoned out of your mind and don't care how much we get screwed by our government and you want me to go away? Give the bong a rest.
See, you just talk about thinks that you know nothing about. Now go away, life will be so much better without you.
"Thinks I know nothing about"? I'm spot on.
This happened moments ago. You see the look on Shumers face? He knows that the shit has hit the fan.
Katrina Pierson on Fox this morning said Trump has access to information we haven't seen yet. So let them deny, deny, deny. Then drop the proof bomb on them.

That's not pleading the 5th. I can't believe I'm even saying this but I support Shumer in this instance. No he can't comment on classified things. Why does Todd try to get him to?

As usual I think Chuck Todd just makes me mad. I would so love to just pimpslap him.
He didn't take the Fifth. He just said he wouldn't reveal classified information. On the same show, James Clapper make it crystal clear a few minutes later that the President's accusations never happened. He said so flat out.
What he said was that there was no wire tap of trump, or trump campaign aids being wire tapped, and then said there was no wire tapping of Trump tower.

What he did not say, is that there was no FISA warrant for the surveillance of the Russian bank or banks that were communicating with a trump owned server, NOT LOCATED IN Trump tower.

There are two articles from Slate on Computer scientists say a Russian Bank is secretly communicating with a Trump server secretly..... Google it....

Well, in one of the two related articles, it states that it turns out, this trump server WAS NOT LOCATED in Trump tower as they had thought, but they traced its location to a Computer service company, hired by Trump to service and maintain it.

So that leaves open that the FISA warrant f r surveillance of the Russian bank or banks that was secretly communicating with TRUMPs server could still be out there even with Clappers statement being the truth.
I read that article. It was pretty interesting. I think the inference behind Trump's accusations was that Obama pulled a Watergate type bug of his private communications during the campaign. The server/bank thing was requested as part of the investigation into Russian involvement in the campaign, not an investigation against Trump. If Trump heard that server/bank thing wrongly referred to as a "wiretap" and took it to mean his phones were bugged, he is talking about two entirely different things. Good luck trying to explain any of that to him, though. I sure as hell wouldn't want to be the aide assigned to that job.

YES, only I think Trump knows what he is doing and is purposely conflating the two.

here is the part on Trump not having that sever but another company maintaining it and links to the articles again...i was on my kindle before and dont know how to copy and paste with the kindle!

A Group of Computer Scientists Believes a Trump Server Was Communicating With a Russian Bank

New Evidence, and Competing Theories, About the Trump Server That Appeared to Be Communicating With a Russian Bank

the server was not operated by the Trump Organization directly. Rather, it was run and managed by Cendyn

so the computer/server was not in trump tower, so a Fisa warrant still could b out there..probably not, but who knows?
He didn't take the Fifth. He just said he wouldn't reveal classified information. On the same show, James Clapper make it crystal clear a few minutes later that the President's accusations never happened. He said so flat out.
What he said was that there was no wire tap of trump, or trump campaign aids being wire tapped, and then said there was no wire tapping of Trump tower.

What he did not say, is that there was no FISA warrant for the surveillance of the Russian bank or banks that were communicating with a trump owned server, NOT LOCATED IN Trump tower.

There are two articles from Slate on Computer scientists say a Russian Bank is secretly communicating with a Trump server secretly..... Google it....

Well, in one of the two related articles, it states that it turns out, this trump server WAS NOT LOCATED in Trump tower as they had thought, but they traced its location to a Computer service company, hired by Trump to service and maintain it.

So that leaves open that the FISA warrant f r surveillance of the Russian bank or banks that was secretly communicating with TRUMPs server could still be out there even with Clappers statement being the truth.
I read that article. It was pretty interesting. I think the inference behind Trump's accusations was that Obama pulled a Watergate type bug of his private communications during the campaign. The server/bank thing was requested as part of the investigation into Russian involvement in the campaign, not an investigation against Trump. If Trump heard that server/bank thing wrongly referred to as a "wiretap" and took it to mean his phones were bugged, he is talking about two entirely different things. Good luck trying to explain any of that to him, though. I sure as hell wouldn't want to be the aide assigned to that job.

YES, only I think Trump knows what he is doing and is purposely conflating the two.

here is the part on Trump not having that sever but another company maintaining it and links to the articles again...i was on my kindle before and dont know how to copy and paste with the kindle!

A Group of Computer Scientists Believes a Trump Server Was Communicating With a Russian Bank

New Evidence, and Competing Theories, About the Trump Server That Appeared to Be Communicating With a Russian Bank

the server was not operated by the Trump Organization directly. Rather, it was run and managed by Cendyn

so the computer/server was not in trump tower, so a Fisa warrant still could b out there..probably not, but who knows?
YES, only I think Trump knows what he is doing and is purposely conflating the two.
I hate to think so, but I'm quickly losing my optimism that he's just an impulsive old man with ADHD who isn't used to having his words weighed with such gravity. I'm afraid you're right .
He didn't take the Fifth. He just said he wouldn't reveal classified information. On the same show, James Clapper make it crystal clear a few minutes later that the President's accusations never happened. He said so flat out.
What would be classified if there was no wiretap on Trump?

Heya Meister!!!! Good to see you :)

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