Breaking: Comey Now Claims He Deleted His Memos

Remarks by President Trump and President Iohannis of Romania in a Joint Press Conference

Q Always fair. Mr. President, can we get back to James Comey’s testimony. You suggested he didn’t tell the truth in everything he said. He did say, under oath, that you told him to let the Flynn -- you said you hoped the Flynn investigation he could let --

PRESIDENT TRUMP: I didn’t say that.

Q So he lied about that?

PRESIDENT TRUMP: Well, I didn’t say that. I mean, I will tell you I didn’t say that.

Trump is in reflexive denial mode. No matter what anybody asks him, he'll deny it. saying "I didn't say that" Even when he just said that, as illustrated by your citation.
oh so you don't care about our legal system eh? hearsay without evidence is hearsay. And the owner of the supposed hearsay says he didn't say it. Now it is comey who needs to submit the memo with the evidence in it.
oh so you don't care about our legal system eh? hearsay without evidence is hearsay. And the owner of the supposed hearsay says he didn't say it. Now it is comey who needs to submit the memo with the evidence in it.

Remember, under the federal court system, there is a hearsay exception, and that's when somebody testifies like Comey did, from his memos.

Rule 803. Exceptions to the Rule Against Hearsay

Rule 803. Exceptions to the Rule Against Hearsay
The following are not excluded by the rule against hearsay, regardless of whether the declarant is available as a witness:

(5) Recorded Recollection. A record that:

(B) was made or adopted by the witness when the matter was fresh in the witness’s memory; and
No he didn't delete them. He turned them over to Mueller.
Comey confirmed he'd turned over his own copies of the memos to Mueller, but he said during testimony to the Senate Intelligence Committee this week he'd be comfortable if senators obtained their own copies from Richman or elsewhere.
Comey associate has been in contact with Senate Judiciary about memos
Its getting hard to track down the truth anymore, I found one place that said he deleted them and another that said he turned them over to the FBI and another that said he only has copies.
And another place said he was a Russian Spy and still another claims he's alien from outer space.
No he didn't delete them. He turned them over to Mueller.
Comey confirmed he'd turned over his own copies of the memos to Mueller, but he said during testimony to the Senate Intelligence Committee this week he'd be comfortable if senators obtained their own copies from Richman or elsewhere.
Comey associate has been in contact with Senate Judiciary about memos
Its getting hard to track down the truth anymore, I found one place that said he deleted them and another that said he turned them over to the FBI and another that said he only has copies.
And another place said he was a Russian Spy and still another claims he's alien from outer space.

anything the RW pukes can imagine will get thrown on the wall ... whatever it takes to distract attention away from Cheeto the tweet-o
No he didn't delete them. He turned them over to Mueller.
Comey confirmed he'd turned over his own copies of the memos to Mueller, but he said during testimony to the Senate Intelligence Committee this week he'd be comfortable if senators obtained their own copies from Richman or elsewhere.
Comey associate has been in contact with Senate Judiciary about memos
Its getting hard to track down the truth anymore, I found one place that said he deleted them and another that said he turned them over to the FBI and another that said he only has copies.
And another place said he was a Russian Spy and still another claims he's alien from outer space.

anything the RW pukes can imagine will get thrown on the wall ... whatever it takes to distract attention away from Cheeto the tweet-o
it's over, no one is caring since Comey stated no trump investigation ever, admits he leaked confidential information to the public and then lied about his memos. no more, anonymous sources either. Your sleazy game is ovah!!!!
No one goes to a hearing under testimony and doesn't deliver the memo's dumbass. That's the first thing they would ask for. Judge Judy may be able to help you out with that one--LOL

well dumb ass he didn't turn any over, it's why they asked for them. Look at the fking transcripts you stupid fk.

Link where he did not give memos to Mueller.

Prove a negative? Where did you learn to debate?

^^^ odd response and silly questions^^^

He either did or did not give the memos to Mueller; If he did, he spoke the truth, if he did not, he lied. Only one can be true, logically; thus the solution is to ask Muller.

Then, of course we, are faced with the same two possibilities, did Mueller lie or tell the truth.

The production of the documents by Mr. Mueller will resolve that issue, but we can expect the documents themselves to come under further attack by the lawyers of The President.

What will be, will be; it will all come down to the credibility of Mr. Comey or Mr. Trump, My bet on that issue is Trump's track record will not help him one iota.

well fk, all Mueller has to say is I have them? Right? clears up the picture doesn't it? why can't he make that statement? Cause he doesn't have them, like what was stated in this thread.

There are several reasons for not speaking about an investigation to the general public:
  • Evidence not in public can lead to new leads, especially when a fool tweets something not released to the public;
  • Keeping fools like jc456 posting on line stupid conclusions and fake facts;
  • Keeping records/evidence intact to be presented to a Grand Jury
  • Allowing the prosecutor to frame evidence in their property place so the GJ can better understand their probative value.
well dumb ass he didn't turn any over, it's why they asked for them. Look at the fking transcripts you stupid fk.

Link where he did not give memos to Mueller.

Prove a negative? Where did you learn to debate?

^^^ odd response and silly questions^^^

He either did or did not give the memos to Mueller; If he did, he spoke the truth, if he did not, he lied. Only one can be true, logically; thus the solution is to ask Muller.

Then, of course we, are faced with the same two possibilities, did Mueller lie or tell the truth.

The production of the documents by Mr. Mueller will resolve that issue, but we can expect the documents themselves to come under further attack by the lawyers of The President.

What will be, will be; it will all come down to the credibility of Mr. Comey or Mr. Trump, My bet on that issue is Trump's track record will not help him one iota.

well fk, all Mueller has to say is I have them? Right? clears up the picture doesn't it? why can't he make that statement? Cause he doesn't have them, like what was stated in this thread.

There are several reasons for not speaking about an investigation to the general public:
  • Evidence not in public can lead to new leads, especially when a fool tweets something not released to the public;
  • Keeping fools like jc456 posting on line stupid conclusions and fake facts;
  • Keeping records/evidence intact to be presented to a Grand Jury
  • Allowing the prosecutor to frame evidence in their property place so the GJ can better understand their probative value.
I give two fks what mueller is doing. just acknowledge that he has the memos. call it a day. what is he afraid of or you for that matter? they don't exist. doh!!!
oh so you don't care about our legal system eh? hearsay without evidence is hearsay. And the owner of the supposed hearsay says he didn't say it. Now it is comey who needs to submit the memo with the evidence in it.

Remember, under the federal court system, there is a hearsay exception, and that's when somebody testifies like Comey did, from his memos.

Rule 803. Exceptions to the Rule Against Hearsay

Rule 803. Exceptions to the Rule Against Hearsay
The following are not excluded by the rule against hearsay, regardless of whether the declarant is available as a witness:

(5) Recorded Recollection. A record that:

(B) was made or adopted by the witness when the matter was fresh in the witness’s memory; and
The chatter on the alt right media says Comey deleted the memo but produces no evidence.

Wait and see, I guess.
Hullo. Wait and see for WHAT? Comey gave his memos to Mueller. The only thing I could find as the basis for this thread except tweets was a "Young Conservatives" blog piece that was either ill informed or intentionally "alternative facts." But I remembered hearing during the testimony (whether it was Comey or an announcer, I don't remember) that he had handed the memos over to the FBI. It's common knowledge.
I'm just checking, but this has been deemed a fake, correct? CEG DF LG SW to Richman (Comey Memos)_Redacted.pdf

Mueller is not the senate
Still reading through the thread. Had a challenging weekend helping relatives. Trying to catch up. So far my understanding is some believe he wrote the memos on a gov computer and some believe they were hand written. Either way, it seems odd he would not retain a copy.
It's unclear if he has copies of the memos, whether he's already turned them over to Mueller or whether he'll be able to provide them to lawmakers. In fact we don't know how many copies existed. At this point it's all speculation and some false news thrown in for good measure. Eventually, all will be revealed. Since Comey rarely makes any public statements except under oath it may take some time.
Hullo. Wait and see for WHAT? Comey gave his memos to Mueller. The only thing I could find as the basis for this thread except tweets was a "Young Conservatives" blog piece that was either ill informed or intentionally "alternative facts." But I remembered hearing during the testimony (whether it was Comey or an announcer, I don't remember) that he had handed the memos over to the FBI. It's common knowledge.
I'm just checking, but this has been deemed a fake, correct? CEG DF LG SW to Richman (Comey Memos)_Redacted.pdf

Mueller is not the senate
Still reading through the thread. Had a challenging weekend helping relatives. Trying to catch up. So far my understanding is some believe he wrote the memos on a gov computer and some believe they were hand written. Either way, it seems odd he would not retain a copy.

Not sure why it matters.
well sure it does, because when documents are saved on a computer, there are copies automatically when you save them. So it's disingenuous to sell it like he doesn't have copies, no logic there bubba.
Automatic saving of documents is under the control of the user depending on the software being used. You can create a Document print it or offload it to another device, and then fail to save it. Considering how sensitive that memo was, Comey may have taken pains to delete it to make sure he had control of it and it would not fall into the wrong hands.
Still reading through the thread. Had a challenging weekend helping relatives. Trying to catch up. So far my understanding is some believe he wrote the memos on a gov computer and some believe they were hand written. Either way, it seems odd he would not retain a copy.

Not sure why it matters.
well sure it does, because when documents are saved on a computer, there are copies automatically when you save them. So it's disingenuous to sell it like he doesn't have copies, no logic there bubba.
Automatic saving of documents is under the control of the user depending on the software being used. You can create a Document print it or offload it to another device, and then fail to save it. Considering how sensitive that memo was, Comey may have taken pains to delete it to make sure he had control of it and it would not fall into the wrong hands.
yeah, while in his car. yep that's it.
its anything BUT over you dumbass.

name one of the 5 congressional investigations,or the FBI investigation that said its over.

just because Shitforhair isnt the primary target of said investigations in no way means that any evidence that leads back to President Fuckup will be ignored.
its anything BUT over you dumbass.

name one of the 5 congressional investigations,or the FBI investigation that said its over.

just because Shitforhair isnt the primary target of said investigations in no way means that any evidence that leads back to President Fuckup will be ignored.
Automatic saving of documents is under the control of the user depending on the software being used. You can create a Document print it or offload it to another device, and then fail to save it. Considering how sensitive that memo was, Comey may have taken pains to delete it to make sure he had control of it and it would not fall into the wrong hands.

Don't know how it happened....during the Hillary investigation Comey must have picked up the 'Bleach Bit Virus' from Hillary's server, the computer virus that 'randomly' deletes select files.... :p
2. Thanks to Democrats, no link or evidence to support this claim is required. All one has to do these days is declare the statement to be true without having any evidence while declaring 'the investigation is not over. There WILL be evidence'.

33,000 emails deleted. enough evidence.

It's not evidence dingbat, it's a supposition on the part of partisan hacks who echo it over and over; they are hoping that one day ectoplasm exudes from the body of a medium during a spiritualistic trance, and the e-mail material manifests itself in the arms of spirits.
2. Thanks to Democrats, no link or evidence to support this claim is required. All one has to do these days is declare the statement to be true without having any evidence while declaring 'the investigation is not over. There WILL be evidence'.

33,000 emails deleted. enough evidence.

It's not evidence dingbat, it's a supposition on the part of partisan hacks who echo it over and over; they are hoping that one day ectoplasm exudes from the body of a medium during a spiritualistic trance, and the e-mail material manifests itself in the arms of spirits.
and then there you are!
2. Thanks to Democrats, no link or evidence to support this claim is required. All one has to do these days is declare the statement to be true without having any evidence while declaring 'the investigation is not over. There WILL be evidence'.

33,000 emails deleted. enough evidence.

It's not evidence dingbat, it's a supposition on the part of partisan hacks who echo it over and over; they are hoping that one day ectoplasm exudes from the body of a medium during a spiritualistic trance, and the e-mail material manifests itself in the arms of spirits.
and then there you are!

Yep, I too can write fiction. If I needed a job I could write for Breitbart, the National Enquirer or Observer, The Daily Caller or Trump supporters.
Not sure why it matters.
well sure it does, because when documents are saved on a computer, there are copies automatically when you save them. So it's disingenuous to sell it like he doesn't have copies, no logic there bubba.

Does he have the computer in his possession? I doubt it. It doesn't matter, he testified that Mueller has the documents.

Whether Comey personally has copies at this point is irrelevant.
well they're his. why wouldn't he? you still can't produce any logical thought I see. Why won't the FBI provide them if they have his computer? why all the defensive behavior of avoiding the congress? seems like you have no answer. I do, they don't exist.

The FBI is in the middle of an investigation, they often times won't comment or hand over evidence until they have completed their work. Which was why it was not routine for Comey to comment on the Clinton emails.

Anyway, if the computer was FBI property and Comey is no longer in the FBI then use your imagination as to why he doesn't have the computer in his possession.
I stated that you fking stupid fk. Now why doesn't the FBI just comply with the Justice Department and the congress and move this mother along? why do we all wish to play with ourselves all the time rather than produce a conclusion. What are you all afraid of? Comey admitted that Trump isn't under investigation. never was. NEVER WAS! So dude, right now, you're holding shit in your hands. How's that feel, never experienced it like you.
What you seem to be forgetting is the investigation is about Russian interference in our elections which is a lot more important than what Trump or Comey said. What is really important is how the Russians interfered, who was involve, what charges if any should be made, and most important how do we protection our election process in the future.

The Trump/Comey issue is just a sideline event which could be important to the investigation or may not. If there is real evidence of obstruction, it will pursued. However, Comey never made that accusation. Although this issue may have huge political significance, it may be a very minor part of the investigation. We just don't know and probably won't until the investigation is complete.

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