Breaking: Comey Now Claims He Deleted His Memos

well why don't you just post the link you claim exists.

why don't you provide the quote you feel backs your claim?
Because Trump said it on live tv? Saying about the tapes "you'll be surprised" and when he would reveal the existance of the tapes, he said "in the near future"

Just google trump and the rumanian president at the whitehouse. It's also where the Rumanian president said they discussed the visa waiver program, and trump claims they didn't.
so dude, I searched in your link "in the near future" and there is no such quote in your link. So again, post the link with that quote in it.
There is no strategy in claiming there are tapes. Comey still testified, he hasn't changed his story and now Trump is waffling on claims of there being a tape. It makes him look even more dishonest.

And this is all being pointed out to you in a thread started by a lying Trump supporting white nationalist.

Comey testified about the meeting. All the details have been divulged, according to Comey. Schumer just asked Trump to testify about any tapes existing. WHY?

Haven't you snowflakes already declared Trump to be a liar? Hasn't he proved already he is and has lied a lot? So why drag this out any further?

It's over...but libs can't let it die...and unfortunately neither can Trump.

No crime, no collusion, no obstruction. Facing the fact that all their schemes have all been eliminated, what does Schumer want? To desperately get Trump under oath where he hopes Trump will get caught perjuring himself because that is all the Democrats have to hope for now?

Enough of this endless BS drama and false accusations. It's OVER! Can we PLEASE get back to 'America's business' and worrying about North Korea, China, Russia, Terrorism, the economy,y, health care, etc instead of this endless but-hurt need for 'revenge'?

What is over? Russia attempting to hack our elections? Is that over? Doesn't sound like it.

Is Flynn over? How about Manafort? These are two highly compromised persons, one of which was very close to a sitting President. I want Mueller to do a very thorough job and I recognize that the public does not know everything that the FBI knows. So, no, it's not over, not by a long shot.
This whole Trump not under investigation reminds me of the old joke. An anarchist calls up the FBI, and asks them if they have a file on him. They ask him for his name, address, and why he believed the FBI would have a file on him.

Afterwards the agent tell him. We don't have a file on you right now. But based on what you just told me, we're going to start one.
Funny joke, but it has nothing to do with the fact that Trump was vindicated by Comey's testimony that he was NEVER under FBI investigation....unlike Hillary, who was under MULTIPLE.
2. The Gentleman who said the remark about the sandwich was verbally abusive to the person he spoke to. Trump saying, 'I hope the Flynn investigation goes ok - he's a nice guy' is not 'abusive', and Comey is not the focus/main character the statement is referring to - Flynn is.
Is that what Trump was quoting as saying? I don't think so.

Trump actually said

"I hope you can see your way clear to letting this go,"

Republicans have the integrity of a Datsun 240 Z

Say, did you know quote by Comey "During a meeting with Lynch, Comey said that the attorney general told him: “Don’t call it that (an investigation). Call it a matter. Just call it a matter", and Comey complied.

Compare and contrast to "I hope you can see your way clear to letting this go"

"So if "Republicans have the integrity of a Datsun 240 Z" then certainly Democrats are as bad or worse. On a side, what's wrong with a Datsun 240 Z?
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Is that what Trump was quoting as saying? I don't think so.
According to CNN:

"'I hope you can see your way clear to letting this go, to letting Flynn go. He is a good guy. I hope you can let this go."

Not once does President Trump tell Comey to 'Drop the investigation on Flynn' / 'I WANT YOU TO drop the investigation on Flynn'.

Any claim to the contrary is a lie. Any claim to the contrary is 'speculation' / 'interpretation', NOT what was actually said.

It's OVER, snowflakes. Time to get over your butt-hurt and move on.

'Elections have consequences...If you want change, win some elections'.
-- Former President Barak Obama

Didn't you say previously that Trump hoped the Flynn investigation was going well?
Because Trump said it on live tv? Saying about the tapes "you'll be surprised" and when he would reveal the existance of the tapes, he said "in the near future".
so dude, I searched in your link "in the near future" and there is no such quote in your link. So again, post the link with that quote in it.
I went to the white house and pulled this up.

Q And you seem to be hinting that there are recordings of those conversations.

PRESIDENT TRUMP: I'm not hinting anything. I'll tell you about it over a very short period of time.

Q When will you tell us about the recordings?

PRESIDENT TRUMP: Over a fairly short period of time.

Q Are there tapes --

PRESIDENT TRUMP: Oh, you're going to be very disappointed when you hear the answer. Don't worry.
What is over? Russia attempting to hack our elections? Is that over? Doesn't sound like it.
Nice try, snowflake.

All the accusations against Trump, the exposed 'witch hunt' - OVER!

No crime.
Never was.
No collusion.
Never was.
never was.

Manafort is not Trump.
Flynn is not Trump.
No criminal activity has been proven for either of them.

Ya just can't let it go.......
Because Trump said it on live tv? Saying about the tapes "you'll be surprised" and when he would reveal the existance of the tapes, he said "in the near future".
so dude, I searched in your link "in the near future" and there is no such quote in your link. So again, post the link with that quote in it.
I went to the white house and pulled this up.

Q And you seem to be hinting that there are recordings of those conversations.

PRESIDENT TRUMP: I'm not hinting anything. I'll tell you about it over a very short period of time.

Q When will you tell us about the recordings?

PRESIDENT TRUMP: Over a fairly short period of time.

Q Are there tapes --

PRESIDENT TRUMP: Oh, you're going to be very disappointed when you hear the answer. Don't worry.
that doesn't have his quote either. So the dude is lying. Love it how shameless these fks are.
Didn't you say previously that Trump hoped the Flynn investigation was going well?
No, snowflake. You know, you didn't even have to post this pathetic comment had you just gone back and re-read what I posted. ....just sad.
All the accusations against Trump, the exposed 'witch hunt' - OVER!

No crime.
Never was.
No collusion.
Never was.
never was..

I think that all depends on what the meaning is "was" is.
Because Trump said it on live tv? Saying about the tapes "you'll be surprised" and when he would reveal the existance of the tapes, he said "in the near future".
so dude, I searched in your link "in the near future" and there is no such quote in your link. So again, post the link with that quote in it.
I went to the white house and pulled this up.

Q And you seem to be hinting that there are recordings of those conversations.

PRESIDENT TRUMP: I'm not hinting anything. I'll tell you about it over a very short period of time.

Q When will you tell us about the recordings?

PRESIDENT TRUMP: Over a fairly short period of time.

Q Are there tapes --

PRESIDENT TRUMP: Oh, you're going to be very disappointed when you hear the answer. Don't worry.
that doesn't have his quote either. So the dude is lying. Love it how shameless these fks are.

He got the quote a lot closer than the other guy did about what Trump hoped for, in the Flynn investigation. You wanna go down that road, and we'll be her all day..
James Comey testimony: Trump asked me to let Flynn probe go -

"'I hope you can see your way clear to letting this go, to letting Flynn go. He is a good guy. I hope you can let this go."
and then there is this:

Remarks by President Trump and President Iohannis of Romania in a Joint Press Conference

Q Always fair. Mr. President, can we get back to James Comey’s testimony. You suggested he didn’t tell the truth in everything he said. He did say, under oath, that you told him to let the Flynn -- you said you hoped the Flynn investigation he could let --

PRESIDENT TRUMP: I didn’t say that.

Q So he lied about that?

PRESIDENT TRUMP: Well, I didn’t say that. I mean, I will tell you I didn’t say that.
James Comey testimony: Trump asked me to let Flynn probe go -

"'I hope you can see your way clear to letting this go, to letting Flynn go. He is a good guy. I hope you can let this go."

That isn't what you said before.

2. The Gentleman who said the remark about the sandwich was verbally abusive to the person he spoke to. Trump saying, 'I hope the Flynn investigation goes ok - he's a nice guy' is not 'abusive', and Comey is not the focus/main character the statement is referring to - Flynn is.
Because Trump said it on live tv? Saying about the tapes "you'll be surprised" and when he would reveal the existance of the tapes, he said "in the near future".
so dude, I searched in your link "in the near future" and there is no such quote in your link. So again, post the link with that quote in it.
I went to the white house and pulled this up.

Q And you seem to be hinting that there are recordings of those conversations.

PRESIDENT TRUMP: I'm not hinting anything. I'll tell you about it over a very short period of time.

Q When will you tell us about the recordings?

PRESIDENT TRUMP: Over a fairly short period of time.

Q Are there tapes --

PRESIDENT TRUMP: Oh, you're going to be very disappointed when you hear the answer. Don't worry.
that doesn't have his quote either. So the dude is lying. Love it how shameless these fks are.

He got the quote a lot closer than the other guy did about what Trump hoped for, in the Flynn investigation. You wanna go down that road, and we'll be her all day..
yes, here from the presser:

Remarks by President Trump and President Iohannis of Romania in a Joint Press Conference

"Q Always fair. Mr. President, can we get back to James Comey’s testimony. You suggested he didn’t tell the truth in everything he said. He did say, under oath, that you told him to let the Flynn -- you said you hoped the Flynn investigation he could let --

PRESIDENT TRUMP: I didn’t say that.

Q So he lied about that?

PRESIDENT TRUMP: Well, I didn’t say that. I mean, I will tell you I didn’t say that. "
James Comey testimony: Trump asked me to let Flynn probe go -

"'I hope you can see your way clear to letting this go, to letting Flynn go. He is a good guy. I hope you can let this go."

That isn't what you said before.

2. The Gentleman who said the remark about the sandwich was verbally abusive to the person he spoke to. Trump saying, 'I hope the Flynn investigation goes ok - he's a nice guy' is not 'abusive', and Comey is not the focus/main character the statement is referring to - Flynn is.
but trump states he didn't state that. so it's a lie:

"Q Always fair. Mr. President, can we get back to James Comey’s testimony. You suggested he didn’t tell the truth in everything he said. He did say, under oath, that you told him to let the Flynn -- you said you hoped the Flynn investigation he could let --

PRESIDENT TRUMP: I didn’t say that.

Q So he lied about that?

PRESIDENT TRUMP: Well, I didn’t say that. I mean, I will tell you I didn’t say that. "
Remarks by President Trump and President Iohannis of Romania in a Joint Press Conference

Q -- you said you hoped the Flynn investigation he could let --
PRESIDENT TRUMP: I didn’t say that.
Q So he lied about that?
PRESIDENT TRUMP: Well, I didn’t say that. I mean, I will tell you I didn’t say that.

Trump is in reflexive denial mode. No matter what anybody asks him, he'll deny it. saying "I didn't say that" Even when he just said that, as illustrated by your citation.
"Hillary did NOT lose! Voting has not ended. It's
not over! It can't be! She...she...she was CHEATED!"


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