Breaking: Comey Now Claims He Deleted His Memos

December 6 2016
'I hope you choke on your sandwich': deputy mayor faces suspension over threat

In a decision published in September, the tribunal found Cr Ticehurst breached the councillors' code of conduct by calling Cr Statham a "bitch" and saying "I hope you choke on your sandwich" following a heated meeting in October 2014.

Good Gawd, liberals are bat-shit crazy - thanks for the supporting example.

1. You are talking about some ass-backwards snowflake 'tribunal' and its own 'codes', not a legal court and actual LAWS.

2. The Gentleman who said the remark about the sandwich was verbally abusive to the person he spoke to. Trump saying, 'I hope the Flynn investigation goes ok - he's a nice guy' is not 'abusive', and Comey is not the focus/main character the statement is referring to - Flynn is.

Again, thank you for demonstrating how desperately bat-shit crazy snowflakes are and how they have even lost MORE of their minds now that their entire butt-hurt witch hunt has been exposed for what it has always been.

Is that what Trump was quoting as saying? I don't think so.
Trump announced the tapes at the press conference with the Rumanian president.
how the fk do you know that? hly fk.
Fk, post up the link.

Because Trump said it on live tv? Saying about the tapes "you'll be surprised" and when he would reveal the existance of the tapes, he said "in the near future"

Just google trump and the rumanian president at the whitehouse. It's also where the Rumanian president said they discussed the visa waiver program, and trump claims they didn't.
well why don't you just post the link you claim exists.

The only reason the discussion of tapes ever came up is because Trump implied he had them and is now playing games about their release though I suspect he's just full of it.
implied is not the same as has. you know this right? Maybe he wanted to out the guy, which is exactly what happened. It's where we now learned he, comey, was a leaker. ouch. Still no evidence of any tape.

RIght, I doubt any tapes exist. I think Trump is full of shit to imply there were tapes. Why can't he just say there are no tapes?
2. The Gentleman who said the remark about the sandwich was verbally abusive to the person he spoke to. Trump saying, 'I hope the Flynn investigation goes ok - he's a nice guy' is not 'abusive', and Comey is not the focus/main character the statement is referring to - Flynn is.

Is that what Trump was quoting as saying? I don't think so.

Trump actually said

"I hope you can see your way clear to letting this go,"

Republicans have the integrity of a Datsun 240 Z[/QUOTE]
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how the fk do you know that? hly fk.
Fk, post up the link.

Because Trump said it on live tv? Saying about the tapes "you'll be surprised" and when he would reveal the existance of the tapes, he said "in the near future"

Just google trump and the rumanian president at the whitehouse. It's also where the Rumanian president said they discussed the visa waiver program, and trump claims they didn't.
well why don't you just post the link you claim exists.

The only reason the discussion of tapes ever came up is because Trump implied he had them and is now playing games about their release though I suspect he's just full of it.
implied is not the same as has. you know this right? Maybe he wanted to out the guy, which is exactly what happened. It's where we now learned he, comey, was a leaker. ouch. Still no evidence of any tape.

RIght, I doubt any tapes exist. I think Trump is full of shit to imply there were tapes. Why can't he just say there are no tapes?
you'll never understand strategy eh?

And you now admit he never said he had tapes right? To be clear, you lied.
well why don't you just post the link you claim exists.

why don't you provide the quote you feel backs your claim?[/QUOTE]
Because Trump said it on live tv? Saying about the tapes "you'll be surprised" and when he would reveal the existance of the tapes, he said "in the near future"

Just google trump and the rumanian president at the whitehouse. It's also where the Rumanian president said they discussed the visa waiver program, and trump claims they didn't.
Because Trump said it on live tv? Saying about the tapes "you'll be surprised" and when he would reveal the existance of the tapes, he said "in the near future"

Just google trump and the rumanian president at the whitehouse. It's also where the Rumanian president said they discussed the visa waiver program, and trump claims they didn't.
well why don't you just post the link you claim exists.

The only reason the discussion of tapes ever came up is because Trump implied he had them and is now playing games about their release though I suspect he's just full of it.
implied is not the same as has. you know this right? Maybe he wanted to out the guy, which is exactly what happened. It's where we now learned he, comey, was a leaker. ouch. Still no evidence of any tape.

RIght, I doubt any tapes exist. I think Trump is full of shit to imply there were tapes. Why can't he just say there are no tapes?
you'll never understand strategy eh?

And you now admit he never said he had tapes right? To be clear, you lied.

There is no strategy in claiming there are tapes. Comey still testified, he hasn't changed his story and now Trump is waffling on claims of there being a tape. It makes him look even more dishonest.

And this is all being pointed out to you in a thread started by a lying Trump supporting white nationalist.
well dumb ass he didn't turn any over, it's why they asked for them. Look at the fking transcripts you stupid fk.

Link where he did not give memos to Mueller.

Prove a negative? Where did you learn to debate?

^^^ odd response and silly questions^^^

He either did or did not give the memos to Mueller; If he did, he spoke the truth, if he did not, he lied. Only one can be true, logically; thus the solution is to ask Muller.

Then, of course we, are faced with the same two possibilities, did Mueller lie or tell the truth.

The production of the documents by Mr. Mueller will resolve that issue, but we can expect the documents themselves to come under further attack by the lawyers of The President.

What will be, will be; it will all come down to the credibility of Mr. Comey or Mr. Trump, My bet on that issue is Trump's track record will not help him one iota.


Mueller is not going to produce the documents during his investigation, at least not at this early stage and I doubt Congress is going to ask him for them.

You're just going to have to sit on your hands and wait.

I agree, of course. And we can expect the documentary evidence, which are the memos, will be under attack by Trump's Pettifoggers. The integrity of every spokesperson for The President is suspect, if only by association, and it would behoove them to resign, write a book or go fishing - Trump does not have the coat tails to allow those sullied by his behavior to land cushy jobs as did Libby and Wolfowitz .
Congress asked for the memos. Comey responded. The answer was he turned them over to be leaked to the media. Seems legit.
I'm not here to debate Benghazi, I bring it up because there was no criminal act committed yet it took 6 years to investigate. Please try to stay on topic.
Snowflakes continue to twist the entire Benghazi hearings. The original intent of the Benghazi hearings - according to Congress at the time - was to engage in FACT-FINDING, to discover what went wrong, to ensure this type of thing never happened again and no more Americans would ever die again in similar situations.

Obama, Hillary, and Democrats were so worried about themselves and their political futures that they could not even admit that this was A TERRORIST ATTACK - as both the State Dept rep in Tripoli and the CIA chief in Benghazi reported it was within an hour of the attack beginning.

They fought and lied about just about everything to try to prevent from being found even partially at fault.

When terrorist violence has become so bad,
when the growing number of terrorists has gotten so high,
after 2 previous attacks on the US compound,
and when the threats and calls for assassinations have grown to the point where every other nation pulled their people out of the city to protect their people YET THE US STATE DEPARTMENT REFUSED TO DO SO because the President who is up for re-election had made the statement that the war on terror was over and believed pulling our people out would undermine that message - or refused to pull them out for any other reason - NOT pulling them out was the WRONG CALL!

I don't care what you call it - incompetence, poor decision-making, WHATEVER!

Again, the purpose of the Benghazi hearings was to identify what went wrong, what bad decisions were made, what could be done differently....but according to Hillary, Obama, Democrats, and snowflakes NO errors were made, no wrong calls were made, etc - 'shit just happened' with nothing identified that could have done better ... because they wanted to avoid any type of blame.

4 people F*ing died who did not have to!

I did not want Obama impeached over this. I did not want Hillary fired over this. NONE OF THAT WOULD HAVE HAPPENED IF THEY WOULD HAVE JUST ADMITTED FROM THE START THIS WAS A TERRORIST ATTACK.

The other day a liberal on the board posted one of the 'political truths' - 'The cover-up is usually worse than what happened'. That is exactly what the Democrats' reaction to the Benghazi terrorist attack showed. Again, 4 Americans died, things could have been done differently, better decisions could have been made, and if they had been - if the threats had been heeded, if we would have pulled our people out when everyone else did, those 4 Americans would still be alive.

Instead of learning what happened, identify what could be done better, and taking those lessons-learned to heart, the entire thing became a politically partisan circus.

I don't think Obama or Hillary did anything illegal (aside from dragging the US to war in Libya illegally), but it did not have to go the way it did.
well they're his. why wouldn't he? you still can't produce any logical thought I see. Why won't the FBI provide them if they have his computer? why all the defensive behavior of avoiding the congress? seems like you have no answer. I do, they don't exist.

The FBI is in the middle of an investigation, they often times won't comment or hand over evidence until they have completed their work. Which was why it was not routine for Comey to comment on the Clinton emails.

Anyway, if the computer was FBI property and Comey is no longer in the FBI then use your imagination as to why he doesn't have the computer in his possession.
I stated that you fking stupid fk. Now why doesn't the FBI just comply with the Justice Department and the congress and move this mother along? why do we all wish to play with ourselves all the time rather than produce a conclusion. What are you all afraid of? Comey admitted that Trump isn't under investigation. never was. NEVER WAS! So dude, right now, you're holding shit in your hands. How's that feel, never experienced it like you.
Trump was afraid Comey would put Trump under investigation at some point, so he fired him. Stop playing dumb about the "he wasn't under investigation" thing. You know the investigation had not come to an end, therefore it was too early for Trump to be off the hook.
Complete BS you made up in your head. We do know Comey forgot to record the Hillary interview and promptly destroyed the evidence after meeting with her.

A link would be nice right about now.
Is your google machine broken? This is common knowledge.
I'm not here to debate Benghazi, I bring it up because there was no criminal act committed yet it took 6 years to investigate. Please try to stay on topic.
Snowflakes continue to twist the entire Benghazi hearings. The original intent of the Benghazi hearings - according to Congress at the time - was to engage in FACT-FINDING, to discover what went wrong, to ensure this type of thing never happened again and no more Americans would ever die again in similar situations.

Obama, Hillary, and Democrats were so worried about themselves and their political futures that they could not even admit that this was A TERRORIST ATTACK - as both the State Dept rep in Tripoli and the CIA chief in Benghazi reported it was within an hour of the attack beginning.

They fought and lied about just about everything to try to prevent from being found even partially at fault.

When terrorist violence has become so bad,
when the growing number of terrorists has gotten so high,
after 2 previous attacks on the US compound,
and when the threats and calls for assassinations have grown to the point where every other nation pulled their people out of the city to protect their people YET THE US STATE DEPARTMENT REFUSED TO DO SO because the President who is up for re-election had made the statement that the war on terror was over and believed pulling our people out would undermine that message - or refused to pull them out for any other reason - NOT pulling them out was the WRONG CALL!

I don't care what you call it - incompetence, poor decision-making, WHATEVER!

Again, the purpose of the Benghazi hearings was to identify what went wrong, what bad decisions were made, what could be done differently....but according to Hillary, Obama, Democrats, and snowflakes NO errors were made, no wrong calls were made, etc - 'shit just happened' with nothing identified that could have done better ... because they wanted to avoid any type of blame.

4 people F*ing died who did not have to!

I did not want Obama impeached over this. I did not want Hillary fired over this. NONE OF THAT WOULD HAVE HAPPENED IF THEY WOULD HAVE JUST ADMITTED FROM THE START THIS WAS A TERRORIST ATTACK.

The other day a liberal on the board posted one of the 'political truths' - 'The cover-up is usually worse than what happened'. That is exactly what the Democrats' reaction to the Benghazi terrorist attack showed. Again, 4 Americans died, things could have been done differently, better decisions could have been made, and if they had been - if the threats had been heeded, if we would have pulled our people out when everyone else did, those 4 Americans would still be alive.

Instead of learning what happened, identify what could be done better, and taking those lessons-learned to heart, the entire thing became a politically partisan circus.

I don't think Obama or Hillary did anything illegal (aside from dragging the US to war in Libya illegally), but it did not have to go the way it did.

So your points on Benghazi are now even more irrelevant to this thread? Got it.
The FBI is in the middle of an investigation, they often times won't comment or hand over evidence until they have completed their work. Which was why it was not routine for Comey to comment on the Clinton emails.

Anyway, if the computer was FBI property and Comey is no longer in the FBI then use your imagination as to why he doesn't have the computer in his possession.
I stated that you fking stupid fk. Now why doesn't the FBI just comply with the Justice Department and the congress and move this mother along? why do we all wish to play with ourselves all the time rather than produce a conclusion. What are you all afraid of? Comey admitted that Trump isn't under investigation. never was. NEVER WAS! So dude, right now, you're holding shit in your hands. How's that feel, never experienced it like you.
Trump was afraid Comey would put Trump under investigation at some point, so he fired him. Stop playing dumb about the "he wasn't under investigation" thing. You know the investigation had not come to an end, therefore it was too early for Trump to be off the hook.
Complete BS you made up in your head. We do know Comey forgot to record the Hillary interview and promptly destroyed the evidence after meeting with her.

A link would be nice right about now.
Is your google machine broken? This is common knowledge.

Link please.
There is no strategy in claiming there are tapes. Comey still testified, he hasn't changed his story and now Trump is waffling on claims of there being a tape. It makes him look even more dishonest.

And this is all being pointed out to you in a thread started by a lying Trump supporting white nationalist.

Trump started by threatening Comeys having a tape, to hinting that he had one.

This is just like how Trump bluffed, that he would never settle the Trump University lawsuit.
I'm not here to debate Benghazi, I bring it up because there was no criminal act committed yet it took 6 years to investigate. Please try to stay on topic.
Snowflakes continue to twist the entire Benghazi hearings. The original intent of the Benghazi hearings - according to Congress at the time - was to engage in FACT-FINDING, to discover what went wrong, to ensure this type of thing never happened again and no more Americans would ever die again in similar situations.

Obama, Hillary, and Democrats were so worried about themselves and their political futures that they could not even admit that this was A TERRORIST ATTACK - as both the State Dept rep in Tripoli and the CIA chief in Benghazi reported it was within an hour of the attack beginning.

They fought and lied about just about everything to try to prevent from being found even partially at fault.

When terrorist violence has become so bad,
when the growing number of terrorists has gotten so high,
after 2 previous attacks on the US compound,
and when the threats and calls for assassinations have grown to the point where every other nation pulled their people out of the city to protect their people YET THE US STATE DEPARTMENT REFUSED TO DO SO because the President who is up for re-election had made the statement that the war on terror was over and believed pulling our people out would undermine that message - or refused to pull them out for any other reason - NOT pulling them out was the WRONG CALL!

I don't care what you call it - incompetence, poor decision-making, WHATEVER!

Again, the purpose of the Benghazi hearings was to identify what went wrong, what bad decisions were made, what could be done differently....but according to Hillary, Obama, Democrats, and snowflakes NO errors were made, no wrong calls were made, etc - 'shit just happened' with nothing identified that could have done better ... because they wanted to avoid any type of blame.

4 people F*ing died who did not have to!

I did not want Obama impeached over this. I did not want Hillary fired over this. NONE OF THAT WOULD HAVE HAPPENED IF THEY WOULD HAVE JUST ADMITTED FROM THE START THIS WAS A TERRORIST ATTACK.

The other day a liberal on the board posted one of the 'political truths' - 'The cover-up is usually worse than what happened'. That is exactly what the Democrats' reaction to the Benghazi terrorist attack showed. Again, 4 Americans died, things could have been done differently, better decisions could have been made, and if they had been - if the threats had been heeded, if we would have pulled our people out when everyone else did, those 4 Americans would still be alive.

Instead of learning what happened, identify what could be done better, and taking those lessons-learned to heart, the entire thing became a politically partisan circus.

I don't think Obama or Hillary did anything illegal (aside from dragging the US to war in Libya illegally), but it did not have to go the way it did.

So your points on Benghazi are now even more irrelevant to this thread? Got it.

not much is more irrelevant than the bullshit stevie posts ...
There is no strategy in claiming there are tapes. Comey still testified, he hasn't changed his story and now Trump is waffling on claims of there being a tape. It makes him look even more dishonest.

And this is all being pointed out to you in a thread started by a lying Trump supporting white nationalist.

Comey testified about the meeting. All the details have been divulged, according to Comey. Schumer just asked Trump to testify about any tapes existing. WHY?

Haven't you snowflakes already declared Trump to be a liar? Hasn't he proved already he is and has lied a lot? So why drag this out any further?

It's over...but libs can't let it die...and unfortunately neither can Trump.

No crime, no collusion, no obstruction. Facing the fact that all their schemes have all been eliminated, what does Schumer want? To desperately get Trump under oath where he hopes Trump will get caught perjuring himself because that is all the Democrats have to hope for now?

Enough of this endless BS drama and false accusations. It's OVER! Can we PLEASE get back to 'America's business' and worrying about North Korea, China, Russia, Terrorism, the economy,y, health care, etc instead of this endless but-hurt need for 'revenge'?
I stated that you fking stupid fk. Now why doesn't the FBI just comply with the Justice Department and the congress and move this mother along? why do we all wish to play with ourselves all the time rather than produce a conclusion. What are you all afraid of? Comey admitted that Trump isn't under investigation. never was. NEVER WAS! So dude, right now, you're holding shit in your hands. How's that feel, never experienced it like you.
Trump was afraid Comey would put Trump under investigation at some point, so he fired him. Stop playing dumb about the "he wasn't under investigation" thing. You know the investigation had not come to an end, therefore it was too early for Trump to be off the hook.
Complete BS you made up in your head. We do know Comey forgot to record the Hillary interview and promptly destroyed the evidence after meeting with her.

A link would be nice right about now.
Is your google machine broken? This is common knowledge.

Link please.
Lazy libs...

FBI didn't record Clinton interview, did not administer sworn oath

DOJ 'side agreements' let agents destroy laptops in Clinton email case
This whole Trump not under investigation reminds me of the old joke. An anarchist calls up the FBI, and asks them if they have a file on him. They ask him for his name, address, and why he believed the FBI would have a file on him.

Afterwards the agent tell him. We don't have a file on you right now. But based on what you just told me, we're going to start one.
Memos are like emails, you only delete them when there's something in there you don't want people to see, especially law enforcement. I used to have a high opinion of Comey, but not any more.
Is that what Trump was quoting as saying? I don't think so.
According to CNN:

"'I hope you can see your way clear to letting this go, to letting Flynn go. He is a good guy. I hope you can let this go."

Not once does President Trump tell Comey to 'Drop the investigation on Flynn' / 'I WANT YOU TO drop the investigation on Flynn'.

Any claim to the contrary is a lie. Any claim to the contrary is 'speculation' / 'interpretation', NOT what was actually said.

It's OVER, snowflakes. Time to get over your butt-hurt and move on.

'Elections have consequences...If you want change, win some elections'.
-- Former President Barak Obama

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