Breaking: Comey Now Claims He Deleted His Memos

well fk, all Mueller has to say is I have them? Right? clears up the picture doesn't it? why can't he make that statement? Cause he doesn't have them, like what was stated in this thread.

Sources: Mueller visits FBI headquarters, briefed on Comey memos -

Robert Mueller -- the former FBI director now overseeing the Department of Justice's investigation into Russia's election-year meddling and contact with the Trump campaign -- has been briefed on the contents of some of the memos that former FBI Director James Comey kept to document his conversations with President Donald Trump, according to a person familiar with the matter.

In one memo, Comey wrote that Trump asked him to end the FBI probe into former national security adviser Michael Flynn, according to a person familiar with the matter.
Notice the phrase in the CNN report, "according to a person familiar with the matter".
well sure it does, because when documents are saved on a computer, there are copies automatically when you save them. So it's disingenuous to sell it like he doesn't have copies, no logic there bubba.

Does he have the computer in his possession? I doubt it. It doesn't matter, he testified that Mueller has the documents.

Whether Comey personally has copies at this point is irrelevant.
well they're his. why wouldn't he? you still can't produce any logical thought I see. Why won't the FBI provide them if they have his computer? why all the defensive behavior of avoiding the congress? seems like you have no answer. I do, they don't exist.

The FBI is in the middle of an investigation, they often times won't comment or hand over evidence until they have completed their work. Which was why it was not routine for Comey to comment on the Clinton emails.

Anyway, if the computer was FBI property and Comey is no longer in the FBI then use your imagination as to why he doesn't have the computer in his possession.
I stated that you fking stupid fk. Now why doesn't the FBI just comply with the Justice Department and the congress and move this mother along? why do we all wish to play with ourselves all the time rather than produce a conclusion. What are you all afraid of? Comey admitted that Trump isn't under investigation. never was. NEVER WAS! So dude, right now, you're holding shit in your hands. How's that feel, never experienced it like you.
What you seem to be forgetting is the investigation is about Russian interference in our elections which is a lot more important than what Trump or Comey said. What is really important is how the Russians interfered, who was involve, what charges if any should be made, and most important how do we protection our election process in the future.

The Trump/Comey issue is just a sideline event which could be important to the investigation or may not. If there is real evidence of obstruction, it will pursued. However, Comey never made that accusation. Although this issue may have huge political significance, it may be a very minor part of the investigation. We just don't know and probably won't until the investigation is complete.
the russians didn't do dick. sorry pal, I'm much smarter, wiser and more observant than most in here. And btw, comey backs me not the libs. BTW, why haven't the FBI looked at the DNC server? oops, until that happens, it's all dick.
well fk, all Mueller has to say is I have them? Right? clears up the picture doesn't it? why can't he make that statement? Cause he doesn't have them, like what was stated in this thread.

Sources: Mueller visits FBI headquarters, briefed on Comey memos -

Robert Mueller -- the former FBI director now overseeing the Department of Justice's investigation into Russia's election-year meddling and contact with the Trump campaign -- has been briefed on the contents of some of the memos that former FBI Director James Comey kept to document his conversations with President Donald Trump, according to a person familiar with the matter.

In one memo, Comey wrote that Trump asked him to end the FBI probe into former national security adviser Michael Flynn, according to a person familiar with the matter.
seriously, you expect me to take that with any salt? you're fking nuts gene. I want fking names of those sources. no more anonymous shit bubba.

BTW, that wreaks of desperate.
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where does that say there are tapes? you all are truly stupid fks.

Trump announced the tapes at the press conference with the Rumanian president.
No. We got the usually ramblings from Trump when asked if the tapes exist.
Trump said in his scatterbrain stream of conscience language, "Well, I'll tell you about that maybe sometime in the very near future. But in the meantime, no collusion, no obstruction. He’s a leaker. But we want to get back to running our great country -- jobs. Trade deficits, we want them to disappear fast. North Korea, a big problem. Middle East, a big problem. So that's what I am focused on. That's what I have been focused on."

I sure hope he testifies before congress under oath.

Remarks by President Trump and President Iohannis of Romania in a Joint Press Conference
... they are hoping that one day ectoplasm exudes from the body of a medium during a spiritualistic trance...

Isn't that the way same-sex-marriage couples hope homosexuals will one day procreate...?!


Not exactly; same sex couple can be effective and loving parents for children abandoned or abused by heterosexual couples, especially when parental rights are terminated for the sexual abuse of a child by a biological parent.
how the fk do you know that? hly fk.
Fk, post up the link.

Because Trump said it on live tv? Saying about the tapes "you'll be surprised" and when he would reveal the existance of the tapes, he said "in the near future"

Just google trump and the rumanian president at the whitehouse. It's also where the Rumanian president said they discussed the visa waiver program, and trump claims they didn't.
well why don't you just post the link you claim exists.

The only reason the discussion of tapes ever came up is because Trump implied he had them and is now playing games about their release though I suspect he's just full of it.
implied is not the same as has. you know this right? Maybe he wanted to out the guy, which is exactly what happened. It's where we now learned he, comey, was a leaker. ouch. Still no evidence of any tape.

RIght, I doubt any tapes exist. I think Trump is full of shit to imply there were tapes. Why can't he just say there are no tapes?
What sense would it make for Trump to record a private conversation that he planned to ask Comey a favor in relation to the investigation? The man is not that stupid.
Does he have the computer in his possession? I doubt it. It doesn't matter, he testified that Mueller has the documents.

Whether Comey personally has copies at this point is irrelevant.
well they're his. why wouldn't he? you still can't produce any logical thought I see. Why won't the FBI provide them if they have his computer? why all the defensive behavior of avoiding the congress? seems like you have no answer. I do, they don't exist.

The FBI is in the middle of an investigation, they often times won't comment or hand over evidence until they have completed their work. Which was why it was not routine for Comey to comment on the Clinton emails.

Anyway, if the computer was FBI property and Comey is no longer in the FBI then use your imagination as to why he doesn't have the computer in his possession.
I stated that you fking stupid fk. Now why doesn't the FBI just comply with the Justice Department and the congress and move this mother along? why do we all wish to play with ourselves all the time rather than produce a conclusion. What are you all afraid of? Comey admitted that Trump isn't under investigation. never was. NEVER WAS! So dude, right now, you're holding shit in your hands. How's that feel, never experienced it like you.
What you seem to be forgetting is the investigation is about Russian interference in our elections which is a lot more important than what Trump or Comey said. What is really important is how the Russians interfered, who was involve, what charges if any should be made, and most important how do we protection our election process in the future.

The Trump/Comey issue is just a sideline event which could be important to the investigation or may not. If there is real evidence of obstruction, it will pursued. However, Comey never made that accusation. Although this issue may have huge political significance, it may be a very minor part of the investigation. We just don't know and probably won't until the investigation is complete.
the russians didn't do dick. sorry pal, I'm much smarter, wiser and more observant than most in here. And btw, comey backs me not the libs. BTW, why haven't the FBI looked at the DNC server? oops, until that happens, it's all dick.

The evidence is not in that you are smarter, wiser or more observant than most of "in here"; it is clear by your syntax that you are disorganized, a smart and wise individual would observe such when reading your posts. We all make errors in our writing, I suggest you read aloud your written work before posting.
well they're his. why wouldn't he? you still can't produce any logical thought I see. Why won't the FBI provide them if they have his computer? why all the defensive behavior of avoiding the congress? seems like you have no answer. I do, they don't exist.

The FBI is in the middle of an investigation, they often times won't comment or hand over evidence until they have completed their work. Which was why it was not routine for Comey to comment on the Clinton emails.

Anyway, if the computer was FBI property and Comey is no longer in the FBI then use your imagination as to why he doesn't have the computer in his possession.
I stated that you fking stupid fk. Now why doesn't the FBI just comply with the Justice Department and the congress and move this mother along? why do we all wish to play with ourselves all the time rather than produce a conclusion. What are you all afraid of? Comey admitted that Trump isn't under investigation. never was. NEVER WAS! So dude, right now, you're holding shit in your hands. How's that feel, never experienced it like you.
What you seem to be forgetting is the investigation is about Russian interference in our elections which is a lot more important than what Trump or Comey said. What is really important is how the Russians interfered, who was involve, what charges if any should be made, and most important how do we protection our election process in the future.

The Trump/Comey issue is just a sideline event which could be important to the investigation or may not. If there is real evidence of obstruction, it will pursued. However, Comey never made that accusation. Although this issue may have huge political significance, it may be a very minor part of the investigation. We just don't know and probably won't until the investigation is complete.
the russians didn't do dick. sorry pal, I'm much smarter, wiser and more observant than most in here. And btw, comey backs me not the libs. BTW, why haven't the FBI looked at the DNC server? oops, until that happens, it's all dick.

The evidence is not in that you are smarter, wiser or more observant than most of "in here"; it is clear by your syntax that you are disorganized, a smart and wise individual would observe such when reading your posts. We all make errors in our writing, I suggest you read aloud your written work before posting.
and you prove my point, thanks,
Because Trump said it on live tv? Saying about the tapes "you'll be surprised" and when he would reveal the existance of the tapes, he said "in the near future"

Just google trump and the rumanian president at the whitehouse. It's also where the Rumanian president said they discussed the visa waiver program, and trump claims they didn't.
well why don't you just post the link you claim exists.

The only reason the discussion of tapes ever came up is because Trump implied he had them and is now playing games about their release though I suspect he's just full of it.
implied is not the same as has. you know this right? Maybe he wanted to out the guy, which is exactly what happened. It's where we now learned he, comey, was a leaker. ouch. Still no evidence of any tape.

RIght, I doubt any tapes exist. I think Trump is full of shit to imply there were tapes. Why can't he just say there are no tapes?
What sense would it make for Trump to record a private conversation that he planned to ask Comey a favor in relation to the investigation? The man is not that stupid.

It makes no sense to most of us, but most of us are not narcissists or megalomaniacs - Trump is. He believes he can lie his way out of any situation, and if that fails, buy his way out; he sure as heck can't charm his way out.
well why don't you just post the link you claim exists.

The only reason the discussion of tapes ever came up is because Trump implied he had them and is now playing games about their release though I suspect he's just full of it.
implied is not the same as has. you know this right? Maybe he wanted to out the guy, which is exactly what happened. It's where we now learned he, comey, was a leaker. ouch. Still no evidence of any tape.

RIght, I doubt any tapes exist. I think Trump is full of shit to imply there were tapes. Why can't he just say there are no tapes?
What sense would it make for Trump to record a private conversation that he planned to ask Comey a favor in relation to the investigation? The man is not that stupid.

It makes no sense to most of us, but most of us are not narcissists or megalomaniacs - Trump is. He believes he can lie his way out of any situation, and if that fails, buy his way out - he sure as heck can't charm his way out.
the man operates from a strategic position. it is what leaders actually do. you should do some learnin
No he didn't delete them. He turned them over to Mueller.
Comey confirmed he'd turned over his own copies of the memos to Mueller, but he said during testimony to the Senate Intelligence Committee this week he'd be comfortable if senators obtained their own copies from Richman or elsewhere.
Comey associate has been in contact with Senate Judiciary about memos
Its getting hard to track down the truth anymore, I found one place that said he deleted them and another that said he turned them over to the FBI and another that said he only has copies.
And another place said he was a Russian Spy and still another claims he's alien from outer space.

anything the RW pukes can imagine will get thrown on the wall ... whatever it takes to distract attention away from Cheeto the tweet-o
I have to wonder it the Comey firing and meetings with Comey has been to distract attention from the investigation of Russian interference in the election and collusion of the Trump camp.
No he didn't delete them. He turned them over to Mueller.
Comey confirmed he'd turned over his own copies of the memos to Mueller, but he said during testimony to the Senate Intelligence Committee this week he'd be comfortable if senators obtained their own copies from Richman or elsewhere.
Comey associate has been in contact with Senate Judiciary about memos
Its getting hard to track down the truth anymore, I found one place that said he deleted them and another that said he turned them over to the FBI and another that said he only has copies.
And another place said he was a Russian Spy and still another claims he's alien from outer space.

anything the RW pukes can imagine will get thrown on the wall ... whatever it takes to distract attention away from Cheeto the tweet-o
I have to wonder it the Comey firing and meetings with Comey has been to distract attention from the investigation of Russian interference in the election and collusion of the Trump camp.
so you really think Comey didn't deserve to be fired based on his testimony? A leaker, a loser a belly icher. He was stank, stink, stunk!!! Thank you donald.
Destroying govt records is a crime. And destroying evidence that you believe could be evidence is a bigger crime.

18 U.S.C. § 641 - 1663. Protection Of Government Property -- Protection Of Public Records And Documents

Any custodian of a public record who "willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, falsifies, or destroys (any record) shall be fined not more than $2,000 or imprisoned not more than three years, or both; and shall forfeit his office and be disqualified from holding any office under the United States." While the range of acts proscribed by this subsection is somewhat narrower than subsection (a), it does provide the additional penalty of forfeiture of position with the United States.

Fake news.

The only reason the discussion of tapes ever came up is because Trump implied he had them and is now playing games about their release though I suspect he's just full of it.
implied is not the same as has. you know this right? Maybe he wanted to out the guy, which is exactly what happened. It's where we now learned he, comey, was a leaker. ouch. Still no evidence of any tape.

RIght, I doubt any tapes exist. I think Trump is full of shit to imply there were tapes. Why can't he just say there are no tapes?
What sense would it make for Trump to record a private conversation that he planned to ask Comey a favor in relation to the investigation? The man is not that stupid.

It makes no sense to most of us, but most of us are not narcissists or megalomaniacs - Trump is. He believes he can lie his way out of any situation, and if that fails, buy his way out - he sure as heck can't charm his way out.
the man operates from a strategic position. it is what leaders actually do. you should do some learnin
So you're saying a recording of Trump asking the FBI Director to ease up or shutdown the Russian interference investigation is strategic to his plans.
implied is not the same as has. you know this right? Maybe he wanted to out the guy, which is exactly what happened. It's where we now learned he, comey, was a leaker. ouch. Still no evidence of any tape.

RIght, I doubt any tapes exist. I think Trump is full of shit to imply there were tapes. Why can't he just say there are no tapes?
What sense would it make for Trump to record a private conversation that he planned to ask Comey a favor in relation to the investigation? The man is not that stupid.

It makes no sense to most of us, but most of us are not narcissists or megalomaniacs - Trump is. He believes he can lie his way out of any situation, and if that fails, buy his way out - he sure as heck can't charm his way out.
the man operates from a strategic position. it is what leaders actually do. you should do some learnin
So you're saying a recording of Trump asking the FBI Director to ease up or shutdown the Russian interference investigation is strategic to his plans.
it is if Comey has it wrong. Don't you think? You do know taping is allowed in the white house. so you got nothing if there were tapes. Accept who is right. Oh I love the drama. you?
RIght, I doubt any tapes exist. I think Trump is full of shit to imply there were tapes. Why can't he just say there are no tapes?
What sense would it make for Trump to record a private conversation that he planned to ask Comey a favor in relation to the investigation? The man is not that stupid.

It makes no sense to most of us, but most of us are not narcissists or megalomaniacs - Trump is. He believes he can lie his way out of any situation, and if that fails, buy his way out - he sure as heck can't charm his way out.
the man operates from a strategic position. it is what leaders actually do. you should do some learnin
So you're saying a recording of Trump asking the FBI Director to ease up or shutdown the Russian interference investigation is strategic to his plans.
it is if Comey has it wrong. Don't you think? You do know taping is allowed in the white house. so you got nothing if there were tapes. Accept who is right. Oh I love the drama. you?

Does he have the computer in his possession? I doubt it. It doesn't matter, he testified that Mueller has the documents.

Whether Comey personally has copies at this point is irrelevant.
well they're his. why wouldn't he? you still can't produce any logical thought I see. Why won't the FBI provide them if they have his computer? why all the defensive behavior of avoiding the congress? seems like you have no answer. I do, they don't exist.

The FBI is in the middle of an investigation, they often times won't comment or hand over evidence until they have completed their work. Which was why it was not routine for Comey to comment on the Clinton emails.

Anyway, if the computer was FBI property and Comey is no longer in the FBI then use your imagination as to why he doesn't have the computer in his possession.
I stated that you fking stupid fk. Now why doesn't the FBI just comply with the Justice Department and the congress and move this mother along? why do we all wish to play with ourselves all the time rather than produce a conclusion. What are you all afraid of? Comey admitted that Trump isn't under investigation. never was. NEVER WAS! So dude, right now, you're holding shit in your hands. How's that feel, never experienced it like you.
What you seem to be forgetting is the investigation is about Russian interference in our elections which is a lot more important than what Trump or Comey said. What is really important is how the Russians interfered, who was involve, what charges if any should be made, and most important how do we protection our election process in the future.

The Trump/Comey issue is just a sideline event which could be important to the investigation or may not. If there is real evidence of obstruction, it will pursued. However, Comey never made that accusation. Although this issue may have huge political significance, it may be a very minor part of the investigation. We just don't know and probably won't until the investigation is complete.
the russians didn't do dick. sorry pal, I'm much smarter, wiser and more observant than most in here. And btw, comey backs me not the libs. BTW, why haven't the FBI looked at the DNC server? oops, until that happens, it's all dick.
Comey says they did. You're dumber than the average conservative if you think anyone's gonna b'lieve you over the former director of the FBI.
What sense would it make for Trump to record a private conversation that he planned to ask Comey a favor in relation to the investigation? The man is not that stupid.

It makes no sense to most of us, but most of us are not narcissists or megalomaniacs - Trump is. He believes he can lie his way out of any situation, and if that fails, buy his way out - he sure as heck can't charm his way out.
the man operates from a strategic position. it is what leaders actually do. you should do some learnin
So you're saying a recording of Trump asking the FBI Director to ease up or shutdown the Russian interference investigation is strategic to his plans.
it is if Comey has it wrong. Don't you think? You do know taping is allowed in the white house. so you got nothing if there were tapes. Accept who is right. Oh I love the drama. you?

I agree, time to bury the russia thing.
It makes no sense to most of us, but most of us are not narcissists or megalomaniacs - Trump is. He believes he can lie his way out of any situation, and if that fails, buy his way out - he sure as heck can't charm his way out.
the man operates from a strategic position. it is what leaders actually do. you should do some learnin
So you're saying a recording of Trump asking the FBI Director to ease up or shutdown the Russian interference investigation is strategic to his plans.
it is if Comey has it wrong. Don't you think? You do know taping is allowed in the white house. so you got nothing if there were tapes. Accept who is right. Oh I love the drama. you?

I agree, time to bury the russia thing.
Why? It's still being investigated.

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