Breaking: Comey Now Claims He Deleted His Memos

Actually, of you know how a disk management system works, save having a shredding program, the document still exists even though it is deleted. IN the case of all FBI lap tops, a data dump of all files created or deleted is sent to the mainframe at least once a day. If he made these documents and then deleted them, the lap top system will save these files for down load until connected to the mainframe for archiving, there are copies that can be retrieved.
Did he say he used a computer, there is still a thing as a pen you know. You use this when you do not want those digital copies, something that Homeboy knows all too well about
He did say he used a classified laptop for the classified memo. That leads me to believe he used his personal laptop for the others. It's awkward writing in the car, don't you find?
If he said the memo was classified, how could he say that he turned it over to the Times

Seriously this guy is a complete flake
No, he didn't turn that one over to the Times. It was classified.

Look bimbo, if something is classified you should not know about it unless you have clearance to know.

Thus Homey is a clown.

What? If something is classified, like Hillary's emails you mean? We shouldn't have known they existed? Like that?
jonberzerk and breakwind are examples of the know nothing babbling masses.
The chatter on the alt right media says Comey deleted the memo but produces no evidence.

Wait and see, I guess.
Hullo. Wait and see for WHAT? Comey gave his memos to Mueller. The only thing I could find as the basis for this thread except tweets was a "Young Conservatives" blog piece that was either ill informed or intentionally "alternative facts." But I remembered hearing during the testimony (whether it was Comey or an announcer, I don't remember) that he had handed the memos over to the FBI. It's common knowledge.
So, you missed the part where he said he would get copies from the person he leaked the information to and give the Congress a copy? Now they've been destroyed?

Nothing suspicious about that.
You can not give information to the NY Times then claim that it is destroyed.................The information is now everywhere and indestructible.

So anyway one looks at it Homey is banannas
The chatter on the alt right media says Comey deleted the memo but produces no evidence.

Wait and see, I guess.
Hullo. Wait and see for WHAT? Comey gave his memos to Mueller. The only thing I could find as the basis for this thread except tweets was a "Young Conservatives" blog piece that was either ill informed or intentionally "alternative facts." But I remembered hearing during the testimony (whether it was Comey or an announcer, I don't remember) that he had handed the memos over to the FBI. It's common knowledge.
So, you missed the part where he said he would get copies from the person he leaked the information to and give the Congress a copy? Now they've been destroyed?

Nothing suspicious about that.
That's not what I read. They have not been destroyed. I know the thread is six pages now, but honestly. Read the damned thing. Especially my pearls of wisdom.
grasping at fake news & opinionated blogs is grasping at straws that simply will not be saving your orange overlord.
Did he say he used a computer, there is still a thing as a pen you know. You use this when you do not want those digital copies, something that Homeboy knows all too well about
He did say he used a classified laptop for the classified memo. That leads me to believe he used his personal laptop for the others. It's awkward writing in the car, don't you find?
If he said the memo was classified, how could he say that he turned it over to the Times

Seriously this guy is a complete flake
No, he didn't turn that one over to the Times. It was classified.

Look bimbo, if something is classified you should not know about it unless you have clearance to know.

Thus Homey is a clown.

What? If something is classified, like Hillary's emails you mean? We shouldn't have known they existed? Like that?

Classified information if held and protected correctly is unknown to the public information. In fact the public should not even know that it is classified because they should not know that it exist. We know about Hillaries emails because she DID NOT protect them correctly. Homeboy is in the same boat
The chatter on the alt right media says Comey deleted the memo but produces no evidence.

Wait and see, I guess.
Hullo. Wait and see for WHAT? Comey gave his memos to Mueller. The only thing I could find as the basis for this thread except tweets was a "Young Conservatives" blog piece that was either ill informed or intentionally "alternative facts." But I remembered hearing during the testimony (whether it was Comey or an announcer, I don't remember) that he had handed the memos over to the FBI. It's common knowledge.
So, you missed the part where he said he would get copies from the person he leaked the information to and give the Congress a copy? Now they've been destroyed?

Nothing suspicious about that.
That's not what I read. They have not been destroyed. I know the thread is six pages now, but honestly. Read the damned thing. Especially my pearls of wisdom.
He gave copies to the special investigator who has no legal reason to release them to the Congress. He said he would get a copy for the Congress. Has he provided that copy or not? As for your pearls of wisdom. I'll pass.
He did say he used a classified laptop for the classified memo. That leads me to believe he used his personal laptop for the others. It's awkward writing in the car, don't you find?
If he said the memo was classified, how could he say that he turned it over to the Times

Seriously this guy is a complete flake
No, he didn't turn that one over to the Times. It was classified.

Look bimbo, if something is classified you should not know about it unless you have clearance to know.

Thus Homey is a clown.

What? If something is classified, like Hillary's emails you mean? We shouldn't have known they existed? Like that?

Classified information if held and protected correctly is unknown to the public information. In fact the public should not even know that it is classified because they should not know that it exist. We know about Hillaries emails because she DID NOT protect them correctly.

those memos are not classified. & her server was never hacked. you gotta know the roooskies hacked both the DNC & the RNC. rubio admitted his was hacked too.
If he said the memo was classified, how could he say that he turned it over to the Times

Seriously this guy is a complete flake
No, he didn't turn that one over to the Times. It was classified.

Look bimbo, if something is classified you should not know about it unless you have clearance to know.

Thus Homey is a clown.

What? If something is classified, like Hillary's emails you mean? We shouldn't have known they existed? Like that?

Classified information if held and protected correctly is unknown to the public information. In fact the public should not even know that it is classified because they should not know that it exist. We know about Hillaries emails because she DID NOT protect them correctly.

those memos are not classified. & her server was never hacked. you gotta know the roooskies hacked both the DNC & the RNC. rubio admitted his was hacked too.

So did Graham.
Here's a pretty safe bet: Comey fabricated the Fake Memoes after he was fired.

That's spelled "memos" and I suspect his being a pretty smart guy, also knew how to time/date stamp them to prove to idiots like you why you're such fucking idiots in the first place.

It's hilarious that the biggest fucking idiot to ever be elected POTUS decides to threaten the top cop of the country. Comey turned on the dictating machine in his head the moment Trump asked everybody else to leave the room. He didn't get to be FBI Director by being a dumbshit like yourself.
Conducting Investigations and prosecutions of political and business leaders is nothing new to Comey. He has been a Republican for many years and generally supports conservative issues but claims to be apolitical. He has been appointed to positions by both Republican and Democrat presidents and has taken contrary stands against all of them at one time or another. He has conducted 3 investigations of the Clintons, testified before congress over half dozen times, and has been at the center of a number of high profile cases. Comey has a load of experience in dealing with politically charged investigations. I suspect he knows quite well how to cover his ass and deal with people like Trump.
I suspect he knows quite well how to cover his ass and deal with people like Trump.

I don't know about that. Other than mafia figures, Comey probably didn't run into anybody as slimy as Trump. As Comey said, he didn't trust Trump to tell the truth.
The alt right masses babble along.

The memos are in the hands of Mueller.
The alt right can not babble without idiots like you to keep responding.

Next moro
Says the chief alt right babbler
Remember when you BABBLED that Trump would never be President? We do. Next babble
Fallacy of false equivalency, Bass the Babbler.. I am me, you are you, and I am always going to top you. Just fact, dude. Go cry on HenryBHough's shoulder

Comey broke no law.

Mueller is now focusing on obstruction along with collusion.

No repeal of AHCA.

No wall.

No tax reform.

EOs jammed in the courts.

No infrastructure bill.

Growing more global with considering sending 5000 more troops to Afghanistan.
The alt right masses babble along.

The memos are in the hands of Mueller.
The alt right can not babble without idiots like you to keep responding.

Next moro
Says the chief alt right babbler
Remember when you BABBLED that Trump would never be President? We do. Next babble
Fallacy of false equivalency, Bass the Babbler.. I am me, you are you, and I am always going to top you. Just fact, dude. Go cry on HenryBHough's shoulder

Comey broke no law.

Mueller is now focusing on obstruction along with collusion.

No repeal of AHCA.

No wall.

No tax reform.

EOs jammed in the courts.

No infrastructure bill.

Growing more global with considering sending 5000 more troops to Afghanistan.

Jake, the only reason that you believe that you know what Mueller is focusing on, is because you are a delusional schitzo, unless Mueller told you.

Since you are not in contact with him the schitzo diagnosis is confirmed.

Again, so take your Abilify
Bass the Babbler ignored

No repeal of AHCA.

No wall.

No tax reform.

EOs jammed in the courts.

No infrastructure bill.

Growing more global with considering sending 5000 more troops to Afghanistan.

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