Breaking: Comey Now Claims He Deleted His Memos

Here's a pretty safe bet: Comey fabricated the Fake Memoes after he was fired.

You understand that can easily be proven fake right? Digital copies have a time stamp for the creation of the file...

Who has actually seen the memoes. The friend who is in hiding apparently read excerpts to the NYT over the phone. The NYT didn't even bother to see the actual memoes. It's likely they do not even exist other than as an ex post facto Fake News plant.

He turned them over to Mueller numbnuts. If he hadn't he would be getting blasted from all directions and would be spending time in jail.

B'loney. As he did these notes electronically on a computer, it is highly unlikely he didn't keep copies. Given how he claimed they were his personal property, his "deleted" claim is not believable.

Are you retarded? He said he used an FBI secure computer to type out his first meeting with Trump. You can not delete something off a computer without running special software to do so, or to magnetize the hard drive and ruin it. Since the computer is property of the FBI, it would be easy to know if any of that happened... and could easily be proven wrong.

There is one big thing you fail to understand here, Comey is much smarter than you are, and wouldn't be stupid enough to try and do something like you are saying in which would make him look like an idiot he openly perjured himself under oath in front of the Senate committee.
Don't sell Comey short.. He is trying a Clinton ploy from the play book so he cant be too smart or he let his arrogance get out of control...
So, you missed the part where he said he would get copies from the person he leaked the information to and give the Congress a copy? Now they've been destroyed?

Nothing suspicious about that.
The only thing "suspicious" is your misrepresenting what was said. But no surprise there!
From the transcript:

LANKFORD: Do you have a copy of any those notes, personally?

COMEY: I don’t. I turned them over to Bob Mueller’s investigators.

LANKFORD: The individual that you told about your memos, that then sent on to the New York Times — do they have a copy of those memos, or were they told orally of those memos?

COMEY: Had a copy — had a copy at the time.

LANKFORD: Do they — do they still have a copy of those memos?

COMEY: That’s a good question. I think so. I guess I can’t say for sure, sitting here, but I — I — I guess I don’t know, but I think so.

LANKFORD: So the question is, could you ask them to hand that copy right back to you, so you could hand them over to this committee?

COMEY: Potentially.
What the right should be doing is trying to find that tax plan that's moving right through Congress that Trump was talking about.
Whole lot of wishin' these memos didn't exist I see goin' on.
Why? There aren't any. Otherwise they'd be available. If they do exist, where are they?

Does anyone else see the irony in this post? One of the memos gets released to the media and it is leaking... the others are not released and because of that they must not exist. So which is it? You want to see the memos released to the public, or is it leaking when one is released to the public?

You can't have it both ways...
Whole lot of wishin' these memos didn't exist I see goin' on.
Why? There aren't any. Otherwise they'd be available. If they do exist, where are they?

Does anyone else see the irony in this post? One of the memos gets released to the media and it is leaking... the others are not released and because of that they must not exist. So which is it? You want to see the memos released to the public, or is it leaking when one is released to the public?

You can't have it both ways...

They are in a bad spot. Denying the existence of the memos is to attempt to prove that Comey is lying and that evidence doesn't exist. They want it real bad, common sense is lost for them.
The chatter on the alt right media says Comey deleted the memo but produces no evidence.

Wait and see, I guess.
Hullo. Wait and see for WHAT? Comey gave his memos to Mueller. The only thing I could find as the basis for this thread except tweets was a "Young Conservatives" blog piece that was either ill informed or intentionally "alternative facts." But I remembered hearing during the testimony (whether it was Comey or an announcer, I don't remember) that he had handed the memos over to the FBI. It's common knowledge.
Lots of clutter being produced with no real verifiable information. It does seem likely that he would not have left copies of that document in easily accessible places. Memos as well as people can be made to disappear.
I don't really have a lot of questions. It has been reported by credible sources that Comey turned over his memos to Mueller. All this questioning about what was turned over when and was it really and was it paper or plastic. OMG. I'm quite confident that once information has been turned over for the investigation, Comey can't share more copies with anyone else without Mueller's permission. I THINK. I don't know how the committees stand with that issue.
Lot's of smoke. The only thing I pay much attention to is sworn testimony, news stories that name sources, and conclusions from legitimate investigations.
I suspect he knows quite well how to cover his ass and deal with people like Trump.

I don't know about that. Other than mafia figures, Comey probably didn't run into anybody as slimy as Trump. As Comey said, he didn't trust Trump to tell the truth.
Unlike Trump, he doesn't do Twitter tirades, give interviews, make press announcements. He just gives sworn testimony before congress. As a result, the public Trusts Comey over Trump by 20 percentage points.
The chatter on the alt right media says Comey deleted the memo but produces no evidence.

Wait and see, I guess.
Hullo. Wait and see for WHAT? Comey gave his memos to Mueller. The only thing I could find as the basis for this thread except tweets was a "Young Conservatives" blog piece that was either ill informed or intentionally "alternative facts." But I remembered hearing during the testimony (whether it was Comey or an announcer, I don't remember) that he had handed the memos over to the FBI. It's common knowledge.
I'm just checking, but this has been deemed a fake, correct? LG SW to Richman (Comey Memos)_Redacted.pdf
No he didn't delete them. He turned them over to Mueller.
Comey confirmed he'd turned over his own copies of the memos to Mueller, but he said during testimony to the Senate Intelligence Committee this week he'd be comfortable if senators obtained their own copies from Richman or elsewhere.
Comey associate has been in contact with Senate Judiciary about memos
Its getting hard to track down the truth anymore, I found one place that said he deleted them and another that said he turned them over to the FBI and another that said he only has copies.

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