BREAKING: Comey Says We Haven't Changed Conclusions Since July - Clears Hillary

BREAKING NEWS on MSNBC. Comey remarks in new letter to Congress about Clinton investigation.

Hillary Clinton Won’t Face Charges For New Emails, FBI Director Tells Congress

A week after rocking the campaign, Comey cleared the Democratic nominee.

An FBI investigation into newly discovered emails potentially pertaining to Hillary Clinton’s private email server will not result in any new charges, the bureau announced on Sunday.

In a letter to Congress, FBI Director James Comey said that he was not going to revisit his prior conclusion that Clinton acted legally ― albeit carelessly ― in using a private account while she was secretary of state.

Since my letter, the FBI investigative team has been working around the clock to process and review a large volume of emails from a device obtained in connection with an unrelated criminal investigation. During that process we reviewed all of the communications that were to or from Hillary Clinton while she was Secretary of State. Based on our review, we have not changed our conclusions that we expressed in July with respect to Secretary Clinton. I am very grateful to the professionals at the FBI for doing an extraordinary amount of high-quality work in a short period of time.

The announcement comes a bit more than a week after Comey upended the presidential campaign by announcing that the FBI had discovered additional emails that were potentially pertinent to Clinton’s server.

The letter Comey sent to Congress on Oct. 28 was vague. But subsequent reports revealed that the emails had been discovered on the computer of former Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-N.Y.), the estranged husband of longtime Clinton aide Huma Abedin.

Agents began poring through the newly discovered emails, which were believed to number roughly 650,000. Without knowing the results, GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump and his surrogates have asserted that there would undoubtedly be confidential communications found among the emails. They have also argued that an indictment against Clinton was surely coming, and put out television advertisements based on the new discoveries

Sunday’s announcement suggests, quite strongly, that is not the case. It was met with muted celebration from the Clinton campaign.

Hillary Clinton Won't Face Charges For New Emails, FBI Director Tells Congress | Huffington Post

It's over!!!!! Comey clears Clinton!!!!!
I'm going through all the threads where Republicans were sure this time they finally have her.

And they don't. Again.

Exactly! Hillary is 69 - and has never been convicted of anything. Nothing. Nada.

The Democrat standard of excellence: "I've never been convicted."

Neither was Hitler
No charges does not equate to "exonerated," you dumbfuck moron.

What would you call it, dirty finger boy? I call it case dismissed.
Not being charged.
Funny how she's never been charged for anything, hunh, dingbat dumbass brainwashed hater dupe? Ay caramba...
Dear francoHFW
Nobody has ever been charged with corruption for abuses of tax money including federal process violated for the 20 years I've seen this go on unchecked in my own neifhborhood.

People don't have equal access to legal resources or weight in the justice system. As long as corporate interests have greater ability to sue and win, ppl especially those seeking office, don't dare go against what they want.

francoHFW we can no longer tell if rape is real or not by whether charges are pressed or case is won. OJ was convicted of wrongful death in the civil suit but not of murder in the criminal case because the standards to meet were different.

It doesn't mean the wrong wasn't committed just because someone wasn't caught with prove able intent.

Shame on you on behalf of all rape victims and falsely imprisoned ppl. Who never see justice because this is decided by money!

Do you really think lawyers and judges who pad each other's campaigns for office can be trusted to recuse themselves to avoid conflict of interest politically? You really trust what you see coming from courts and media to decide guilt or innocence? As long as govt tells you what to believe, really?
Seriously, cops and DAs are VERY eager to charge people. Lawyers CAN get them off, true. Hillary has never been charged. FOR GOOD REASON.

...and that good reason is that she has the highest connections to the Justice Department and the President. It is called corruption.

There are plenty of instances where others paid a price for doing far less than she has done. They just weren't politically connected.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
You love him, you hate him, and now you love him.

He is credible, he is not credible, now he is credible...

or, perhaps you are not credible....

Yup last week Comey was a POS as far at Shittingbull was concerned. Now he's a great guy.

I wonder if Shittingbull knows why Hillary had her maid, a maid with no security clearance at all, faxing sensitive and classified material from her server at home.

Hell if you or I did that we would be fired and be facing criminal charges. Wonder if the FBI spoke with Maria, the maid??

I sure would have.

Seems Hillary is above the law. Color me shocked.
So either they charge her or she's above the law. Sounds like a rigged system to me. Lol
Trying to explain to Republicans had they run a kasich or Romney they'd be winning this one?

Or trying to explain the 100 things about trump that make him unqualified?
Critics said that about Obama also.
The problem is it takes such financial and corporate support to make it to the top that it's going to create APPEARANCE of conflicting interests.

We need to create tracks for gaining experience in public service that don't require such deep financial connections that only the very rich or elite can run for office and get anywhere.

Or we'll keep getting the same, on both sides!
BREAKING NEWS on MSNBC. Comey remarks in new letter to Congress about Clinton investigation.

Hillary Clinton Won’t Face Charges For New Emails, FBI Director Tells Congress

A week after rocking the campaign, Comey cleared the Democratic nominee.

An FBI investigation into newly discovered emails potentially pertaining to Hillary Clinton’s private email server will not result in any new charges, the bureau announced on Sunday.

In a letter to Congress, FBI Director James Comey said that he was not going to revisit his prior conclusion that Clinton acted legally ― albeit carelessly ― in using a private account while she was secretary of state.

Since my letter, the FBI investigative team has been working around the clock to process and review a large volume of emails from a device obtained in connection with an unrelated criminal investigation. During that process we reviewed all of the communications that were to or from Hillary Clinton while she was Secretary of State. Based on our review, we have not changed our conclusions that we expressed in July with respect to Secretary Clinton. I am very grateful to the professionals at the FBI for doing an extraordinary amount of high-quality work in a short period of time.

The announcement comes a bit more than a week after Comey upended the presidential campaign by announcing that the FBI had discovered additional emails that were potentially pertinent to Clinton’s server.

The letter Comey sent to Congress on Oct. 28 was vague. But subsequent reports revealed that the emails had been discovered on the computer of former Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-N.Y.), the estranged husband of longtime Clinton aide Huma Abedin.

Agents began poring through the newly discovered emails, which were believed to number roughly 650,000. Without knowing the results, GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump and his surrogates have asserted that there would undoubtedly be confidential communications found among the emails. They have also argued that an indictment against Clinton was surely coming, and put out television advertisements based on the new discoveries

Sunday’s announcement suggests, quite strongly, that is not the case. It was met with muted celebration from the Clinton campaign.

Hillary Clinton Won't Face Charges For New Emails, FBI Director Tells Congress | Huffington Post

It's over!!!!! Comey clears Clinton!!!!!

Funny how for Democrats if they haven't been convicted of a crime they are clear and for Republicans not convicting them of a crime means nothing. OMG, it just hit me. You're a hypocrite! Wow, I did not see that coming ...
I'm going through all the threads where Republicans were sure this time they finally have her.

And they don't. Again.

Exactly! Hillary is 69 - and has never been convicted of anything. Nothing. Nada.
You don't get "convicted" of incompetence and carelessness...but those were Comeys CONCLUSIONS about Hillary. Plain as the nose on your face. If God is just...that will be her downfall on this Tuesday.....amen!
Something even colon Powell did.

And we didn't need comeys opinion. Just tell us if she's being charged. She's not? Didn't think so.

Very True--something Colin Powell did, and actually advised her to use an AOL email account to communicate with staffers. She had a Senior IT staffer working at the state department who set it up for her and maintained it. One would think that a Senior IT staffer working at the State Department would have known that it was against protocol to do that. I imagine it's because he had set up others, and it was never an issue until now.

"The bottom line: Democrats may try to turn the revelations about the email accounts used by Powell and Rice’s staff into a scandal. They may release press statements condemning the former secretaries of state; they may call for scores of unnecessary congressional hearings; they may go to the press and confidently proclaim that crimes were committed by these honorable Republicans. But it would all be lies. Powell and Rice did nothing wrong. This could be considered a scandal only by ignorant or lying partisans.

So there is no Powell or Rice email scandal. And no doubt, that will infuriate the Republicans who are trying so hard to trick people into believing Clinton committed a crime by doing the exact same thing as her predecessors."
The shocking truth: Colin Powell’s emails don’t matter

And yes Colin Powell also received classified documents on his personal AOL email account.
Rice Aides, Powell Also Got Classified Info on Personal Email Accounts
The difference is, the Dems don't have a propaganda or witch hunt machine, hater dupes.
Yes, they do the same thing or worse francoHFW
Are you not paying attention?
The media and party destroyed Mitt Romney over a single comment, while Clinton courts much bigger interests than he does and just shuts the cameras mics and press off so all media is controlled. She doesn't have open press conferences, only meetings with agreements what's going to be asked or its no go.

The media and leftwing had a circus going after Trump, even caught paying the disrupters . Project Veritas exposed their game of Soros paying The very protesters that Clinton blamed on Trump and his supporters when they had hired these ppl to do that!

The whole leftwing party and media has become the Bigger Bully they complain about. Denouncing the right for pushing beliefs in right to life and right to prayer as threats to freedom, but passing right to health care mandates and right to marriage against the beliefs in free market free choice single payer and separation of church and state.

They pay for lobbyists to spread this propaganda through Soros, and censor conservative critics by cutting their Facebook and Twitter accounts.

The only reason you and I can have a conversation about Constitutional issues is USMB respects those principles. Not so with the corporate liberal politics and propaganda run amok! The greens and dems supporting Sanders were close, but even he got cut off and bought out by the powers that be. Sanders and Trump might have been a more fair match, or Cruz and Clinton. But the media was going to destroy whoever got in Clinton's path, and that was Trump. Last time they misrepresented Romney as an evil man when his heart and mind are solidly honest and he was too nice to fight back dirty, unlike Trump who went the other way and jumped into the media circus like reverse psychology and gave them what they want-more trash to throw around. He's saying up yours to this media game of destroying people and trying to beat them at it.

Like Pumpkin Row said, he's like the liberals on steroids, he does the same tactics in media they use, but he's only one person up against a Goliath machine that uses Soros Facebook twitter the Democratic party voter and corporate machine, and conflicting interests within the legal justice and federal government to lobby as one unstoppable bloc.

Dems complain about Bush and oil interests (were THOSE ever proven or still up for debate or assumed guilt? ) while GOP complains of donations and conflicts with the Clintons, and carbon credit financial conflicts with global warming, and both complain about each other's media connections. But if you look who's the bigger bully there, it's clear the left trumps the right.

Now it's the leftwing turn to act as the evil Bush machine that opponents kept criticizing as having conflicts and overriding the Constitution but couldn't be checked or stopped because they had concentrated power.

Neither the left still pushing against ACA or the right protesting Bush and Patriot Act for going too far are heard either but these bullying machines even silence their own party, that's how bad it is. The left does it too but worse because their politicians aren't checked by the Constitution as Cruz and Tea Party stand up to their own party and do. So far the closest the left has to any celebrities or public leaders trying to check their own Democrats, John Cusack protested threats to free press, some Hollywood stars rallied for Sanders and against Clinton hijacking the party, and the Sanders and Green supporters stood with him. I'm the only Democrat I know actively "lobbying" to enforce constitutional standards and I'm an unpaid volunteer here on USMB where I don't get threatened with censorship.

We have a ways to go francoHFW thanks for the humble reminder how bad it Really is, if people on the left like you don't even realize you're part of the same machine the right is blamed for! But bigger more connected and more dangerous if you don't see the implications and consequences!
Sucks to be a Trump-loser. 30 years of lying pathologically about Clinton, and she's still whupping their candy asses. All they can do about it now is cry on message boards and try to lie even bigger, but nobody is buying it.

Don't worry, Trump-losers, there's no need to have an "L" tattooed on your foreheads. Everyone already sees that when they look at you.
You love him, you hate him, and now you love him.

He is credible, he is not credible, now he is credible...

or, perhaps you are not credible....

Comey did his appointed damage, and now wants to try to convince the nation he was just doing his job. What a crock of bullshit, the guy has damaged democracy itself, intentionally and with malice of forethought. He was never hated by the Democrats, or loved by the Democrats, he is what he is another hack who abused the power of his office, just like Christie who inconvenience thousands of commuters out of spite.

Of course when HRC takes office he will get the pink slip (how fitting) and likely land a cushy job with a right wing think tank which will spent the next four years thinking about ways to harm a HRC presidency, no matter how such an agenda might harm our citizens.
You love him, you hate him, and now you love him.

He is credible, he is not credible, now he is credible...

or, perhaps you are not credible....

Comey did his appointed damage, and now wants to try to convince the nation he was just doing his job. What a crock of bullshit, the guy has damaged democracy itself, intentionally and with malice of forethought. He was never hated by the Democrats, or loved by the Democrats, he is what he is another hack who abused the power of his office, just like Christie who inconvenience thousands of commuters out of spite.

Of course when HRC takes office he will get the pink slip (how fitting) and likely land a cushy job with a right wing think tank which will spent the next four years thinking about ways to harm a HRC presidency, no matter how such an agenda might harm our citizens.

You think a "right wing think tank" is going to hire the guy who failed to recommend indicting the criminal Hillary twice? You really are an iniot, aren't you? You don't just play one on message boards
Sucks to be a Trump-loser. 30 years of lying pathologically about Clinton, and she's still whupping their candy asses. All they can do about it now is cry on message boards and try to lie even bigger, but nobody is buying it.

Don't worry, Trump-losers, there's no need to have an "L" tattooed on your foreheads. Everyone already sees that when they look at you.

It sucks as much to be a Trump-loser as a Hillary-loser, and that's saying a lot
Sucks to be a Trump-loser. 30 years of lying pathologically about Clinton, and she's still whupping their candy asses. All they can do about it now is cry on message boards and try to lie even bigger, but nobody is buying it.

Don't worry, Trump-losers, there's no need to have an "L" tattooed on your foreheads. Everyone already sees that when they look at you.

Well for someone who's whipping asses she sure has loads of baggage and she's anything but a shoe in for POTUS.

Of course you, being the idiot you are, support a woman who's actions are stupid, careless and incompetent.

A woman who has her maid, a maid with no security clearance what so ever, faxing sensitive and classified documents from her unsecured in house server.

Yep. She sounds like one competent person to me.

Carry on you biased clueless hack.
You love him, you hate him, and now you love him.

He is credible, he is not credible, now he is credible...

or, perhaps you are not credible....

Comey did his appointed damage, and now wants to try to convince the nation he was just doing his job. What a crock of bullshit, the guy has damaged democracy itself, intentionally and with malice of forethought. He was never hated by the Democrats, or loved by the Democrats, he is what he is another hack who abused the power of his office, just like Christie who inconvenience thousands of commuters out of spite.

Of course when HRC takes office he will get the pink slip (how fitting) and likely land a cushy job with a right wing think tank which will spent the next four years thinking about ways to harm a HRC presidency, no matter how such an agenda might harm our citizens.
Do you understand Wry Catcher and Lakhota that just the existence exposure and transmission of confirmed classified material by private server is already a violation of rules and gross negligence?

And the only thing preventing charges is no provable evidence of INTENT which is subjective at this point, not proven by written evidence.

So any chance of finding a printed or recorded statement showing INTENT has to be examined or it appears a conflict of political interest to keep doing what you are doing and asking authorities NOT to look.

There is more pressure on Comey to keep looking because there is such a huge chance of conflicting interests with the money and emails changing hands between sides who would benefit from covering up and would be exposed for it.

He is under more pressure not to appear biased by looking the other way.

It's the opposite of how you frame it.
You love him, you hate him, and now you love him.

He is credible, he is not credible, now he is credible...

or, perhaps you are not credible....

Comey did his appointed damage, and now wants to try to convince the nation he was just doing his job. What a crock of bullshit, the guy has damaged democracy itself, intentionally and with malice of forethought. He was never hated by the Democrats, or loved by the Democrats, he is what he is another hack who abused the power of his office, just like Christie who inconvenience thousands of commuters out of spite.

Of course when HRC takes office he will get the pink slip (how fitting) and likely land a cushy job with a right wing think tank which will spent the next four years thinking about ways to harm a HRC presidency, no matter how such an agenda might harm our citizens.
Do you understand Wry Catcher and Lakhota that just the existence exposure and transmission of confirmed classified material by private server is already a violation of rules and gross negligence?

And the only thing preventing charges is no provable evidence of INTENT which is subjective at this point, not proven by written evidence.

So any chance of finding a printed or recorded statement showing INTENT has to be examined or it appears a conflict of political interest to keep doing what you are doing and asking authorities NOT to look.

There is more pressure on Comey to keep looking because there is such a huge chance of conflicting interests with the money and emails changing hands between sides who would benefit from covering up and would be exposed for it.

He is under more pressure not to appear biased by looking the other way.

It's the opposite of how you frame it.

A fine effort to spin the issue, but it fails to turn. The entire fiasco was an effort by Comey to influence the election. Now, by your reasoning, you and others simply assume intent and thus reject the principle "innocent until proven guilty". Mobs of Trump supporters chanting "lock her up", and Trumps "worse than Watergate" rhetoric are examples of fascism, find a scapegoat and set the jackals upon it.

The pressure you claim Comey is/was under, was his own doing. Stupid people do not rise to such positions as the director of the FBI, buy even intelligent people sometimes F up. Sometimes F ups cost people their job. In Comey's case, a new AG will likely replace Comey as their first order of business.
Sucks to be a Trump-loser. 30 years of lying pathologically about Clinton, and she's still whupping their candy asses. All they can do about it now is cry on message boards and try to lie even bigger, but nobody is buying it.

Don't worry, Trump-losers, there's no need to have an "L" tattooed on your foreheads. Everyone already sees that when they look at you.
I'll remember who was dumb enough to put up a trump sign in their yard
You love him, you hate him, and now you love him.

He is credible, he is not credible, now he is credible...

or, perhaps you are not credible....

Comey did his appointed damage, and now wants to try to convince the nation he was just doing his job. What a crock of bullshit, the guy has damaged democracy itself, intentionally and with malice of forethought. He was never hated by the Democrats, or loved by the Democrats, he is what he is another hack who abused the power of his office, just like Christie who inconvenience thousands of commuters out of spite.

Of course when HRC takes office he will get the pink slip (how fitting) and likely land a cushy job with a right wing think tank which will spent the next four years thinking about ways to harm a HRC presidency, no matter how such an agenda might harm our citizens.
Do you understand Wry Catcher and Lakhota that just the existence exposure and transmission of confirmed classified material by private server is already a violation of rules and gross negligence?

And the only thing preventing charges is no provable evidence of INTENT which is subjective at this point, not proven by written evidence.

So any chance of finding a printed or recorded statement showing INTENT has to be examined or it appears a conflict of political interest to keep doing what you are doing and asking authorities NOT to look.

There is more pressure on Comey to keep looking because there is such a huge chance of conflicting interests with the money and emails changing hands between sides who would benefit from covering up and would be exposed for it.

He is under more pressure not to appear biased by looking the other way.

It's the opposite of how you frame it.

A fine effort to spin the issue, but it fails to turn. The entire fiasco was an effort by Comey to influence the election. Now, by your reasoning, you and others simply assume intent and thus reject the principle "innocent until proven guilty". Mobs of Trump supporters chanting "lock her up", and Trumps "worse than Watergate" rhetoric are examples of fascism, find a scapegoat and set the jackals upon it.

The pressure you claim Comey is/was under, was his own doing. Stupid people do not rise to such positions as the director of the FBI, buy even intelligent people sometimes F up. Sometimes F ups cost people their job. In Comey's case, a new AG will likely replace Comey as their first order of business.
No Wry Catcher this started at the very beginning, not at the end.
The issue is proving INTENT.

How can you find evidence to prove INTENT if you aren't looking because you're afraid that looking for it appears biased.

It was never denied but fully confirmed AT THE START that classified materials were in the original emails that authorities confirmed should never have been transmitted by private server.

The issue of INTENT is what is subjective until there is evidence found.

You and I AGREE you can't assume INTENT without proof. The issue remains if the authorities are looking to find and prove intent or prefer it not be found. There is still a bias on how far they will try to find proof of intent.

The arguments on conflicts of interest with the AG are obvious. So that alone should have triggered a change to this process since people appointed by those investigated can't be expected to check themselves. That's a no brainer.
You love him, you hate him, and now you love him.

He is credible, he is not credible, now he is credible...

or, perhaps you are not credible....

Comey did his appointed damage, and now wants to try to convince the nation he was just doing his job. What a crock of bullshit, the guy has damaged democracy itself, intentionally and with malice of forethought. He was never hated by the Democrats, or loved by the Democrats, he is what he is another hack who abused the power of his office, just like Christie who inconvenience thousands of commuters out of spite.

Of course when HRC takes office he will get the pink slip (how fitting) and likely land a cushy job with a right wing think tank which will spent the next four years thinking about ways to harm a HRC presidency, no matter how such an agenda might harm our citizens.
Do you understand Wry Catcher and Lakhota that just the existence exposure and transmission of confirmed classified material by private server is already a violation of rules and gross negligence?

And the only thing preventing charges is no provable evidence of INTENT which is subjective at this point, not proven by written evidence.

So any chance of finding a printed or recorded statement showing INTENT has to be examined or it appears a conflict of political interest to keep doing what you are doing and asking authorities NOT to look.

There is more pressure on Comey to keep looking because there is such a huge chance of conflicting interests with the money and emails changing hands between sides who would benefit from covering up and would be exposed for it.

He is under more pressure not to appear biased by looking the other way.

It's the opposite of how you frame it.

A fine effort to spin the issue, but it fails to turn. The entire fiasco was an effort by Comey to influence the election. Now, by your reasoning, you and others simply assume intent and thus reject the principle "innocent until proven guilty". Mobs of Trump supporters chanting "lock her up", and Trumps "worse than Watergate" rhetoric are examples of fascism, find a scapegoat and set the jackals upon it.

The pressure you claim Comey is/was under, was his own doing. Stupid people do not rise to such positions as the director of the FBI, buy even intelligent people sometimes F up. Sometimes F ups cost people their job. In Comey's case, a new AG will likely replace Comey as their first order of business.
No Wry Catcher this started at the very beginning, not at the end.
The issue is proving INTENT.

How can you find evidence to prove INTENT if you aren't looking because you're afraid that looking for it appears biased.

It was never denied but fully confirmed AT THE START that classified materials were in the original emails that authorities confirmed should never have been transmitted by private server.

The issue of INTENT is what is subjective until there is evidence found.

You and I AGREE you can't assume INTENT without proof. The issue remains if the authorities are looking to find and prove intent or prefer it not be found. There is still a bias on how far they will try to find proof of intent.

The arguments on conflicts of interest with the AG are obvious. So that alone should have triggered a change to this process since people appointed by those investigated can't be expected to check themselves. That's a no brainer.

You forget Comey disavowed mens rea in his first press conference. No intent, no crime and he went even further by calling her a technological novice.

Ask yourself why would a Secretary of State would undermine her efforts of diplomacy to seek win-win solutions in foreign affairs by being indiscriminate on line?

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