Breaking: Comey Tweets Praise For McCabe---Calls Patriotic Americans 'Small People'

Hillary takes $145 million from the KGB Bank
- 'Trump is connected to the Russians'

Bill took $500k per speech from the KGB Bank
- 'Trump is connected to the Russians'

Hillary's campaign manager took thousands of unreported Russian stock, many of his company's board members were prominent businessmen connected to the Kremlin and Putin, and his company worked for Russians...
- 'Trump' is connected to the Russians'

:p. Bwuhahahaha...

-In 2014, Eric Trump bragged about all the money they were getting from Russia.

-In 2016, Donald Trump Jr met with Russians to get dirt on Clinton

-Paul Manafort took huge sums of money from pro-Russia politicians in Ukraine

:p. Bwuhahahaha...

If Jr bragged about 'all that money' from Tussia, why hasn't Mueller found it?

Again, you have nothing that comes close to Hillary and her team...
If there is justice, at least 100 people would face the firing sqaud. Lined up against a wall, and howitzered for committing high treason. Starting with the lying half BLACK marxist snake.

Give them all a first class ticket to hell and hopefully we can get to see the expressions of lying pathetic puppets like busybee and the rest like the college professors at NYU as all of their heads are shot clean off.
If there is justice, at least 100 people would face the firing sqaud. Lined up against a wall, and howitzered for committing high treason. Starting with the lying half BLACK marxist snake.

Give them all a first class ticket to hell and hopefully we can get to see the expressions of lying pathetic puppets like busybee and the rest like the college professors at NYU as all of their heads are shot clean off.

I think it's just beginning to dawn on the snowflakes how serious this is. However, they don't yet realize that their whole filthy party is circling the drain.
If there is justice, at least 100 people would face the firing sqaud. Lined up against a wall, and howitzered for committing high treason. Starting with the lying half BLACK marxist snake.

Give them all a first class ticket to hell and hopefully we can get to see the expressions of lying pathetic puppets like busybee and the rest like the college professors at NYU as all of their heads are shot clean off.

Wow talk about deplorable, racist, violent ghestapo tools. You are it, in spades.
Comey is no patriot and anyone thinking he is isn't one either.
He’s more of a patriot than the fat, draft dodging, lying sack of shit in the whitehouse
At least he hasn't abandoned Americans to die needlessly, blamed a video, and laughed about it in front of Congress like the FELON Hillary...
No, he has only attacked the law enforcement and intelligence community, put US service men and women around the world in danger by saying brown countries are shitholes, played games with nuclear warfare on Twitter, colluded with Russians to undermine our democratic process, attempted to fire an independent council because he doesn’t like what he’s finding, and thinks it’s ok for a potus to call the wife of a respected LEO a loser.

And apparently, you’re ok with all of that.
Comey is no patriot and anyone thinking he is isn't one either.
He’s more of a patriot than the fat, draft dodging, lying sack of shit in the whitehouse
At least he hasn't abandoned Americans to die needlessly, blamed a video, and laughed about it in front of Congress like the FELON Hillary...
No, he has only attacked the law enforcement and intelligence community, put US service men and women around the world in danger by saying brown countries are shitholes, played games with nuclear warfare on Twitter, colluded with Russians to undermine our democratic process, attempted to fire an independent council because he doesn’t like what he’s finding, and thinks it’s ok for a potus to call the wife of a respected LEO a loser.

And apparently, you’re ok with all of that.

JED, I think your panty hose are on too tight. :p
If there is justice, at least 100 people would face the firing sqaud. Lined up against a wall, and howitzered for committing high treason. Starting with the lying half BLACK marxist snake.

Give them all a first class ticket to hell and hopefully we can get to see the expressions of lying pathetic puppets like busybee and the rest like the college professors at NYU as all of their heads are shot clean off.

I think it's just beginning to dawn on the snowflakes how serious this is. However, they don't yet realize that their whole filthy party is circling the drain.
:lol: yeah sure

Just like the far left said the Republican Party was over after Obama won and was re-elected.

Your party will lose some in the next midterm elections, probably lose the Whitehouse in the general, and then you’ll be crying foul again like you did with Obama, and the far left kooks (the opposite side of the coin from you) will be on here talking about the death of the GOP.

Rinse and repeat.
Comey is no patriot and anyone thinking he is isn't one either.
He’s more of a patriot than the fat, draft dodging, lying sack of shit in the whitehouse

No he isn't...well to you he is but you wouldn't know a patriot until one punched you in the nose.

Comey is a weasel....a girly man. In other words a leftist icon lol
My nephew who serves in the US Airforce is a patriot. The obese asshole who puts my nephews life in danger everyday with his rhetoric, is no patriot. And you — party before country twat — are certainly no patriot.
Comey is no patriot and anyone thinking he is isn't one either.
He’s more of a patriot than the fat, draft dodging, lying sack of shit in the whitehouse
At least he hasn't abandoned Americans to die needlessly, blamed a video, and laughed about it in front of Congress like the FELON Hillary...
No, he has only attacked the law enforcement and intelligence community, put US service men and women around the world in danger by saying brown countries are shitholes, played games with nuclear warfare on Twitter, colluded with Russians to undermine our democratic process, attempted to fire an independent council because he doesn’t like what he’s finding, and thinks it’s ok for a potus to call the wife of a respected LEO a loser.

And apparently, you’re ok with all of that.
if attacking law enforcement is bad, then i hope we can dig up old quotes of you bitching at obama for bitching at the police *every single time* he had the chance.

your standard, apply it evenly.
Comey is no patriot and anyone thinking he is isn't one either.
He’s more of a patriot than the fat, draft dodging, lying sack of shit in the whitehouse
At least he hasn't abandoned Americans to die needlessly, blamed a video, and laughed about it in front of Congress like the FELON Hillary...
No, he has only attacked the law enforcement and intelligence community, put US service men and women around the world in danger by saying brown countries are shitholes, played games with nuclear warfare on Twitter, colluded with Russians to undermine our democratic process, attempted to fire an independent council because he doesn’t like what he’s finding, and thinks it’s ok for a potus to call the wife of a respected LEO a loser.

And apparently, you’re ok with all of that.
if attacking law enforcement is bad, then i hope we can dig up old quotes of you bitching at obama for bitching at the police *every single time* he had the chance.

your standard, apply it evenly.
Obama called into question the loyalty of the FBI and the intelligence communities to the US? If he did, I would certainly have spoken up. Obama saying maybe prematurely police should have acted differently in certain situations is a world apart from the divisive and dangerous rhetoric that Trump has lobbed at OUR Justice Dept and intelligence communities.

And since you want to play that game...if Obama supposedly attacking law enforcement is bad, then why are you giving Trump a free pass?
You are so crooked you have to screw your pants on every morning. Steele has more integrity in his little finger than you have in your entire body you unethical, unpatriotic trash.,

Old busy01 must have a bee in her bonnet... calm down take a :chillpill:

I don't tolerate fascist, racists. Shut up fascist racist.
Your entire party is composed of fascist racists.

I agree. My party used to be the Republican Party. Ronald Reagan would have left this party.
Reagan would have supported Trump.



Comey is no patriot and anyone thinking he is isn't one either.
He’s more of a patriot than the fat, draft dodging, lying sack of shit in the whitehouse

No he isn't...well to you he is but you wouldn't know a patriot until one punched you in the nose.

Comey is a weasel....a girly man. In other words a leftist icon lol
My nephew who serves in the US Airforce is a patriot. The obese asshole who puts my nephews life in danger everyday with his rhetoric, is no patriot. And you — party before country twat — are certainly no patriot.

I have no party potty mouth. Do you feel like a man calling women names like that?

You're not..but it's typical for leftist girly men like you. Now go fix your man bun
Hillary takes $145 million from the KGB Bank
- 'Trump is connected to the Russians'

Bill took $500k per speech from the KGB Bank
- 'Trump is connected to the Russians'

Hillary's campaign manager took thousands of unreported Russian stock, many of his company's board members were prominent businessmen connected to the Kremlin and Putin, and his company worked for Russians...
- 'Trump' is connected to the Russians'

:p. Bwuhahahaha...

-In 2014, Eric Trump bragged about all the money they were getting from Russia.

-In 2016, Donald Trump Jr met with Russians to get dirt on Clinton

-Paul Manafort took huge sums of money from pro-Russia politicians in Ukraine

:p. Bwuhahahaha...
False. The Russian lawyer says she didn't even talk to Trump Jr.
Comey is no patriot and anyone thinking he is isn't one either.
He’s more of a patriot than the fat, draft dodging, lying sack of shit in the whitehouse

No he isn't...well to you he is but you wouldn't know a patriot until one punched you in the nose.

Comey is a weasel....a girly man. In other words a leftist icon lol
My nephew who serves in the US Airforce is a patriot. The obese asshole who puts my nephews life in danger everyday with his rhetoric, is no patriot. And you — party before country twat — are certainly no patriot.

I have no party potty mouth. Do you feel like a man calling women names like that?

You're not..but it's typical for leftist girly men like you. Now go fix your man bun
Oh you don’t like being called names. But you defend Trump, the biggest name-caller of all, who frequently makes sexist remarks, has bragged about sexually assaulting women, and who just told a proud husband that his wife is a loser.

Spare me your faux outrage.
Comey is instructing the Deep State to stay strong.....he believes, in the end, the Deep State will win.


James Comey
Special Agent Andrew McCabe stood tall over the last 8 months, when small people were trying to tear down an institution we all depend on. He served with distinction for two decades. I wish Andy well. I also wish continued strength for the rest of the FBI. America needs you.
7:09 PM · Jan 29, 2018
Good for him.
Obama called into question the loyalty of the FBI and the intelligence communities to the US? If he did, I would certainly have spoken up.
No you would not have...because you did not.

Evidence shows FBI Director Mueller, US AG Holder, and President Obama knew about the Russians' intent on acquiring Uranium One in 2009 and their associated crimes of bribery, extortion, intimidation, and violence...and hid it until after the sale.

Evidence shows FBI Director Comey knew of the Russian crimes of attempting to hack senior US Federal Politicians, of using social media to get liberals to organize and march for them, of paying Liberals groups like Antifa, BLM, and the Black Fist to spread racial division and violence, and of attempting to 'interfere' in our election...and they did NOTHING about it. The media has speculated that, and I agree, Obama did not want to 'upset the apple cart' and pi$$ off Putin, who he was trying to get permission from to invade Syria (just like Obama refused to ask for US hostages back as part of the Iran deal because he was afraid the Iranians would back out of his deal).

The FBI is not the only agency Obama criminally influenced...

- US AG Eric Holder became the 1st Presidential Cabinet Member in US History (another 'Obama 1st') to be CENSURED (by a bi-partisan Congress) for committing Felony Perjury in an attempt to keep Obama's Fast and Furious Scandal hidden. Obama protected Holder from indictment / prison, but Congress refused to allow such a crime perpetrated by the leading 'Law Enforcement Officer' in the US.
- US AG Loretta Lynch has been exposed as being an integral part of the Hillary Clinton cover-up. She met days before the FBI announced they would not recommend Hillary for indictment even though she clearly broke the law (too stupid to know she was breaking the law) with bill Clinton. Believing the American people to be truly stupid she concocted the excuse that Bill diverted his plane several states away and had a secret meeting with her on the tarmac to discuss...grandkids. EVIDENCE (her own official calendar) showed the meeting had been coordinated in advance. It has also been proven that she KNEW Hillary would be exonerated before the investigation was over, around the time FBI Director Comey wrote Hillary's exoneration letter.

Evidence also shows Lynch used a pseudonym to privately communicate and conduct official business...with the Clintons....just as Obama was exposed for lying about when he learned of Hillary's server. Obama had also used a pseudonym and personal e-mail to coordinate with Hillary...and others. None of these communications were turned over in accordance with the FOIA and Federal Records Act - meaning they were crimes Lynch and Obama. Once discovered, Obama immediately sealed his correspondence, claiming Executive Privilege to keep his correspondence with Hillary secret.


Evidence shows Obama illegally spied on Americans, reporters, the media, US SENATORS - as exposed by D-Feinstein, and even the USSC . NSA Director Clapper testified before Congress that no such spying had occurred. Not long after EVIDENCE surfaced proving that the Obama administration had done so. Instead of being PERP-WALKED like he should have been, Clapper was allowed to appear before Congress again and 'amend' his testimony to avoid Felony Perjury' charges....just like any of us would have been allowed to do after perjuring ourselves under oath, right?!

CIA Director John Brennan joined Holder and Clapper on the 'Felony Perjury' list when he was caught under oath lying about illegal spying, too. Like Clapper, when the truth came out he was allowed to 'amend' his testimony.

National Security Advisor:
Susan Rice 1st claimed not to know of the illegal unmasking of Trump's team ... and finally admitted she knew everything, that she was behind it.

Ambassador to the UN
Evidence shows Samantha Power illegally exposed / unmasked dozens and dozens of American citizens while serving as Obama's Ambassador to the UN.

All these things happened. All these things have been proven. Evidence exists proving all of it. Links substantiating all of this have been provided numerous times by numerous people.

...and I have yet to hear / see you raise an eyebrow....maybe I missed it.

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