Breaking confirmed active shooter at Texas Walmart 18 ppl shot

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View attachment 272607
Patrick Crusius

Another pissed off white guy who hasn’t gotten his share of the MAGA.

I don't think his motives are absolutely confirmed yet but it does appear that he is a white supremacist Trump supporter.

El Paso Shooter Identified Online As Trump Supporter Who Didn’t Like ‘Race Mixing’

A little off topic but cautionary for USMB mods. You have a lot of extremist hate on this site. We've all seen it. Members of this board have been threatened as well as certain demographic groups with violence. I ask that you please take it seriously and that those who are promoting violence online, stop.
People are crazy since Maxine Waters, D. California, started this getting even with people by getting in their faces.

You're blaming Maxine Waters for this? If only you were capable of feeling shame.
The 2016 election showed us they are not.
My thoughts and prayers go out to the victims and their families

May they rest assured that their rights to buy guns are still keeping them safe

No you don't, you rub your hands gleefully together and dream of ending the 2nd Amendment so the serfs can be brought back into line.
But the second amendment keeps us safe

Doesn’t it?

Yes, it keeps the AMERICAN PEOPLE safe from a corrupt government. Why do you think it is billionaires pushing the gun control narrative. They've bought the government, now the only thing preventing them from turning the PEOPLE back into the serfs they so desire us to be is our guns. No matter how condescending your statements are, the fact is billionaires can't control us while we are armed.

Why do you hate the people and love the billionaires?

Your ar-15 and your buddies ak-47 are.of no concern to the government at all. All you militia nuts together couldn't stand up to a recently trained SWAT team, much less an infantry fireteam.
SWAT guys voted Trump you dipshit.
So INCEL is everyone else's fault?

I said no such thing. But thanks for sharing.
So you agree that INCEL terrorists have no one to blame but themselves?

No, but think that if it gives you comfort.

We don't have a gun violence epidemic; we have a marginalization problem that is exploited by politicians:

- Mentally ill young men seek attention/revenge or other compensation for their mental problems via mass shootings; these are a tiny minority among total gun deaths.
- Gang (another marginalized category) violence deaths are mostly intra-race, and far out number the mass shootings.
- Out cynical LW political class diverts attention for the societal conditions which create marginalized people in order to crow about Gun Control and to advocate for destroying the 2nd Amendment. Their power is more important than a healthy society.
I think it's more nefarious than that.
I think someone is putting these kids up to it just like they do in the Middle-East.

Possibly. It's not out of the real of possibility that some anti-American group is targeting marginalized young men to turn use them as weapons.

Since this was a border town and a Walmart heavily trafficked by hispanics and the manifesto is reportedly racist rant against Mexicans, this ant-American group weaponizing this shooter is otherwise called the GOP.
Nobody died. Can you quote the racist parts please?

In the meantime one of yours (since you're hell bent on deflecting) committed a terrorist attack on this country and murdered at least 18 people with your weapon of choice, you'd think at some point a little humility would creep in like with any other normal human.

Can you quote the racist parts please

Louis Farakhan......good buddies with obama, so friendly they had to hide photos of obama and Farakhan for over 10 years....

Not a member of Obama's church, moron.

jeremiah wright.....racist, married obama and michelle and baptized their kids...

What? You can't quote Wright's racist comments he said while Obama was a member of his church? Did Wright threaten violence of any kind?

al sharpton...racist....invited to the White House by obama many, many times....

Racism out in the the democrat President.

I think Sharpton did say something racist once and apologized for it. Just the same, he has never promoted violence like the wingnuts on this board.

I guess you kind of failed here.

In the meantime a white supremacist Trump supporter killed 19 people today. You should take a moment to recognize that.

I think Sharpton did say something racist once and apologized for it. Just the same, he has never promoted violence like the wingnuts on this board.

You need to learn about democrat racists....

Al Sharpton - Wikipedia

Caribbean-American and African-American residents of the neighborhood rioted for four consecutive days fueled by rumors that the private ambulance had refused to treat Cato.[39][40] During the riot black youths looted stores,[39] beat Jews in the street,[39] and clashed with groups of Jews, hurling rocks and bottles at one another[41] after Yankel Rosenbaum, a visiting student from Australia, was stabbed and killed by a member of a mob while some chanted "Kill the Jew", and "get the Jews out".[42]

Sharpton marched through Crown Heights and in front of the headquarters of the Chabad-Lubavitch Hasidic movement, shortly after the riot, with about 400 protesters (who chanted "Whose streets? Our streets!" and "No justice, no peace!"),


Caribbean-American and African-American residents of the neighborhood rioted for four consecutive days fueled by rumors that the private ambulance had refused to treat Cato.[39][40] During the riot black youths looted stores,[39] beat Jews in the street,[39] and clashed with groups of Jews, hurling rocks and bottles at one another[41] after Yankel Rosenbaum, a visiting student from Australia, was stabbed and killed by a member of a mob while some chanted "Kill the Jew", and "get the Jews out".[42]

What did Sharpton say again?

What did Wright say that was racist? You brought this up.

What did Patrick Cruisus do today?

What is your reaction to what Patrick Cruisus did today?

He should be executed.

How brave. What should be done about the amount of white supremacist hate in this country? They are the cause of more domestic terrorism than anything else. I've had my life threatened a few times here, I've seen way more threats against immigrants, homosexuals, liberals and Democrats. Do you think that sort of thing should go on? Do you think maybe people on the right have a responsibility to keep their hate in check?
Hey 2aguy this article is all about you.

Most domestic terrorism comes from white supremacists, FBI tells lawmakers

When politicians use terrorism as a tool for swaying voters, they usually mean a specific kind of terrorism. This became clear in the 2016 election season when then-candidate Trump falsely accusedPresident Obama and Hillary Clinton of refusing to use specific words to describe it.

Say it with me, everyone: "Radical Islamic terrorism."

But there's another face of terrorism in the U.S. that often gets overlooked—one that looks, on the surface, like more than half of the U.S. population.

FBI Director Christopher Wray told Congress this week that most of the domestic terrorism arrests made so far this fiscal year have been associated with white supremacy. He pointed to about 100 arrests of "homegrown violent extremist terrorists" (these are generally the "radical Islamic terrorists") and about the same number of "domestic terrorists" (violent Americans with some kind of domestic beef), clarifying that the latter were mostly white supremacists.

In other words, there appear to be just as many all-American terrorists as there are "radical Islamic terrorists" in the U.S., and most American terrorists are white supremacists. just posted crap...

There Is No 'Surge' in Right-Wing Violence | RealClearPolitics

That is to say, we have good reason not to accept the numbers. According to The Washington Post, which relies on Global Terrorism Database data, there were zero acts of right-wing terrorism in the entire nation in 2002. Since then, we have seen a "surge," to 36 in a nation of 325-plus million people in 2017. Among those acts, there were 11 fatalities.

In other words, fewer homicides were committed by political terrorists of any stripe in the United States in 2017 than were committed by undocumented immigrants in the state of Texas alone -- which, I am assured, is an incredibly low number that shouldn't worry us very much. If one of these "surges" is scaremongering, why not the other?

Then again, even if we use the criteria offered by the GTD, we need to be exceptionally generous to even get to 36 incidents of right-wing violence in 2017. (I could find only 32.)

For example, although the Post acknowledges that the Las Vegas shooter's motivations are still unknown, the GTD had no problem categorizing the murderer of 58 people as an "anti-government extremist." And it takes these sorts of assumptions to get in the vicinity of a "surge" in right-wing terrorism.

Of the 32 incidents I was able to find, 12 featured perpetrators who were merely "suspected" of being right-wing terrorists. Some of these incidents could have been the work of one person, as in the pellet gun shootings of Muslims in New York. In other incidents, we are asked to treat patently insane people as if they had coherent political agendas.

All of the extremist killings in the US in 2018 had links to right-wing extremism, according to new report
If violent video games are at play in this, then the nation must turn all eyes upon that area, and do something about that situation big time.

But ignore that whole Trump/white supremacy link? Sure, glad you're keeping it real.

Trump isn't a white supremacist no matter how many times you lie about it.....but obama is a racist, and his buddies, louis farakhan, jeremiah wright, and al sharpton are definitely racists...

No, he's just supported by them.

And obama was not only supported by racists, he sat in an openly and proudly racist church for 20 years....Trump never did that.....obama was happy to take photos with lous farakhan....racist, and had al sharpton to the White House more than 5 times.....sharpton...actual anti-semite and racist.......

The entire democrat party was founded on racism you mope.
Look! The Obama Deflection!
Oh, look... the shooter was purportedly another trumpette....

What We Know About the Mass Shooting in El Paso

We won’t link to it here, but by late afternoon on Saturday, a racist “manifesto” indicating a desire to kill immigrants and reportedly penned by the shooter began circulating on social media.

You mean like registered democrat, the Pulse Night Club shooter?

Do many mass shooters end up being Democrats?

Omar Mateen, the shooter who killed 49 people at a nightclub in Orlando, Florida, in 2016, was registered as a Democrat in 2006. He voted in the Florida primary in 2016, according to reporting from Politico.
No, like the MAGA Parkland shooter, Nikolas Cruz...


Like democrat Pulse Night Club shooter 49 killed....
No, like the rightwingnut who shot up Las Vegas

New documents suggest Las Vegas shooter was conspiracy theorist – what we know

Yes......there is no trace of any motivation for the Vegas shooter, so you guys lie about it...

There Is No 'Surge' in Right-Wing Violence | RealClearPolitics
Then again, even if we use the criteria offered by the GTD, we need to be exceptionally generous to even get to 36 incidents of right-wing violence in 2017. (I could find only 32.)

For example, although the Post acknowledges that the Las Vegas shooter's motivations are still unknown, the GTD had no problem categorizing the murderer of 58 people as an "anti-government extremist." And it takes these sorts of assumptions to get in the vicinity of a "surge" in right-wing terrorism.

Of the 32 incidents I was able to find, 12 featured perpetrators who were merely "suspected" of being right-wing terrorists. Some of these incidents could have been the work of one person, as in the pellet gun shootings of Muslims in New York. In other incidents, we are asked to treat patently insane people as if they had coherent political agendas.
I said no such thing. But thanks for sharing.
So you agree that INCEL terrorists have no one to blame but themselves?

No, but think that if it gives you comfort.

We don't have a gun violence epidemic; we have a marginalization problem that is exploited by politicians:

- Mentally ill young men seek attention/revenge or other compensation for their mental problems via mass shootings; these are a tiny minority among total gun deaths.
- Gang (another marginalized category) violence deaths are mostly intra-race, and far out number the mass shootings.
- Out cynical LW political class diverts attention for the societal conditions which create marginalized people in order to crow about Gun Control and to advocate for destroying the 2nd Amendment. Their power is more important than a healthy society.
I think it's more nefarious than that.
I think someone is putting these kids up to it just like they do in the Middle-East.

Possibly. It's not out of the real of possibility that some anti-American group is targeting marginalized young men to turn use them as weapons.

Since this was a border town and a Walmart heavily trafficked by hispanics and the manifesto is reportedly racist rant against Mexicans, this ant-American group weaponizing this shooter is otherwise called the GOP.

Just seeing this reported.....details are not true or accurate yet....but the anti-gunners have jumped in already....

Wow... 2AGuy is like a vulture, he can't hop in fast enough.

Okay. Two things we are going to find out about this guy.

1) Everyone in his life knew he was nuts.
2) He was still able to acquire LEGAL guns.
Walmart has had a good share of shootings

And the Left frequently attack Walmart and Walmart shoppers as white racists. So, it's hardly a surprise that they are frequently targeted.
Last edited:
I said no such thing. But thanks for sharing.
So you agree that INCEL terrorists have no one to blame but themselves?

No, but think that if it gives you comfort.

We don't have a gun violence epidemic; we have a marginalization problem that is exploited by politicians:

- Mentally ill young men seek attention/revenge or other compensation for their mental problems via mass shootings; these are a tiny minority among total gun deaths.
- Gang (another marginalized category) violence deaths are mostly intra-race, and far out number the mass shootings.
- Out cynical LW political class diverts attention for the societal conditions which create marginalized people in order to crow about Gun Control and to advocate for destroying the 2nd Amendment. Their power is more important than a healthy society.
I think it's more nefarious than that.
I think someone is putting these kids up to it just like they do in the Middle-East.

Possibly. It's not out of the real of possibility that some anti-American group is targeting marginalized young men to turn use them as weapons.

Since this was a border town and a Walmart heavily trafficked by hispanics and the manifesto is reportedly racist rant against Mexicans, this ant-American group weaponizing this shooter is otherwise called the GOP.

Your feverish wet dreams are leaking.
My thoughts and prayers go out to the victims and their families

May they rest assured that their rights to buy guns are still keeping them safe

No you don't, you rub your hands gleefully together and dream of ending the 2nd Amendment so the serfs can be brought back into line.
But the second amendment keeps us safe

Doesn’t it?

Yes, it keeps the AMERICAN PEOPLE safe from a corrupt government. Why do you think it is billionaires pushing the gun control narrative. They've bought the government, now the only thing preventing them from turning the PEOPLE back into the serfs they so desire us to be is our guns. No matter how condescending your statements are, the fact is billionaires can't control us while we are armed.

Why do you hate the people and love the billionaires?

Your ar-15 and your buddies ak-47 are.of no concern to the government at all. All you militia nuts together couldn't stand up to a recently trained SWAT team, much less an infantry fireteam.

We won't be standing up to them, we will be standing with them.
Hey 2aguy this article is all about you.

Most domestic terrorism comes from white supremacists, FBI tells lawmakers

When politicians use terrorism as a tool for swaying voters, they usually mean a specific kind of terrorism. This became clear in the 2016 election season when then-candidate Trump falsely accusedPresident Obama and Hillary Clinton of refusing to use specific words to describe it.

Say it with me, everyone: "Radical Islamic terrorism."

But there's another face of terrorism in the U.S. that often gets overlooked—one that looks, on the surface, like more than half of the U.S. population.

FBI Director Christopher Wray told Congress this week that most of the domestic terrorism arrests made so far this fiscal year have been associated with white supremacy. He pointed to about 100 arrests of "homegrown violent extremist terrorists" (these are generally the "radical Islamic terrorists") and about the same number of "domestic terrorists" (violent Americans with some kind of domestic beef), clarifying that the latter were mostly white supremacists.

In other words, there appear to be just as many all-American terrorists as there are "radical Islamic terrorists" in the U.S., and most American terrorists are white supremacists. just posted crap...

There Is No 'Surge' in Right-Wing Violence | RealClearPolitics

That is to say, we have good reason not to accept the numbers. According to The Washington Post, which relies on Global Terrorism Database data, there were zero acts of right-wing terrorism in the entire nation in 2002. Since then, we have seen a "surge," to 36 in a nation of 325-plus million people in 2017. Among those acts, there were 11 fatalities.

In other words, fewer homicides were committed by political terrorists of any stripe in the United States in 2017 than were committed by undocumented immigrants in the state of Texas alone -- which, I am assured, is an incredibly low number that shouldn't worry us very much. If one of these "surges" is scaremongering, why not the other?

Then again, even if we use the criteria offered by the GTD, we need to be exceptionally generous to even get to 36 incidents of right-wing violence in 2017. (I could find only 32.)

For example, although the Post acknowledges that the Las Vegas shooter's motivations are still unknown, the GTD had no problem categorizing the murderer of 58 people as an "anti-government extremist." And it takes these sorts of assumptions to get in the vicinity of a "surge" in right-wing terrorism.

Of the 32 incidents I was able to find, 12 featured perpetrators who were merely "suspected" of being right-wing terrorists. Some of these incidents could have been the work of one person, as in the pellet gun shootings of Muslims in New York. In other incidents, we are asked to treat patently insane people as if they had coherent political agendas.

All of the extremist killings in the US in 2018 had links to right-wing extremism, according to new report

Yeah...another lie.....try Mother Jones.....they list the mass shootings...tell us how the Navy shooting was right asshat....
View attachment 272607
Patrick Crusius

Another pissed off white guy who hasn’t gotten his share of the MAGA.

I don't think his motives are absolutely confirmed yet but it does appear that he is a white supremacist Trump supporter.

El Paso Shooter Identified Online As Trump Supporter Who Didn’t Like ‘Race Mixing’

A little off topic but cautionary for USMB mods. You have a lot of extremist hate on this site. We've all seen it. Members of this board have been threatened as well as certain demographic groups with violence. I ask that you please take it seriously and that those who are promoting violence online, stop.
People are crazy since Maxine Waters, D. California, started this getting even with people by getting in their faces.
You're blaming Maxine Waters for this? If only you were capable of feeling shame.
Maxine Waters planted the hate seed. See what bloomed? And Victoria Escobar watered the plant when she went down to Mexico to get people to form a Caravan and she'd let them through El Paso, and there'd be nothing President could do about it because she is a Congressman who thinks Trump should be impeached along with other miscreants like Rep. Nadler and other Democrats in Congress who've carried the lies far enough. They voted against humanitarian aid, then went down to Mexico and solicited more people crossing illegally just to gall the President. There's a shitload of Traitors in the Democrat Party who want to destroy people's pursuit of happiness in exchange for giving them 70% of all earnings to the Democrats to spend like drunken sailors.
View attachment 272607
Patrick Crusius

Another pissed off white guy who hasn’t gotten his share of the MAGA.

I don't think his motives are absolutely confirmed yet but it does appear that he is a white supremacist Trump supporter.

El Paso Shooter Identified Online As Trump Supporter Who Didn’t Like ‘Race Mixing’

A little off topic but cautionary for USMB mods. You have a lot of extremist hate on this site. We've all seen it. Members of this board have been threatened as well as certain demographic groups with violence. I ask that you please take it seriously and that those who are promoting violence online, stop.
Wow, says a person who is making judgements towards Trump supporters as being white supremacists... Good grief. Yeah mods take notes please.

The shooter was both a white supremacist and Trump supporter and sounds a lot like some posters here. That's just the way it is.
Link proving your assertions please... Even if motivated by a political party, they still have to have some kind of self training either by games or other types of self training going on. The efficiency of the shoots speaks volumes of it being gamers training themselves by way of these violent video games possibly. The desensitising effect of these games are more lethal than the gun's they are using. The gun is just a tool, but a person is the controller of that tool once in his possession. Now keeping guns out of these cats hands is something we have to work on, and part of that is to have them become the ultimate loser in the game if games are involved in their mindset.

The way to make them the ultimate loser is to show their followers that to do such a thing has no glorified ending, where as the death penalty is carried out quickly, and then the body is hung in public to be denegrated by everyone who passes by it if so chooses.
Hey 2aguy this article is all about you.

Most domestic terrorism comes from white supremacists, FBI tells lawmakers

When politicians use terrorism as a tool for swaying voters, they usually mean a specific kind of terrorism. This became clear in the 2016 election season when then-candidate Trump falsely accusedPresident Obama and Hillary Clinton of refusing to use specific words to describe it.

Say it with me, everyone: "Radical Islamic terrorism."

But there's another face of terrorism in the U.S. that often gets overlooked—one that looks, on the surface, like more than half of the U.S. population.

FBI Director Christopher Wray told Congress this week that most of the domestic terrorism arrests made so far this fiscal year have been associated with white supremacy. He pointed to about 100 arrests of "homegrown violent extremist terrorists" (these are generally the "radical Islamic terrorists") and about the same number of "domestic terrorists" (violent Americans with some kind of domestic beef), clarifying that the latter were mostly white supremacists.

In other words, there appear to be just as many all-American terrorists as there are "radical Islamic terrorists" in the U.S., and most American terrorists are white supremacists. just posted crap...

There Is No 'Surge' in Right-Wing Violence | RealClearPolitics

That is to say, we have good reason not to accept the numbers. According to The Washington Post, which relies on Global Terrorism Database data, there were zero acts of right-wing terrorism in the entire nation in 2002. Since then, we have seen a "surge," to 36 in a nation of 325-plus million people in 2017. Among those acts, there were 11 fatalities.

In other words, fewer homicides were committed by political terrorists of any stripe in the United States in 2017 than were committed by undocumented immigrants in the state of Texas alone -- which, I am assured, is an incredibly low number that shouldn't worry us very much. If one of these "surges" is scaremongering, why not the other?

Then again, even if we use the criteria offered by the GTD, we need to be exceptionally generous to even get to 36 incidents of right-wing violence in 2017. (I could find only 32.)

For example, although the Post acknowledges that the Las Vegas shooter's motivations are still unknown, the GTD had no problem categorizing the murderer of 58 people as an "anti-government extremist." And it takes these sorts of assumptions to get in the vicinity of a "surge" in right-wing terrorism.

Of the 32 incidents I was able to find, 12 featured perpetrators who were merely "suspected" of being right-wing terrorists. Some of these incidents could have been the work of one person, as in the pellet gun shootings of Muslims in New York. In other incidents, we are asked to treat patently insane people as if they had coherent political agendas.

So you ignored my link from the FBI that points to over 100 arrests? Good job, what did you just find the first thing (an opinion piece) that agrees with you?
Per MSNBC 19 confirmed dead and 40 injured. Another white homegrown terrorist strikes again. I wonder what Trump will have to say about this? The NRA? The shooter was reportedly pissed off about immigration. I wonder how many immigrants took jobs that he would want? Picking produce? Cleaning hotel/motel rooms? Washing cars?
Oh, look... the shooter was purportedly another trumpette....

What We Know About the Mass Shooting in El Paso

We won’t link to it here, but by late afternoon on Saturday, a racist “manifesto” indicating a desire to kill immigrants and reportedly penned by the shooter began circulating on social media.

You mean like registered democrat, the Pulse Night Club shooter?

Do many mass shooters end up being Democrats?

Omar Mateen, the shooter who killed 49 people at a nightclub in Orlando, Florida, in 2016, was registered as a Democrat in 2006. He voted in the Florida primary in 2016, according to reporting from Politico.
No, like the MAGA Parkland shooter, Nikolas Cruz...


Like democrat Pulse Night Club shooter 49 killed....
No, like the rightwingnut who shot up Las Vegas

New documents suggest Las Vegas shooter was conspiracy theorist – what we know

Yes......there is no trace of any motivation for the Vegas shooter, so you guys lie about it...

There Is No 'Surge' in Right-Wing Violence | RealClearPolitics
Then again, even if we use the criteria offered by the GTD, we need to be exceptionally generous to even get to 36 incidents of right-wing violence in 2017. (I could find only 32.)

For example, although the Post acknowledges that the Las Vegas shooter's motivations are still unknown, the GTD had no problem categorizing the murderer of 58 people as an "anti-government extremist." And it takes these sorts of assumptions to get in the vicinity of a "surge" in right-wing terrorism.

Of the 32 incidents I was able to find, 12 featured perpetrators who were merely "suspected" of being right-wing terrorists. Some of these incidents could have been the work of one person, as in the pellet gun shootings of Muslims in New York. In other incidents, we are asked to treat patently insane people as if they had coherent political agendas.
More bullshit. Of course there's evidence. I just posted it. Denying it won't make it magically disappear.
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