Breaking confirmed active shooter at Texas Walmart 18 ppl shot

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If you are checking out with ice cream, and you just swiped your card then the shooting starts. Can you get home before $10 is wasted? (Assuming you bought two 1/2 gal). Will they refund to those who were melted but Police made them stay? What a mess.
The website "my life" states he is a registered democrat.

No, he's not a democrat or a republican. He's a murderer. It's really not that difficult.

He's a nut. But as long as tje he's a Trump supporter. White supremacy loon, etc is spewed it becomes important

No, not really. It's only important if you allow it to be important. I tend to skip over 98% of member comments because I know they aren't worth my time to read. I don't allow it to get to me but apparently this forum thrives on hate.

Well one can sit quietly while an agenda is pushed..I choose not too[/QUOT
No, he's not a democrat or a republican. He's a murderer. It's really not that difficult.

He's a nut. But as long as tje he's a Trump supporter. White supremacy loon, etc is spewed it becomes important

No, not really. It's only important if you allow it to be important. I tend to skip over 98% of member comments because I know they aren't worth my time to read. I don't allow it to get to me but apparently this forum thrives on hate.

Well one can sit quietly while an agenda is pushed..I choose not too

Oh I'm not quiet. I'm cautious and speak when I know I will be heard and it will have the most impact. Those who talk constantly usually have nothing of importance to say. This is not directed at you personally.

I tend to agree. Hence the exact same comments on this thread as any other mass shooting thread.
es...likely he was nuts...

And if he didn't have a criminal record there was nothing to stop him from buying a gun....yes...we know, you fascists consider all Americans as criminals...but that isn't the way the system works....

How about this... you can't HAVE a gun until we have established you aren't crazy.

The fact is, someone this nuts was able to buy a weapon designed for the Soviet Army and mow down a bunch of shoppers, but you'll be here with your fucked up NRA talking points.

If the only way to prevent this is to take EVERYONE'S GUNS, so be it.

You set the rules.
es...likely he was nuts...

And if he didn't have a criminal record there was nothing to stop him from buying a gun....yes...we know, you fascists consider all Americans as criminals...but that isn't the way the system works....

How about this... you can't HAVE a gun until we have established you aren't crazy.

The fact is, someone this nuts was able to buy a weapon designed for the Soviet Army and mow down a bunch of shoppers, but you'll be here with your fucked up NRA talking points.

If the only way to prevent this is to take EVERYONE'S GUNS, so be it.

You set the rules.
My rights are not at your blessings
All you people want to blame politicians. As a result nothing will change. Yall fight over the second amendment instead of the underlying problems.

Real racism in out midst
Mental health

Both should be confronted. This is what REAL racism looks like. Someone in this individuals life should have intervened and tried to steer him back onto a good path.
There is nothing wrong with being pissed off about our immigration mess. There is A LOT WRONG with acting on it with violence

Again- the main problem. Someone this crazy was able to get a combat weapon.

That's the problem.

Maybe he stole it and there are more dead bodies back in Allen. Wait for truth.
The shooter

Anna Giaritelli on Twitter

The manifesto

Greg on Twitter

More blood on Trumps hands.
Fuck off.

Every time there is an event like this everyone rushes to find a way to blame the left, the right, Muslims, whomever is president etc. It gets totally politicized when likely politics have nothing to do with it.

The guy was only 21. And that messed up. This seems to happen more and more. Why? What is wrong with us....and what are we teaching young people?

I do, however find the rhetoric that dehumanizes and demonizes entire groups to be disturbing and I have little doubt it can encourage unbalanced people to commit atrocities. I think we as a people ought to think about this and ask ourselves how far we are willing to tolerate it.

It is a bipartisan problem. The other side doesn’t just have a different opinion, they are wrong, evil, racist, antiAmerican, should be deported, etc.
The act was political. That was why he did it, keep running.

Running from what? People with pathetic emotional arguments eager to politicize death at the drop of a pussy hat?


I will destroy you in a debate.

The shooter politicized the event. I'm tired of the death threats because someone has different political views on this board. Sorry the motivation for this guy is inconvenient to the right but he was a white supremacist, he was a Trump supporter his motive was racism.
Democrats are dividing the country due to their deep seated hatred of white males.
We'll of's never the white male's fault... someone always drives them to commit violence.
Anyone can be driven regardless of color, character or culture. Just depends on the perfect storms surrounding them in life. Some don't get rattled when others aren't so strong... Alot of questions need answered in this situation, so blaming anything at this point is fruitless.
We have enough information on our own to understand the situation. Trump+ violent hate speech+ his racism+ cultist Trump supporters = mass murder. And it's only going to get worse with Trump and his base. The country doesn't know it yet, but Trump and his base have declared war on all the folks who are not with Trump and who do not look white like Trump. These folks are ready to kill with Trump's command at a moments notice.
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es...likely he was nuts...

And if he didn't have a criminal record there was nothing to stop him from buying a gun....yes...we know, you fascists consider all Americans as criminals...but that isn't the way the system works....

How about this... you can't HAVE a gun until we have established you aren't crazy.

The fact is, someone this nuts was able to buy a weapon designed for the Soviet Army and mow down a bunch of shoppers, but you'll be here with your fucked up NRA talking points.

If the only way to prevent this is to take EVERYONE'S GUNS, so be it.

You set the rules.

How about those 100mil that go crazy AFTER they got a gun 10 years earlier? You will continually move the targets until you blame Trump.
Maybe it is time to reconsider they way systematically dehumanize and demonize immigrants, and other groups.

Maybe "they" ought to reconsider constantly stirring the hornet's nest to score cheap political points.

What “they”?

You know, them. The ones who brainwashed half the country into thinking that racism is an actual problem, one that can only be solved by replacing the white majority with brown people.
Ah. That sounds a bit delusional but whatever floats your boat I guess.

A wall can't keep out the evil within!
Maybe it is time to reconsider they way systematically dehumanize and demonize immigrants, and other groups.
Whose doing that ? Immigration is a great thing, but Democrats and some Republicans supporting illegal immigration at any cost is a bad thing.
Running from what? People with pathetic emotional arguments eager to politicize death at the drop of a pussy hat?


I will destroy you in a debate.

The shooter politicized the event. I'm tired of the death threats because someone has different political views on this board. Sorry the motivation for this guy is inconvenient to the right but he was a white supremacist, he was a Trump supporter his motive was racism.
Democrats are dividing the country due to their deep seated hatred of white males.
We'll of's never the white male's fault... someone always drives them to commit violence.
Anyone can be driven regardless of color, character or culture. Just depends on the perfect storms surrounding them in life. Some don't get rattled when others aren't so strong... Alot of questions need answered in this situation, so blaming anything at this point is fruitless.
We have enough information on our own to understand the situation. Trump+ violent hate speech+ his racism+ cultist Trump supporters = mass murder. And it's only going to get worse with Trump and his base.

That crap is a huge part of the problem.

It's not a political problem it's a mental issue problem.
Only in America this is normal....YA became numb to this, the rest of the world shaking their head every time that show on their news....keep your deadly toys you might need them one day to kill those who pisses you off i guess.
Thoughts and prayers as usual till the next mass shooting coming to your place of work, worship maybe your kids school. ONLY IN AMERICA.
ONLY IN AMERICA, we have traitor FILTH like you, AKA the fifth column!
They are proud and happy they took the shooter w/o firing a shot? Huh? I would prefer it blasted into tiny pieces. The Police are being praised?
Again- the main problem. Someone this crazy was able to get a combat weapon.
That's the problem.

And that will continue to happen after gun grabbers achieve EVERY SINGLE objective they ever had. Just like has happened in the UK and Australia etc etc etc.....
Because Leftist policies leaves societies in shambles and take hope from lives. See California, Detroit etc etc etc

Then what?

The problem didn't exist before the rise of Liberal / Leftist America.
But you Lefties gloss over that consistently.
Maybe Leftist policies are THE PROBLEM?
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