Breaking confirmed active shooter at Texas Walmart 18 ppl shot

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VIDEO of witness Brittney, who says her mom saw 3 armed men dressed all in black.

Jeff DeRiso on Twitter

Antifa has announced that they plan to attack El Paso. Today's shootings could be an advance op.

Antifa Terrorists Plan 10-Day Sept. Border Siege in El Paso - The Lid
Did they conspire with Representative V. Escobar of El Paso who went down to Mexico to recruit more border crossers right after she voted to deprive humanitarian Aid from the American Congress she is part of the majority in. I hope they vote that traitor out of power in the next election. She's a Congressman in name only. She is against the President who has asked Congress to vote in fundings for humanitarian relief for detainees on the border.

^Right here. These three clowns are attempting to find a way to blame liberals for the actions of a white supremacist. Interesting how it happens and the logic is so disjointed and....well, just dumb.
Happy to oblige you with the truth.
VIDEO of witness Brittney, who says her mom saw 3 armed men dressed all in black.

Jeff DeRiso on Twitter

Antifa has announced that they plan to attack El Paso. Today's shootings could be an advance op.

Antifa Terrorists Plan 10-Day Sept. Border Siege in El Paso - The Lid
Did they conspire with Representative V. Escobar of El Paso who went down to Mexico to recruit more border crossers right after she voted to deprive humanitarian Aid from the American Congress she is part of the majority in. I hope they vote that traitor out of power in the next election. She's a Congressman in name only. She is against the President who has asked Congress to vote in fundings for humanitarian relief for detainees on the border.

^Right here. These three clowns are attempting to find a way to blame liberals for the actions of a white supremacist. Interesting how it happens and the logic is so disjointed and....well, just dumb.
Happy to oblige you with the truth.

Plywood fancies itself a

How should we react to shootings like this? With more gun laws? More emotion? By blaming our political rivals? Politicization?

1) Gun laws don't stop shootings. Each person murdered with a firearm in the US is evidence to that.
2) Emotions do nothing but pass more useless gun laws.
3) Blaming our political rivals only prevents them from cooperating with you to get something meaningful done to curb these types of tragedies.
4) Politicizing a tragedy does the exact same thing as #3

How should we react to shootings like this?

And with prayers up for the families suffering huge losses when their loved ones were aimed at, shot at, hurt and killed. :hands: It was a horrific day. I was away from the radio, tv, and computer news when all this was going on this morning and had severe cramps in my lower legs when I left the grocery store. I don't know why, but I have a lot of terrible pain on days my country is under fire. And there's not a psychic bone in my body, either. Just pain.
At a grocery store.
Land of the free...

Too bad somebody did not get him early on in the parking lot. Oh well, glad that is over. They got the killer without firing a shot.
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Maybe it is time to reconsider they way systematically dehumanize and demonize immigrants, and other groups.
The website "my life" states he is a registered democrat.

No, he's not a democrat or a republican. He's a murderer. It's really not that difficult.

He's a nut. But as long as tje he's a Trump supporter. White supremacy loon, etc is spewed it becomes important

No, not really. It's only important if you allow it to be important. I tend to skip over 98% of member comments because I know they aren't worth my time to read. I don't allow it to get to me but apparently this forum thrives on hate.
View attachment 272607
Patrick Crusius

Another pissed off white guy who hasn’t gotten his share of the MAGA.

I don't think his motives are absolutely confirmed yet but it does appear that he is a white supremacist Trump supporter.

El Paso Shooter Identified Online As Trump Supporter Who Didn’t Like ‘Race Mixing’

A little off topic but cautionary for USMB mods. You have a lot of extremist hate on this site. We've all seen it. Members of this board have been threatened as well as certain demographic groups with violence. I ask that you please take it seriously and that those who are promoting violence online, stop.
People are crazy since Maxine Waters, D. California, started this getting even with people by getting in their faces.

No people went crazy at tramps rallies and at trump tweet storms. Put the blame on where it belongs.
“Reporter Scott Stedman has tweeted that he had told the FBI that a manifesto which was purported to be from the suspect had been circulating on 8Chan. Stedman said that the FBI is treating the manifesto seriously. 8Chan is a controversial message board that has been described as “the home of the most vitriolic content on the internet” by Vox.

That manifesto, which has been seen by but not verified as belonging to the suspect, makes negative references to Hispanic immigration into the U.S.. It criticizes both major political parties in the U.S., but the writer stresses that he supports some in the Republican Party in terms of immigration policies. The writer also makes reference to alleged Christchurch mosque shooter, Brenton Tarrant.

Crusius’ Facebook page was deleted after the shooting. A Twitter account under his name has not been confirmed to belong to him.

The Facebook page was seen by Heavy before it was taken down. It included just one photo, the profile picture at the top of this article, and no other posts or details about the suspect. He had only three friends, including his twin sister. The other two friends were a man and woman whose connection to Crusius was not immediately known.”
This so-called reporter wrote accusations about Trump that were proven false. Won’t believe the manifesto claim until the authorities confirm it.
The website "my life" states he is a registered democrat.

No, he's not a democrat or a republican. He's a murderer. It's really not that difficult.

He's a nut. But as long as tje he's a Trump supporter. White supremacy loon, etc is spewed it becomes important

No, not really. It's only important if you allow it to be important. I tend to skip over 98% of member comments because I know they aren't worth my time to read. I don't allow it to get to me but apparently this forum thrives on hate.

Well one can sit quietly while an agenda is pushed..I choose not too
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