Breaking confirmed active shooter at Texas Walmart 18 ppl shot

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This thread is trash. Anyone politicizing this tragedy is trash.

I'm out.


The act was political. That was why he did it, keep running.

Running from what? People with pathetic emotional arguments eager to politicize death at the drop of a pussy hat?


I will destroy you in a debate.

The shooter politicized the event. I'm tired of the death threats because someone has different political views on this board. Sorry the motivation for this guy is inconvenient to the right but he was a white supremacist, he was a Trump supporter his motive was racism.
Democrats are dividing the country due to their deep seated hatred of white males.
We'll of's never the white male's fault... someone always drives them to commit violence.
Do you want to force white males to wear an ID tracer? star of David perhaps?
Antifa has announced that they plan to attack El Paso. Today's shootings could be an advance op.

Antifa Terrorists Plan 10-Day Sept. Border Siege in El Paso - The Lid
Did they conspire with Representative V. Escobar of El Paso who went down to Mexico to recruit more border crossers right after she voted to deprive humanitarian Aid from the American Congress she is part of the majority in. I hope they vote that traitor out of power in the next election. She's a Congressman in name only. She is against the President who has asked Congress to vote in fundings for humanitarian relief for detainees on the border.

^Right here. These three clowns are attempting to find a way to blame liberals for the actions of a white supremacist. Interesting how it happens and the logic is so disjointed and....well, just dumb.

How many time do you need to be told?
White supremacists don't have anything to do with conservatives or the Republican party.
They are remnants the democrat party left behind.

You better hold your denials until you read this murderers manifesto.

This murderer has nothing to do with conservatives or the Republican party.
I don't care what his manifesto says.
Well. That's a firm example of denial.
I have some catching up to do on this thread but my guess is Trump fans are being deplorable about this shooting. Just a guess.
Buttigieg: America ‘Under Attack From Homegrown White Nationalist Terrorists’

Amen! And Trump incites and fans the flames of hate! The reported shooter, Patrick Crusius, is a Trump supporter.
The shooter allegedly had a maifesto -- FBI Investigating Possible Manifesto in El Paso Walmart Shooting |

“Even if other non-immigrant targets would have a greater impact, I can’t bring myself to kill my fellow Americans.” The manifesto writer said he supported the Christchurch shooting citing the “Great Replacement” anti-immigration theory postured there. The writer says that his hatred of immigrants predate Trump so “don’t blame” the president.

“My ideology has not changed for several years. My opinions on automation, immigration, and the rest predate Trump and his campaign for president. I putting this here because some people will blame the President or certain presidential candidates for the attack. This is not the case. I know that the media will probably call me a white supremacist anyway and blame Trump’s rhetoric. The media is infamous for fake news. Their reaction to this attack will likely just confirm that.”
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It's been a few you still haven' t noticed the ........
Only in America this is normal....YA became numb to this, the rest of the world shaking their head every time that show on their news....keep your deadly toys you might need them one day to kill those who pisses you off i guess.
Thoughts and prayers as usual till the next mass shooting coming to your place of work, worship maybe your kids school. ONLY IN AMERICA.
I know. I wish we had all the bombings they have in those other countries that aren’t America. As long as law abiding people can’t own guns anymore I’d be fine with a subway being blown up by a terrorist every once in a while
which countries have bombings in subway every once in a while? can't be worse than Oklahoma city? Vegas Shooting? Boston? 9/11?
The problem in the US people get killed in random places, sometimes by a family member....just because that person lost it had access to a deadly weapon and he decides to take few people with him and it happens almost daily. Now show me which countries have similar issue?
I'm telling you, you think it is normal and you become numb to it , even if it happens to your family members and in your house hold they brainwashed you to think that one can't live without guns and war toys.
The cost of freedom ain't cheap, so if you don't have the stomach for it then stay where you are. We will adjust, and we always have, so get ready to soon see some very tough action on crime (hanging judges return), and of course the lefties will begin to hollar if law's get tougher on this crap.

If they (the shooters) kill themselves on the scene, it matters not because they still should be hung in the public square for the citizens to pass by and to spit on their pathetic corpses or anything else they wish to do to them.

During the pirate age, the town's hanged the pirates bodies along the battery wall, and they left them hanging there for the other pirates to see from the outer banks as a warning sign to them on what happens to pirates who decide to journey in in order to attempt their bullcrap again.
Freedom ? Lol as if other countries arent free. Stop your bullshit. You have the worst mass shooting casualties, most deaths, most crimes and you still claim having freedom and others dont.
^Right here. These three clowns are attempting to find a way to blame liberals for the actions of a white supremacist. Interesting how it happens and the logic is so disjointed and....well, just dumb.

How many time do you need to be told?
White supremacists don't have anything to do with conservatives or the Republican party.
They are remnants the democrat party left behind.

You better hold your denials until you read this murderers manifesto.

This murderer has nothing to do with conservatives or the Republican party.
I don't care what his manifesto says.
El Paso is a nidus of current Democrat mischief, Defiant1. ElPaso's V. Escobar was down in Mexico a week or two ago soliciting people to form a huge caravan and cross, possibly at her territory where she may have made promises that were not consistent with Border Patrol safety and rules they try to abide by. Political chaos is a tool the Democrats have been using since Hillary lost the election. And they beat up Republican President Trump with lies, deceit, and a false narrative full of salacious lies that created in people's minds with 300-500 negative lies repeated by the leftist press against Donald Trump, not one of which was true. People believed the lies after 3 years of constant negative feedback the Democrats were hoping to get by the leftist lockstep press which has helped them before--all through Hillary's bid for the presidency.

I know, beautress, it is disgusting. The only reason why the dems are acting like this that makes any sense is they want to tear this country apart.
The Steel Dossier had a salacious piece of garbage likely created by members of the old Clinton spin room. The falsely narrated deeds mentioned made Hillary Clinton into a big, misunderstood victims so she would win the election, but the bad thing about the Clinton 8-year lie machine is that the American people are not quite as forgetful as the Democrats wished they were. The reason I believe the Democrats are bragging up socialism because Hillary said a few years back "It takes a village to raise a child." is very like the aims of the purest Marxism in the world, which is communism.

Calling themselves 'socialists' does not fool some of us into thinking that means everyone gets a partytime shot at the funds collected in taxes raised to the 80% level AOC wants in order to dig us into a no-freedoms grave in order to start a bolshevik-like oligarchy. If memory serves me right, by the time WWII was over, Stalin used the obfuscation the war took eyes off his Union of Soviet's Socialist Republic and all those murders from the Ukraine farmlands to Siberia millions of lives of people who didn't kiss his posterior area.

I don't believe in terrorizing one's own people. It just isn't fitting, and in Russia's case, when they wiped out all the farmers there, they had people standing in line for oranges that I saw a picture in my weekly reader when I was a schoolkid. I thought at the time, what caused that.

Now I know. It's one party trying to instill only socialistic/communistic views on others by taking their arms away and illegalizing them and starve out certain regions, kind of like Obama mistreating southerners by closing down the Gulf of Mexico to destroy southern small businesses in the South that serve tourists meals and souvenirs for a living. They didn't vote for him in most of those states, and believe me, he got even. I read some stuff about it back then. It troubled me as much as the stories of no oranges for Russian people who stood in line at a grocer's all day to get a small sack of oranges, if they didn't run out first.

Rationing in times of peace didn't seem right to me, and I didn't see the big picture because I didn't know about them starving out the Ukranians until about 15 or 16 years ago, and that was going on in the 50s or 60s where grade schools in my home state provided us with Weekly Readers.
Only in America this is normal....YA became numb to this, the rest of the world shaking their head every time that show on their news....keep your deadly toys you might need them one day to kill those who pisses you off i guess.
Thoughts and prayers as usual till the next mass shooting coming to your place of work, worship maybe your kids school. ONLY IN AMERICA.

Moron....the rest of the world will experience this....and they won't have armed citizens to stop it.....

Americans use their legal guns 1.1 million times a year to stop rapes, robberies, murders and even mass public shootings....

1,100,000 crimes stopped with guns vs 12 mass public shootings in 2018...

Can you count those numbers, can you see which one is bigger?
That's your wish is foe the works to experience this so they regret not having weapons ? Lol
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