Breaking confirmed active shooter at Texas Walmart 18 ppl shot

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This thread is trash. Anyone politicizing this tragedy is trash.

I'm out.


The act was political. That was why he did it, keep running.

Running from what? People with pathetic emotional arguments eager to politicize death at the drop of a pussy hat?


I will destroy you in a debate.

The shooter politicized the event. I'm tired of the death threats because someone has different political views on this board. Sorry the motivation for this guy is inconvenient to the right but he was a white supremacist, he was a Trump supporter his motive was racism.
Democrats are dividing the country due to their deep seated hatred of white males.
We'll of's never the white male's fault... someone always drives them to commit violence.
Anyone can be driven regardless of color, character or culture. Just depends on the perfect storms surrounding them in life. Some don't get rattled when others aren't so strong... Alot of questions need answered in this situation, so blaming anything at this point is fruitless.
That's why I don't go or malls which I carry anyway
The land of the free, where one is so scared one feels one has to carry a sidearm grocery shopping.
didn't we just have a mass shooting?

In a right to carry state. Who would have thought.
---------------------------------- every state is a Right to carry or Shall issue state I think . Means nothing , a gun carriers only Duty is to protect himself and those that he decides to fight for . Gun Carriers and not cops WRY.
The website "my life" states he is a registered democrat.
Looks like anyone can edit that page

Political Party:Republican Party
Income:Under $10K
Net Worth:Less than $1
Kids:Info Pending...

Patrick has yet to verify this information. See any inaccuracies?
Glad they used three years and $100m + 1000s' of GOVT personal to go after Flynn, Manafort and the others. I feel safer at WalMart knowing Stone was picked up by 20 FBI.
The website "my life" states he is a registered democrat.

No, he's not a democrat or a republican. He's a murderer. It's really not that difficult.

He's a nut. But as long as tje he's a Trump supporter. White supremacy loon, etc is spewed it becomes important

No, not really. It's only important if you allow it to be important. I tend to skip over 98% of member comments because I know they aren't worth my time to read. I don't allow it to get to me but apparently this forum thrives on hate.

Well one can sit quietly while an agenda is pushed..I choose not too[/QUOT
The website "my life" states he is a registered democrat.

No, he's not a democrat or a republican. He's a murderer. It's really not that difficult.

He's a nut. But as long as tje he's a Trump supporter. White supremacy loon, etc is spewed it becomes important

No, not really. It's only important if you allow it to be important. I tend to skip over 98% of member comments because I know they aren't worth my time to read. I don't allow it to get to me but apparently this forum thrives on hate.

Well one can sit quietly while an agenda is pushed..I choose not too

Oh I'm not quiet. I'm cautious and speak when I know I will be heard and it will have the most impact. Those who talk constantly usually have nothing of importance to say. This is not directed at you personally.
Maybe it is time to reconsider they way systematically dehumanize and demonize immigrants, and other groups.

Maybe "they" ought to reconsider constantly stirring the hornet's nest to score cheap political points.

What “they”?

You know, them. The ones who brainwashed half the country into thinking that racism is an actual problem, one that can only be solved by replacing the white majority with brown people.
20 bucks says kid was on ssri

Thats always the real common theme no matter which way they lean politically ....ssris and being a mental case

the trans gender freak who hacked capital one threatened to shoot the place up ....also white trumps fault
Lol. The next hurricane will be Trumps fault too. :auiqs.jpg:
And now...resorting to ridiculous deflection...Talk about trying to deflect......:71:
If we don't point out the demerits of salacious Democrat lies repeated up to 500 times a day by locksteppers and their paid allies in the press, every day for 1000 days, I'm not surprised a Democrat Party enthusiast would call the truth a deflection.

This from a supporter of a grifter who has in reality lied over 12,000 times as president.

Have you no self respect?
You read too many false narrative lying liars, all 12000 of them, dearly confused otto105. You believed all those claims made by Democrats until the Mueller Report stated no collusion, and the Attorney General, in his review agreed there was not only no collusion, there was no obstruction since no crime was committed by President Trump, and all the charges that he was salacious in his behaviors were lies too. The Steel Dossier, which provided a nidus for lying about President Trump was exposed for the fiction that it was, and *poof* went the 12000 alleged lies, which were actually President Trump telling the truth against this alleged Bible of Truth and also Consequences for President Trump. Fortunately, upon closer examination of the leakers in the FBI who made certain it all went to the press as "good information," the Press had a field day, supported the lies, contacted their "validation" online rebutters to call everything the President said denying his alleged salacious behaviors as well as Russian collusions as "lies," particularly since he does not speak Russian and had never met the people he was charged by crazed Congressional Democrats as being a liar, a criminal, and a traitor. 12000 times. And now, some of the instigators of this huge fabrication are going to get to think about it a whole lot more when they go to jail for their role in perpetration of this huge set of DNC badmouthing and salacious lies against another innocent man.
All you people want to blame politicians. As a result nothing will change. Yall fight over the second amendment instead of the underlying problems.

Real racism in our midst
Mental health

Both should be confronted. This is what REAL racism looks like. Someone in this individuals life should have intervened and tried to steer him back onto a good path.
There is nothing wrong with being pissed off about our immigration mess. There is A LOT WRONG with acting on it with violence
Maxine Waters planted the hate seed. See what bloomed? And Victoria Escobar watered the plant when she went down to Mexico to get people to form a Caravan and she'd let them through El Paso, and there'd be nothing President could do about it because she is a Congressman who thinks Trump should be impeached along with other miscreants like Rep. Nadler and other Democrats in Congress who've carried the lies far enough. They voted against humanitarian aid, then went down to Mexico and solicited more people crossing illegally just to gall the President. There's a shitload of Traitors in the Democrat Party who want to destroy people's pursuit of happiness in exchange for giving them 70% of all earnings to the Democrats to spend like drunken sailors.

Sorry, Buttress, this guy was one of yours... someone who hated Mexicans just like Jesus did.
Get ready.....

Trump to follow Bill Clinton's ban on "assault weapons"
But this time, it will never again be lifted.
The Deep state always wins over Constitutional Rights

After the ban, Dems will move to revoke the right to possess them, along with most long guns. It's how Fascism rolls.. Good men did was bound to happen.

Fascists, tyranny win win

Terrible that "Good Men" allowed a handful of crazed Leftists to revoke the Constitutional Rights of 319,999,999 people.
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All you people want to blame politicians. As a result nothing will change. Yall fight over the second amendment instead of the underlying problems.

Real racism in out midst
Mental health

Both should be confronted. This is what REAL racism looks like. Someone in this individuals life should have intervened and tried to steer him back onto a good path.
There is nothing wrong with being pissed off about our immigration mess. There is A LOT WRONG with acting on it with violence

Again- the main problem. Someone this crazy was able to get a combat weapon.

That's the problem.
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