Breaking confirmed active shooter at Texas Walmart 18 ppl shot

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Maybe it is time to reconsider they way systematically dehumanize and demonize immigrants, and other groups.

Maybe "they" ought to reconsider constantly stirring the hornet's nest to score cheap political points.

What “they”?

You know, them. The ones who brainwashed half the country into thinking that racism is an actual problem, one that can only be solved by replacing the white majority with brown people.
Ah. That sounds a bit delusional but whatever floats your boat I guess.

Oh I've just been imagining the political ploys the left has been using for the last couple of decades then?
They are proud and happy they took the shooter w/o firing a shot? Huh? I would prefer it blasted into tiny pieces. The Police are being praised?
Yeah me too, but it's good we might get some answers this way. I support the police.
My thoughts and prayers go out to the victims and their families

May they rest assured that their rights to buy guns are still keeping them safe

No you don't, you rub your hands gleefully together and dream of ending the 2nd Amendment so the serfs can be brought back into line.
But the second amendment keeps us safe

Doesn’t it?

Yes, it keeps the AMERICAN PEOPLE safe from a corrupt government. Why do you think it is billionaires pushing the gun control narrative. They've bought the government, now the only thing preventing them from turning the PEOPLE back into the serfs they so desire us to be is our guns. No matter how condescending your statements are, the fact is billionaires can't control us while we are armed.

Why do you hate the people and love the billionaires?

There’s nothing in Second Amendment case law that supports insurrectionist dogma.

The Second Amendment safeguards an individual right to posses a firearm for lawful self-defense, not to ‘overthrow’ a government incorrectly perceived to by ‘tyrannical.’
Maybe he stole it and there are more dead bodies back in Allen. Wait for truth.

Don't need to.. most of these mass shooters buy their guns legally... will probably be the case here.

So let's have abetter standard than "not convicted or in the loony bin".

How about those 100mil that go crazy AFTER they got a gun 10 years earlier? You will continually move the targets until you blame Trump.

Here's the thing, these guys almost never 'Had a gun for years and then went crazy one day". IN fact, they almost always acquired their guns recently...

So here's a solution. Stop the sale of all new guns. We can safely assume that anyone who owns one now is probably not going to go on a rampage if they haven't yet.
My thoughts and prayers go out to the victims and their families

May they rest assured that their rights to buy guns are still keeping them safe

No you don't, you rub your hands gleefully together and dream of ending the 2nd Amendment so the serfs can be brought back into line.
But the second amendment keeps us safe

Doesn’t it?

Yes, it keeps the AMERICAN PEOPLE safe from a corrupt government. Why do you think it is billionaires pushing the gun control narrative. They've bought the government, now the only thing preventing them from turning the PEOPLE back into the serfs they so desire us to be is our guns. No matter how condescending your statements are, the fact is billionaires can't control us while we are armed.

Why do you hate the people and love the billionaires?

There’s nothing in Second Amendment case law that supports insurrectionist dogma.

The Second Amendment safeguards an individual right to posses a firearm for lawful self-defense, not to ‘overthrow’ a government incorrectly perceived to by ‘tyrannical.’

Jones now fancies himself a constitutional

We'll be lucky to survive the hateful Trump presidency!
The shooter politicized the event. I'm tired of the death threats because someone has different political views on this board. Sorry the motivation for this guy is inconvenient to the right but he was a white supremacist, he was a Trump supporter his motive was racism.

I don't care who he was or what his motivations were. Only you do. You have more concern over his motivations than for the people who lost their lives or lost loved ones.

Your concern is not genuine. Only political.

I don't want this to ever happen again, the motive is important as it shouldn't be accepted. I've seen threats on this forum that emulate the shooting today. Whether it's picking them off at the border or being told that the left will be wiped out in the upcoming civil war (I'm told) and the utter glee in being told how this civil war is going to exterminate people based on either their beliefs or race.

So if a civil war is started we are just supposed to stand by and let you kill us?

There is not going to be a civil war. There will be riots, but there will not be opposing armies like during the Confederacy.

So you think the left is going to surrender?

There will be riots, but the left is just waiting for another 20 years to go by. The bulk of the boomers will be gone, and the US will become a very different country than it's ever been. It's over, and it's one of the reasons I'm preparing to get out of here.
Maybe he stole it and there are more dead bodies back in Allen. Wait for truth.

Don't need to.. most of these mass shooters buy their guns legally... will probably be the case here.

So let's have abetter standard than "not convicted or in the loony bin".

How about those 100mil that go crazy AFTER they got a gun 10 years earlier? You will continually move the targets until you blame Trump.

Here's the thing, these guys almost never 'Had a gun for years and then went crazy one day". IN fact, they almost always acquired their guns recently...

So here's a solution. Stop the sale of all new guns. We can safely assume that anyone who owns one now is probably not going to go on a rampage if they haven't yet.

The Second prohibits that.

Back to your wet dream now
And that will continue to happen after gun grabbers achieve EVERY SINGLE objective they ever had. Just like has happened in the UK and Australia etc etc etc.....

These things don't happen in the UK or Australia... that's the point.

Because Leftist policies leaves societies in shambles and take hope from lives. See California, Detroit etc etc etc

This didn't happen in California or Detroit.. it happened in Texas, deep in the heart of Jesus land.
es...likely he was nuts...

And if he didn't have a criminal record there was nothing to stop him from buying a gun....yes...we know, you fascists consider all Americans as criminals...but that isn't the way the system works....

How about this... you can't HAVE a gun until we have established you aren't crazy.

The fact is, someone this nuts was able to buy a weapon designed for the Soviet Army and mow down a bunch of shoppers, but you'll be here with your fucked up NRA talking points.

If the only way to prevent this is to take EVERYONE'S GUNS, so be it.

You set the rules.
The problem isn't the gun you numbskull. Fix the people, and no more gun problem. The problem is that we have this two party system hating on each other worse than ever now, and the people aren't stupid as to who brought all these things over time upon us, and who has allowed it to just marinate and stew over time, and who has been trying to fix it.
The shooter

Anna Giaritelli on Twitter

The manifesto

Greg on Twitter

More blood on Trumps hands.
Fuck off.

Every time there is an event like this everyone rushes to find a way to blame the left, the right, Muslims, whomever is president etc. It gets totally politicized when likely politics have nothing to do with it.

The guy was only 21. And that messed up. This seems to happen more and more. Why? What is wrong with us....and what are we teaching young people?

I do, however find the rhetoric that dehumanizes and demonizes entire groups to be disturbing and I have little doubt it can encourage unbalanced people to commit atrocities. I think we as a people ought to think about this and ask ourselves how far we are willing to tolerate it.

It is a bipartisan problem. The other side doesn’t just have a different opinion, they are wrong, evil, racist, antiAmerican, should be deported, etc.
Trump and his base have already made the decision. Stop kidding yourself. They want the "others" out, and they are willing to kill them if Trump gives the word. Some are doing it on their own. Think I'm over reacting? Think again. Trump brought his base out of the ground and onto the surface with his bigotry and racism.And it's always been there by the way. They just needed Trump to justify it. Now it is a gigantic problem for this country.
And that will continue to happen after gun grabbers achieve EVERY SINGLE objective they ever had. Just like has happened in the UK and Australia etc etc etc.....

These things don't happen in the UK or Australia... that's the point.

Because Leftist policies leaves societies in shambles and take hope from lives. See California, Detroit etc etc etc

This didn't happen in California or Detroit.. it happened in Texas, deep in the heart of Jesus land.

California had one last week too. Oops
I thought he was a Trump supporter yet his "manifesto" said he hated both the right and left.

So much for that narrative.
And that will continue to happen after gun grabbers achieve EVERY SINGLE objective they ever had. Just like has happened in the UK and Australia etc etc etc.....

These things don't happen in the UK or Australia... that's the point.

Because Leftist policies leaves societies in shambles and take hope from lives. See California, Detroit etc etc etc

This didn't happen in California or Detroit.. it happened in Texas, deep in the heart of Jesus land.
A state with camps harboring invaders.
Apparently some guy drove from Dallas to El Paso to shoot...wetbacks. Jesus...if the genius wanted to shoot mojados why didn't he just stay in Dallas, it's full of them.
What a disgusting post. This nut case mass murderer sees people like you with an attitude that illegals are less than human and he thinks it is OK to shoot them. You are complicit.
Change your pad and calm down Francis.
Everybody is a princess these days.
As horrible as this is, it's still less than half of what the Muslim was able to kill at that Miami nightclub.

That one has already been forgotten, this one won't be.
es...likely he was nuts...

And if he didn't have a criminal record there was nothing to stop him from buying a gun....yes...we know, you fascists consider all Americans as criminals...but that isn't the way the system works....

How about this... you can't HAVE a gun until we have established you aren't crazy.

The fact is, someone this nuts was able to buy a weapon designed for the Soviet Army and mow down a bunch of shoppers, but you'll be here with your fucked up NRA talking points.

If the only way to prevent this is to take EVERYONE'S GUNS, so be it.

You set the rules.
The problem isn't the gun you numbskull. Fix the people, and no more gun problem. The problem is that we have this two party system hating on each other worse than ever now, and the people aren't stupid as to who brought all these things over time upon us, and who has allowed it to just marinate and stew over time, and who has been trying to fix it.
Trump fixed the problem by making more problems. Combined with weapons made for war, Trump created the perfect storm for his war he has been using since day one against the others.
The Second prohibits that.

Back to your wet dream noe

Second Amendment is about Militias, not gun ownership.

I'm not sure why you are so anxious to share your streets with gun-packing crazies...
---------------------------------- 70 years old and i have seen thousands and thousands of Guns and i have never been threatened by a person with a GUN JoeB .
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