Breaking confirmed active shooter at Texas Walmart 18 ppl shot

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Patrick Crusius just turned 21 this week, before opening fire near Cielo Vista Mall — killing at least 20 people. Ticked off from so many Hispanics, reportedly.

El Paso Shooter 21-Year-Old Patrick Crusius Lived In North Texas, Attended High School In Plano

As horrible as this is, it's still less than half of what the Muslim was able to kill at that Miami nightclub.

That one has already been forgotten, this one won't be.
Which was exceeded by that non-Muslim in Vegas. That too has gone from memory.

Which was exceeded by Muslims on September 11th 2001.
And? Is there a point? These past few years domestic non Muslim attacks have far exceeded Muslim attacks. It’s a good thing they haven’t been able to get ahold of a plane.

The Vegas guy owned a plane.
I've posted before that he could have killed many more if he had just crashed it into the crowd.
My thoughts and prayers go out to the victims and their families

May they rest assured that their rights to buy guns are still keeping them safe

No you don't, you rub your hands gleefully together and dream of ending the 2nd Amendment so the serfs can be brought back into line.
But the second amendment keeps us safe

Doesn’t it?

Yes, it keeps the AMERICAN PEOPLE safe from a corrupt government. Why do you think it is billionaires pushing the gun control narrative. They've bought the government, now the only thing preventing them from turning the PEOPLE back into the serfs they so desire us to be is our guns. No matter how condescending your statements are, the fact is billionaires can't control us while we are armed.

Why do you hate the people and love the billionaires?

There’s nothing in Second Amendment case law that supports insurrectionist dogma.

The Second Amendment safeguards an individual right to posses a firearm for lawful self-defense, not to ‘overthrow’ a government incorrectly perceived to by ‘tyrannical.’

Another absolute lie from Clayton the moron.

DC vs Heller:

"(b) The prefatory clause comports with the Court’s interpretation of the operative clause. The “militia” comprised all males physically capable of acting in concert for the common defense. The Antifederalists feared that the Federal Government would disarm the people in order to disable this citizens’ militia, enabling a politicized standing army or a select militia to rule. The response was to deny Congress power to abridge the ancient right of individuals to keep and bear arms, so that the ideal of a citizens’ militia would be preserved. Pp. 22–28."
es...likely he was nuts...

And if he didn't have a criminal record there was nothing to stop him from buying a gun....yes...we know, you fascists consider all Americans as criminals...but that isn't the way the system works....

How about this... you can't HAVE a gun until we have established you aren't crazy.

The fact is, someone this nuts was able to buy a weapon designed for the Soviet Army and mow down a bunch of shoppers, but you'll be here with your fucked up NRA talking points.

If the only way to prevent this is to take EVERYONE'S GUNS, so be it.

You set the rules.
The problem isn't the gun you numbskull. Fix the people, and no more gun problem. The problem is that we have this two party system hating on each other worse than ever now, and the people aren't stupid as to who brought all these things over time upon us, and who has allowed it to just marinate and stew over time, and who has been trying to fix it.
Trump fixed the problem by making more problems. Combined with weapons made for war, Trump created the perfect storm for his war he has been using since day one against the others.
So did you blame Obama like you are now blaming trump?

Both are fucking agenda driven bullshit.
Don't be a pussy coward and change the subject to Obama, just because your ass doesn't have an argument to defend the monster Trump about.
es...likely he was nuts...

And if he didn't have a criminal record there was nothing to stop him from buying a gun....yes...we know, you fascists consider all Americans as criminals...but that isn't the way the system works....

How about this... you can't HAVE a gun until we have established you aren't crazy.

The fact is, someone this nuts was able to buy a weapon designed for the Soviet Army and mow down a bunch of shoppers, but you'll be here with your fucked up NRA talking points.

If the only way to prevent this is to take EVERYONE'S GUNS, so be it.

You set the rules.
The problem isn't the gun you numbskull. Fix the people, and no more gun problem. The problem is that we have this two party system hating on each other worse than ever now, and the people aren't stupid as to who brought all these things over time upon us, and who has allowed it to just marinate and stew over time, and who has been trying to fix it.
Trump fixed the problem by making more problems. Combined with weapons made for war, Trump created the perfect storm for his war he has been using since day one against the others.

You mean the weapons that Obama and Holder gave the Mexican drug cartels that killed Americans?

Probably more like when Ike orchestrated the overthrow of Iran's prime minister in 1953, or maybe when Reagan gave Iran weapons in 1985, or maybe........

We can go back and forth and debate which President made decision that got Americans killed but I think we'll find that both sides are guilty.
The problem isn't the gun you numbskull. Fix the people, and no more gun problem. The problem is that we have this two party system hating on each other worse than ever now, and the people aren't stupid as to who brought all these things over time upon us, and who has allowed it to just marinate and stew over time, and who has been trying to fix it.

Uh, guy, while I do blame Trump's racist rhetoric for setting this piece of shit off (when are you guys going to own that), the fact he was able to get an AK47 is what allowed him to do this much damage.

California had one last week too. Oops

So what, Fat Irish Sow?

We have too many guns and the wrong people can get them. Period.

I thought he was a Trump supporter yet his "manifesto" said he hated both the right and left.

No, he said he hated Republicans and Democrats, not the same thing. This is the kind of thing you guys say every day when Republicans don't show a lot of enthusiasm for "The Trumpenfuhrer".
He said not to blame Trump, the one person in America most responsible for stirring up hatred against immigrants.
as i already asked , what is the Number of mass murder victims for 2019 BWK ??
The Second Amendment safeguards an individual right to posses a firearm for lawful self-defense, not to ‘overthrow’ a government incorrectly perceived to by ‘tyrannical.’

Another clear case of.....

It's better to be thought a fool.....than to post ignorant shit and remove any doubt.....

Too late. Congratulations.
Maybe "they" ought to reconsider constantly stirring the hornet's nest to score cheap political points.

What “they”?

You know, them. The ones who brainwashed half the country into thinking that racism is an actual problem, one that can only be solved by replacing the white majority with brown people.
Ah. That sounds a bit delusional but whatever floats your boat I guess.

Oh I've just been imagining the political ploys the left has been using for the last couple of decades then?
The same ones you called stupid?

So why is your doing it less stupid? THEY DID IT FIRST is how old are you again territory.

I'm not playing politics. Im just stating the obvious. The left has been pushing divisive racial politics for decades and now it's really starting to have a detrimental effect on society.

A wall can't keep out the evil within!
See what happens when a man can't get any pussy?

What do everyone of these shooters have in common? Nooooo not big bad pussy for the longest time.
I mean...look at that think he has seen a pussy up close and personal...let alone been in one?

Doubt me?
Show me one of these lone wolves who was gettin some ass on the reg. When have you seen an estranged wife or girlfriend interviewed after the fact?

Pussy...stops mass your job...give up that monkey.

As horrible as this is, it's still less than half of what the Muslim was able to kill at that Miami nightclub.

That one has already been forgotten, this one won't be.
Which was exceeded by that non-Muslim in Vegas. That too has gone from memory.

Which was exceeded by Muslims on September 11th 2001.
And? Is there a point? These past few years domestic non Muslim attacks have far exceeded Muslim attacks. It’s a good thing they haven’t been able to get ahold of a plane.

The Vegas guy owned a plane.
I've posted before that he could have killed many more if he had just crashed it into the crowd.
So? He still killed a record number of people.
The problem isn't the gun you numbskull. Fix the people, and no more gun problem. The problem is that we have this two party system hating on each other worse than ever now, and the people aren't stupid as to who brought all these things over time upon us, and who has allowed it to just marinate and stew over time, and who has been trying to fix it.

Uh, guy, while I do blame Trump's racist rhetoric for setting this piece of shit off (when are you guys going to own that), the fact he was able to get an AK47 is what allowed him to do this much damage.

California had one last week too. Oops

So what, Fat Irish Sow?

We have too many guns and the wrong people can get them. Period.

I thought he was a Trump supporter yet his "manifesto" said he hated both the right and left.

No, he said he hated Republicans and Democrats, not the same thing. This is the kind of thing you guys say every day when Republicans don't show a lot of enthusiasm for "The Trumpenfuhrer".
He said not to blame Trump, the one person in America most responsible for stirring up hatred against immigrants.

Forgot the word ILLEGAL again Flapper. That triggers a list warning as you should know better by now. #5 today. Short leash on you and your constant spew.
As horrible as this is, it's still less than half of what the Muslim was able to kill at that Miami nightclub.

That one has already been forgotten, this one won't be.
The number one threat to this country is the domestic Trump terrorism coming from his base and Trump himself. Trump is a major national security threat.

It will take a while before Trump supporters catch up to what Muslims did on Sept. 11 2001.
They're doing a great job right now. Between the mass murder and the inhumane treatment of refugees, it's getting right up there. And by the way, Trump does business with those who conducted 9/11, so his racism only goes as far as his businesses will allow it on his end. It's all relative for Trump. Get the base riled up with racist circus, and in the meantime, he'll do business with the Saudis who conducted 9/11.
------------------------------ And from what i understand 'gwb' let the Saudis leave the USA because he knew that the Saudi Gov was not involved in '9 -11' BWK .
The problem isn't the gun you numbskull. Fix the people, and no more gun problem. The problem is that we have this two party system hating on each other worse than ever now, and the people aren't stupid as to who brought all these things over time upon us, and who has allowed it to just marinate and stew over time, and who has been trying to fix it.

Uh, guy, while I do blame Trump's racist rhetoric for setting this piece of shit off (when are you guys going to own that), the fact he was able to get an AK47 is what allowed him to do this much damage.

California had one last week too. Oops

So what, Fat Irish Sow?

We have too many guns and the wrong people can get them. Period.

I thought he was a Trump supporter yet his "manifesto" said he hated both the right and left.

No, he said he hated Republicans and Democrats, not the same thing. This is the kind of thing you guys say every day when Republicans don't show a lot of enthusiasm for "The Trumpenfuhrer".
He said not to blame Trump, the one person in America most responsible for stirring up hatred against immigrants.
Immigrants assaulting the border and killing Americans is most responsible for stirring up hatred against immigrants.

A wall can't keep out the evil within!
See what happens when a man can't get any pussy?

What do everyone of these shooters have in common? Nooooo not big bad pussy for the longest time.
I mean...look at that think he has seen a pussyup close and person...let alone been in one?

Doubt me?
Show me one of these lone wolves who was gettin some ass on the reg. When have you seen an estranged wife or girlfriend interviewed after the fact?

Pussy...stops mass your job...give up that monkey.

How about Trump and his supporters go fuck each other because of their evil racism?
Maxine Waters planted the hate seed. See what bloomed? And Victoria Escobar watered the plant when she went down to Mexico to get people to form a Caravan and she'd let them through El Paso, and there'd be nothing President could do about it because she is a Congressman who thinks Trump should be impeached along with other miscreants like Rep. Nadler and other Democrats in Congress who've carried the lies far enough. They voted against humanitarian aid, then went down to Mexico and solicited more people crossing illegally just to gall the President. There's a shitload of Traitors in the Democrat Party who want to destroy people's pursuit of happiness in exchange for giving them 70% of all earnings to the Democrats to spend like drunken sailors.

Sorry, Buttress, this guy was one of yours... someone who hated Mexicans just like Jesus did.
That is a false narrative, Joe. I am against acts of terror, as well as the terroristic mass murders committed by Patrick Crusius earlier today. It doesn't surprise me that Crusius picked El Paso, however, due to El Paso being home base of Rep. V. Escobar, who represents El Paso. Rep. Escobar outdid even Rep. Maxine Waters. Rep. V. Escobar went to Mexico a couple of weeks ago to recruit more Caravans to trouble our southern border with a huge, unmanagable caravan the Democrats had planned on using to beat up on Republicans some more.

The terrorists actually used both Republicans and Democrats to get out their sick message to the world that mass shootings will scare people into seeing their political views which do not match my views at all, because I do not care to see manipulative use of situations to get what you want in politics.

Murderers of living human beings as you know, are not mine, whether they are a 2-cell human blastocyst or a bazillion-celled human child, adult, or senior citizen being the targets of a sick-minded and asocial shooter who murdered 19 and wounded 40 that I know of at this time.

You seem to be having a good time at my expense. Good bye, Joe.
The problem isn't the gun you numbskull. Fix the people, and no more gun problem. The problem is that we have this two party system hating on each other worse than ever now, and the people aren't stupid as to who brought all these things over time upon us, and who has allowed it to just marinate and stew over time, and who has been trying to fix it.

Uh, guy, while I do blame Trump's racist rhetoric for setting this piece of shit off (when are you guys going to own that), the fact he was able to get an AK47 is what allowed him to do this much damage.

California had one last week too. Oops

So what, Fat Irish Sow?

We have too many guns and the wrong people can get them. Period.

I thought he was a Trump supporter yet his "manifesto" said he hated both the right and left.

No, he said he hated Republicans and Democrats, not the same thing. This is the kind of thing you guys say every day when Republicans don't show a lot of enthusiasm for "The Trumpenfuhrer".
He said not to blame Trump, the one person in America most responsible for stirring up hatred against immigrants.
Immigrants assaulting the border and killing Americans is most responsible for stirring up hatred against immigrants.

I blame the media. They're the ones who have exacerbated the situation and made it personal.

A wall can't keep out the evil within!
See what happens when a man can't get any pussy?

What do everyone of these shooters have in common? Nooooo not big bad pussy for the longest time.
I mean...look at that think he has seen a pussyup close and person...let alone been in one?

Doubt me?
Show me one of these lone wolves who was gettin some ass on the reg. When have you seen an estranged wife or girlfriend interviewed after the fact?

Pussy...stops mass your job...give up that monkey.

How about Trump and his supporters go fuck each other because of their evil racism?

Snoooooooooooooor. How about you change your pad princess.
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