Breaking confirmed active shooter at Texas Walmart 18 ppl shot

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20 bucks says kid was on ssri

Thats always the real common theme no matter which way they lean politically ....ssris and being a mental case

the trans gender freak who hacked capital one threatened to shoot the place up ....also white trumps fault
Lol. The next hurricane will be Trumps fault too. :auiqs.jpg:
And now...resorting to ridiculous deflection...Talk about trying to deflect......:71:
If we don't point out the demerits of salacious Democrat lies repeated up to 500 times a day by locksteppers and their paid allies in the press, every day for 1000 days, I'm not surprised a Democrat Party enthusiast would call the truth a deflection.
This came out tooo...........


Leftist groups plan ten-day "resistance convergence" at border

Which is how quick zombies forget when others warned of " Antifa violence in the up coming days..
A 21-year old white racist with a manifesto from Allen, Texas....say how far is that from EL Paso?

Typical example of the Left .... following the Mainstream Media narrative to a T !! :dunno:

The sheeple narrative goes something like this:

"White male Trump supporter wearing a Make america Great Again hat,with an assault rifle, who was radicalized by white supremacists on 4/8 chan, yelling this is MAGA country.....and blah...blah....blah.....blah......:blahblah::blahblah::blahblah:

SO predictable, it's almost laughable if it wasn't such a tragedy.

Only thing is.....people are awake now, they see right through their stupid narrative.

So, if we pretend to ignore that he drove 9 and half hours to the border Walmart to shoot Mexicans after posting a racist manifesto it will go away?
Shit happens but what I find most disturbing is the partisanship going back and forth on this seed.

Someone murdered people today. People died today and yet members of this forum are more concerned about which party this dude is affiliated with; panic that people are going to bring up gun control; and most stunning...... that he should have stayed in his own town as there were plenty of brown people he could have shot there.

Incredible............ So, this is America now?
A 21-year old white racist with a manifesto from Allen, Texas....say how far is that from EL Paso?
Well, from El Paso to the Sabine River, it's about 850 miles due east, and from El Paso to the Plano, Texas area near Dallas, it could be over 800 miles on a 45 degree (or thereabouts) angle.
Have they started blaming Trump yet ?


Trump Trump Trump Russia Russia Russia.....etc etc etc.....and more of the same garbage.:cuckoo:

Trump is a dog whistler for white supremacists. That is why they endorse him. I am sure Trump does not want mass shootings but nut cases like this hear Trump talk about illegals being rapists and criminals and the shooter thinks it is OK to kill these horrible people.
They are not horrible people.
Give equal time you partisan hack... The Democrats have their dog whistle's on key as well, but I disagree with your analysis on Trump. I might be wrong, but don't think so.
I'm quoting:

"Ive read so many conflicting reports on this tragedy. 1 guy? 2-3 guys? Gang related? The shooters name is mentioned only in obscure blogs, daily mail, along with a manifesto?

Something is odd."

very very odd.
What's odd is watching you try very very very hard to deny who this terrorist is.
Just seeing this reported.....details are not true or accurate yet....but the anti-gunners have jumped in already....

Police Claim Possible Multiple Shooters in El Paso Shopping Area
Idiot liberals don't realize that more guns make us safer.

Idiot Lenny ignores the fact that America has more guns than any nation on earth already, which would make us the safest country in the world if he thought about it for 5 seconds.
yes it does make us safe except for areas guns aren't allowed.
A 21-year old white racist with a manifesto from Allen, Texas....say how far is that from EL Paso?

Typical example of the Left .... following the Mainstream Media narrative to a T !! :dunno:

The sheeple narrative goes something like this:

"White male Trump supporter wearing a Make america Great Again hat,with an assault rifle, who was radicalized by white supremacists on 4/8 chan, yelling this is MAGA country.....and blah...blah....blah.....blah......:blahblah::blahblah::blahblah:

SO predictable, it's almost laughable if it wasn't such a tragedy.

Only thing is.....people are awake now, they see right through their stupid narrative.

So, if we pretend to ignore that he drove 9 and half hours to the border Walmart to shoot Mexicans after posting a racist manifesto it will go away?

ohhh right!!! I forgot about "The Manifesto" lol.......that also being part of the sheeple narrative....right along there with the Maga hat! :rolleyes: :cuckoo:
We need to call in the Terrorist preventers in the secret services our government has to make Antifa never make such a plan again with life sentences when they are caught and incarcerated for harassment. I think the Democrat Congresscritters who have been so supportive of Antifa should be made accountable too. Of course, they'll be hiding under their desks in DC next to their "Get President Trump by any means possible" files.

When there is a large Antifa event and someone ends up dead, how come the liberals never blame Antifa?
20 bucks says kid was on ssri

Thats always the real common theme no matter which way they lean politically ....ssris and being a mental case

the trans gender freak who hacked capital one threatened to shoot the place up ....also white trumps fault
Lol. The next hurricane will be Trumps fault too. :auiqs.jpg:
And now...resorting to ridiculous deflection...Talk about trying to deflect......:71:
If we don't point out the demerits of salacious Democrat lies repeated up to 500 times a day by locksteppers and their paid allies in the press, every day for 1000 days, I'm not surprised a Democrat Party enthusiast would call the truth a deflection.

This from a supporter of a grifter who has in reality lied over 12,000 times as president.

Have you no self respect?
I'm quoting:

"Ive read so many conflicting reports on this tragedy. 1 guy? 2-3 guys? Gang related? The shooters name is mentioned only in obscure blogs, daily mail, along with a manifesto?

Something is odd."

very very odd.
What's odd is watching you try very very very hard to deny who this terrorist is.
The shooter allegedly had a maifesto -- FBI Investigating Possible Manifesto in El Paso Walmart Shooting |

“Even if other non-immigrant targets would have a greater impact, I can’t bring myself to kill my fellow Americans.” The manifesto writer said he supported the Christchurch shooting citing the “Great Replacement” anti-immigration theory postured there. The writer says that his hatred of immigrants predate Trump so “don’t blame” the president.

“My ideology has not changed for several years. My opinions on automation, immigration, and the rest predate Trump and his campaign for president. I putting this here because some people will blame the President or certain presidential candidates for the attack. This is not the case. I know that the media will probably call me a white supremacist anyway and blame Trump’s rhetoric. The media is infamous for fake news. Their reaction to this attack will likely just confirm that.”
A 21-year old white racist with a manifesto from Allen, Texas....say how far is that from EL Paso?

Typical example of the Left .... following the Mainstream Media narrative to a T !! :dunno:

The sheeple narrative goes something like this:

"White male Trump supporter wearing a Make america Great Again hat,with an assault rifle, who was radicalized by white supremacists on 4/8 chan, yelling this is MAGA country.....and blah...blah....blah.....blah......:blahblah::blahblah::blahblah:

SO predictable, it's almost laughable if it wasn't such a tragedy.

Only thing is.....people are awake now, they see right through their stupid narrative.

So, if we pretend to ignore that he drove 9 and half hours to the border Walmart to shoot Mexicans after posting a racist manifesto it will go away?

ohhh right!!! I forgot about "The Manifesto" lol.......that also being part of the sheeple narrative....right along there with the Maga hat! :rolleyes: :cuckoo:

You continually forget about a lot of stuff.
This thread is trash. Anyone politicizing this tragedy is trash.

I'm out.


The act was political. That was why he did it, keep running.

Running from what? People with pathetic emotional arguments eager to politicize death at the drop of a pussy hat?


I will destroy you in a debate.

The shooter politicized the event. I'm tired of the death threats because someone has different political views on this board. Sorry the motivation for this guy is inconvenient to the right but he was a white supremacist, he was a Trump supporter his motive was racism.
Democrats are dividing the country due to their deep seated hatred of white males.
We'll of's never the white male's fault... someone always drives them to commit violence.
In 2012, there were 1.2 million violent crimes, including murder, rape, robbery and aggravated assault -- despite 300 million firearms are owned in the United States -- so the report conjectured that guns have not been effective crime deterrents.
They are an effective crime deterrent for those who own, carry and are able to utilize them in their own defense. For those who don't why would you expect any different result?
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