Breaking confirmed active shooter at Texas Walmart 18 ppl shot

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Antifa has announced that they plan to attack El Paso. Today's shootings could be an advance op.

Antifa Terrorists Plan 10-Day Sept. Border Siege in El Paso - The Lid
Did they conspire with Representative V. Escobar of El Paso who went down to Mexico to recruit more border crossers right after she voted to deprive humanitarian Aid from the American Congress she is part of the majority in. I hope they vote that traitor out of power in the next election. She's a Congressman in name only. She is against the President who has asked Congress to vote in fundings for humanitarian relief for detainees on the border.

^Right here. These three clowns are attempting to find a way to blame liberals for the actions of a white supremacist. Interesting how it happens and the logic is so disjointed and....well, just dumb.

How many time do you need to be told?
White supremacists don't have anything to do with conservatives or the Republican party.
They are remnants the democrat party left behind.

You better hold your denials until you read this murderers manifesto.

This murderer has nothing to do with conservatives or the Republican party.
I don't care what his manifesto says.

So how do you "know" he had nothing to do with republics or conservatives?
Good to see he had shooting glasses and hearing protection...
The NRA approves.

Getting emotional, aren't we?
Not anymore....getting used to this.

Don't lie to me.
Not lying...totally used to shootings...totally used to it being white males...totally used to CRC posters deflecting, blaming, supporting...totally used to certain posters going on about knives and cars and pools and violence in other countries....totally used to it because it's become so predictable.
Did they conspire with Representative V. Escobar of El Paso who went down to Mexico to recruit more border crossers right after she voted to deprive humanitarian Aid from the American Congress she is part of the majority in. I hope they vote that traitor out of power in the next election. She's a Congressman in name only. She is against the President who has asked Congress to vote in fundings for humanitarian relief for detainees on the border.

^Right here. These three clowns are attempting to find a way to blame liberals for the actions of a white supremacist. Interesting how it happens and the logic is so disjointed and....well, just dumb.

How many time do you need to be told?
White supremacists don't have anything to do with conservatives or the Republican party.
They are remnants the democrat party left behind.

You better hold your denials until you read this murderers manifesto.

This murderer has nothing to do with conservatives or the Republican party.
I don't care what his manifesto says.
El Paso is a nidus of current Democrat mischief, Defiant1. ElPaso's V. Escobar was down in Mexico a week or two ago soliciting people to form a huge caravan and cross, possibly at her territory where she may have made promises that were not consistent with Border Patrol safety and rules they try to abide by. Political chaos is a tool the Democrats have been using since Hillary lost the election. And they beat up Republican President Trump with lies, deceit, and a false narrative full of salacious lies that created in people's minds with 300-500 negative lies repeated by the leftist press against Donald Trump, not one of which was true. People believed the lies after 3 years of constant negative feedback the Democrats were hoping to get by the leftist lockstep press which has helped them before--all through Hillary's bid for the presidency.

You're a joke or a russian bot. Which is it?
Wow, says a person who is making judgements towards Trump supporters as being white supremacists... Good grief. Yeah mods take notes please.
Interesting how that seems to keep coming true, isn't it?
You too ? Yeah funny how your partisan bullcrap is showing big time.
Will send some more T's & P's your way to make up for that, my friend.

Yeah, because more gun laws stopped this shooting from happening.


Oh come on strict gun laws work, look at Chcago and Baltimore...oh wait
And we can look at Texas...again.
Well if the Democrats aren't going to end the Hispanic problem, someone else will.
You don't know that's what happened, and many people down there are Americans of Mexican heritage.

Some white boy from Allen, Tx drove all the way down just to murder Mexican's.

Jeebus, you are a hateful c*nt.
Interesting...guy kills almost 20 people and this poster is the one you have a problem with....

Poor Evul Twin with a Beard from the Anti-Matter Universe:

Here's a clue: people (or at least non-Lefties) in this Universe can hold more than one thought at a time.
What we need now is open carry. If this nation wants to return to the old west, then so be it.

Libs will fight against it, they refuse to admit more guns make us safer.

So, how did the gun in Walmart make people safer?
You don't think that if a civilian or two within the crowd at Vegas would have had a weapon to lay down suppression fire on that hotel, lives wouldn't have been saved ??
^Right here. These three clowns are attempting to find a way to blame liberals for the actions of a white supremacist. Interesting how it happens and the logic is so disjointed and....well, just dumb.

How many time do you need to be told?
White supremacists don't have anything to do with conservatives or the Republican party.
They are remnants the democrat party left behind.

You better hold your denials until you read this murderers manifesto.

This murderer has nothing to do with conservatives or the Republican party.
I don't care what his manifesto says.
El Paso is a nidus of current Democrat mischief, Defiant1. ElPaso's V. Escobar was down in Mexico a week or two ago soliciting people to form a huge caravan and cross, possibly at her territory where she may have made promises that were not consistent with Border Patrol safety and rules they try to abide by. Political chaos is a tool the Democrats have been using since Hillary lost the election. And they beat up Republican President Trump with lies, deceit, and a false narrative full of salacious lies that created in people's minds with 300-500 negative lies repeated by the leftist press against Donald Trump, not one of which was true. People believed the lies after 3 years of constant negative feedback the Democrats were hoping to get by the leftist lockstep press which has helped them before--all through Hillary's bid for the presidency.

You're a joke or a russian bot. Which is it?

We knew you'd end up babbling about ROOOSIANS ROOSIANS ROOSIANS.

I hate to break it to you. But Mueller found nothing.
Meanwhile countries with strong gun control are not having regular mass shootings....

Meanwhile, to totally solve ANY and ALL mass shootings, we just need to rid society of Leftists
Problem solved.
Turns out it's a white guy who has posted a "manifesto" about killing immigrants.

Doesn't sound like a leftist to me.

Manifestos are always leftist.
What a dumb thing to say.

What was that meme I posted for you in the other thread?

Oh yeah, here it is.

A 21-year old white racist with a manifesto from Allen, Texas....say how far is that from EL Paso?
Did they conspire with Representative V. Escobar of El Paso who went down to Mexico to recruit more border crossers right after she voted to deprive humanitarian Aid from the American Congress she is part of the majority in. I hope they vote that traitor out of power in the next election. She's a Congressman in name only. She is against the President who has asked Congress to vote in fundings for humanitarian relief for detainees on the border.

^Right here. These three clowns are attempting to find a way to blame liberals for the actions of a white supremacist. Interesting how it happens and the logic is so disjointed and....well, just dumb.

How many time do you need to be told?
White supremacists don't have anything to do with conservatives or the Republican party.
They are remnants the democrat party left behind.

You better hold your denials until you read this murderers manifesto.

This murderer has nothing to do with conservatives or the Republican party.
I don't care what his manifesto says.
El Paso is a nidus of current Democrat mischief, Defiant1. ElPaso's V. Escobar was down in Mexico a week or two ago soliciting people to form a huge caravan and cross, possibly at her territory where she may have made promises that were not consistent with Border Patrol safety and rules they try to abide by. Political chaos is a tool the Democrats have been using since Hillary lost the election. And they beat up Republican President Trump with lies, deceit, and a false narrative full of salacious lies that created in people's minds with 300-500 negative lies repeated by the leftist press against Donald Trump, not one of which was true. People believed the lies after 3 years of constant negative feedback the Democrats were hoping to get by the leftist lockstep press which has helped them before--all through Hillary's bid for the presidency.
Communist manifesto......the ends justify the means.
Did they conspire with Representative V. Escobar of El Paso who went down to Mexico to recruit more border crossers right after she voted to deprive humanitarian Aid from the American Congress she is part of the majority in. I hope they vote that traitor out of power in the next election. She's a Congressman in name only. She is against the President who has asked Congress to vote in fundings for humanitarian relief for detainees on the border.

^Right here. These three clowns are attempting to find a way to blame liberals for the actions of a white supremacist. Interesting how it happens and the logic is so disjointed and....well, just dumb.

How many time do you need to be told?
White supremacists don't have anything to do with conservatives or the Republican party.
They are remnants the democrat party left behind.

You better hold your denials until you read this murderers manifesto.

This murderer has nothing to do with conservatives or the Republican party.
I don't care what his manifesto says.

So how do you "know" he had nothing to do with republics or conservatives?

Because I have been a Republican my entire adult life.
I've lived in 5 different states.
I've been an elected official of the Republican party since 2005.

Our party doesn't put up with someone like that.
We have had people sneak in who haven't had the same values as we do and we chase them out.
This thread is trash. Anyone politicizing this tragedy is trash.

I'm out.


The act was political. That was why he did it, keep running.

Running from what? People with pathetic emotional arguments eager to politicize death at the drop of a pussy hat?


I will destroy you in a debate.

The shooter politicized the event. I'm tired of the death threats because someone has different political views on this board. Sorry the motivation for this guy is inconvenient to the right but he was a white supremacist, he was a Trump supporter his motive was racism.
Trump is and many of his supporters are dog whistlers to White Supremacists.
No Trump is not a white supremacist damn his son in law and daughter are Jews
Witnesses are saying they saw 3 or more shooters.

Why is Tweeter already deleting the accounts of people who say they saw with their own eyes 3 or more shooters?

Something is very fishy in this tragedy too.
Video in the stores will confirm how many shooters were involved

Witnesses are often confused
Lots ofTexas people have concealed carry guns to go after rats who mass shoot people at shopping malls and whever else they can be found. It lowers the death rate. This guy had 2 hours from 10 when the shooting started and noon when the police arrested him. Something prevented him from killing and maiming more.
Texas has the laws that gun rights people advocate to prevent mass shootings; liberal conceal carry and open carry laws. Nobody shot this turd. He surrendered to police.
A young man driven over the brink with demonization and the realities of being forcibly replaced. At this point, after the assault of thousands at our border, no I don't blame him. This is justified. The government won't protect us. They police are so badly whipped they can't protect us. It was foolish to think no one would step up.
"No I don't blame him. This is justified."

And we just heard from a Donnie supporting deplorable, ladies & gentlemen.
20 bucks says kid was on ssri

Thats always the real common theme no matter which way they lean politically ....ssris and being a mental case

the trans gender freak who hacked capital one threatened to shoot the place up ....also white trumps fault
Lol. The next hurricane will be Trumps fault too. :auiqs.jpg:
And now...resorting to ridiculous deflection...Talk about trying to deflect......:71:
The act was political. That was why he did it, keep running.

Running from what? People with pathetic emotional arguments eager to politicize death at the drop of a pussy hat?


I will destroy you in a debate.

The shooter politicized the event. I'm tired of the death threats because someone has different political views on this board. Sorry the motivation for this guy is inconvenient to the right but he was a white supremacist, he was a Trump supporter his motive was racism.
Trump is and many of his supporters are dog whistlers to White Supremacists.
No Trump is not a white supremacist damn his son in law and daughter are Jews
Witnesses are saying they saw 3 or more shooters.

Why is Tweeter already deleting the accounts of people who say they saw with their own eyes 3 or more shooters?

Something is very fishy in this tragedy too.
Video in the stores will confirm how many shooters were involved

Witnesses are often confused
Lots ofTexas people have concealed carry guns to go after rats who mass shoot people at shopping malls and whever else they can be found. It lowers the death rate. This guy had 2 hours from 10 when the shooting started and noon when the police arrested him. Something prevented him from killing and maiming more.
Texas has the laws that gun rights people advocate to prevent mass shootings; liberal conceal carry and open carry laws. Nobody shot this turd. He surrendered to police.

The mall where it happened was a gun free zone, bub.
Apparently some guy drove from Dallas to El Paso to shoot...wetbacks. Jesus...if the genius wanted to shoot mojados why didn't he just stay in Dallas, it's full of them.
What a disgusting post. This nut case mass murderer sees people like you with an attitude that illegals are less than human and he thinks it is OK to shoot them. You are complicit.
Running from what? People with pathetic emotional arguments eager to politicize death at the drop of a pussy hat?


I will destroy you in a debate.

The shooter politicized the event. I'm tired of the death threats because someone has different political views on this board. Sorry the motivation for this guy is inconvenient to the right but he was a white supremacist, he was a Trump supporter his motive was racism.
Trump is and many of his supporters are dog whistlers to White Supremacists.
No Trump is not a white supremacist damn his son in law and daughter are Jews
Witnesses are saying they saw 3 or more shooters.

Why is Tweeter already deleting the accounts of people who say they saw with their own eyes 3 or more shooters?

Something is very fishy in this tragedy too.
Video in the stores will confirm how many shooters were involved

Witnesses are often confused
Lots ofTexas people have concealed carry guns to go after rats who mass shoot people at shopping malls and whever else they can be found. It lowers the death rate. This guy had 2 hours from 10 when the shooting started and noon when the police arrested him. Something prevented him from killing and maiming more.
Texas has the laws that gun rights people advocate to prevent mass shootings; liberal conceal carry and open carry laws. Nobody shot this turd. He surrendered to police.

The mall where it happened was a gun free zone, bub.
WalMart was not a gun free zone.
^Right here. These three clowns are attempting to find a way to blame liberals for the actions of a white supremacist. Interesting how it happens and the logic is so disjointed and....well, just dumb.

How many time do you need to be told?
White supremacists don't have anything to do with conservatives or the Republican party.
They are remnants the democrat party left behind.

You better hold your denials until you read this murderers manifesto.

This murderer has nothing to do with conservatives or the Republican party.
I don't care what his manifesto says.

So how do you "know" he had nothing to do with republics or conservatives?

Because I have been a Republican my entire adult life.
I've lived in 5 different states.
I've been an elected official of the Republican party since 2005.

Our party doesn't put up with someone like that.
We have had people sneak in who haven't had the same values as we do and we chase them out.

So you're a joke.

I get it.
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