Breaking confirmed active shooter at Texas Walmart 18 ppl shot

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The act was political. That was why he did it, keep running.

Running from what? People with pathetic emotional arguments eager to politicize death at the drop of a pussy hat?


I will destroy you in a debate.

The shooter politicized the event. I'm tired of the death threats because someone has different political views on this board. Sorry the motivation for this guy is inconvenient to the right but he was a white supremacist, he was a Trump supporter his motive was racism.

I don't care who he was or what his motivations were. Only you do. You have more concern over his motivations than for the people who lost their lives or lost loved ones.

Your concern is not genuine. Only political.

I don't want this to ever happen again, the motive is important as it shouldn't be accepted. I've seen threats on this forum that emulate the shooting today. Whether it's picking them off at the border or being told that the left will be wiped out in the upcoming civil war (I'm told) and the utter glee in being told how this civil war is going to exterminate people based on either their beliefs or race.

We're gonna kill the lot of yas :04:

Dont worry the left is gonna start it and a lot will die in lefty cities and suburbs by hand of government
Let's hope not. This is a terrible crime. The Democrat operative who shot up our Republican Congressmens' baseball practice a few years back, sending Louisana Congressman to the hospital with life-threatening injuries, well, there's a lot of people doing things that is only the government's responsibility, not everyday citizens.

The shooter was wrong to murder and maim was wrong to take matters into his own hands. I pray for more peaceful resolutions of angst rather than those that have been expanded to bring civil war here. And I pray for more civil relations with the winners of the 2016 presidential election than sending congresscritters south of the border to try to damage President Trumps stop signs at the border crossing areas and with the walls that have been built for make-do prospects.
The act was political. That was why he did it, keep running.

Running from what? People with pathetic emotional arguments eager to politicize death at the drop of a pussy hat?


I will destroy you in a debate.

The shooter politicized the event. I'm tired of the death threats because someone has different political views on this board. Sorry the motivation for this guy is inconvenient to the right but he was a white supremacist, he was a Trump supporter his motive was racism.
Trump is and many of his supporters are dog whistlers to White Supremacists.
No Trump is not a white supremacist damn his son in law and daughter are Jews

I bet he has friends who are black too.
oh you didn't know Trumps Daughter was Jewish and his son in law?
Ivan Pierre Aguirre @i_p_a_1

Did they conspire with Representative V. Escobar of El Paso who went down to Mexico to recruit more border crossers right after she voted to deprive humanitarian Aid from the American Congress she is part of the majority in. I hope they vote that traitor out of power in the next election. She's a Congressman in name only. She is against the President who has asked Congress to vote in fundings for humanitarian relief for detainees on the border.

^Right here. These three clowns are attempting to find a way to blame liberals for the actions of a white supremacist. Interesting how it happens and the logic is so disjointed and....well, just dumb.

How many time do you need to be told?
White supremacists don't have anything to do with conservatives or the Republican party.
They are remnants the democrat party left behind.

You better hold your denials until you read this murderers manifesto.

This murderer has nothing to do with conservatives or the Republican party.
I don't care what his manifesto says.
El Paso is a nidus of current Democrat mischief, Defiant1. ElPaso's V. Escobar was down in Mexico a week or two ago soliciting people to form a huge caravan and cross, possibly at her territory where she may have made promises that were not consistent with Border Patrol safety and rules they try to abide by. Political chaos is a tool the Democrats have been using since Hillary lost the election. And they beat up Republican President Trump with lies, deceit, and a false narrative full of salacious lies that created in people's minds with 300-500 negative lies repeated by the leftist press against Donald Trump, not one of which was true. People believed the lies after 3 years of constant negative feedback the Democrats were hoping to get by the leftist lockstep press which has helped them before--all through Hillary's bid for the presidency.

I know, beautress, it is disgusting. The only reason why the dems are acting like this that makes any sense is they want to tear this country apart.
Well....considering that the Bernie Bro tried to kill Republicans at baseball practice........I think he took it elsewhere....
You should keep bringing that up ever time there's ANOTHER right wing shooting.

Problem is most of the mass shooters are your assholes.

Is this where you claim Roof was a liberal?
They claim every mass murderer is a liberal.......this is one way they can live with themselves.

Why do you care? You're no liberal. You're a moonbat progtard
Desperation is showing......having trouble swallowing this latest angry RW male slaughter?
A young man driven over the brink with demonization and the realities of being forcibly replaced. At this point, after the assault of thousands at our border, no I don't blame him. This is justified. The government won't protect us. They police are so badly whipped they can't protect us. It was foolish to think no one would step up.

You are absolutely crazy.
More people are being interviewed..... that were in the store who are saying they saw 3-4 men dressed in black!!!
We shall see

Right now they are downplaying multiple shooters
Have they started blaming Trump yet ?


Trump Trump Trump Russia Russia Russia.....etc etc etc.....and more of the same garbage.:cuckoo:

Trump is a dog whistler for white supremacists. That is why they endorse him. I am sure Trump does not want mass shootings but nut cases like this hear Trump talk about illegals being rapists and criminals and the shooter thinks it is OK to kill these horrible people.
They are not horrible people.
You should keep bringing that up ever time there's ANOTHER right wing shooting.

Problem is most of the mass shooters are your assholes.

Is this where you claim Roof was a liberal?
They claim every mass murderer is a liberal.......this is one way they can live with themselves.

Yep, that and defending the confederate flag for it's "historical value" on public lands while telling us liberals were actually the slave owners, two of my favorite idiotic lies from the right.

The democrats owned the slaves, nothing liberal about that. They went to war to keep them.
Shame on any of those slave owning Democrats still alive.....shame...shame....shame
The act was political. That was why he did it, keep running.

Running from what? People with pathetic emotional arguments eager to politicize death at the drop of a pussy hat?


I will destroy you in a debate.

The shooter politicized the event. I'm tired of the death threats because someone has different political views on this board. Sorry the motivation for this guy is inconvenient to the right but he was a white supremacist, he was a Trump supporter his motive was racism.
Trump is and many of his supporters are dog whistlers to White Supremacists.
No Trump is not a white supremacist damn his son in law and daughter are Jews
Witnesses are saying they saw 3 or more shooters.

Why is Tweeter already deleting the accounts of people who say they saw with their own eyes 3 or more shooters?

Something is very fishy in this tragedy too.
Video in the stores will confirm how many shooters were involved

Witnesses are often confused
Lots ofTexas people have concealed carry guns to go after rats who mass shoot people at shopping malls and whever else they can be found. It lowers the death rate. This guy had 2 hours from 10 when the shooting started and noon when the police arrested him. Something prevented him from killing and maiming more.
Texas has the laws that gun rights people advocate to prevent mass shootings; liberal conceal carry and open carry laws. Nobody shot this turd. He surrendered to police.
That's what had me scratching my head for sure. It must be the targeting of the soft target where as no one figured that a Walmart would get attacked like that, and if that was the thinking then this punk was right. Mostly poor folks frequent a Walmart, and most don't have the means to arm themselves. Sad situation really. Walmart needs some serious security now, and that means to hire a security firm pronto. I know it's really knee jerk, but what do you do ya know ?
A young man driven over the brink with demonization and the realities of being forcibly replaced. At this point, after the assault of thousands at our border, no I don't blame him. This is justified. The government won't protect us. They police are so badly whipped they can't protect us. It was foolish to think no one would step up.


This is perhaps the worst thing I've seen either side say.
A young man driven over the brink with demonization and the realities of being forcibly replaced. At this point, after the assault of thousands at our border, no I don't blame him. This is justified. The government won't protect us. They police are so badly whipped they can't protect us. It was foolish to think no one would step up.
"No I don't blame him. This is justified."

And we just heard from a Donnie supporting deplorable, ladies & gentlemen.
I guess he took a page from Maxine waters playbook.
You should keep bringing that up ever time there's ANOTHER right wing shooting.

Problem is most of the mass shooters are your assholes.

Is this where you claim Roof was a liberal?
They claim every mass murderer is a liberal.......this is one way they can live with themselves.

Why do you care? You're no liberal. You're a moonbat progtard
Desperation is showing......having trouble swallowing this latest angry RW male slaughter?

Deflection won't work, progtard

Impotent old bull
^Right here. These three clowns are attempting to find a way to blame liberals for the actions of a white supremacist. Interesting how it happens and the logic is so disjointed and....well, just dumb.

How many time do you need to be told?
White supremacists don't have anything to do with conservatives or the Republican party.
They are remnants the democrat party left behind.

You better hold your denials until you read this murderers manifesto.

This murderer has nothing to do with conservatives or the Republican party.
I don't care what his manifesto says.

So how do you "know" he had nothing to do with republics or conservatives?

Because I have been a Republican my entire adult life.
I've lived in 5 different states.
I've been an elected official of the Republican party since 2005.

Our party doesn't put up with someone like that.
We have had people sneak in who haven't had the same values as we do and we chase them out.
Thank you for your service to America and for being cautious in your assessments in the best of good ways, Defiant1. May God bless America through you and the Republican Party, of which I have been a member of since 1971 when I married a Republican man, almost 48 years ago. I was an independent before that, but as a new wife, I never ever wanted to cancel his vote, because even as a young man he was also a very wise man.
The shooter politicized the event. I'm tired of the death threats because someone has different political views on this board. Sorry the motivation for this guy is inconvenient to the right but he was a white supremacist, he was a Trump supporter his motive was racism.
Trump is and many of his supporters are dog whistlers to White Supremacists.
No Trump is not a white supremacist damn his son in law and daughter are Jews
Witnesses are saying they saw 3 or more shooters.

Why is Tweeter already deleting the accounts of people who say they saw with their own eyes 3 or more shooters?

Something is very fishy in this tragedy too.
Video in the stores will confirm how many shooters were involved

Witnesses are often confused
Lots ofTexas people have concealed carry guns to go after rats who mass shoot people at shopping malls and whever else they can be found. It lowers the death rate. This guy had 2 hours from 10 when the shooting started and noon when the police arrested him. Something prevented him from killing and maiming more.
Texas has the laws that gun rights people advocate to prevent mass shootings; liberal conceal carry and open carry laws. Nobody shot this turd. He surrendered to police.

The mall where it happened was a gun free zone, bub.
WalMart was not a gun free zone.
the mall was and he wasn't in Walmart he was in the parking lot
A 21-year old white racist with a manifesto from Allen, Texas....say how far is that from EL Paso?

Typical example of the Left .... following the Mainstream Media narrative to a T !! :dunno:

The sheeple narrative goes something like this:

"White male Trump supporter wearing a Make america Great Again hat,with an assault rifle, who was radicalized by white supremacists on 4/8 chan, yelling this is MAGA country.....and blah...blah....blah.....blah......:blahblah::blahblah::blahblah:

SO predictable, it's almost laughable if it wasn't such a tragedy.

Only thing is.....people are awake now, they see right through their stupid narrative.
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