Breaking!! Court says "Not so Fast!!" to EPA

Um, while I might be with you on the warmer cult, the SCOTUS upheld almost everything the EPA planned to do. Based on your own article there. Am I missing something?
You can block EPA moves with social media protests....example, cheese board ban was rescinded by huge protest of such a move...
Under Monday’s ruling, EPA can continue to require permits for greenhouse gas emissions for those facilities that already have to obtain permits because they emit other pollutants that EPA has long regulated.

But Scalia, writing for the court’s conservatives in the part of the ruling in which the justices split 5-4, said EPA could not require a permit solely on the basis of greenhouse gas emissions.

I guess this is the relevant point to this ruling. The EPA can not base a permit solely on cow farts or human breath.
Supreme Court limits greenhouse gas regulations


Richard Wolf, USA TODAY June 23, 2014

WASHINGTON -- A divided Supreme Court blocked the Obama administration Monday from requiring permits for some industries that spew greenhouse gases, but the ruling won't prohibit other means of regulating the pollutant that causes global warming.

They're reporting this on FoxNews as I type. Just what affect will this have on the overall attempt by the Obama administration to destroy US energy? It says it's a “moral victory” so just what does THAT mean?

Read more @ Supreme Court limits greenhouse gas regulations
Um, while I might be with you on the warmer cult, the SCOTUS upheld almost everything the EPA planned to do. Based on your own article there. Am I missing something?

When new expansion moves forward, the EPA cannot hold up permits due only to CO2 concerns = provides legal wiggle room on expansion of coal facilities.

This EPA shit only throws a bone to the AGW k00ks who support this dopey president.........coal will continue to expand, and thank God. I live in the northeast and do not want to pay double for electricity!!:D
Well, considering the new rules for emission reduction by 30% by 2030 was already on target regardless, which is why they bench marked it to 2005, I'd say the blow and bluster is already sort of moot. It was a political related pandering in the first place. But I dig the scotus ruling.

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