Breaking: Dallas Police Dept under attack by gunman in armored vehicle, several bombs; Ongoing

Someone like who?
Sharpton, NAACP, Jackson the typical race baiters.
Thats a dumb opinion.
Thats your opinion based on the reactions we have seen from Freguson to Baltimore to Mckinney I disagree. We had Fredricka Whitfield of CNN calling his actions courageous and brave, if not crazy as well.
No thats your dumb opinion. I happen to know for a fact there are plenty of Blacks that get shot and killed and it never makes the news nor do any of the people/organizations you listed say anything about it. Want to know why? It was a good shoot.
The fact you don't agree with my opinion does not make it a dumb one. Freguson was a justified shooting and we all know what happened there. People have and will continue to try and take advantage of situations like this justified shooting or not to think otherwise is dumb.
I agree. I have no effect on your life. My disagreement is not what makes your opinion dumb. Your ignorance of facts is what makes your opinion dumb.
he's too inept to be a concern, really. If he'd set fires all up and down the CA coast, at night, in dry season, in the pines, with timed incendiaries, he'd be something to worry about.

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