Breaking: Democrats and Leftist Media Dread As Tucker Carlson to Fully Reveal January 6 Truth Tonight.

AND THAR IS THE PROBLEM... The weaponized DOJ will not do a damn thing to him or anyone else exposed as creating a false flag event and intentional entrapment. We have a serious problem in our government, and it must be excised with prejudice.
Are you going to do anything other than whine about it little boy? I didn't think so.

Now run along...
You have only been shown pictures the bad people in this country want you to see. They don’t show you what is important. Leading Democrats continue to say that the January 6 protesters murdered cops which is absolutely false. No January 6 protesters killed anybody on the other hand Black Lives Matter riders murder 25 people in the summer of 2020. I just cannot believe that a small portion of Americans have been brainwashed like this. Like I said the chickens are coming home to roost ….the fake news media is going to be held accountable.

All you have to do is watch the Tucker Carlson special. It’s on YouTube don’t you care that the “ shaman guy” got four years in prison for literally walking around the building and the BLM riders who go around attacking people viciously in 2020 burning buildings get nothing no prison sentence. So this is just a criminal thing. And guess what man the chickens are coming home to roost.

Nothing is being cherry picked. Now we get to see the truth. And the next step my friend is hold BLM leader’s accountable for the riots in 2016 and 2020. I cannot believe that some Americans and it’s only a few of them ….are so totally brainwashed they don’t say anything about the BLM criminal rioters they just keep on going on about January 6.
Lol I have like no words for this post almost. I don’t know who claimed police officers were murdered but it doesn’t somehow erase the evidence of them being assaulted. You’re basically saying “they all survived therefore it didn’t happen!” You and I both know that
There is video evidence of them being assaulted.

Who the fuck cares about that Shaman moron?

Deflecting to BLM will not erase the video evidence you are pretending doesn’t exist from 1/6. What a sad excuse for a whataboutism.

Again your cherry-picking shit so blantantly. I honesty can’t decided whether or not you’re trolling right now. What you’re saying is childish and disingenuous that I don’t even understand how you have the audacity to say it lol
Ray Epps is in trouble for committing perjury. Jim Jordan will hang his ass for this.

Source: The most right ring talking head in America
Tucker Carlson? I can't take him seriously after his rant about green M&Ms being changed. She used to wear "sexy boots" (his words) and now she wears sneakers.

He talked about preferring the "sexy" green M&M. If you find an animated green M&M sexy, you need help.
If you judge a person making fun of M&Ms and can't see how that fit into his much larger thesis, I don't expect you take anybody seriously.

I have my disagreements with Tucker and dislike his approach to some things, but he does some damn fine journalism too. And hats off to him for his approach to these tapes and being responsible about not implicating somebody until he is absolutely certain who they are or what they did.

But even this relatively brief opening salvo exposes deep corruption and dishonesty and malicious accusations with intent of malice done by the J6 Committee and the MSM who gave them all the coverage they asked for.
Can you imagine who Epps could rat out? I would put him on suicide watch.
NOPE, he is your boogie man.
What crime did he commit?

I suppose you are going to claim.......FBI informant. Is that your angle?

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