Breaking: Democrats and Leftist Media Dread As Tucker Carlson to Fully Reveal January 6 Truth Tonight.

Discrediting various lurid accounts of the painstakingly-documented D-Day invasion on June 6, 1944,
the Fox entertainer has uncovered a previously suppressed photograph of an American soldier
on a Normandy beach suffering the discomfort of sand in his boot!

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It is cute how you choose to make the discussion about me instated of your ever changing group you were talking about.

You are really smitten with me, all you can do is talk about me instead of the topic of the thread.
I made my points about the defendants in question. I never changed the discussion.

As much as you tried to change the subject.
Uh…the defendant in question lawyer.
As I said, every defendant and/or his lawyer had full discovery. Anything less and any one of them would have filed a motion to dismission for a Brady violation.

They didn't.

That should explain it all. Unless you think every lawyer for the 1,000 defendants, doesn't know first year law.
As I said, every defendant and/or his lawyer had full discovery. Anything less and any one of them would have filed a motion to dismission for a Brady violation.

They didn't.

That should explain it all. Unless you think every lawyer for the 1,000 defendants, doesn't know first year law.
Guess the prosecutors violated their rights then.
Guess the prosecutors violated their rights then.
As I said, that violation (Brady) would have lead to a motion to dismiss.

I haven't heard of any such motion being filed by any of the defendants.
I made my points about the defendants in question.

Yet you never specified which defendants. At some points you seem to be talking only about the Shaman at other is is some unknown group.
Imbecile, his claim was that there were Feds and Antifa in that mob. There's no video depicting that.
Do you have Tucker quotes to that effect.Plus Tucker did not Video
the Footgage.He only played it back.Video footage he said the
Pelosi January 6th Select Committee also had access and knew about.
The Footage Tucker picked { c/o House Majoriry leader McCarthy }
was shown with little editing due to the time constraints of an
hour show.The left is in Meltdown mode Again!. Not too dissimilar
when Muellers Special Counsel fell flatter than a pancake run over
by a highway steamroller.
Yes. It’s everybody else’s fault for his actions.

When someone opens the door for you to enter, its assumed to be / is an 'INVITATION'.

When officers escort you through the Capitol, not once telling you it is unlawful for you to be there, not attempting to escort you out...when police attempt to UNLOCK doors for you to enter those rooms....when police escort you onto the Senate floor....and stand there and allow you to pray...FOR THEM, giving thanks for the police who allowed him to peacefully walk through - ESCORT you through - the Capitol...

It is easy, even arguably logical, to believe 'you' are not breaking the law ... especially if, as reported, this individual had / has mental issues.

If I open my front door and invite a stranger into my house, and I give them a peaceful tour all throughout my house, I can not then have them arrested for 'breaking into' my house, for committing acts of violence, for making threats against me, etc ... when none of that happened.

This is what appears to be the actual case rather than the narrative the J6 Committee gave.
Yet you never specified which defendants. At some points you seem to be talking only about the Shaman at other is is some unknown group.
Are you saying given the democrats shady tactics there arent more than one? If you watch the video Foxfire posted you will see the Shaman with a group of men talking to police and telling the group they are with to protest peacefully and the cops will work with them.. I’m sure you didn’t watch it though. Since you are just blathering on out of context claiming I’m the one that doesn’t know what the discussion is about.
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As I said, that violation (Brady) would have lead to a motion to dismiss.

I haven't heard of any such motion being filed by any of the defendants.
And it will now that the lawyer has the video.
When someone opens the door for you to enter, its assumed to be / is an 'INVITATION'.

When officers escort you through the Capitol, not once telling you it is unlawful for you to be there, not attempting to escort you out...when police attempt to UNLOCK doors for you to enter those rooms....when police escort you onto the Senate floor....and stand there and allow you to pray...FOR THEM, giving thanks for the police who allowed him to peacefully walk through - ESCORT you through - the Capitol...

It is easy, even arguably logical, to believe 'you' are not breaking the law ... especially if, as reported, this individual had / has mental issues.

If I open my front door and invite a stranger into my house, and I give them a peaceful tour all throughout my house, I can not then have them arrested for 'breaking into' my house, for committing acts of violence, for making threats against me, etc ... when none of that happened.

This is what appears to be the actual case rather than the narrative the J6 Committee gave.
Are you saying given the democrats shady tactics there arent more than one?

I am saying I have no fucking clue which ones you are talking about.

If you watch the video Foxfire posted you will see the Shaman with a group of men talking to police and telling the group they are with to protest peacefully and the cops will work with them.. I’m sure you didn’t watch it though. Since are just blathering on out of context claiming I’m the one that doesn’t know what the discussion is about.

Yep, I saw that. But that video does not remove the fact that the Shaman came into the building via a breached window that we have video of being pounded till it broke.

Thus the problem with these highly edited videos being shown by each side. If only in this day and age there was some way for the videos to be put where we could all see them.... :rolleyes:
I am saying I have no fucking clue which ones you are talking about.

Yep, I saw that. But that video does not remove the fact that the Shaman came into the building via a breached window that we have video of being pounded till it broke.

Thus the problem with these highly edited videos being shown by each side. If only in this day and age there was some way for the videos to be put where we could all see them.... :rolleyes:
he and the group he was with were told they could be there by the capital police.
Yet you never specified which defendants. At some points you seem to be talking only about the Shaman at other is is some unknown group.
So then you have to ADMIT that the Shaman was lied about.
He was escorted in by Capitol guards and actually led as if by
the nose to see around.He was not armed or Protesting anything.
Just Mozing around.In weird garb.The Left wasted little time in
using the Shaman as a prop for what they intended.
To paint the entire 2 hours of Election Protests into one huge
Insurrection ball.No if and or butts about it.
Tucker was only doing what Reporters and Journalist used to
do.Like the origins of CBS - 60 Minutes -.
Tucker did add commentary where it needed perspective.
Pelosi' January 6th Select Committee Refused to act with
american-style perspective.Cooking up facts and refusing
fair play.It couldn't have been more Unamerican.
It was done to play into Trump hatred on all levels and also
Inspire True Believers as what Stalin Pulled doing the Bolshevik
Revolution.With shades of Marxism tossed in for good measure.
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