Breaking: Democrats and Leftist Media Dread As Tucker Carlson to Fully Reveal January 6 Truth Tonight.

Then why in the hell did be plead guilty? Is he mentally ill?
There was no fair coverage of January 6th pleadings.
Just a refusal of Due Process and trial dates pushed
back.I guess a trial date has to be made public { usually
in 3 month intervals } in front of a judge.
But the judge has complete leeway as to determing when
or IF a new Court date can be set.
It has to do with the fact that he clearly knew he wasn’t supposed to be there.

He wasn’t charged with violence. He was charged with disputing Congressional hearings.

Carlson claims it’s disputed how he got in. That’s a bizarre claim given we can clearly see how he got in.
He got 41 months for walking into a building. :cuckoo:
And that is supposed to negate all of the other evidence that Carlson is full of shit and that he manipulated the video? What the hell is wrong with you people?
You people use Manger as your 'witness' to discredit Carlson but trash and misrepresent those of us who provide evidence for why his testimony might not be objective or even credible?

What's wrong with you people?
His original lawyer was a TDS Anti trumper ,which is why he was urged to change lawyers. He was not getting adequate counsel.

Then he has multiple slam dunks for an appeal. I look forward to seeing him out of jail soon
I am saying I have no fucking clue which ones you are talking about.

Yep, I saw that. But that video does not remove the fact that the Shaman came into the building via a breached window that we have video of being pounded till it broke.

Thus the problem with these highly edited videos being shown by each side. If only in this day and age there was some way for the videos to be put where we could all see them.... :rolleyes:
The 'Shaman' did not go through a broken window. He walked peacefully into the Capitol through an open door along with many other peaceful people. Earlier in this thread I posted video of him and his companion getting instructions from a Capitol policeman and loudly repeating those instructions to the rest of the crowd around him that they must remain peaceful.

I also posted an article in which his defense attorney said these videos were not made available to the defense at his trial. It strongly appears that he was not provided due process by the law.
Do you have Tucker quotes to that effect.Plus Tucker did not Video
the Footgage.He only played it back.Video footage he said the
Pelosi January 6th Select Committee also had access and knew about.
The Footage Tucker picked { c/o House Majoriry leader McCarthy }
was shown with little editing due to the time constraints of an
hour show.The left is in Meltdown mode Again!. Not too dissimilar
when Muellers Special Counsel fell flatter than a pancake run over
by a highway steamroller.

I'm not talking about Tucker. :eusa_doh:
The 'Shaman' did not go through a broken window. He walked peacefully into the Capitol through an open door along with many other peaceful people. Earlier in this thread I posted video of him and his companion getting instructions from a Capitol policeman and loudly repeating those instructions to the rest of the crowd around him that they must remain peaceful.

I also posted an article in which his defense attorney said these videos were not made available to the defense at his trial. It strongly appears that he was not provided due process by the law.

If this is the case he has a slam dunk easy appeal. I look forward to seeing him cleared of all charges he plead guilty to

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