Breaking: Democrats and Leftist Media Dread As Tucker Carlson to Fully Reveal January 6 Truth Tonight.

You arent arguing for “justice”. You are trying to deflect from the video evidence Tucker released.

Not even once. I am all for the "evidence" Tucker released being used if these people were denied their rights. I have said that a good 100 times now.
You arent arguing for “justice”. You are trying to deflect from the video evidence Tucker released.

Every defendant had access to everything that Tucker had access to, and for much longer.

The Brady Rule, named after Brady v. Maryland, 373 U.S. 83 (1963), pronounced that prosecutors shall disclose materially exculpatory evidence in the government's possession to the defense. The “Brady material” refers to any evidence the prosecutor is required to disclose.

It's also federal rule of evidence 16.
How do you know they aren’t?

Because the press has breathlessly reported every whisper out of the Insurrectionist Wing of Reichers Island. That includes the Shaman's complaints about the food which was filed with the courts, as well as other complaints about the "accommodations" filed by these entitled assholes.

Although I had heard rumours that they needed to break up the insurrectionist cluster because they were all dangerously reinforcing each others' delusions and conspiracy theories. Since so many of them have mental health issues, it's important that they live in the real world.
Not even once. I am all for the "evidence" Tucker released being used if these people were denied their rights. I have said that a good 100 times now.
Must be why you were mad he released it. Questioned the fact that it had been reviewed by the capital police.Kept trying to change the subject from the defendants I was talking about to everyone but. Tried to claim the defendants lawyer probably wasnt telling the truth etc…

You are full of shit.

See what pretending to be a Libertarian gets you? You have to remember your lies and throw them a bone once in awhile.
Every defendant had access to everything that Tucker had access to, and for much longer.

The Brady Rule, named after Brady v. Maryland, 373 U.S. 83 (1963), pronounced that prosecutors shall disclose materially exculpatory evidence in the government's possession to the defense. The “Brady material” refers to any evidence the prosecutor is required to disclose.

It's also federal rule of evidence 16.
Take it up with the lawyer who claims differently.
Must be why you were mad he released it.

Please show me the post where I have expressed anger. So far you cannot support a single claim you made about me, maybe this one will be different.

Questioned the fact that it had been reviewed by the capital police

Yes, I question every claim that Tucker makes. Unlike you I do not worship the man.

Kept trying to change the subject from the defendants I was talking about to everyone but.

I cannot help it if you are all over the place.

Tried to claim the defendants lawyer probably wasnt telling the truth etc…

Yep, that is what lawyers do

See what pretending to be a Libertarian gets you? You have to remember your lies and throw them a bone once in awhile.

No pretending.
Do you actually believe that we are just now seeing these videos if the defense had access to them during the trials? The only videos that were leaked just happened to be ones that bolstered the prosecution. Yeah, ok.
Chansley didn’t go to trial. He pled guilty. The problem with these videos is that they’re not exculpatory.

If there is video of you robbing a bank, it’s not exculpatory to then show a video of you not robbing a bank later.
Take it up with the lawyer who claims differently.
Which lawyer is that? Any lawyer making such a claim in this case, would be subject to sanctions, because full discovery was made for the January 6th defendants.
Please show me the post where I have expressed anger. So far you cannot support a single claim you made about me, maybe this one will be different.

Yes, I question every claim that Tucker makes. Unlike you I do not worship the man.

I cannot help it if you are all over the place.

Yep, that is what lawyers do

No pretending.
You are the one spinning. Let’s see. Lefty talking points you have used. “ Tucker’s own boss says he lies”. Check. “ 40k video footage” ( Also directly from Chuck Shumers mouth). Check. “ Sexy M&M’s. Check. “ Cherry Picking” ( directly from Chuck Shumers mouth). Check. “ Selective comments from a partisan police chief propping up Chuck Schumer”. Check. Deflecting from defendants to “ look at these people over here”. Check.

I probably missed a few but you get the point.
None of that changes what the videos show, dummy.
No, the self-incriminating visual evidence resulted in a thousand Trump goons being apprehended, indicted, and prosecuted. Many have been convicted or confessed.

Screen Shot 2021-11-29 at 3.05.25 PM.png

The dozens of Republican officeholders and Trump regime insiders who testified under oath cannot be nullified by the Fox entertainer's silly confection.
Which lawyer is that? Any lawyer making such a claim in this case, would be subject to sanctions, because full discovery was made for the January 6th defendants.
Uh…the defendant in question lawyer.
You are the one spinning. Let’s see. Lefty talking points you have used. “ Tucker’s own boss says he lies”. Check. “ 40k video footage” ( Also directly from Chuck Shumers mouth). Check. “ Sexy M&M’s. Check. “ Cherry Picking” ( directly from Chuck Shumers mouth). Check. “ Selective comments from a partisan police chief propping up Chuck Schumer”. Check. Deflecting from defendants to “ look at these people over here”. Check.

I probably missed a few but you get the point.

It is cute how you choose to make the discussion about me instated of your ever changing group you were talking about.

You are really smitten with me, all you can do is talk about me instead of the topic of the thread.
Can you explain why this was going on outside while the cops were giving tours inside?

You people keep microscoping on specific elements of this to make it make sense but the problem is, none of it made sense.

It was a very fluid snd chaotic situation from the rally to the Capital steps to the inside of the building. There were hundreds of people, all with different reasons for being there and all of them reacting to things around them.

It was simply too large, too chaotic, too many conflicting factors and intentions, too many things going on with too many people to just simply say “Deadly insurrection. Hang ‘em”.

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