Breaking: Democrats and Leftist Media Dread As Tucker Carlson to Fully Reveal January 6 Truth Tonight.

Tucky is not a credible journalist, according to Fox's own lawyers. He's an entertainer who shovels cloying pabulum into the maws of the credulous. The Trump-hater's attack on the Capitol Police is not sustained by documented reality.

Mitch McConnell and other Senate Republicans lashed out at conservative Fox News host Tucker Carlson on Tuesday after he characterized the deadly Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol as "mostly peaceful chaos."

At a GOP leadership news conference, McConnell, R-Ky., said he wanted to align himself with the letter sent to the U.S. Capitol Police force by Capitol Police Chief Thomas Manger, who denounced Carlson for spreading “offensive and misleading conclusions” about the insurrection on Jan. 6, 2021, including a “disturbing accusation” that Officer Brian Sicknick’s death had nothing to do with the riot.
"I want to associate myself entirely with the opinion of the chief and the Capitol Police about what happened on Jan. 6," McConnell said as he held up a copy of the letter. "It was a mistake, in my view, for Fox News to depict this in a way that’s completely at variance with what our chief law enforcement official here at the Capitol thinks.”
A handful of other Senate Republicans on Tuesday pushed back against Carlson's claim that Jan. 6 was "peaceful chaos," with Sen. Thom Tillis of North Carolina blasting the remarks as “bullshit.”...
Republican Sen. Kevin Cramer, a North Dakota conservative, said he was in the Capitol on Jan. 6 and firmly rejected Carlson's portrayal of that day as “some rowdy peaceful protest of Boy Scouts.”
“I think that breaking through glass windows and doors to get into the United States Capitol against the borders of police is a crime. I think particularly when you come into the chambers, when you start opening the members' desks, when you stand up in their balcony — to somehow put that in the same category as, you know, permitted peaceful protest is just a lie,” Cramer said.
What did not appear on Carlson’s program Monday evening was video showing police and rioters engaged in extended violent clashes. About 140 police officers were assaulted that day.
Manger said in a letter to his officers that Carlson's show was “filled with offensive and misleading conclusions about the January 6th attack," adding that the show “never reached out to the department to provide accurate context.”
None of that changes what the videos show, dummy.
It seems like Tucker struck a nerve with the Washington DC swamp dwellers.
Of course he did! He's been in the news every day for his DOMINION lawsuit uncovering, that rightwing news censors you from hearing.... The distrust in him, comes from his own recorded words and following actions in the Dominion lawsuit unveilings.
They do. Tucker mentioned the system he was given access to is very easy to user and work through. It was a system built for the January 6th defendants.

It’s still not exculpatory.
He was. The legal team of the defendants were not.
Oh, there's mind control going on, and you're the weak-minded target of it, from Trump, Putin, Alex Jones, Tuck Tuck and their minions.
That's hilarious!.... Since I've never watched or listened to Alex Jones or this Tucker dude! 😆 I only hear about them in places like this from people like you.
If this is true, which is doubtful, the appeal is a slam dunk.

I wonder why it has not been filed yet.

Do you actually believe that we are just now seeing these videos if the defense had access to them during the trials? The only videos that were leaked just happened to be ones that bolstered the prosecution. Yeah, ok.
Of course he did! He's been in the news every day for his DOMINION lawsuit uncovering, that rightwing news censors you from hearing.... The distrust in him, comes from his own recorded words and following actions in the Dominion lawsuit unveilings.

Not just the dominion lawsuit. But a previous defamation lawsuit against fox, had foxes lawyers successfully argue, that Tuckers audience knew that Tucker was lying to them.
If you don’t know what I am discussing…why are you mansplaining what I should be saying?

Chief Thomas Manger was not at the Capitol on J6. He retired in 2019 and I think he came out of retirement mid 2021 to take over as Chief succeeding the former chief who resigned after J6 and his temporary replacement. He is also a very liberal Democrat having received awards from gun control groups, pro illegal immigration groups, 'human rights' groups. It is probably safe to say he is also a strong anti-Trumper and would have strong motive to promote the J6 and corrupt media narrative and spin.
And that is supposed to negate all of the other evidence that Carlson is full of shit and that he manipulated the video? What the hell is wrong with you people?
They do. Tucker mentioned the system he was given access to is very easy to user and work through. It was a system built for the January 6th defendants.

It’s still not exculpatory.

He was. The legal team of the defendants were not.
Every defendant and/or their lawyers were given full access to every minute of video.

That's the law. Required under the 6th amendment.
Do you actually believe that we are just now seeing these videos if the defense had access to them during the trials? The only videos that were leaked just happened to be ones that bolstered the prosecution. Yeah, ok.

Well yes, I do not think that a defense lawyer would post videos on-line.

But again, if this is true then the appeal is a slam dunk and anyone denied access to them will be very rich soon.
Do you actually believe that we are just now seeing these videos if the defense had access to them during the trials? The only videos that were leaked just happened to be ones that bolstered the prosecution. Yeah, ok.
If the video from the 13000 hours of capitol police video not released was used in trial, then the defendant's team had access to it.

Tucker got 40,000+ hours of video, only the 13000 hours of capitol police video had not been made public prior....
If the video from the 13000 hours of capitol police video not released was used in trial, then the defendant's team had access to it.

Tucker got 40,000+ hours of video, only the 13000 hours of capitol police video had not been made public prior....
So fucking what?
Was Buffalo Bill's POLICE ESCORTED TOUR shown in court????
"He made his way to the Senate..."

- Yeah, he was escorted to the Senate floor by the cops...

"The guilty plea was made as part of a deal with prosecutors, and it was accepted by District Judge Royce Lamberth."

Its no surprise after being held in DC Gitmo for 2 years, much of the time in solitary confinement, getting beaten, denied medical treatment, poorly fed that the FBI / DOJ secured a plea deal, his only way of ever getting out.

Yes. It’s everybody else’s fault for his actions.

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