Breaking: Democrats and Leftist Media Dread As Tucker Carlson to Fully Reveal January 6 Truth Tonight.

I suppose that Tucker just made up the video of no fewer than ten cops basically playing the role of tour guide for him too, huh?

Being played indeed.
No, Tucker's not.

What Tucker, the non journalist didn't do is report the other side.... Did he speak to the cops to hear their side? Did he review their testimony on it? Did he reveal all video? What he did is spin a story, without all the facts, to tell you, what you wanted to hear....

That is the FOX NEWS business model, as proven in their emails discovered in the Dominion law suit the past week or two, as their discovery documents are being revealed in their court case for defamation.
He got 41 months for obstructing a congressional proceeding.

Congress had to be evacuated because he “walked into a building”.
The proceeding was already obstructed before he got there. :cuckoo:
In what court should it have been shown?
How about Madame De Pelosi's House of Selected
Injustice.An Historic display of outright Unamerican style
New Wave Frontier Justice.
I mean you got a bona fide Marxist { red } on that
Selected Committee of Leftist asswipes.Jamie Raskin.
Nobody ever even heard of this Bennie Thompson.
Hugh Hewitt a famaliar face around D.C. said he never
once saw Bennie Thompson around Washington.
Raskin's Father was a Big Red.
How about Madame De Pelosi's House of Selected
Injustice.An Historic display of outright Unamerican style
New Wave Frontier Justice.
I mean you got a bona fide Marxist { red } on that
Selected Committee of Leftist asswipes.Jamie Raskin.
Nobody ever even heard of this Bennie Thompson.
Hugh Hewitt a famaliar face around D.C. said he never
once saw Bennie Thompson around Washington.
Raskin's Father was a Big Red.

That's not a court. Try harder.
So you guys can't even tell me what "The Truth" is about Tucker's perversion of the Insurrection.

You're gullible sheep. Zero independent thought. Zero. None.
You have been told. There was no “insurrection”. It was a protest with minor violence committed by a few individuals. The Capitol Police were ordered to let them into the building and let them walk around.
Does any of that change the fact that he ran?

It doesn’t.
Does your comment change the fact that the left wing media and the J6 bullshit committee deliberately edited the video to make him seem like he was the only one who ran (more like jogged)? No. It doesn’t.

Pure propaganda from start to finish.
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No, Tucker's not.

What Tucker, the non journalist didn't do is report the other side.... Did he speak to the cops to hear their side? Did he review their testimony on it? Did he reveal all video? What he did is spin a story, without all the facts, to tell you, what you wanted to hear....

That is the FOX NEWS business model, as proven in their emails discovered in the Dominion law suit the past week or two, as their discovery documents are being revealed in their court case for defamation.
"The other side" has spread hyperbole and lies for over two years....Now we're getting video that reveal the lies.

To bad for your lying side....Suck on it.
He plead guilty. That was his choice.

Personally I would never, ever, ever plead guilty to something I did not do.
What with you.Why not repeat that real fast 3 times like
in - The Wizard of Oz -.
" There's No place like Home "
" There's No Place like Home "
" There's No Place like Home "
and adapt for Netfliz with :
" There's Nothing Like Pleading GUILTY "
There's Nothing Like Pleading GUILTY "
There's Nothing Like Pleading GUILTY "
I didnt say anything,,

In response to me asking who says the defense didn't have that video all along, you posted a video. That implies something in the video addresses my question. Turns out, the video you posted has nothing to do with my post which you responded to.

That's a lie where you used a video, and not your own words, to respond to my question.

But now everyone here see there's no point in ever watching any video you ever post because you respond to peoples' post with videos which have nothing to do with the posts to which you're responding.

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