Breaking: Democrats and Leftist Media Dread As Tucker Carlson to Fully Reveal January 6 Truth Tonight.

In response to me asking who says the defense didn't have that video all along, you posted a video. That implies something in the video addresses my question. Turns out, the video you posted has nothing to do with my post which you responded to.

That's a lie where you used a video, and not your own words, to respond to my question.

But now everyone here see there's no point in ever watching any video you ever post because you respond to peoples' post with videos which have nothing to do with the posts to which you're responding.
it could imply that,, but then again it might not,,

how would you know if you didnt watch the video,,
He plead guilty. That was his choice.

Personally I would never, ever, ever plead guilty to something I did not do.
Don't be too sure. The DOJ/FBI is famous for extracting 'confessions' from people in return for not charging them with this or that, bankrupting them with legal charges or, as in the case with Michael Flynn, threatening family members.
it could imply that,, but then again it might not,,

how would you know if you didnt watch the video,,

Of course it implies that. When you respond to a post, it's implied you're responding to said post.

But thanks. Lesson learned. Never watch videos again that you post.
also the left: HIDE THE J6 FOOTAGE!!!
/---/ Well, what did you expect? Libtards are spoon-fed what they need to know so when anyone strays off message, it causes pandemonium.
no you werent,,
No, you blithering idiot, because I was responding to a bullshit claim made by another poster. :cuckoo:

You're lying again.

Another poster said...

Now identify everyone in those clips. I bet you find some Feds and some Anti-Fa. Would you like to see everyone identified?

And I mentioned to WEATHER53...

Imbecile, his [Lastamender] claim was that there were Feds and Antifa in that mob. There's no video depicting that.

Video, that Tucker had at his fingertips in his bundle, shows this....

But Tucker CLAIMED he didn't know how the Shaman got in bull crap, to you on his show..... Why oh why did he do that....? It made his STORY made up for you, more convincing, eh?

You are being PLAYED, once again..... :(
Do you have that video? Please post it. I have not seen it.

If this is the case, why would Capitol Police

NOT arrest him and get him out of the Capitol - they had evety opportunity?

Escort him throughout th Capitol?

Atrempt to unlock locked doors for him, giving him access to parts of the Capitol he cpd not otherwise get into?

Escort him all the way onto the Senate floor?

Claim he was an 'extremely violent threat' and claim he was 'engaging in a violent Insurrection' when he was clearly, peacefully being escorted through the Capitol (a thoroughly debunked J6 Committee narrative)?

There is no logical explanation / defense.

If THIS was the US govt's and DC / Capitol / Federal law enforcement's idea of 'Security', an unruly mob of boy scouts could have made their way in, been escorted around, and charged with 'Insurrection'.
Speaking of the Nazi, Democrat Party.......your history lacunae prevents you understanding that they are not 1° different.

Interesting that the Nazis gave the Democrats 'credit' for many of their programs.

The Nazi Nuremberg Laws were taken nearly wholly from the Jim Crow Laws of the Democrat controlled South.

In “Hitler's American Model: The United States and the Making of Nazi Race Law ,” by James Whitman, he shows how the Nazis took the Democrats’ Jim Crow Laws, simply changed the word ‘black’ and inserted the word ‘Jew.’

“Let’s remember that every segregation law in the South was passed by a Democratic legislature, signed by a Democratic governor, and enforced by Democratic officials. The Nuremberg team carefully studied these laws that were mainly aimed at blacks and used them to formulate their own racist legislation mainly aimed at Jews.” Dinesh D’Souza: What Hitler Learned from the Democrats

From the LATimes:

“At a crucial 1934 planning meeting for the Nuremberg system, the Minister of Justice presented a memorandum on American law. According to a transcript, he led a detailed discussion of miscegenation statutes from all over the United States. Moreover it is clear that the most radical Nazis were the most eager advocates of American practices. Roland Freisler, who would become president of the Nazi People's Court, declared that American jurisprudence "would suit us perfectly."
When the Nazis wrote the Nuremberg laws, they looked to racist American statutes
Holy Shit! You just admitted that your grasp of history is so pathetically abysmal that you do not understand the difference between the old southern Democrats and the current Progressive Democrats? Is your grasp of reality really that tenuous?

This is a classic case of a false equivelency logical fallacy and that, ofcourse, is the last desparaate act of someone with no argument
If this is the case he has a slam dunk easy appeal. I look forward to seeing him cleared of all charges he plead guilty to
He definitely deserves a new trial. Here again he and another guy are repeating instructions given to them by a Capitol policeman inside the Capitol.
Holy Shit! You just admitted that your grasp of history is so pathetically abysmal that you do not understand the difference between the old southern Democrats and the current Progressive Democrats? Is your grasp of reality really that tenuous?

This is a classic case of a false equivelency logical fallacy and that, ofcourse, is the last desparaate act of someone with no argument

Why must the most ignorant fail to articulate any view sans childish vulgarity?
He definitely deserves a new trial. Here again he and another guy are repeating instructions given to them by a Capitol policeman inside the Capitol.

And here he is coming in the door/windows him and his fellow rioters broke down for people to get in

Jump to just after 1 minute and you can see him coming in the destroyed doors. Does that look like he was invited into the building?
And here he is coming in the door/windows him and his fellow rioters broke down for people to get in

Jump to just after 1 minute and you can see him coming in the destroyed doors. Does that look like he was invited into the building?
He is coming through a door that was opened via the handle. Not coming through a destroyed door or window. The police had fled at that point so there was nobody there ordering him not to come in. If this is an unedited video as to time line, I do not condone that as he obviously witnessed the vandalism. I do not condone any form of vandalism, breaking and entering or anything else unlawful and I am not saying he is 100% innocent in that regard.

But to charge him with obstructing a legal proceeding and demonizing him as a violent insurrectionist is indefensible as he did neither. He at most deserved a fine and slap on the wrist. He did not deserve a four year prison sentence or the demonization the media has heaped on him.

EDIT: Amended - See my Post #2265
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